3,766 research outputs found

    Testing kappa-Poincare' with neutral kaons

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    In recent work on experimental tests of quantum-gravity-motivated phenomenological models, a significant role has been played by the so-called ``κ\kappa'' deformations of Poincar\'e symmetries. Sensitivity to values of the relevant deformation length λ\lambda as small as 5⋅10−33m5 \cdot 10^{-33}m has been achieved in recent analyses comparing the structure of κ\kappa-Poincar\'e symmetries with data on the gamma rays we detect from distant astrophysical sources. We investigate violations of CPT symmetry which may be associated with κ\kappa-Poincar\'e in the physics of the neutral-kaon system. A simple estimate indicates that experiments on the neutral kaons may actually be more λ\lambda-sensitive than corresponding astrophysical experiments, and may already allow to probe values of λ\lambda of order the Planck length.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Quantum Measurements and the kappa--Poincare Group

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    The possible description of the vacuum of quantum gravity through the so called kappa--Poincare group is analyzed considering some of the consequences of this symmetry in the path integral formulation of nonrelativistic quantum theory. This study is carried out with two cases, firstly, a free particle, and finally, the situation of a particle immersed in a homogeneous gravitational field. It will be shown that the kappa--Poincare group implies the loss of some of the basic properties associated to Feynman's path integral. For instance, loss of the group characteristic related to the time dependence of the evolution operator, or the breakdown of the composition law for amplitudes of events occurring successively in time. Additionally some similarities between the present idea and the so called restricted path integral formalism will be underlined. These analogies advocate the claim that if the kappa--Poincare group contains some of the physical information of the quantum gravity vacuum, then this vacuum could entail decoherence. This last result will also allow us to consider the possibility of analyzing the continuous measurement problem of quantum theory from a group--theoretical point of view, but now taking into account the kappa--Poincare symmetries.Comment: Accepted in General Relativity and Gravitation. Dedicated to Alberto Garcia on the occasion of his 60th. birthda

    A bound on Planck-scale modifications of the energy-momentum composition rule from atomic interferometry

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    High sensitivity measurements in atomic spectroscopy were recently used in Amelino-Camelia et. al. to constraint the form of possible modifications of the energy-momentum dispersion relation resulting from Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). In this letter we show that the same data can be used successfully to set experimental bounds on deformations of the energy-momentum composition rule. Such modifications are natural in models of deformed Lorentz symmetry which are relevant in certain quantum gravity scenarios. We find the bound for the deformation parameter κ\kappa to be a few orders of magnitude below the Planck scale and of the same magnitude as the next-to-leading order effect found in Amelino-Camelia et. al. We briefly discuss how it would be possible to distinguish between these two scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, some comments and references adde

    On the IR/UV mixing and experimental limits on the parameters of canonical noncommutative spacetimes

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    We investigate some issues that are relevant for the derivation of experimental limits on the parameters of canonical noncommutative spacetimes. By analyzing a simple Wess-Zumino-type model in canonical noncommutative spacetime with soft supersymmetry breaking we explore the implications of ultraviolet supersymmetry on low-energy phenomenology. The fact that new physics in the ultraviolet can modify low-energy predictions affects significantly the derivation of limits on the noncommutativity parameters based on low-energy data. These are, in an appropriate sense here discussed, ``conditional limits''. We also find that some standard techniques for an effective low-energy description of theories with non-locality at short distance scales are only applicable in a regime where theories in canonical noncommutative spacetime lack any predictivity, because of the strong sensitivity to unknown UV physics. It appears useful to combine high-energy data, from astrophysics, with the more readily available low-energy data.Comment: 14 page

    Particle Creation from Vacuum by Lorentz Violation

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    It is shown that the vacuum state in presence of Lorentz violation can be followed by a particle-full universe that represents the current status of the universe. In this model the modification in dispersion relation (Lorentz violation) is picked up representing the regime of quantum gravity. The result can be interpreted such that the existence of the particles is an evidence for quantum effects of gravity in the past. It is concluded that only the vacuum state is sufficient to appear the matter fields spontaneously after the process of semi-classical analysis.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Large-scale non-locality in "doubly special relativity" with an energy-dependent speed of light

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    There are two major alternatives for violating the (usual) Lorentz invariance at large (Planckian) energies or momenta - either not all inertial frames (in the Planck regime) are equivalent (e.g., there is an effectively preferred frame) or the transformations from one frame to another are (non-linearly) deformed (``doubly special relativity''). We demonstrate that the natural (and reasonable) assumption of an energy-dependent speed of light in the latter method goes along with violations of locality/separability (and even translational invariance) on macroscopic scales. PACS: 03.30.+p, 11.30.Cp, 04.60.-m, 04.50.+h.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, several modification

    Spectral geometry of κ\kappa-Minkowski space

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    After recalling Snyder's idea of using vector fields over a smooth manifold as `coordinates on a noncommutative space', we discuss a two dimensional toy-model whose `dual' noncommutative coordinates form a Lie algebra: this is the well known κ\kappa-Minkowski space. We show how to improve Snyder's idea using the tools of quantum groups and noncommutative geometry. We find a natural representation of the coordinate algebra of κ\kappa-Minkowski as linear operators on an Hilbert space study its `spectral properties' and discuss how to obtain a Dirac operator for this space. We describe two Dirac operators. The first is associated with a spectral triple. We prove that the cyclic integral of M. Dimitrijevic et al. can be obtained as Dixmier trace associated to this triple. The second Dirac operator is equivariant for the action of the quantum Euclidean group, but it has unbounded commutators with the algebra.Comment: 23 pages, expanded versio

    Time Uncertainty in Quantum Gravitational Systems

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    It is generally argued that the combined effect of Heisenberg principle and general relativity leads to a minimum time uncertainty. Most of the analyses supporting this conclusion are based on a perturbative approach to quantization. We consider a simple family of gravitational models, including the Einstein-Rosen waves, in which the (non-linearized) inclusion of gravity changes the normalization of time translations by a monotonic energy-dependent factor. In these circumstances, it is shown that a maximum time resolution emerges non-perturbatively only if the total energy is bounded. Perturbatively, however, there always exists a minimum uncertainty in the physical time.Comment: (4 pages, no figures) Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Interplay between curvature and Planck-scale effects in astrophysics and cosmology

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    Several recent studies have considered the implications for astrophysics and cosmology of some possible nonclassical properties of spacetime at the Planck scale. The new effects, such as a Planck-scale-modified energy-momentum (dispersion) relation, are often inferred from the analysis of some quantum versions of Minkowski spacetime, and therefore the relevant estimates depend heavily on the assumption that there could not be significant interplay between Planck-scale and curvature effects. We here scrutinize this assumption, using as guidance a quantum version of de Sitter spacetime with known Inonu-Wigner contraction to a quantum Minkowski spacetime. And we show that, contrary to common (but unsupported) beliefs, the interplay between Planck-scale and curvature effects can be significant. Within our illustrative example, in the Minkowski limit the quantum-geometry deformation parameter is indeed given by the Planck scale, while in the de Sitter picture the parameter of quantization of geometry depends both on the Planck scale and the curvature scalar. For the much-studied case of Planck-scale effects that intervene in the observation of gamma-ray bursts we can estimate the implications of "quantum spacetime curvature" within robust simplifying assumptions. For cosmology at the present stage of the development of the relevant mathematics one cannot go beyond semiheuristic reasoning, and we here propose a candidate approximate description of a quantum FRW geometry, obtained by patching together pieces (with different spacetime curvature) of our quantum de Sitter. This semiheuristic picture, in spite of its limitations, provides rather robust evidence that in the early Universe the interplay between Planck-scale and curvature effects could have been particularly significant.Comment: 26 pages

    Lorentz invariance with an invariant energy scale

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    We propose a modification of special relativity in which a physical energy, which may be the Planck energy, joins the speed of light as an invariant, in spite of a complete relativity of inertial frames and agreement with Einstein's theory at low energies. This is accomplished by a non-linear modification of the action of the Lorentz group on momentum space, generated by adding a dilatation to each boost in such a way that the Planck energy remains invariant. The associated algebra has unmodified structure constants, and we highlight the similarities between the group action found and a transformation previously proposed by Fock. We also discuss the resulting modifications of field theory and suggest a modification of the equivalence principle which determines how the new theory is embedded in general relativity
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