1,045 research outputs found

    On thin-shell wormholes evolving in flat FRW spacetimes

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    We analize the stability of a class of thin-shell wormholes with spherical symmetry evolving in flat FRW spacetimes. The wormholes considered here are supported at the throat by a perfect fluid with equation of state P=wσ\mathcal{P}=w\sigma and have a physical radius equal to aRaR, where aa is a time-dependent function describing the dynamics of the throat and RR is the background scale factor. The study of wormhole stability is done by means of the stability analysis of dynamic systems.Comment: 8 pages; to appear in MPL

    Possible black universes in a brane world

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    A black universe is a nonsingular black hole where, beyond the horizon, there is an expanding, asymptotically isotropic universe. Such spherically symmetric configurations have been recently found as solutions to the Einstein equations with phantom scalar fields (with negative kinetic energy) as sources of gravity. They have a Schwarzschild-like causal structure but a de Sitter infinity instead of a singularity. It is attempted to obtain similar configurations without phantoms, in the framework of an RS2 type brane world scenario, considering the modified Einstein equations that describe gravity on the brane. By building an explicit example, it is shown that black-universe solutions can be obtained there in the presence of a scalar field with positive kinetic energy and a nonzero potential.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, gc styl

    Weak gravitational lensing with the Square Kilometre Array

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    We investigate the capabilities of various stages of the SKA to perform world-leading weak gravitational lensing surveys. We outline a way forward to develop the tools needed for pursuing weak lensing in the radio band. We identify the key analysis challenges and the key pathfinder experiments that will allow us to address them in the run up to the SKA. We identify and summarize the unique and potentially very powerful aspects of radio weak lensing surveys, facilitated by the SKA, that can solve major challenges in the field of weak lensing. These include the use of polarization and rotational velocity information to control intrinsic alignments, and the new area of weak lensing using intensity mapping experiments. We show how the SKA lensing surveys will both complement and enhance corresponding efforts in the optical wavebands through cross-correlation techniques and by way of extending the reach of weak lensing to high redshift.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Cosmology Chapter, Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14) Conference, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 9th-13th 201

    GDR Feeding of the Highly-Deformed Band in 42Ca

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    The gamma-ray spectra from the decay of the GDR in the compound nucleus reaction 18O+28Si at bombarding energy of 105 MeV have been measured in an experiment using the EUROBALL IV and HECTOR arrays. The obtained experimental GDR strength function is highly fragmented, with a low energy (10 MeV) component, indicating a presence of a large deformation and Coriolis effects. In addition, the preferential feeding of the highly-deformed band in 42Ca by this GDR low energy component is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Zakopane2004 Symposium, to be published in Acta Phys. Pol. B36 (2005

    Possible observation sequences of Brans-Dicke wormholes

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate observational features of Brans-Dicke wormholes in a case if they exist in our Universe. The energy flux from accretion onto a Brans-Dicke wormhole and the so-called "maximum impact parameter" are studied (the last one might allow to observe light sources through a wormhole throat). The computed values were compared with the corresponding ones for GR-wormholes and Schwarzschild black holes. We shown that Brans-Dicke wormholes are quasi-Schwarzschild objects and should differ from GR wormholes by about one order of magnitude in the accretion energy flux.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Strong Deformation Effects in Hot Rotating 46Ti

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    Exotic-deformation effects in 46Ti nucleus were investigated by analysing the high-energy gamma-ray and the alpha-particle energy spectra. One of the experiments was performed using the charged-particle multi-detector array ICARE together with a large volume (4"x4") BGO detector. The study focused on simultaneous measurement of light charged particles and gamma-rays in coincidence with the evaporation residues. The experimental data show a signature of very large deformations of the compound nucleus in the Jacobi transition region at the highest spins. These results are compared to data from previous experiments performed with the HECTOR array coupled to the EUROBALL array, where it was found that the GDR strength function is highly fragmented, strongly indicating a presence of nuclei with very large deformation.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics, to be published in Acta Phys. Pol. B (2007

    Evidence for the Jacobi shape transition in hot 46Ti

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    The gamma-rays from the decay of the GDR in 46Ti compound nucleus formed in the 18O+28Si reaction at bombarding energy 105 MeV have been measured in an experiment using a setup consisting of the combined EUROBALL IV, HECTOR and EUCLIDES arrays. A comparison of the extracted GDR lineshape data with the predictions of the thermal shape fluctuation model shows evidence for the Jacobi shape transition in hot 46Ti. In addition to the previously found broad structure in the GDR lineshape region at 18-27 MeV caused by large deformations, the presence of a low energy component (around 10 MeV), due to the Coriolis splitting in prolate well deformed shape, has been identified for the first time.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the COMEX1 conference, June 2003, Paris; to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    A parametrization of the growth index of matter perturbations in various Dark Energy models and observational prospects using a Euclid-like survey

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    We provide exact solutions to the cosmological matter perturbation equation in a homogeneous FLRW universe with a vacuum energy that can be parametrized by a constant equation of state parameter ww and a very accurate approximation for the Ansatz w(a)=w0+wa(1a)w(a)=w_0+w_a(1-a). We compute the growth index \gamma=\log f(a)/\log\Om_m(a), and its redshift dependence, using the exact and approximate solutions in terms of Legendre polynomials and show that it can be parametrized as γ(a)=γ0+γa(1a)\gamma(a)=\gamma_0+\gamma_a(1-a) in most cases. We then compare four different types of dark energy (DE) models: wΛw\LambdaCDM, DGP, f(R)f(R) and a LTB-large-void model, which have very different behaviors at z\gsim1. This allows us to study the possibility to differentiate between different DE alternatives using wide and deep surveys like Euclid, which will measure both photometric and spectroscopic redshifts for several hundreds of millions of galaxies up to redshift z2z\simeq 2. We do a Fisher matrix analysis for the prospects of differentiating among the different DE models in terms of the growth index, taken as a given function of redshift or with a principal component analysis, with a value for each redshift bin for a Euclid-like survey. We use as observables the complete and marginalized power spectrum of galaxies P(k)P(k) and the Weak Lensing (WL) power spectrum. We find that, using P(k)P(k), one can reach (2%, 5%) errors in (w0,wa)(w_0, w_a), and (4%, 12%) errors in (γ0,γa)(\gamma_0, \gamma_a), while using WL we get errors at least twice as large. These estimates allow us to differentiate easily between DGP, f(R)f(R) models and Λ\LambdaCDM, while it would be more difficult to distinguish the latter from a variable equation of state parameter or LTB models using only the growth index.}Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    Structural evolution in the neutron-rich nuclei 106Zr and 108Zr

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    The low-lying states in 106Zr and 108Zr have been investigated by means of {\beta}-{\gamma} and isomer spectroscopy at the RI beam factory, respectively. A new isomer with a half-life of 620\pm150 ns has been identified in 108Zr. For the sequence of even-even Zr isotopes, the excitation energies of the first 2+ states reach a minimum at N = 64 and gradually increase as the neutron number increases up to N = 68, suggesting a deformed sub-shell closure at N = 64. The deformed ground state of 108Zr indicates that a spherical sub-shell gap predicted at N = 70 is not large enough to change the ground state of 108Zr to the spherical shape. The possibility of a tetrahedral shape isomer in 108Zr is also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let