36 research outputs found

    Molecular Diagnosis of Analbuminemia: A New Case Caused by a Nonsense Mutation in the Albumin Gene

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    Analbuminemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder manifested by the absence, or severe reduction, of circulating serum albumin (ALB). We report here a new case diagnosed in a 45 years old man of Southwestern Asian origin, living in Switzerland, on the basis of his low ALB concentration (0.9 g/L) in the absence of renal or gastrointestinal protein loss, or liver dysfunction. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by a mutational analysis of the albumin (ALB) gene, carried out by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP), heteroduplex analysis (HA), and DNA sequencing. This screening of the ALB gene revealed that the proband is homozygous for two mutations: the insertion of a T in a stretch of eight Ts spanning positions c.1289 + 23–c.1289 + 30 of intron 10 and a c.802 G > T transversion in exon 7. Whereas the presence of an additional T in the poly-T tract has no direct deleterious effect, the latter nonsense mutation changes the codon GAA for Glu244 to the stop codon TAA, resulting in a premature termination of the polypeptide chain. The putative protein product would have a length of only 243 amino acid residues instead of the normal 585 found in the mature serum albumin, but no evidence for the presence in serum of such a truncated polypeptide chain could be obtained by two dimensional electrophoresis and western blotting analysis

    Diagnosis, Phenotype, and Molecular Genetics of Congenital Analbuminemia

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    Congenital analbuminemia (CAA) is an inherited, autosomal recessive disorder with an incidence of 1:1,000,000 live birth. Affected individuals have a strongly decreased concentration, or complete absence, of serum albumin. The trait is usually detected by serum protein electrophoresis and immunochemistry techniques. However, due to the existence of other conditions in which the albumin concentrations are very low or null, analysis of the albumin (ALB) gene is necessary for the molecular diagnosis. CAA can lead to serious consequences in the prenatal period, because it can cause miscarriages and preterm birth, which often is due to oligohydramnios and placental abnormalities. Neonatally and in early childhood the trait is a risk factor that can lead to death, mainly from fluid retention and infections in the lower respiratory tract. By contrast, CAA is better tolerated in adulthood. Clinically, in addition to the low level of albumin, the patients almost always have hyperlipidemia, but they usually also have mild oedema, reduced blood pressure and fatigue. The fairly mild symptoms in adulthood are due to compensatory increment of other plasma proteins. The condition is rare; clinically, only about 90 cases have been detected worldwide. Among these, 53 have been studied by sequence analysis of the ALB gene, allowing the identification of 27 different loss of function (LoF) pathogenic variants. These include a variant in the start codon, frame-shift/insertions, frame-shift/deletions, nonsense variants, and variants affecting splicing. Most are unique, peculiar for each affected family, but one, a frame-shift deletion called Kayseri, has been found to cause about one third of the known cases allowing to presume a founder effect. This review provides an overview of the literature about CAA, about supportive and additional physiological and pharmacological information obtained from albumin-deficient mouse and rat models and a complete and up-to-date dataset of the pathogenic variants identified in the ALB gene

    Structure and Properties of the C-terminal Domain of Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein-1 Isolated from Human Amniotic Fluid

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    Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) regulates the activity of the insulin-like growth factors in early pregnancy and is, thus, thought to play a key role at the fetal-maternal interface. The C-terminal domain of IGFBP-1 and three isoforms of the intact protein were isolated from human amniotic fluid, and sequencing of the four N-terminal polypeptide chains showed them to be highly pure. The addition of both intact IGFBP-1 and its C-terminal fragment to cultured fibroblasts has a similar stimulating effect on cell migration, and therefore, the domain has a biological activity on its own. The three-dimensional structure of the C-terminal domain was determined by x-ray crystallography to 1.8 Angstroms resolution. The fragment folds as a thyroglobulin type I domain and was found to bind the Fe(2+) ion in the crystals through the only histidine residue present in the polypeptide chain. Iron (II) decreases the binding of intact IGFBP-1 and the C-terminal domain to IGF-II, suggesting that the metal binding site is close to or part of the surface of interaction of the two molecules

    Congenital analbuminemia caused by a novel aberrant splicing in the albumin gene

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    Introduction:Congenital analbuminemia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder manifested by the presence of a very low amount of circulating serum albumin. It is an allelic heterogeneous defect, caused by variety of mutations within the albumin gene in homozygous or compound heterozygous state. Herein we report the clinical and molecular characterization of a new case of congenital analbuminemia diagnosed in a female new-born of consanguineous (first degree cousins) parents from Ankara, Turkey, who presented with a low albumin concentration (< 8 g/L) and severe clinical symptoms. Materials and methods: The albumin gene of the index case was screened by single-strand conformation polymorphism, heteroduplex analysis, and direct DNA sequencing. The effect of the splicing mutation was evaluated by examining the cDNA obtained by reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from the albumin mRNA extracted from proband’s leukocytes. Results: DNA sequencing revealed that the proband is homozygous, and both parents are heterozygous, for a novel G>A transition at position c.1652+1, the first base of intron 12, which inactivates the strongly conserved GT dinucleotide at the 5’ splice site consensus sequence of this intron. The splicing defect results in the complete skipping of the preceding exon (exon 12) and in a frame-shift within exon 13 with a premature stop codon after the translation of three mutant amino acid residues. Conclusions: Our results confirm the clinical diagnosis of congenital analbuminemia in the proband and the inheritance of the trait and contribute to shed light on the molecular genetics of analbuminemia

    Variations in the Human Serum Albumin Gene: Molecular and Functional Aspects

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    The human albumin gene, the most abundant serum protein, is located in the long arm of chromosome 4, near the centromere, position 4q11&ndash;3. It is divided by 14 intervening introns into 15 exons, the last of which is untranslated. To date, 74 nucleotide substitutions (mainly missense) have been reported, determining the circulating variants of albumin or pre-albumin. In a heterozygous state, this condition is known as alloalbuminaemia or bisalbuminaemia (OMIM # 103600). The genetic variants are not associated with disease, neither in the heterozygous nor in the homozygous form. Only the variants resulting in familial dysalbuminaemic hyperthyroxinaemia and hypertriiodothyroninaemia are of clinical relevance because affected individuals are at risk of inappropriate treatment or may have adverse drug effects. In 28 other cases, the pathogenic variants (mainly affecting splicing, nonsense, and deletions), mostly in the homozygous form, cause a premature stop in the synthesis of the protein and lead to the condition known as congenital analbuminaemia. In this review, we will summarize the current knowledge of genetic and molecular aspects, functional consequences and potential therapeutic uses of the variants. We will also discuss the molecular defects resulting in congenital analbuminaemia, as well as the biochemical and clinical features of this rare conditio

    Molecular Genetics of Analbuminemia

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    Congenitalanalbuminaemia (CAA) is a very rare condition manifested by the near complete absence of albumin, the major blood protein, because of defects in the albumin (ALB) gene. It is generally regarded as relatively benign in adults, but analbuminaemic individuals may be at risk during the perinatal and childhood period. Twenty-one different molecular lesions in the ALB are now known as cause of the trait. These include one mutation in the start codon, one frameshift/insertion, five frameshift/deletions, seven nonsense mutations and seven mutations affecting splicing. Thus, nonsense mutations, mutations affecting splicing and frameshift/deletions seem to be the most common causes of CAA. These results indicate that the trait is an allelic heterogeneous disorder caused by homozygous or, in a single case, compound heterozygous inheritance of defects. Most mutations are unique, but one, named Kayseri, is responsible for about half of the known cases