700 research outputs found

    Hybrid lipid self-assembling nanoparticles for brain delivery of microRNA

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    Hybrid self-assembling nanoparticles (SANPs) have been previously designed as novel drug delivery system that overcomes stability issues following long-term storage and with an easy scale-up. This system has been successfully used to deliver anionic-charged agents, e.g. bisphosphonates, in different types of tumors, such glioblastoma (GBM). Here, SANPs were tested and optimized for the delivery of nucleic acids, in particular of a specific microRNA, e.g. miR603, used for its potential role in controlling the chemoresistance in different forms of cancer, e.g. (GBM). To this aim, SANPs with different lipids were prepared and characterized, in terms of size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, miRNA encapsulation, stability in BSA, serum and hemolytic activity. Then, SANPs were tested in vitro on two different cell lines of GBM. Finally, miRNA biodistribution was tested in vivo in an orthotopic model of GBM. The majority of the formulations showed good technological characteristics and were stable in BSA and serum with a low hemolytic activity. The intracellular uptake studies on GBM cell lines showed that SANPs allow to achieve a higher miRNA delivery compared to others transfection agents, e.g. lipofectamine. Finally, in vivo biodistribution studies in an orthotopic of GBM demonstrated that the optimized SANP formulations, were able to deliver miRNA in different organs, e.g. the brain

    Design and development of topical liposomal formulations in a regulatory perspective

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    The skin is the absorption site for drug substances intended to treat loco-regional diseases, although its barrier properties limit the permeation of drug molecules. The growing knowledge of the skin structure and its physiology have supported the design of innovative nanosystems (e.g. liposomal systems) to improve the absorption of poorly skin-permeable drugs. However, despite the dozens of clinical trials started, few topically applied liposomal systems have been authorized both in the EU and the USA. Indeed, the intrinsic complexity of the topically applied liposomal systems, the higher production costs, the lack of standardized methods and the more stringent guidelines for assessing their benefit/risk balance can be seen as causes of such inefficient translation. The present work aimed to provide an overview of the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical characterization methods that can be applied to topical liposomal systems intended to be marketed as medicinal products, and the current regulatory provisions. The discussion highlights how such methodologies can be relevant for defining the critical quality attributes of the final product, and they can be usefully applied based on the phase of the life cycle of a liposomal product: to guide the formulation studies in the early stages of development, to rationally design preclinical and clinical trials, to support the pharmaceutical quality control system and to sustain post-marketing variations. The provided information can help define harmonized quality standards able to overcome the case-by-case approach currently applied by regulatory agencies in assessing the benefit/risk of the topically applied liposomal systems. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Prospective qualitative and quantitative non-invasive evaluation of intestinal acute GVHD by contrast-enhanced ultrasound sonography.

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    Intestinal acute GVHD (I-aGVHD) is a life-threatening complication after allografting. Non-invasive bed-side procedures to evaluate extension and treatment response are still lacking. We hypothesized that, during I-aGVHD, contrast-enhanced ultrasound sonography (CEUS) could detect microcirculation changes (MVC) of the bowel wall (BW) and help to monitor treatment response. We prospectively employed CEUS in 83 consecutive patients. Of these, 14 patients with biopsy-proven intestinal GVHD (I-GVHD) were defined as the study group, whereas 16 patients with biopsy-proven stomach GVHD (U-GVHD) without intestinal symptoms, 6 normal volunteers and 4 patients with neutropenic enterocolitis were defined as the control group. All patients were evaluated with both standard ultrasonography (US) and CEUS at the onset of intestinal symptoms, during clinical follow-up and at flare of symptoms. Standard US revealed BW thickening of multiple intestinal segments, useful to determine the extension of GVHD. CEUS showed MVC, which correlated with GVHD activity, treatment response, and predicted flare of intestinal symptoms. US and CEUS findings were superimposable at diagnosis and in remission. CEUS was, however, more sensitive and specific to identify subclinical activity in patients with clinical relevant improvement. These findings were not observed in the control groups. CEUS is a non-invasive, easily reproducible bed-side tool useful to monitor I-aGVHD

    Two benthic diatoms, nanofrustulum shiloi and striatella unipunctata, encapsulated in alginate beads, influence the reproductive efficiency of paracentrotus lividus by modulating the gene expression

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    Physiological effects of algal metabolites is a key step for the isolation of interesting bioactive compounds. Invertebrate grazers may be fed on live diatoms or dried, pelletized, and added to compound feeds. Any method may reveal some shortcomings, due to the leaking of wound-activated compounds in the water prior to ingestion. For this reason, encapsulation may represent an important step of bioassay-guided fractionation, because it may assure timely preservation of the active compounds. Here we test the effects of the inclusion in alginate (biocompatible and non-toxic delivery system) matrices to produce beads containing two benthic diatoms for sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus feeding. In particular, we compared the effects of a diatom whose influence on P. lividus was known (Nanofrustulum shiloi) and those of a diatom suspected to be harmful to marine invertebrates, because it is often present in blooms (Striatella unipunctata). Dried N. shiloi and S. unipunctata were offered for one month after encapsulation in alginate hydrogel beads and the larvae produced by sea urchins were checked for viability and malformations. The results indicated that N. shiloi, already known for its toxigenic effects on sea urchin larvae, fully conserved its activity after inclusion in alginate beads. On the whole, benthic diatoms affected the embryogenesis of P. lividus, altering the expression of several genes involved in stress response, development, skeletogenesis and detoxification processes. Interactomic analysis suggested that both diatoms activated a similar stress response pathway, through the up-regulation of hsp60, hsp70, NF-κB, 14-3-3 ε and MDR1 genes. This research also demonstrates that the inclusion in alginate beads may represent a feasible technique to isolate diatom-derived bioactive compounds

    Umbanda no Rio de Janeiro

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    Síndrome de Ménière: diagnóstico etiológico

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    The correct identification of the etiology of Ménière’s syndrome is possible in up to 50% of all cases; once the underlying cause is identified, it can be managed, and that usually results in significant improvement in the set of symptoms. The objective of the present paper is to discuss the main diseases associated to the genesis of Ménière’s in terms of prevalence, etiopathogenic mechanisms, and prognostic implications. In addition, the paper presents a flow chart that can serve as a guide for etiologic research in Ménière’s syndrome.A correta identificação da etiologia da síndrome de Ménière, alcançada em até 50% dos casos, permite, via de regra, uma melhora significativa do quadro, através do manejo da doença de base. O presente estudo objetiva discutir as principais doenças possivelmente associadas à gênese da síndrome de Ménière, enfocando prevalência, mecanismo etiopatogênico, implicação prognóstica. Além disso, apresentamos um fluxograma que serve como guia de busca etiológica para a síndrome de Ménièr

    Multifaceted Aspects of Metabolic Plasticity in Human Cholangiocarcinoma : An Overview of Current Perspectives

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a deadly tumor without an effective therapy. Unique metabolic and bioenergetics features are important hallmarks of tumor cells. Metabolic plasticity allows cancer cells to survive in poor nutrient environments and maximize cell growth by sustaining survival, proliferation, and metastasis. In recent years, an increasing number of studies have shown that specific signaling networks contribute to malignant tumor onset by reprogramming metabolic traits. Several evidences demonstrate that numerous metabolic mediators represent key-players of CCA progression by regulating many signaling pathways. Besides the well-known Warburg effect, several other different pathways involving carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids metabolism are altered in CCA. The goal of this review is to highlight the main metabolic processes involved in the cholangio-carcinogeneis that might be considered as potential novel druggable candidates for this disease
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