647 research outputs found

    Las fronteras blandas: una aproximación conceptual a la seguridad urbana desde la perspectiva del urbanismo

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    El espacio público como el escenario de la acción urbana colectiva, es el principal ámbito donde se pone de manifiesto la seguridad de una ciudad. De ahí que exista una estrecha correlación entre estos dos componentes: seguridad y espacio. Este último, si bien puede no ser el causante de una mayor o menor seguridad, sí que la facilita, o la inhibe. En este texto quisiéramos verificar hasta qué punto dicha seguridad del espacio público, depende de que éste sea poroso, integrado y mixto, o que favorezca una ocupación continuada. Con base a una experiencia de más de 5 décadas de investigaciones sobre dicha relación, este artículo busca adentrarse desde una mirada transversal y actualizada sobre la seguridad urbana y en una aproximación marcadamente urbanística. La seguridad provee bienestar social, y las que denomino Fronteras Blandas como garantes de porosidad, integración y mezcla urbana, dotan vida al espacio público y le confieren mayor urbanidad.Public space as the platform of urban collective action is the main realm where safety is manifested in a city. So that there is a close correlation between these two components: safety and space. The second one, although it may not be the cause of unsafety, it facilitates it, or it inhibits it. In this text we would like to verify to what extent this safety of public space depends on whether it is porous, integrated and mixed, or it favors a continuous occupation. Based on an experience of over 5 decades of research on this relationship, this article seeks to look from a transversal and updated view on urban safety and in a markedly urbanistic approach. Safety provides social welfare, and those I call ‘Soft Borders’ as guarantors of porosity, integration and urban mixing, endow public space with life and give it greater urbanity

    Probabilistic Analysis of the Active Earth Pressure on Earth Retaining Walls for c‑φ Soils According to the Mazindrani and Ganjali Method

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    The determination of the earth pressure coefficients (K) in geotechnical engineering is one of the most critical procedures in designing earth retaining walls. However, most earth pressure theories are made for either clay or sands, where the c-ϕ soils are the least analysed. In this paper, an analysis of the earth pressure for drained mixed soils based in Mazindrani and Ganjali (J Geotech Geoenviron Eng 123:110–112, 1997) theory was carried out. Earth pressure coefficients are generally used in a deterministic way and can represent designs under an inadmissible risk. Therefore, Reliability-based design arises as an essential tool to deal with soil variability as one of the main aspects of the geotechnical uncertainties. The influence of the soil variability in the active earth pressure for a c-ϕ soil was performed through probabilistic analysis concerning the Ka coefficient of variation (Cv) of both shear strength parameters. The sensitivity analysis shows a Cv in which the cohesion begins to have a more significant correlation with Ka than the friction angle. The results show an increase of the statistical Ka concerning the deterministic value as the soil variability and the soil slope (β) increase. Although the statistical value does not increase significantly, a statistical analysis on gravity walls and sheet pile walls in c-ϕ soils shows a significant probability of failure (pf) increase. The pf obtained through the c-ϕ variability can be considered inadmissible even if the required FS are met

    Agriculture Public Spending and Growth:The Example of Indonesia

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    This note analyzes the trends and evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in Indonesia, as well as its impact on the growth of agriculture during the period 1976–2006. Public spending on agriculture and irrigation had a positive impact on agriculture growth during that period, whereas public spending on fertilizer subsidies had the opposite effect. As Indonesia continues its efforts to revitalize the agriculture sector, public spending should be directed at improving the provision of public services rather than at subsidizing private inputs.Agriculture, Public Spending, Growth, Indonesia, irrigation, public services, private inputs, subsidies, farming, developing countries

    Who is benefiting from fertilizer subsidies in Indonesia ?

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    Using the Agricultural Census 2003 and the Rice Household Survey 2008 for Indonesia, this paper analyzes the distribution of benefits from fertilizer subsidies and their impact on rice production. The findings suggest that most farmers benefit from fertilizer subsidies; however, the 40 percent largest farmers capture up to 60 percent of the subsidy. The regressive nature of the fertilizer subsidies is in line with research carried out in other countries, the result of larger farms using a larger volume of fertilizer. This paper confirms that fertilizer used in adequate quantities has a positive and significant impact on rice yields, but it also provides evidence that over-using fertilizer has an adverse impact on yields (an inverted U-curve relationship).Fertilizers,Crops&Crop Management Systems,Economic Theory&Research,Regional Economic Development,Rural Poverty Reduction

    Geological origin as an input variable in reliability-based designs: for an accurate exploration in geotechnical engineering

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    Soil is one of the most difficult materials to characterize realistically, which partly explains the uncertainty between the designs and the geostructures real behavior. Different recommendations have arisen with respect to carrying out field investigations in order to reduce the uncertainties inherent to the soil. However, the field exploration and the implementation of sophisticated geotechnical models have proven to be insufficient to mitigate the geotechnical uncertainty. Therefore, Reliability-Based Designs (RBD) emerge as a decision-making tool through the definition of the probability of failure in conjunction with the typical Factors of Safety. RBD requires a previous understanding of the most appropriate soil probabilistic models, such as the Shear Strength Varying with Depth (SSVD) analysis, traditional Monte Carlo simulations or random fields. Soil shear strength uncertainty is related to soil geological characteristics, however, geology has been commonly used in geotechnical engineering as a definition of the layers’ distribution on the soil mass, where the definition of the accurate RBD models according to the geological origin has been missing. Therefore, two geological formations were analyzed: residual soils (stationary origin) and mudflows (dynamic origin). The results show that random fields are more related to the mudflows due to the random nature of these soils, thus the exploration resources should be focused on the determination of the Probability Density Functions (PDF) and the spatial variability of the shear strength (SS) properties (laboratory tests have priority over the in situ tests). Residual soils present a higher SS space uniformity because these soils have not been previously mobilized, thus the exploration resources should be focused on the determination of the SSVD (field tests have priority over the laboratory tests). Therefore, defining the geological origin as an “input variable” will allow recognizing the most important variables and the definition of the best soil exploration for an accurate and cost-effective RBD in geotechnical engineering

    Manifestaciones gastrointestinales de la enfermedad renal crónica

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    Introduction: There is a wide variety of gastrointestinal clinical manifestations that may increase the deterioration of the quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), which are manageable if properly detected.Objective: The objective of this work is to perform an updated and analytical re-view of the literature on the manifestations in the digestive tract of patients with chronic deterioration of renal function.Results: The results indicate that some of the signs and symptoms on the gastrointestinal tract of patients with CKD are individual, and non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting predominate, which can be controlled with adequate renal replacement therapy; while  thers, more rare, such as ascites associated with dialysis, impoverish the prognosis and illustrate the need for transplantation.Introducción: existe una amplia variedad de manifestaciones clínicas gastrointestinales que pueden aumentar el deterioro de la calidad de vida en los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), que son manejables si se detectan adecuadamente.Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una actualización y revisión analítica de la literatura sobre las manifestaciones en el tracto digestivo de pacientes con deterioro crónico de la función renal.Resultados: los resultados indican que algunos de los signos y síntomas sobre el tracto gastrointestinal de los pacientes con ERC son individuales, y predominan los síntomas inespecíficos como la anorexia, las náuseas y el vómito, los cuales pueden controlarse con una adecuada terapia de reemplazo renal; mientras que otros, más raros, como la ascitis asociada a la diálisis, empobrece el pronóstico e ilustra la necesidad de trasplante

    Agriculture public spending and growth in Indonesia

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    This paper analyzes the trends and evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in Indonesia, as well as the impact of public spending on agricultural growth. It finds that, in line with empirical work undertaken in other countries, public spending on agriculture and irrigation during the period 1976-2006 had a positive impact on agricultural growth, while public spending on fertilizer subsidies had the opposite effect. The composition of spending patterns in Indonesia over the past decade can partly explain why significant increases in public spending for agriculture have not resulted in a commensurate increase of agricultural production. The paper is structured as follows. Section I presents analytical and empirical findings about the impact of overall public spending on growth, with a particular focus on Indonesia, followed by an analysis of the government's role in agriculture. More precisely, it discusses how public spending can contribute to higher productivity and faster growth in the sector. The section draws lessons from the empirical literature and country examples worldwide, exploring the implications of some of these findings in the Indonesia context. Section II presents the results of an empirical analysis of the impact of agriculture public spending on agriculture gross domestic product per capita growth in Indonesia, using time series analysis with both ordinary least squares and generalized method of moments econometric techniques. Section III analyzes in detail agriculture public spending trends in Indonesia over the period 2000-08, highlighting that a large and increasing share of the spending is being allocated to subsidies (fertilizer, credit, seeds) and to fund transfers to farmers and farmers'groups.Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Economics,Agricultural Research,Rural Development Knowledge&Information Systems,Agribusiness

    Planeamiento de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica con generación distribuida utilizando búsqueda Tabú

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    El planeamiento de la expansión de los sistemas de distribución es de vital importancia para el análisis de sistemas eléctricos, pues permite encontrar la topología más adecuada y económica que se adapte a criterios técnicos y operativos, a través de la utilización de diversos modelos y técnicas matemáticas exactas y no exactas. Cada vez el análisis de dichos sistemas se vuelve más complejo, pues se deben incorporar una mayor cantidad de variables con el fin de acercarse más a lo que sucede en los sistemas reales: aspectos como la coordinación de protecciones, la necesidad de utilización de energías limpias para la generación de energía, los impactos en los niveles de confiabilidad y regulación de tensión en la red, la contribución en los niveles de pérdidas de potencia, entre otras situaciones pueden ser consideradas en el análisis, según sea la finalidad del modelo de planeamiento

    Método de identificación automática para reconocimiento de elementos musicales presentes en imágenes 2D de partituras usando técnicas de aprendizaje profundo

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl proyecto consta de un experimento el cual tiene como objetivo la detección e identificación de elementos musicales presentes en imágenes de partituras 2D con el objetivo de crear una línea base que pueda ser implementada con el fin de apoyar la lectura de las partituras musicales. Se implementa un algoritmo basado en aprendizaje profundo que a través de la arquitectura de redes neuronales FASTER RCNN permite la detección de caracteres en imágenes. El desempeño del proyecto da como resultado una precisión de 71.8% y un AR75 de 69.1% mostrando así un buen desempeño en la identificación y clasificación de las imágenes.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES 5. PRESUPUESTO 6. INSTRUMENTOS O HERRAMIENTAS UTILIZADAS 7. RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS 8. DESARROLLO DE LA PROPUESTA 9. RESULTADOS 10. CONCLUSIONES 11. RECOMENDACIONES 12. TRABAJOS FUTUROS 13. ESTRATEGIAS DE COMUNICACIÓN Y DIVULGACIÓN. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoIngeniero de Sistema