87 research outputs found

    Adenocarcinoma polmonare: interazione tra microambiente e cellule staminali mesenchimali

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    Il tumore del polmone è il più frequente cancro per incidenza e mortalità. Sebbene la prevenzione ed un precoce intervento possono migliorare la prognosi dei pazienti, la biologia del tumore polmonare rimane ancora non del tutto conosciuta. Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione è stata spostata sul ruolo del microambiente tumorale e delle nicchie tumorali all’interno dei tessuti. All’interno del microambiente tumorale la componente stromale esercita un ruolo regolatorio fondamentale; tra i vari elementi presenti le cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSCs) sono considerate di particolare rilevanza. Le MSCs sono cellule multipotenti che manifestano svariate importanti proprietà che vanno dalla capacità di differenziarsi in molti tipi cellulari, alla immunomodulazione, fino a proprietà di trofismo tumorale . Infatti negli ultimi anni le MSCs sono state considerate i candidati ideali per numerose applicazioni cliniche e terapeutiche, includendo una loro possibile applicazione anche nel trattamento della patologia neoplastica. L’interazione tra MSCs ed il tumore è complessa e ampiamente dibattuta. Non è chiaro se le MSCs abbiano una azione favorente lo sviluppo e la progressione del tumore polmonare o se ne arrestino la tumorogenesi. Infatti l’azione delle MSCs nel microambiente tumorale favorisce l’evoluzione del tumore stesso mediante meccanismi di neo-angiogenesi . Le capacità di trans-differenziazione di queste cellule nei fibroblasti associati al tumore del polmone sembra favorisca sia il processo di metastatizzazione sia il fenomeno di farmaco-resistenza - . Inoltre è stato riconosciuto che il reclutamento endogeno di MSCs (di diversa origine, comprese quelle di derivazione adiposa) da nicchie tumorali remote si verifichi in seguito al rilascio di fattori infiammatori solubili tumorali e che esista una correlazione tra le cellule mesenchimali tumorali circolanti e lo stadiazione patologica della neoplasia . D’altra parte le proprietà immunomodulatorie della MSCs, che specificamente ospitano il tumore in numerose patologie neoplastiche tra cui il polmone, (attraverso l’espressione di citochine tra cui SDF-1, TNF-alfa, molte interleuchine e o attraverso l’attivazione di specifici recettori ) possono essere sfruttate dalle MSCs stesse come veicoli per geni anticancerogeni e anche per migliorare il danno causato da chemio e radioterapia sul tumore stesso1. Di conseguenza a causa del ruolo sfaccettato delle MSCs e del loro doppio comportamento biologico, il loro utilizzo clinico nella patologia neoplastica è tuttora dibattuto. Questo scenario è ancora complicato da potenziali alterazioni fenotipiche e funzionali delle MSCs causate dal tumore. Infatti le MSCs derivate dal tessuto adiposo e dal midollo osseo hanno presentato differenze nel contenuto cellulare e nello stato epigenetico . Oltretutto, MSCs derivanti da differenti tessuti come cuore, derma, midollo osseo e tessuto adiposo, è stato dimostrato presentino differenze genotipiche che esprimono diversi livelli di markers di cellule staminali embrionali come OCT-4 NANOG e SOX-2 . Quando le MSCs sono derivate del tessuto tumorale mostrano alterazione molecolari e funzionali, suggerendo che caratteristiche tumorali come benignità o malignità possano essere influenzate dall’ambiente da cui provengono le MSCs. - Inoltre, diversi metodi di isolamento e coltura di MSCs, nonché le caratteristiche fenotipiche, funzionali e molecolari ancora scarsamente studiate, hanno contribuito a confondere i risultati, impedendo così ulteriori progressi nella conoscenza di queste cellule. Ad oggi non è ancora chiaro se l'origine tissutale delle MSCs possa svolgere un ruolo chiave nella comunicazione tra neoplasia e MSCs. Infatti le popolazioni di MSCs all'interno dello stroma tumorale sono influenzate dal tumore stesso, ma possono anche essere mobilitate da nicchie locali e remote. Inoltre, le caratteristiche del tumore come la sua benignità o malignità potrebbero influenzare potenzialmente ambienti cancerogeni. Possiamo quindi ipotizzare che i microambienti sviluppati dalle MSCs, in presenza di tumore, possano anche essere modificati in funzione sia del tipo di MSCs che dalla istologia del tumore. . In particolare quello ancora da determinare è il ruolo del micro e macro ambiente come prodotto finale dell’interazione tra il tumore del polmone e le cellule staminali mesenchimali. Una profonda conoscenza delle dinamiche biologiche e molecolari tra il cancro e le MSCs in nicchie remote potrebbe rivelarsi essenziale nel fornire una nuova visione sulla patogenesi e progressione del cancro del polmone e nel determinare nuove strategie diagnostiche e terapeutiche

    Salvage resection of advanced mediastinal tumors

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    The surgical treatment of locally advanced mediastinal tumors invading the great vessels and other nearby structures still represent a tricky question, principally due to the technical complexity of the resective phase, the contingent need to carry out viable vascular reconstructions and, therefore, the proper management of pathophysiologic issues. Published large-number series providing oncologic outcomes of patients who have undergone extended radical surgery for invasive mediastinal masses are just a few. Furthermore, the wide variety of different histologies included in some of these studies, as well as the heterogeneity of chemo and radiation therapies employed, did not allow for the development of clear oncologic guidelines. Usually in the past, surgical resections of large masses along with the neighbouring structures were not offered to patients because of related morbidity and mortality and limited information available on the prognostic advantage for long term. However, in the last decades, advances in surgical technique and perioperative management, as well as increased oncologic experience in this field, have allowed radical exeresis in selected patients with invasive tumors requiring resections extended to the surrounding structures and complex vascular reconstructions. Such aggressive surgical treatment has been proposed in association or not with adjuvant chemo- or radiotherapy regimens, achieving encouraging oncologic results with limited morbidity and mortality in experienced institutions. Congestive heart failure or impending cardiovascular collapse due to the compression by the large mass are the most frequent immediately lifethreatening problems that some of these patients can experience. In this setting, medical palliation is usually ineffective and an aggressive salvage surgical treatment may remain the only therapeutic option

    Vena cava anomalies in thoracic surgery

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    Background: Vena cava anomalies are a rare group of anatomical variations due to an incorrect development of the superior or inferior vena cava during fetal life. They generally show no clinical relevance and the diagnosis is done due to the association with congenital heart diseases in most of cases. However, preoperative identification of these anomalies is mandatory for surgeons to proper surgical planning. If not recognized, lethal complications may occur, as already reported in literature. Case presentation: We report a case series of three different unidentified vena cava anomalies in patients undergoing lung resection. These unrecognized anomalies led to minor complications in two cases and required an accurate intraoperative evaluation in another. A careful retrospective evaluation of preoperative radiological images showed the anomalies. Conclusions: A careful evaluation of the vena cava anatomy at pre-operative imaging is mandatory for thoracic surgeons to properly plan the surgery and avoid complications

    Chest pain caused by multiple exostoses of the ribs: A case report and a review of literature

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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to report an exceptional case of multiple internal exostoses of the ribs in a young patient affected by multiple hereditary exostoses (MHE) coming to our observation for chest pain as the only symptom of an intra-thoracic localization. A 16 years old patient with familiar history of MHE came to our observation complaining a left-sided chest pain. This pain had increased in the last months with no correlation to a traumatic event. The computed tomography (CT) scan revealed the presence of three exostoses located on the left third, fourth and sixth ribs, all protruding into the thoracic cavity, directly in contact with visceral pleura. Moreover, the apex of the one located on the sixth rib revealed to be only 12 mm away from pericardium. Patient underwent video-assisted thoracoscopy with an additional 4-cm mini toracotomy approach. At the last 1-year followup, patient was very satisfied and no signs of recurrence or major complication had occured. In conclusion, chest pain could be the only symptom of an intra-thoracic exostoses localization, possibly leading to serious complications. Thoracic localization in MHE must be suspected when patients complain chest pain. A chest CT scan is indicated to confirm exostoses and to clarify relationship with surrounding structures. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery can be considered a valuable option for exostoses removal, alone or in addiction to a mini-thoracotomy approach, in order to reduce thoracotomy morbidity

    Long term compensatory sweating results after sympathectomy for palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis

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    Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy is currently the best treatment for primary upper extremity hyperhidrosis, but the potential for adverse effects, particularly the development of compensatory sweating, is a concern and often precludes surgery as a definitive therapy. This study aims to evaluate long-term results of two-stage unilateral versus one-stage bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy

    Flow-volume curve analysis for predicting recurrence after endoscopic dilation of airway stenosis

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    The flow-volume curve is a simple test for diagnosing upper airway obstruction. We evaluated its use to predict recurrence in patients undergoing endoscopic dilation for treatment of benign upper airway stenosis

    Unidirectional endobronchial valves for management of persistent air-leaks. Results of a multicenter study

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    Background: To evaluate the efficacy of Endo-Bronchial Valves in the management of persistent air-leaks (PALs) and the procedural cost. Methods: It was a retrospective multicenter study including consecutive patients with PALs for alveolar pleural fistula (APF) undergoing valve treatment. We assessed the efficacy and the cost of the procedure. Results: Seventy-four patients with persistent air leaks due to various etiologies were included in the analysis. In all cases the air leaks were severe and refractory to standard treatments. Sixty-seven (91%) patients underwent valve treatment obtaining a complete resolution of air-leaks in 59 (88%) patients; a reduction of air-leaks in 6 (9%); and no benefits in 2 (3%). The comparison of data before and after valve treatment showed a significant reduction of air-leak duration (16.2±8.8 versus 5.0±1.7 days; P<0.0001); chest tube removal (16.2±8.8 versus 7.3±2.7 days; P<0.0001); and length of hospital stay (LOS) (16.2±8.8 versus 9.7±2.8 days; P=0.004). Seven patients not undergoing valve treatment underwent pneumo-peritoneum with pleurodesis (n=6) or only pleurodesis (n=1). In only 1 (14%) patient, the chest drainage was removed 23 days later while the remaining 6 (86%) were discharged with a domiciliary chest drainage removed after 157±41 days. No significant difference was found in health cost before and after endobronchial valve (EBV) implant (P=0.3). Conclusions: Valve treatment for persistent air leaks is an effective procedure. The reduction of hospitalization costs related to early resolution of air-leaks could overcome the procedural cost
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