236 research outputs found


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    Wave energy is one of the renewable energy sources with the highest potential. Several pilot plants have been built based on the principle of the Oscillating Water Column (OWC). Among the different solutions that have been suggested, the Wells turbine has gained particular attention due to its simplicity and reliability. The majority of available studies concentrate on the steady operation of the Wells turbine, while only few analyze its performance under an unsteady and bi-directional air flow, as determined by the presence of the OWC system. In this work, experimental and numerical performance of a high-solidity Wells turbine with NACA0015 profiles under the bi-directional flow generated by a hydraulic piston is compared. The numerical simulations have been conducted using commercial CFD software and focus on unsteady predictions, with particular attention to the behavior of the flow upstream and down-stream of the rotor, flow hysteresis between acceleration and deceleration phases and differences between intake and exhaust strokes due to the non-symmetrical configuration of the machine

    On the Hysteretic Behaviour of Wells Turbines

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    The Wells turbine is a self-rectifying axial flow turbine employed in Oscillating Water Column systems to convert low-pressure airflow into mechanical energy. A number of studies highlighted a variation in turbine performance between acceleration and deceleration phases, generally ascribed to the interaction between blade trailing edge vortices and blade boundary layer. This explaination is in opposition with the large existing literature on rapidly pitching airfoils and wings, where it is generally accepted that a hysteretic behavior can be appreciated only at non-dimensional frequencies significantly larger than the ones typically found in Wells turbine. This work presents a critical re-examination of the phenomenon and a new analysis of some of the test cases originally used to explain its origin. The results demonstrate how the behavior of a Wells turbine is not dissimilar to that of an airfoil pitching at very low reduced frequencies and that the causes of the alleged hysteresis are in a different phenomenon

    Pumps as turbines for pumped hydro energy storage systems - A small-size case study

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    Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) technology has been used since early 1890s and is, nowadays, a consolidated and commercially mature technology. PHES systems allow energy to be stored by pumping water from a lower-to a higher-level reservoir. Subsequently, this energy can be released through a turbine placed in a penstock, which connects the two reservoirs, to produce energy. Although these plants have historically been employed at large power scales (in the order of hundreds of MW), in recent years, micro- and small-scale plants are becoming more interesting, due to their possibility of being integrated with renewable energy systems (RES) used in autonomous island grids. Capital costs associated with hydraulic machines used in PHES systems represent the most critical economic factor, which can be mitigated by using commercial centrifugal pumps in reverse mode (Pumps as Turbines, PATs) in place of small hydro turbines. These expected economic benefits must be weighed in each specific case study, with some drawbacks related to the use of PATs, mainly associated to a lower round-trip efficiency with respect to specifically designed pumps and turbines. In this work, a small-scale PHES plant has been studied coupled to an existent photovoltaic system for the integration in the electric grid of a small island in Southern Italy. Two different PHES outlines have been compared based on techno-economic considerations. The former is a typical PHES system composed of both pumps and a turbine, while the latter uses only an array of parallel pumps which work also in reverse mode. The analysis demonstrates the feasibility of integrating a photovoltaic and PHES plant, which results in a lower cost of electricity production, while PHES performance in the PAT-based outline results penalized by the lower efficiency of PATs with respect to the hydraulic turbine


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    An experimental investigation of the local flow field in a Wells turbine has been conducted, in order to produce a detailed analysis of the aerodynamic characteristics of the rotor and support the search for optimized solutions. The measurements have been conducted with a hot-wire anemometer (HWA) probe, reconstructing the local three-dimensional flow field both upstream and downstream of a small-scale Wells turbine. The multi-rotation technique has been applied to measure the three velocity components of the flow field for a fixed operating condition. The results of the investigation show the local flow structures along a blade pitch, highlighting the location and radial extension of the vortices which interact with the clean flow, thus degrading the turbine’s overall performance. Some peculiarities of this turbine have also been shown, and need to be considered in order to propose modified solutions to improve its performance

    Discussion on “Influence of incoming wave conditions on the hysteretic behavior of an oscillating water column system for wave energy conversion” by J. Peng, C. Hu and C. Yang

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    Recently, Peng, Hu and Yang presented a lumped parameter model to quantify the hysteresis in Oscillating Water Column systems. We noticed that the model they presented is remarkably similar to the one we introduced in some of our previously published works. The similarity extends not only to the assumptions, derivation and methodology used to obtain an analytical solution, but even to the almost totality of the symbols chosen for the many model variables. None of the papers where we introduced the model and its solution were referenced by Peng and his coauthors, who therefore claimed for themselves the credit due to the original authors of the model. Peng and his coauthors have then applied the lumped parameter model to a test case different from the one that we had validated it on. This gives further confirmation of the validity of the model, which we feel the responsibility to reestablish the scientific property of

    Perfectly Matched Layer for Linearized Euler Equations in Open and Ducted Domains

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    Recently, perfectly matched layer (PML) as an absorbing boundary condition has widespread applications. The idea was first introduced by Berenger for electromagnetic waves computations. In this paper, it is shown that the PML equations for the linearized Euler equations support unstable solutions when the mean flow has a component normal to the layer. To suppress such unstable solutions so as to render the PML concept useful for this class of problems, it is proposed that artificial selective damping terms be added to the discretized PML equations. It is demonstrated that with a proper choice of artificial mesh Reynolds number, the PML equations can be made stable. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate that the stabilized PML performs well as an absorbing boundary condition. In a ducted environment, the wave mode are dispersive. It will be shown that the group velocity and phase velocity of these modes can have opposite signs. This results in a confined environment, PML may not be suitable as an absorbing boundary condition

    Caratterizzazione tipologica dei rapporti tra fenomeni di desertificazione ed acque superficiali e sotterranee, osservati e studiati in Sardegna

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    This study has been carried out within a broader research project, RIADE, concerned with the characterization of the types of relationships existing between desertification processes and surfaceand groundwater observed and investigated in Objective 1 regions. The underlying assumption is that the deteriorating quality and diminishing quantity of a region’s water resources impact negatively on the development of all living things and on human organization, and thus represent a basic indicator of desertification, intended in its broadest sense as the degradation of bioproductive land. By re-processing the scientific results obtained for Sardinia during this project, we have developed a reference framework for the systematic representation of the types found, qualitatitive/quantitative natural or anthropogenic degradation phenomena/processes of water resources in Sardinia. Two distinct criteria have been adopted for the typological categorization of the deteriorating quality and diminishing quantity of water, both divorced from the environmental and regional context in which they occur.The first criterion is based on an analysis of water quantity and quality and on the “pollutant type”, along the lines suggested by the Italian Research Council’s National Group for Hydrogeological Disaster Protection (GNDCI); the second criterion uses the DPSIR model adopted by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), which defines five indicator categories for the state and evolution of the environmen

    Numerical Evaluation of Entropy Generation in Isolated Airfoils and Wells Turbines

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    In recent years, a number of authors have studied entropy generation in Wells turbines. This is potentially a very interesting topic, as it can provide important insights into the irreversibilities of the system, as well as a methodology for identifying, and possibly minimizing, the main sources of loss. Unfortunately, the approach used in these studies contains some crude simplifications that lead to a severe underestimation of entropy generation and, more importantly, to misleading conclusions. This paper contains a re-examination of the mechanisms for entropy generation in fluid flow, with a particular emphasis on RANS equations. An appropriate methodology for estimating entropy generation in isolated airfoils and Wells turbines is presented. Results are verified for different flow conditions, and a comparison with theoretical values is presented.Regione Autonoma Sardegna (funding for University of Cagliari co-authors
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