22 research outputs found

    Hollowed-out genring as a way of purposefully embracing troublesome knowledge: orientation and de-orientation in the learning and teaching of Fine Art

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    This text emerges from ongoing research focused on pedagogical developments within the curriculum of the Year 0 Fine Art Pathway, at Norwich University of the Arts. Within any subject discipline, including Fine Art, there are threshold concepts (Meyer and Land, 2003, p.1) that can represent troublesome knowledge (Meyer and Land, 2003, p.2); knowledge that must be comprehended in order that students succeed within that discipline. Within the teaching and learning of Fine Art, students will work between both written and visual genres, often struggling to rationalise the two. As part of our research we have developed practiced based research tasks that serve as destabilising prompts, a hollowed out genre, that encourages students to enter into a de-orientated, liminal, conceptual space within their learning. With the introduction of reflective models, students are able to navigate this liminal space and are afforded opportunities for developmental re-orientations, thus beginning to embrace the threshold concepts inherent with the Fine Art discipline. Drawing upon examples of current practice and student learning, we demonstrate how a process of genring and the use of reflective tools encourage students to confront aspects of troublesome knowledge and see critical writing as an important facet of their practice

    The impact of severe haemophilia and the presence of target joints on health-related quality-of-life

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    Background: Joint damage remains a major complication associated with haemophilia and is widely accepted as one of the most debilitating symptoms for persons with severe haemophilia. The aim of this study is to describe how complications of haemophilia such as target joints influence health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Methods: Data on hemophilia patients without inhibitors were drawn from the ‘Cost of Haemophilia across Europe – a Socioeconomic Survey’ (CHESS) study, a cost-of-illness assessment in severe haemophilia A and B across five European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK). Physicians provided clinical and sociodemographic information for 1285 adult patients, 551 of whom completed corresponding questionnaires, including EQ-5D. A generalised linear model was developed to investigate the relationship between EQ-5D index score and target joint status (defined in the CHESS study as areas of chronic synovitis), adjusted for patient covariates including socio-demographic characteristics and comorbidities. Results: Five hundred and fifteen patients (42% of the sample) provided an EQ-5D response; a total of 692 target joints were recorded across the sample. Mean EQ-5D index score for patients with no target joints was 0.875 (standard deviation [SD] 0.179); for patients with one or more target joints, mean index score was 0.731 (SD 0.285). Compared to having no target joints, having one or more target joints was associated with lower index scores (average marginal effect (AME) -0.120; SD 0.0262; p < 0.000). Conclusions: This study found that the presence of chronic synovitis has a significant negative impact on HRQOL for adults with severe haemophilia. Prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of target joints should be an important consideration for clinicians and patients when managing haemophilia

    Apklausos zonos: intervencijos ribos ir erdvė

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    Šiame straipsnyje siekiama tyrinėti sankirtas, ribas, tarpines erdves; plyšius kūriniuose, kurie tarnauja erdvės intervencijai; nematerialias ribas, esančias tarp materialių elementų meno kūrinyje. Tai yra tos erdvės, kurios sulieja pirminį ir antrinį meno kūrinio suvokimą ir sukuria sąlygas trečiajam kūrinio „perskaitymui”, skaitymui, kuris konstruojamas per nominaciją (įvardijimą) ir apercepcijos vienetus. Šio diskurso atspirties taškas yra darbo, kuris yra bendro projekto Subjek (partneris yra ir šio straipsnio autorius) rezultatas, analizė, siekianti išnaudoti šias tyrimo zonas. Analizei aptarti naudojami kt. autorių (Pierre Huyghe, Renee Green ir Sergei Eisenstein) darbai. Norint palengvinti šį tyrimą, bus naudojamasi Barthes semiotika, poslinkio ir kondensacijos sąvokomis bei Bhaba darbais apie ribiškumą ir skirtumus. Šio teksto pagrindas yra Eisenstein’o tezės, antitezės ir sintezės konstruktas bei Bretono siurrealistiškas sugretinimų suvokimas, kurį dalinai įkvėpė Lautréamont aprašytas atsitiktinė siuvimo mašinos ir skėčio sąveika ant skrodimo stalo. Šiame straipsnyje nėra keliamas tikslas apibrėžti tarpines erdves, jų simbolines sankirtas. Kai kuriais požiūriais „fiksuota“ reikšmė pakenktų konceptualiems procesams, kurių dalis šios erdvės yra. Straipsnio tikslas yra išryškinti šias erdves ir aptarti jų svarbą bet kuriame iš minimų meno kūrinių

    4 žvilgsniai nr. 2 : tarptautinė fotografijų paroda / [dalyvavo] Shaum Camp, Rimantas Plungė, Remigijus Venckus ; [kuravo] Remigijus Venckus, Rimantas Plungė

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    Parodos laikas ir data: Kėdainių daugiakultūrinis centras, 2013 m. vasario 14 - kovo 13 d.Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiuolaikinių menų katedr

    4 žvilgsniai : [fotografijų paroda] / [dalyvavo] Shaum Camp, Rimantas Plungė, Aritonė Plungienė, Remigijus Venckus ; [kuravo] Remigijus Venckus, Rimantas Plungė

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    Parodos vieta ir laikas: Antano Mončio namai - muziejus, Palanga, 2012 m. spalio 26 - gruodžio 2 d.Antano Mončio namuose - muziejuje visuomenei pristatoma keturių, apie vaizdų kultūrą kūrybiškai mąstančių ir savo individualias idėjas vaizdinėje formoje perteikiančių kūrėjų paroda. Parodos tikslas - kvestionuoti matymo aktą, nesutikti su nusistovėjusia arba įprasta žiūrėjimo, stebėjimo ir / ar vizualinio patyrimo tradicija. Parodoje dalyvaujantiems menininkams (Shaun’ui Camp’ui, Rimantui Plungei, Remigijui Venckui ir Aritonei Plungienei) rūpi klausimas, kaip ir ką galima matyti, kaip ir ką galima paliesti žvilgsniu bei paliestąjį pasisavinti tarsi savo asmeninį išgyvenimą. Betaktilikos įvykstantis žvilgsnis nepatiriamas be įrankio (medijos). Menininkai vietoj teptuko ar pieštuko naudoja fotoaparatą, vaizdo kamerą, kompiuterį ir pan. Įrankis tarytum virsta rankomis, kurios dažniausiai geidžia paliesti, apglėbti, pasisavinti ir išsaugoti kaip tam tikrą, dar nepatirtą čia ir dabar veikiantįjį. Tai kas liečiama dažniausiai tampa siekiamu. Kūrėjai siekia paliestąjį saugoti bei tausoti. Reginį bei jo pakitimą menininkai eksponuoja kaip naują tikrovęVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠiuolaikinių menų katedr

    PP147 Physician And Patient Reported Anxiety And Depression In Hemophilia

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    Glutamatergic mechanisms associated with stress-induced amygdala excitability and anxiety-related behavior

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    The neural factors underlying individual differences in susceptibility to chronic stress remain poorly understood. Preclinical studies demonstrate that mouse strains vary greatly in anxiety-related responses to chronic stress in a manner paralleled by differential stress-induced changes in glutamatergic signaling in the basolateral amygdala (BLA). Previous work has also shown that alterations in the amygdala gene expression of the GluN1 NMDA and the GluK1 kainate receptors are associated with stress-induced alterations in anxiety-like behavior in the C57BL/6J mouse strain. Using in vivo behavioral pharmacological and ex vivo physiological approaches, the aim of the current study was to further elucidate changes in glutamate neurotransmission in the BLA caused by stress and to test the functional roles of GluN1 and GluK1 in mediating stress-related changes in behavior. Results showed that stress-induced alterations in anxiety-like behavior (light/dark exploration test) were absent following bilateral infusion of the GluK1 agonist ATPA into the BLA. Intra-BLA infusion of the competitive NMDA antagonist AP5 produced a generalized behavioral disinhibition/locomotor hyperactivity, irrespective of stress. Slice electrophysiological recordings showed that ATPA augmented BLA GABAergic neurotransmission and that stress increased the amplitude of network-dependent spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents and amplitude of GABAergic miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in BLA. These findings could indicate stress-induced BLA glutamatergic neuronal network hyperexcitability and a compensatory increase in GABAergic neurotransmission, suggesting that GluK1 agonism augmented GABAergic inhibition to prevent behavioral sequelae of stress. Current data could have implications for developing novel therapeutic approaches, including GluK1 agonists, for stress-related anxiety disorders