69 research outputs found

    Hubs of belief networks across sociodemographic and ideological groups

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    Beliefs are essential components of the human mind, as they define personal identity, integration and adaptation to social groups. Most theoretical studies suggest that beliefs are organized as structured networks: the so-called belief system. According to these studies and their empirical implementation using graph-theoretical approaches, a belief is any proposition considered as true by the respondent. In a recent contribution, we introduced a novel operationalization: a proposition is a belief if (1) it is taken to be true; and (2) the subject declares to be willing to hold it even if irrefutable evidence were hypothetically argued against it. Here, we implement this operationalization using a graph theory approach to investigate the network organization of the belief system in a sample of 108 participants, as well as the differences between key ideological (left- vs. right-wingers) and sociodemographic features (younger vs. older, female vs. male). We identified a well-coordinated network of interlocked spiritual, prosocial and nature-related beliefs, which displays a dense core of 10 hub nodes. Moreover, we observed how specific social liberalist beliefs and transcendental or individualistic/prosocial viewpoints are articulated within left- and right-wingers networks or younger and older participants. Interestingly, we observed that females tend to engage in denser belief networks than male respondents. In conclusion, our research expands tangible scientific evidence of the belief system of humans through the network study of belief reports, which in turn opens innovative ways to study belief systems in social and clinical samples

    The neuroanatomical, neurophysiological and psychological basis of memory: Current models and their origins

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    This review aims to classify and clarify, from a neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and psychological perspective, different memory models that are currently widespread in the literature as well as to describe their origins. We believe it is important to consider previous developments without which one cannot adequately understand the kinds of models that are now current in the scientific literature. This article intends to provide a comprehensive and rigorous overview for understanding and ordering the latest scientific advances related to this subject. The main forms of memory presented include sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Information from the world around us is first stored by sensory memory, thus enabling the storage and future use of such information. Short-term memory (or memory) refers to information processed in a short period of time. Long-term memory allows us to store information for long periods of time, including information that can be retrieved consciously (explicit memory) or unconsciously (implicit memory)

    Body composition and somatotype in professional men's handball according to playing positions

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en 19 jugadores profesionales del Club Balonmano Valladolid. Las mediciones antropométricas fueron realizadas según el protocolo estándar. Se estimaron la masa grasa y ósea, se calculó el somatotipo y se analizaron las diferencias entre las variables en función de la posición. Como resultados, se obtuvo que los pivotes fueron los jugadores más pesados (con mayor porcentaje de masa grasa); los extremos, los más ligeros y los laterales, junto con los pivotes, los más altos. No se observaron diferencias en el IMC en los grupos. En la somatocarta los centrales y laterales se situaron en la zona central; los extremos y los pivotes en la endomorfa-mesomorfa y los porteros en la ecto-endomorfa. Así se evidenció que las variables antropométricas, los datos de composición corporal y la somatocarta de los deportistas confirman las características morfológicas básicas de los jugadores para la posición para la que son más aptosA cross-sectional descriptive study was accomplished in 19 professional players from Valladolid Handball Club. Anthropometric measurements were performed according to standard protocol. Body fat and bone mass were estimated, and the somatotype was calculated. As results, the line players were significantly the heaviest players; the wings were lightest and the backs, with the line players, the tallest. Nevertheless, no significant differences in BMI were observed. Regarding the body composition, the line players showed the highest values of fat-mass. No differences in BMI were observed in the groups. With respect to the somatochart, the center backs and backs were in the central area; wings and line players showed an endomorph-mesomorph development, and goalkeepers were in the ectoendomorph area. As conclusions, anthropometric variables, body composition data and the somatochart of the athletes evaluated confirm the basic morphological characteristics of the players for the position for which they are best suite

    Evolución de la innovación educativa en la Universidad Complutense: proyecto UNICOMEX

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    La evolución de la educación universitaria en España ha experimentado una enorme evolución en los últimos veinte años. Desde la enseñanza centrada en la clase magistral, con el consiguiente protagonismo del profesor, a lo que sucede actualmente, con el estudiante como eje principal, media todo un cambio en el planteamiento de nuestro sistema educativo universitario. La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha sido uno de los objetivos perseguidos por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) en la última década. Con este fin existieron, hasta hace poco, las conocidas como Asignaturas Piloto (AP) e igualmente se convocan periódicamente, desde hace años, los Proyectos de Innovación Educativa (P.I.E.). Ambas herramientas han procurado facilitar dicha adaptación, así como promover un concepto transversal en la transmisión del conocimiento. Nuestro grupo de trabajo puede ser un ejemplo de lo que la UCM ha querido conseguir con ambas cosas. La asignatura ha participado en todas las convocatorias de AP, pasando por una evolución clara desde la clase magistral a los pequeños grupos de trabajo. Ha sido, además, el instrumento útil para ir desarrollando distintos P.I.E., hasta un total de nueve, tras formar un equipo interdisciplinar constituido por profesores universitarios y profesionales de diversos ámbitos. El último de estos PIE, concedido en el curso académico 2011-2012, consiste en la creación de un espacio virtual de referencia para el estudio de los animales exóticos, partiendo de los resultados obtenidos en proyectos anteriores. UNICOMEX (Universidad-Complutense-Exóticos) nace con el objetivo de poner al alcance de cualquiera una serie de recursos virtuales ordenados que faciliten el conocimiento biológico, anatómico y clínico de los animales exóticos, entendiendo como tales aquellos que, siendo de interés veterinario, no se consideran domésticos. La totalidad de su contenido está en español e inglés, con el fin de hacer de ella una herramienta virtual útil y abierta a la comunidad científica y didáctica internacional

    A Concerted Kinase Interplay Identifies PPARγ as a Molecular Target of Ghrelin Signaling in Macrophages

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    The peroxisome proliferator-activator receptor PPARγ plays an essential role in vascular biology, modulating macrophage function and atherosclerosis progression. Recently, we have described the beneficial effect of combined activation of the ghrelin/GHS-R1a receptor and the scavenger receptor CD36 to induce macrophage cholesterol release through transcriptional activation of PPARγ. Although the interplay between CD36 and PPARγ in atherogenesis is well recognized, the contribution of the ghrelin receptor to regulate PPARγ remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that ghrelin triggers PPARγ activation through a concerted signaling cascade involving Erk1/2 and Akt kinases, resulting in enhanced expression of downstream effectors LXRα and ABC sterol transporters in human macrophages. These effects were associated with enhanced PPARγ phosphorylation independently of the inhibitory conserved serine-84. Src tyrosine kinase Fyn was identified as being recruited to GHS-R1a in response to ghrelin, but failure of activated Fyn to enhance PPARγ Ser-84 specific phosphorylation relied on the concomitant recruitment of docking protein Dok-1, which prevented optimal activation of the Erk1/2 pathway. Also, substitution of Ser-84 preserved the ghrelin-induced PPARγ activity and responsiveness to Src inhibition, supporting a mechanism independent of Ser-84 in PPARγ response to ghrelin. Consistent with this, we found that ghrelin promoted the PI3-K/Akt pathway in a Gαq-dependent manner, resulting in Akt recruitment to PPARγ, enhanced PPARγ phosphorylation and activation independently of Ser-84, and increased expression of LXRα and ABCA1/G1. Collectively, these results illustrate a complex interplay involving Fyn/Dok-1/Erk and Gαq/PI3-K/Akt pathways to transduce in a concerted manner responsiveness of PPARγ to ghrelin in macrophages

    The neuroanatomical, neurophysiological and psychological basis of memory: Current models and their origins

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    This review aims to classify and clarify, from a neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and psychological perspective, different memory models that are currently widespread in the literature as well as to describe their origins. We believe it is important to consider previous developments without which one cannot adequately understand the kinds of models that are now current in the scientific literature. This article intends to provide a comprehensive and rigorous overview for understanding and ordering the latest scientific advances related to this subject. The main forms of memory presented include sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Information from the world around us is first stored by sensory memory, thus enabling the storage and future use of such information. Short-term memory (or memory) refers to information processed in a short period of time. Long-term memory allows us to store information for long periods of time, including information that can be retrieved consciously (explicit memory) or unconsciously (implicit memory)

    Polarization of beliefs as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Spain

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    Spain was, together with Italy, the first European country severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. After one month of strict lockdown and eight weeks of partial restrictions, Spanish residents are expected to have revised some of their beliefs. We conducted a survey one year before the pandemic, at its outbreak and during de-escalation (N = 1706). Despite the lockdown, most respondents tolerated being controlled by authorities, and acknowledged the importance of group necessities over individual rights. However, de-escalation resulted in a belief change towards the intrusiveness of authorities and the preeminence of individual rights. Besides, transcendental beliefs–God answering prayers and the existence of an afterlife–declined after the outbreak, but were strengthened in the de-escalation. Results were strongly influenced by political ideology: the proportion of left-sided voters who saw authorities as intrusive greatly decreased, and transcendental beliefs prevailed among right-sided voters. Our results point to a polarization of beliefs based on political ideology as a consequence of the pandemic