1,162 research outputs found

    What is a good reader? - Part 2: Word Patterns [1st grade]

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    In this unit, the students will learn to identify word patterns in texts and understand that word patterns can help them recognize, decode, and comprehend unknown words in an unfamiliar text. In order to reach these goals, the students will complete various word pattern activities, read and explore a variety of poetry, and then participate in a Poetry Slam

    Darkness in the Contemporary Scientific Imagination and its Implications

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest and reporting in the popular press and scientific literature on the topics of dark energy and dark matter. The mysterious, unknown nature of these entities has captured the cultural imagination. However, very little psychological reflection has been offered on the attention given to these phenomena. A brief overview of the human fascination with (and fear of) the dark is presented as a backdrop to the current interest being given to realms of darkness in modern cosmology. Beginning with the hypothesis of dark matter in the 1930s based on astronomical observations of galaxies, this fascination has grown. More recently the even more mysterious dark energy, a repulsive force opposite of gravity that creates regions of void, has come to the forefront of cosmological studies. This dark energy is purported to be one of the shaping elements in the evolution of the large scale structure of the universe. The psychological significance of the scientific imagery generated by these studies is heightened when a comparison with neural patterns in mammalian brains is made. Furthermore, the model of the universe emerging from these studies has striking parallels with certain schools of Buddhism, especially those that value nothingness as the key to reality. Jungian psychology is shown to be well positioned to appreciate the paradigm shift represented by the confluence of these visions

    What is a good reader? [1st grade]

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    Early development of an endangered african barb, BARBUS TREVELYANI (pisces : cyprinidae)

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    BARBUS TREVELYANI GUNTHER, 1877, est une espèce de poisson d'eau douce africain menacée de disparition. La ponte d'individus collectés dans le milieu naturel a été artificiellement provoquée en utilisant une gonadotropine humaine. Les oeufs ont été fertilisés et leur développement a été suivi du stade embryonnaire au stade juvénile. La vitesse du développement et la morphologie des différents stades ont été décrites. Les oeufs fertilisés de 1,5 mm (1,4 à 1,7 mm) sont démersaux et adhésifs. Ils éclosent après 2,8 jours à une température de 17-19°C. La larve à l'éclosion a une taille de 3,7 mm (3,5 à 4,0 mm). Cette taille est de 7,1 mm à la résorption de la vésicule vitelline et de 10,6 mm lors de la formation du bourgeon pelvien. La pigmentation a été décrite. Le comportement larvaire de ce BARBUS est similaire de B. ANOPLUS qui a une vaste répartition. La nécessité d'étudier les premiers stades de développement des Cyprinidae africains est discutée. (Résumé d'auteur

    Early ontogeny of Labeo capensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae)

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    The early ontogeny of Labeo capensis (A. Smith 1841) is described from wild-spawned, laboratory-reared specimens which were monitored for five months. Fertile eggs were non-adhesive, demersal and 2,9 mm (2,7-3,4 mm) in diameter. Total length at hatching was 5,4 mm (5,3-5,7 mm); at yolk absorption 7,9 mm and at pelvic bud formation 11,1 mm. Pigment patterns during larval development are described. Pigmentation began on the head and covered most of the body by the juvenile period. Myomere number remained constant after hatching and fin rays appeared in the order of caudal, dorsal, anal, pelvic and pectoral. Larvae periodically swam upwards and then passively sank, as has been reported for other  Labeo species. Egg buoyancy and larval behaviour are discussed with relevance to spawning habitat

    Effects of turbidity on the neural structures of two closely related redfin minnows, Pseudobarbus afer and P. asper, in the Gamtoos River System, South Africa

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    The neural structures of the sister species Pseudobarbus afer and P. asper were compared. P. afer, a redfin minnow which inhabits clear, perennial mountain streams, was found to have larger neural structures related to vision than P. asper, which inhabits turbid, intermittent streams of the Gamtoos River system, P. asperdid not show any compensation to inhabiting a turbid environment. Overall, P. afer males had the largest neural structures, most notably the optic lobes and cerebella, and P. asper females had the smallest neural structures

    Characterisation of the progenitors for the mouse anteroposterior axis

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    \u3ci\u3eCapturing Quarantine: Student Pandemic Experience\u3c/i\u3e Journal

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    Journal entries submitted by the Public History 2021 spring semester class at Columbia College Chicago reflecting on aspects of the global pandemic from the student perspective commenting on their personal pandemic timeline and the other is an essay about what each student learned so far from the pandemic.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/journals/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Sistema pasivo de disipación de energía para edificios de mediana altura desplantados en la Zona del Lago del Distrito Federal

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    83 páginas. Maestría en Ingeniería Estructural.El objetivo del presente trabajo es plantear las bases desde un punto de vista analítico, para el desarrollo de un sistema de disipación de energía basado en el uso de contravientos des-adheridos (Unbonded braces). Su uso es relevante para la concepción, diseño y reparación de estructuras de mediana altura ubicadas en la zona de lago del D.F. Al estudiar las razones por las cuales varios eventos sísmicos recientes han resultado en pérdidas económicas y humanas excesivas, la comunidad internacional de ingeniería sísmica ha empezado a entender con claridad que el nivel de daño estructural y no estructural en una estructura sismorresistente, así como el daño en su contenido, se deriva de la deformación y/o movimiento excesivo de la misma.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    Mostra de poesia polonesa contemporània

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