5 research outputs found
Fortalecimiento de competencias ciudadanas a partir de estrategias de aprendizaje que propicien cultura de paz en estudiantes de segundo semestre, Psicología, UPC – Valledupar.
Este documento presenta los avances del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad Proyecto de Grado, bajo la asesoría de la Dra. Doris Colina inscrito en la Línea de investigación Educación y desarrollo humano de la ECEDU. El diseño metodológico consta de un enfoque de investigación cuantitativa, el diseño de esta investigación es de tipo no experimental al buscar por medio de esta, identificar estrategias de aprendizaje que fortalezcan las competencias ciudadanas para la construcción de una cultura de paz de la Universidad Popular del Cesar de los cuales se toma como muestra de 40 estudiantes de segundo semestre de psicología de la Universidad Popular del CesarThis document presents the progress of the degree work carried out in the Degree Project modality, under the advice of Dr. Doris Colina, enrolled in the ECEDU Education and Human Development Research Line. The methodological design consists of a quantitative research approach, the design of this research is of a non-experimental type when searching through it, to identify learning strategies that strengthen citizen competencies for the construction of a culture of peace of the Popular University of Cesar, of which 40 second-semester psychology students from the Popular University of Cesar are taken as a sample
Reconstrucción de Memoria Histórica y Desarrollo del Tejido Social en Comunidades Afrocolombianas Víctimas de la Masacre de Bojayá - Chocó
In 2002, a tragedy occurred in Bojayá, in the department of Chocó, in which 119 people died, mainly Afro-Colombians. This event left a mark on the territory, which has given rise to reparation initiatives. For this reason, a literature review was conducted with the objective of contributing to the debate on the importance of reconstructing historical memory and developing the social fabric for the integral reparation of the victims. The approach adopted was based on a qualitative-descriptive methodology, making use of 13 studies according to the inclusion criteria. The results highlight the consequences of the massacre, the effects of this process on the social fabric, and some challenges for comprehensive reparation. Finally, the article concludes with recommendations for the government to acknowledge the suffering of the victims, to recognize the cultural and ethnic variety of Colombia, and to refrain from politicizing this violent event.En 2002, ocurrió una tragedia en Bojayá, Departamento del Chocó, en la que murieron 119 personas, principalmente afrocolombianas. Este evento ha dejado una profunda huella en la región, lo cual ha suscitado diversas iniciativas de reparación. Por esta razón, este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura con el objetivo de contribuir al debate sobre la importancia de la reconstrucción de la memoria histórica y el desarrollo del tejido social para la reparación integral de las víctimas. Este acercamiento se hace desde un metodología cualitativa-descriptiva, haciendo uso de 13 estudios que atienden a criterios de inclusión. Los resultados evidencian las consecuencias de la masacre, los efectos de este proceso en el tejido social y algunos desafíos para la reparación integral. Finalmente, se hace un llamado al gobierno a respetar el sufrimiento de las víctimas reconociendo la variedad cultural y étnica de Colombia, así como abstenerse de politizar este hecho violento
Mental health components addressed in peace agreements for armed conflicts completions in the world
It is known that there have been armed conflicts around the world that ended through a negotiated exit but ¿Have the mental health has been a central component in peace agreements for the termination of armed conflicts in different geographical areas around the world? This question will try to answered through a systematic review of representative conflicts around the world with a qualitative methodology.Se sabe que ha habido conflictos armados en todo e lmundo que terminaron con una salida negociada pero ¿la salud mental ha sido un componente central en los acuerdos de paz para la terminación de los conflictos armados en diferentes áreas geográficas del mundo
Mental health components addressed in peace agreements for armed conflicts completions in the world
It is known that there have been armed conflicts around the world that ended through a negotiated exit but ¿Have the mental health has been a central component in peace agreements for the termination of armed conflicts in different geographical areas around the world? This question will try to answered through a systematic review of representative conflicts around the world with a qualitative methodology.Se sabe que ha habido conflictos armados en todo e lmundo que terminaron con una salida negociada pero ¿la salud mental ha sido un componente central en los acuerdos de paz para la terminación de los conflictos armados en diferentes áreas geográficas del mundo
Motivational factors, learning strategies and competencies in natural sciences
It is analyzed the relationship between the motivational factors with the learning strategies that the students of the Department of Cauca in Colombia present in front of the basic standards of competencies in Natural Sciences. A non-experimental study was carried out with a quantitative approach, correlational type of study, and cross-sectional study time, with 423 participants. As instruments, the EDAOM, EMPA questionnaires, and the results of the basic standards of competencies in natural sciences according to the ICFES tests were applied. The findings indicate that motivation is not the determining factor for the low results obtained in the ICFES, but learning strategies are, so it is necessary to devise and contribute to creating these to obtain better student results