293 research outputs found

    The prevalence of impacted permanent maxillary canines in Maltese school children : a pilot study

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    The aetiology of ectopic canines is not clear. A number of causes have been put forward such as the long path of eruption of the maxillary canine, lack of guidance by the lateral incisor root, narrow arches, cystic enlargement of the dental follicle large arches, and familial tendency. In this article the author gives a detail report of the pilot study carried out on Maltese school children in various schools compared to school children of other countries.peer-reviewe


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    The specialty of Dental Surgery has progressed from the "blood and acrylic" of the early seventies. Dentistry has undergone a quantum leap over the past twenty-five years, with improvements in both technique and technology, bringing us the sophisticated procedures used in today's practice.peer-reviewe

    Bone graft stabilisation with an osseointegrated implant retained prosthesis

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    The intricacies of cleft lip and palate treatment are numerous. A case is reported where a problematic alveolar bone graft was finally stabilized by loading the bone with an osseointegrated implant-retained prosthesis. The reasons for failure of the previous grafts are discussed and the importance of a team approach to patient care highlighted.peer-reviewe

    Mesiodens preventing eruption of a permanent central incisor

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    A maxillary midline supernumerary tooth is the most common type of supernumerary tooth. We present a case of a mesiodens, preventing eruption of a permanent central incisor. The aetiology, diagnosis and the effect of these developmental anomalies upon the dentition are discussed.peer-reviewe

    A case of bilateral supplemental maxillary central incisors

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    A case of bilateral supplemental maxillary central incisors is presented. Treatment comprised of extraction of one supplemental and two lateral incisors, preservation of one supplemental incisor, finishing with a 'Cyclops' arrangement of the teeth. The handling of supernumerary teeth in general is discussed.peer-reviewe

    Double transmigration and hyperdontia

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    Transmigrated teeth are rare, though reports have increased with the advent of panoramic radiography. Ectopic eruption of canines and other dental anomalies as retained deciduous teeth and supernumerary teeth have a genetic etiology and may be linked. A case report is presented which exhibits transmigration of both a mandibular canine and lateral incisor as well as the presence of a supplemental premolar and retained deciduous molar roots. The possible etiology of these abnormalities is discussed.peer-reviewe

    Unerupted incisors : characteristic features and associated anomalies

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    The aims of this study were to investigate the association of unerupted incisors with other dental anomalies and to indicate the aetiological and clinical relevance of such associations. Forty-one patients with unerupted incisors were examined. The group comprised 30 males and 11 females, ranging in age from 7 to 39 years. The patients were assessed for nine dental anomalies: hyperdontia, hypodontia, microdontia, enamel hypoplasia, infraocclusion of the primary molars and ectopia of the canines, premolars, first permanent molars, and second permanent molars. The patients were matched with respect to age and gender to 41 consecutively selected control subjects with similar selection criteria but no history of problems with incisor eruption. The prevalence rates of the dental anomalies in association with failure of eruption of incisors were compared to the reference rates in the control group by means of Pearson chi-square tests. The results of this study revealed that unerupted incisors were more frequent in males than in females. A statistically significant association (P = 0.006) was found between unerupted incisors and other inherited dental anomalies, namely ectopic teeth, hyperdontia, and enamel hypoplasia. Unerupted incisors may be considered part of a spectrum of inheritable dental anomalies.peer-reviewe

    The rationale for responsible supply chain management and stakeholder engagement

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    Purpose Firms are increasingly resorting to responsible supply chain management as they align their economic success with socially-responsible initiatives in their value chain. This contribution suggests that there are opportunities for global corporations who are keen on integrating responsible practices into their business operations. It is in their interest to report about their responsible supply chain management, social performance and sustainable innovations to their stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach This review paper identifies future research avenues in the promising areas of responsible procurement and global supply chain management. Findings The corporations’ differentiated strategies as well as their proactive engagement in responsible supply chain management can lead them to achieve a competitive advantage in the long term. the low‐cost producers may be neglecting the marketplace stakeholders, including suppliers, distributors among others. Moreover, the smaller businesses’ could not be in a position to follow responsible procurement practices as they may lack the scarce resources to do so. Originality/value This paper raises awareness about the integration of socially responsible behaviours and sustainable practices in business operations. It contends that a responsible supply chain management necessitates an improved relationship with suppliers and distributors in the value chain. This stakeholder engagement with ultimately create value to the businesses themselves.peer-reviewe

    Commentary : comparison of historical medical spending patterns among the BRICS and G7

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    A commentary on "Comparison of historical medical spending patterns among the BRICS and G7" by Jakovljevic, M.M. (2015). J.Med.Econ. 19, 70–76, doi:10.3111/13696998.2015.109349
