3,882 research outputs found

    An investigation of pulsar searching techniques with the Fast Folding Algorithm

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    Here we present an in-depth study of the behaviour of the Fast Folding Algorithm, an alternative pulsar searching technique to the Fast Fourier Transform. Weaknesses in the Fast Fourier Transform, including a susceptibility to red noise, leave it insensitive to pulsars with long rotational periods (P > 1 s). This sensitivity gap has the potential to bias our understanding of the period distribution of the pulsar population. The Fast Folding Algorithm, a time-domain based pulsar searching technique, has the potential to overcome some of these biases. Modern distributed-computing frameworks now allow for the application of this algorithm to all-sky blind pulsar surveys for the first time. However, many aspects of the behaviour of this search technique remain poorly understood, including its responsiveness to variations in pulse shape and the presence of red noise. Using a custom CPU-based implementation of the Fast Folding Algorithm, ffancy, we have conducted an in-depth study into the behaviour of the Fast Folding Algorithm in both an ideal, white noise regime as well as a trial on observational data from the HTRU-S Low Latitude pulsar survey, including a comparison to the behaviour of the Fast Fourier Transform. We are able to both confirm and expand upon earlier studies that demonstrate the ability of the Fast Folding Algorithm to outperform the Fast Fourier Transform under ideal white noise conditions, and demonstrate a significant improvement in sensitivity to long-period pulsars in real observational data through the use of the Fast Folding Algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Estimación de predictor para el tiempo de parada del mantenimiento correctivo usando regresión lineal múltiple;

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    Objetivos Construir un predictor que permita estimar los valores de tiempo de cambio de estado (del ingles TAT) y usar técnicas de conglomerados para encontrar las posibles causas de los valores no deseados de TAT. Materiales y Métodos Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se realizaron los siguientes pasos: Selección, reducción y caracterización de los datos contenidos en la base de datos bajo estudio y Construcción del Indicador bajo estudio. El indicador bajo estudio fue el tiempo de cambio de estado (por sus siglas en inglés TAT). Resultados Se construyó el nuevo predictor para TAT basado en técnicas de regresión múltiple. Las variables que más contribuyeron a la construcción del nuevo predictor fueron tiempo de respuesta del departamento de IC (CErt), con un coeficiente 0,415 positivo, tiempo de respuesta de entrega de las piezas de repuesto (Stockrt), con un coeficiente de 0,734 positivo, nivel de prioridad del equipamiento (RL), con un coeficiente de 0,25 positivo, y tiempo de servicio de mantenimiento (ST), con un coeficiente de 0.06 positivo. La tecnica de regresión aplicada demostró una fuerte dependencia de las variables Stockrt, CErt, y PL en este orden. Las técnicas de conglomerados encontró las principales causas por las cuales el valor de TAT era demasiado alto. Conclusiones. El estudio demostró que es posible aplicar técnicas de minerías de datos para mejorar la eficiencia de las actividades que se desarrollan en los departamentos de Ingeniería de los hospitales.Objectives This research's main goals were to build a predictor for a turnaround time (TAT) indicator for estimating its values and use a numerical clustering technique for finding possible causes of undesirable TAT values. Materials and methods The following stages were used: domain understanding, data characterisation and sample reduction and insight characterisation. Building the TAT indicator multiple linear regression predictor and clustering techniques were used for improving corrective maintenance task efficiency in a clinical engineering department (CED). The indicator being studied was turnaround time (TAT). Results Multiple linear regression was used for building a predictive TAT value model. The variables contributing to such model were clinical engineering department response time (CErt, 0.415 positive coefficient), stock service response time (Stockrt, 0.734 positive coefficient), priority level (0.21 positive coefficient) and service time (0.06 positive coefficient). The regression process showed heavy reliance on Stockrt, CErt and priority, in that order. Clustering techniques revealed the main causes of high TAT values. Conclusions This examination has provided a means for analysing current technical service quality and effectiveness. In doing so, it has demonstrated a process for identifying areas and methods of improvement and a model against which to analyse these methods' effectiveness

    Educating the future workforce: building the evidence about interprofessional learning

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    This paper addresses the theme of interprofessional education for health and social care professionals as it effects on the development of the work force. The drivers for change in the UK, typified by the Bristol Royal Infirmary and Victoria Climbié inquiries and the response to this in the form of Department of Health policy, are discussed. The need for rapid development of the evidence base around this subject is evident form literature reviews of the impact of interprofessional education. Directions for future research and investment in this area are proposed including the need for a stronger theoretical base and for longitudinal studies over extended periods of time in order to examine short, medium and long term outcomes in relation to health care practice

    Prospective Memory Functioning After Stroke: A Research Portfolio

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    Background: Prospective memory is the ability to remember to carry out previously planned actions at an appropriate point in the future. Impairments in prospective memory have been found in a range of neurological conditions. While it is assumed that stroke patients will have similar deficits, there is currently a dearth of evidence to support this. Methods: A between-subjects design was employed to compare 22 community-dwelling stroke patients to 22 healthy adult controls on a standardised objective measure of prospective memory. Subjective reports of everyday memory were measured using a validated questionnaire. Standardised tests were also administered to measure retrospective memory and executive functioning. Results: Stroke patient’s prospective memory performance was significantly poorer than controls. Depression had a significant influence on time-based prospective memory tasks. Executive functioning was shown to be a good predictor of overall prospective memory ability. Stroke patient’s insight into their everyday memory abilities was incomplete. Conclusion: Prospective memory abilities are reduced after stroke. In light of the potential impact of such difficulties on everyday functioning, this aspect of cognitive functioning should be routinely assessed in clinical practice

    Outcomes of Salvage Arthrodesis and Arthroplasty for Failed Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation of the Ankle

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    Background: Osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplantation is a useful treatment for posttraumatic ankle arthritis in young patients, but failure rates are high and reoperations are not uncommon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of failed ankle OCA transplantation converted to ankle arthrodesis (AA) or total ankle arthroplasty (TAA). Methods: We evaluated 24 patients who underwent salvage procedures (13 AA and 11 TAA) after primary failed ankle OCA transplantation. Reoperations were assessed. Failure of the salvage procedure was defined as an additional surgery that required a revision AA/TAA or amputation. Evaluation among nonfailing ankles included the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Foot and Ankle Module (AAOS-FAM), pain, and satisfaction. Results: In the salvage AA cohort, 3 patients were classified as failures (2 revision AA and 1 amputation). The 10 nonfailing patients had a mean follow-up of 7.4 years. Eighty-eight percent were satisfied with the procedure, but 63% reported continued problems with their ankle (eg, pain, swelling, stiffness). Mean pain level was 1.9 and AAOS-FAM core score was 83±13. In the salvage TAA cohort, 2 patients were classified as failures (both revision TAA). The 9 nonfailing patients had a mean follow-up of 3.8 years. Fifty percent were satisfied with the procedure, but 40% reported continued problems with their ankle. The mean pain level was 1.3, and the median AAOS-FAM core score was 82±26. Conclusion: Revision and reoperation rates for salvage procedures following failed OCA transplantation of the ankle are higher compared to published data for primary AA and TAA procedures. However, we believe OCA transplantation can serve as an interim procedure for younger patients with advanced ankle joint disease who may not be ideal candidates for primary AA or TAA at the time of initial presentation. Level of Evidence: Level IV, case series

    Field emission from single-, double-, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes chemically attached to silicon

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    The chemical attachment and field emission (FE) properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs), and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) chemically attached to a silicon substrate have been investigated. A high density of CNTs was revealed by atomic force microscopy imaging with orientation varying with CNT type. Raman spectroscopy was used to confirm the CNT type and diameter on the surfaces. The field emission properties of the surfaces were studied and both current-voltage and Fowler-Nordheim plots were obtained. The SWCNTs exhibited superior FE characteristics with a turn-on voltage (Eto) of 1.28 V μm−1 and electric field enhancement factor (β) of 5587. The DWCNT surface showed an Eto of 1.91 V μm−1 and a β of 4748, whereas the MWCNT surface exhibited an Eto of 2.79 V μm−1 and a β of 3069. The emission stability of each CNT type was investigated and it was found that SWCNTs produced the most stable emission. The differences between the FE characteristics and stability are explained in terms of the CNT diameter, vertical alignment, and crystallinity. The findings suggest that strength of substrate adhesion and CNT crystallinity play a major role in FE stability. Comparisons to other FE studies are made and the potential for device application is discussed

    Identifying coherent patterns of environmental change between multiple, multivariate records: an application to four 1000-year diatom records from Victoria, Australia

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    Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) of indirect archives of environmental change are increasingly used to identify coherent trends between palaeoclimate records, to separate externally forced patterns from locally driven idiosyncrasies. Lake sediments are particularly suited to such syntheses: they are abundant in most landscapes and record a wide array of information, yet local complexities often conceal or confuse the climate signal recorded at individual sites. Lake sediment parameters usually exhibit non-linear, multivariate and indirect responses to climate, therefore identifying coherent patterns between two or more lake records presents a complex challenge. Ideally, the selection of representative variables should be non-subjective and inclusive of as many different variables as possible, allowing for unexpected correlations between sites. In order to meet such demands, we propose a two-tier ordination procedure whereby site-specific (local) ordinations, obtained using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), are nested within a second, regional EOF. Using the local DCAs as representative variables allows the retention of a larger fraction of variance from each site, removes any subjectivity from variable selection and retains the potential for observing multiple, coherent signals from within and between each dataset. We explore this potential using four decadally resolved diatom records from volcanic lakes in Western Victoria, Australia. The records span the 1000 years prior to European settlement in CE 1803. Our analyses reveal at least two coherent patterns of ecological change that are manifest in each of the four datasets, patterns which may have been overlooked by a single-variable, empirical orthogonal function approach. This intra-site coherency provides a valuable step towards understanding multi-decadal hydroclimate variability in southeastern Australia

    Lethal Mutagenesis of Picornaviruses with N-6-Modified Purine Nucleoside Analogues

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    RNA viruses exhibit extraordinarily high mutation rates during genome replication. Nonnatural ribonucleosides that can increase the mutation rate of RNA viruses by acting as ambiguous substrates during replication have been explored as antiviral agents acting through lethal mutagenesis. We have synthesized novel N-6-substituted purine analogues with ambiguous incorporation characteristics due to tautomerization of the nucleobase. The most potent of these analogues reduced the titer of poliovirus (PV) and coxsackievirus (CVB3) over 1,000-fold during a single passage in HeLa cell culture, with an increase in transition mutation frequency up to 65-fold. Kinetic analysis of incorporation by the PV polymerase indicated that these analogues were templated ambiguously with increased efficiency compared to the known mutagenic nucleoside ribavirin. Notably, these nucleosides were not efficient substrates for cellular ribonucleotide reductase in vitro, suggesting that conversion to the deoxyriboucleoside may be hindered, potentially limiting genetic damage to the host cell. Furthermore, a high-fidelity PV variant (G64S) displayed resistance to the antiviral effect and mutagenic potential of these analogues. These purine nucleoside analogues represent promising lead compounds in the development of clinically useful antiviral therapies based on the strategy of lethal mutagenesis

    A case report: Brugada syndrome in the setting of hypothermia.

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    Hypothermia is a common diagnosis in the Emergency Department. It can cause a multitude of symptoms and complications if not treated promptly. The following case report discusses Brugada pattern on an electrocardiogram in a patient with hypothermia and diabetic ketoacidosis. There was resolution of the Brugada pattern on the electrocardiogram after the patient was warmed to 35.3 °C

    A bi-directional relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life : evidence from the longitudinal AusDiab study

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    Objective: To assess the prospective relationship between obesity and health-related quality of life, including a novel assessment of the impact of health-related quality of life on weight gain.Design and setting: Longitudinal, national, population-based Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study, with surveys conducted in 1999/2000 and 2004/2005.Participants: A total of 5985 men and women aged 25 years at study entry.Main outcome measure(s): At both time points, height, weight and waist circumference were measured and self-report data on health-related quality of life from the SF-36 questionnaire were obtained. Cross-sectional and bi-directional, prospective associations between obesity categories and health-related quality of life were assessed.Results: Higher body mass index (BMI) at baseline was associated with deterioration in health-related quality of life over 5 years for seven of the eight health-related quality of life domains in women (all P0.01, with the exception of mental health, P&gt;0.05), and six out of eight in men (all P&lt;0.05, with the exception of role-emotional, P=0.055, and mental health, P&gt;0.05). Each of the quality-of-life domains related to mental health as well as the mental component summary were inversely associated with BMI change (all P&lt;0.0001 for women and P0.01 for men), with the exception of vitality, which was significant in women only (P=0.008). For the physical domains, change in BMI was inversely associated with baseline general health in women only (P=0.023).Conclusions: Obesity was associated with a deterioration in health-related quality of life (including both physical and mental health domains) in this cohort of Australian adults followed over 5 years. Health-related quality of life was also a predictor of weight gain over 5 years, indicating a bi-directional association between obesity and health-related quality of life. The identification of those with poor health-related quality of life may be important in assessing the risk of future weight gain, and a focus on health-related quality of life may be beneficial in weight management strategies.<br /