41 research outputs found

    Processing of Moringa oleifera seeds using different equipments to obtain coagulant solution

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    This work was condcted to assess four different equipments used in processing seeds of Moringa oleifera to produce a coagulant solution to be used in water treatment with the turbidity obtained synthetically. Six coagulant solutions with different types of processing were used in assays of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation in Jar-Test equipment. The dose of coagulant solution was 500 mg L-1 and the evaluated parameters were turbidity and apparent color. After 30 min of sedimentation, it was clear that the best processes to reduce turbidity and apparent color were the pestle and grinder, respectively, however, in both cases the sieving of the powder was essential in reducing the parameters in question. Using a blender and a mixer the reduction rates of turbidity and apparent color were the lowest. The grinding of the seeds during processing in the grinder and the pestle remove part of the oil present in them, which does not occur when using the blender and mixer, stating that the removal of oil present in the seeds result in a more efficient coagulant solution.Desenvolveu-se este trabalho para avaliar o uso de quatro equipamentos no processamento das sementes de Moringa oleifera, visando à produção de solução coagulante a ser empregada no tratamento de água com turbidez obtida sinteticamente. Seis soluções coagulantes com diferentes tipos de processamento foram utilizadas em ensaios de coagulação, floculação e sedimentação em equipamento Jar-Test. A dosagem da solução coagulante utilizada foi 500 mg L-1 e os parâmetros avaliados foram turbidez e cor aparente; verificou-se, após 30 min de sedimentação, que para redução de turbidez e cor aparente os melhores processamentos foram com pilão e máquina de moer, respectivamente, sendo que em ambos os casos o peneiramento do pó foi essencial para a redução dos parâmetros em questão. Através de liquidificador e mixer, os índices de redução de turbidez e cor aparente foram os menores encontrados e a trituração das sementes durante o processamento na máquina de moer e no pilão remove parte do óleo neles presente, o que não ocorre com o uso do liquidificador e mixer, evidenciando que a retirada do óleo presente nas sementes resulta em solução coagulante com maior eficiência.66166

    Different Forms Of Application Of Moringa Oleifera Seeds In Water Treatment

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    Natural coagulants and filtration systems are suitable water treatment technologies in rural or isolated communities. This research aimed to compare two forms of application of coagulant extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds. Coagulant liquid (10 mL L-1 at 2%) and pouches containing 0.8 g powder were used. The dispersion, coagulation and flocculation steps were performed prior to both up flow gravel pre-filtration and slow sand filtration. Significant differences were observed for the liquid coagulant and pouches regarding the reduction of turbidity and apparent color. Although the up flow gravel pre-filter was less effective with the use of pouches, with an average reduction of turbidity of 73.5 and 82.5% for the pouches and liquid coagulant, respectively, the effluent of the slow filter presented lower turbidity, with an average reduction of 83.9 and 60.1% for the pouches and liquid coagulant, respectively. Considering the filtration system (up flow gravel pre-filter and slow sand filter) the use of pouches showed high reduction of turbidity and apparent color. The preparation of pouches does not require the use of water, a condition that favors its application in areas with lack of water of acceptable quality.19326627

    Different forms of application of moringa oleifera seeds in water treatment

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    Natural coagulants and filtration systems are suitable water treatment technologies in rural or isolated communities. This research aimed to compare two forms of application of coagulant extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds. Coagulant liquid (10 mL L−1 at 2%) and pouches containing 0.8 g powder were used. The dispersion, coagulation and flocculation steps were performed prior to both up flow gravel pre-filtration and slow sand filtration. Significant differences were observed for the liquid coagulant and pouches regarding the reduction of turbidity and apparent color. Although the up flow gravel pre-filter was less effective with the use of pouches, with an average reduction of turbidity of 73.5 and 82.5% for the pouches and liquid coagulant, respectively, the effluent of the slow filter presented lower turbidity, with an average reduction of 83.9 and 60.1% for the pouches and liquid coagulant, respectively. Considering the filtration system (up flow gravel pre-filter and slow sand filter) the use of pouches showed high reduction of turbidity and apparent color. The preparation of pouches does not require the use of water, a condition that favors its application in areas with lack of water of acceptable quality.Coagulantes naturais e sistemas de filtração são tecnologias de tratamento de água, indicadas para comunidades rurais ou isoladas. Este estudo objetivou comparar duas formas de aplicação de coagulante extraído de sementes de Moringa oleifera. Utilizaram-s193266272FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2010/09395-0Natural coagulants and filtration systems are suitable water treatment technologies in rural or isolated communities. This research aimed to compare two forms of application of coagulant extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds. Coagulant liquid (10 mL L-1

    Use of natural coagulants based on Moringa oleifera and tannin as filter aids for non-woven synthetics fabrics

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    Coagulantes naturais como Moringa oleifera e tanino podem ser usados em sistema de tratamento de água, com a finalidade da remoção de turbidez. Em testes de laboratório, simulou-se uma água bruta com turbidez na faixa de 101 a 110 NTU, que foi tratada utilizando-se de M. oleifera e tanino como coagulantes. Foi feita a filtração direta da água coagulada e floculada com uso de geotêxtil sintético não tecido como meio filtrante. Foram avaliados diferentes métodos para o preparo da solução do coagulante à base de M. oleifera. Também se comparou o comportamento dos dois coagulantes em relação à remoção de turbidez e à influência na variação do pH da água tratada. Os resultados obtidos na comparação entre os coagulantes demonstraram que o tanino (Tanfloc SG), por ser um produto industrializado e padronizado, apresenta comportamento mais estável ao longo da filtração em relação à M. oleifera. Embora tenham ocorrido variações nos valores de turbidez ao longo da filtração com o uso da M. oleifera, houve considerável redução no parâmetro, que permaneceu abaixo de 5 NTU em todos os ensaios, concluindo-se que o uso da M. oleifera é viável quando se considera a redução de turbidez.344780788FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2010/16223-0Natural coagulants such as Moringa oleifera and tannin can be used in water treatment systems aiming to remove turbidity. Raw water with turbidity range from 101 to 110 NTU was simulated in laboratory tests, and treated using M. oleifera and tannin as coagulants. Coagulated and flocculated water was filtered directly through non-woven synthetics fabrics. Different methods of coagulating solution preparation were evaluated based on M. oleifera. Both coagulant behavior were also compared with respect to turbidity removal and their influence on treated water pH alteration. Comparison results for the two coagulants showed that tannin (Tanfloc SG), since it was an industrialized standardized product, presented a more stable behavior throughout filtration as compared to M. oleifera. Although variations in turbidity occurred during filtration with M. oleifera, there was a considerable reduction in this parameter, which remained below 5 NTU in all trials. Therefore, M. oleifera is feasible when considering turbidity reduction

    Isolation and functional characterization of proinflammatory acidic phospholipase A2 from Bothrops leucurus snake venom

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    AbstractIn the present study, an acidic PLA2, designated Bl-PLA2, was isolated from Bothrops leucurus snake venom through two chromatographic steps: ion-exchange on CM-Sepharose and hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose. Bl-PLA2 was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE and when submitted to 2D electrophoresis the molecular mass was 15,000Da and pI was 5.4. Its N-terminal sequence revealed a high homology with other Asp49 acidic PLA2s from snake venoms. Its specific activity was 159.9U/mg and the indirect hemolytic activity was also higher than that of the crude venom. Bl-PLA2 induced low myotoxic and edema activities as compared to those of the crude venom. Moreover, the enzyme was able to induce increments in IL-12p40, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 levels and no variation of IL-8 and IL-10 in human PBMC stimulated in vitro, suggesting that Bl-PLA2 induces proinflammatory cytokine production by human mononuclear cells. Bothrops leucurus venom is still not extensively explored and knowledge of its components will contribute for a better understanding of its action mechanism

    Coinfection with Different Trypanosoma cruzi Strains Interferes with the Host Immune Response to Infection

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    A century after the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi in a child living in Lassance, Minas Gerais, Brazil in 1909, many uncertainties remain with respect to factors determining the pathogenesis of Chagas disease (CD). Herein, we simultaneously investigate the contribution of both host and parasite factors during acute phase of infection in BALB/c mice infected with the JG and/or CL Brener T. cruzi strains. JG single infected mice presented reduced parasitemia and heart parasitism, no mortality, levels of pro-inflammatory mediators (TNF-α, CCL2, IL-6 and IFN-γ) similar to those found among naïve animals and no clinical manifestations of disease. On the other hand, CL Brener single infected mice presented higher parasitemia and heart parasitism, as well as an increased systemic release of pro-inflammatory mediators and higher mortality probably due to a toxic shock-like systemic inflammatory response. Interestingly, coinfection with JG and CL Brener strains resulted in intermediate parasitemia, heart parasitism and mortality. This was accompanied by an increase in the systemic release of IL-10 with a parallel increase in the number of MAC-3+ and CD4+ T spleen cells expressing IL-10. Therefore, the endogenous production of IL-10 elicited by coinfection seems to be crucial to counterregulate the potentially lethal effects triggered by systemic release of pro-inflammatory mediators induced by CL Brener single infection. In conclusion, our results suggest that the composition of the infecting parasite population plays a role in the host response to T. cruzi in determining the severity of the disease in experimentally infected BALB/c mice. The combination of JG and CL Brener was able to trigger both protective inflammatory immunity and regulatory immune mechanisms that attenuate damage caused by inflammation and disease severity in BALB/c mice

    Genomics and epidemiology for gastric adenocarcinomas (GE4GAC): a Brazilian initiative to study gastric cancer

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    Abstract Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common type of cancer worldwide with high incidences in Asia, Central, and South American countries. This patchy distribution means that GC studies are neglected by large research centers from developed countries. The need for further understanding of this complex disease, including the local importance of epidemiological factors and the rich ancestral admixture found in Brazil, stimulated the implementation of the GE4GAC project. GE4GAC aims to embrace epidemiological, clinical, molecular and microbiological data from Brazilian controls and patients with malignant and pre-malignant gastric disease. In this letter, we summarize the main goals of the project, including subject and sample accrual and current findings