104 research outputs found

    Intervening with Urinary Tract Infections Using Anti-Adhesives Based on the Crystal Structure of the FimH–Oligomannose-3 Complex

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    Escherichia coli strains adhere to the normally sterile human uroepithelium using type 1 pili, that are long, hairy surface organelles exposing a mannose-binding FimH adhesin at the tip. A small percentage of adhered bacteria can successfully invade bladder cells, presumably via pathways mediated by the high-mannosylated uroplakin-Ia and alpha3beta1 integrins found throughout the uroepithelium. Invaded bacteria replicate and mature into dense, biofilm-like inclusions in preparation of fluxing and of infection of neighbouring cells, being the major cause of the troublesome recurrent urinary tract infections.We demonstrate that alpha-D-mannose based inhibitors of FimH not only block bacterial adhesion on uroepithelial cells but also antagonize invasion and biofilm formation. Heptyl alpha-D-mannose prevents binding of type 1-piliated E. coli to the human bladder cell line 5637 and reduces both adhesion and invasion of the UTI89 cystitis isolate instilled in mouse bladder via catheterization. Heptyl alpha-D-mannose also specifically inhibited biofilm formation at micromolar concentrations. The structural basis of the great inhibitory potential of alkyl and aryl alpha-D-mannosides was elucidated in the crystal structure of the FimH receptor-binding domain in complex with oligomannose-3. FimH interacts with Man alpha1,3Man beta1,4GlcNAc beta1,4GlcNAc in an extended binding site. The interactions along the alpha1,3 glycosidic bond and the first beta1,4 linkage to the chitobiose unit are conserved with those of FimH with butyl alpha-D-mannose. The strong stacking of the central mannose with the aromatic ring of Tyr48 is congruent with the high affinity found for synthetic inhibitors in which this mannose is substituted for by an aromatic group.The potential of ligand-based design of antagonists of urinary tract infections is ruled by the structural mimicry of natural epitopes and extends into blocking of bacterial invasion, intracellular growth and capacity to fluxing and of recurrence of the infection

    Crystal structure, stability and in vitro RNAi activity of oligoribonucleotides containing the ribo-difluorotoluyl nucleotide: insights into substrate requirements by the human RISC Ago2 enzyme

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    Short interfering RNA (siRNA) duplexes are currently being evaluated as antisense agents for gene silencing. Chemical modification of siRNAs is widely expected to be required for therapeutic applications in order to improve delivery, biostability and pharmacokinetic properties. Beyond potential improvements in the efficacy of oligoribonucleotides, chemical modification may also provide insight into the mechanism of mRNA downregulation mediated by the RNA–protein effector complexes (RNA-induced silencing complex or RISC). We have studied the in vitro activity in HeLa cells of siRNA duplexes against firefly luciferase with substitutions in the guide strand of U for the apolar ribo-2,4-difluorotoluyl nucleotide (rF) [Xia, J. et al. (2006) ACS Chem. Biol., 1, 176–183] as well as of C for rF. Whereas an internal rF:A pair adjacent to the Ago2 (‘slicer’ enzyme) cleavage site did not affect silencing relative to the native siRNA duplex, the rF:G pair and other mismatches such as A:G or A:A were not tolerated. The crystal structure at atomic resolution determined for an RNA dodecamer duplex with rF opposite G manifests only minor deviations between the geometries of rF:G and the native U:G wobble pair. This is in contrast to the previously found, significant deviations between the geometries of rF:A and U:A pairs. Comparison between the structures of the RNA duplex containing rF:G and a new structure of an RNA with A:G mismatches with the structures of standard Watson–Crick pairs in canonical duplex RNA leads to the conclusion that local widening of the duplex formed by the siRNA guide strand and the targeted region of mRNA is the most likely reason for the intolerance of human Ago2 (hAgo2), the RISC endonuclease, toward internal mismatch pairs involving native or chemically modified RNA. Contrary to the influence of shape, the thermodynamic stabilities of siRNA duplexes with single rF:A, A:A, G:A or C:A (instead of U:A) or rF:G pairs (instead of C:G) show no obvious correlation with their activities. However, incorporation of three rF:A pairs into an siRNA duplex leads to loss of activity. Our structural and stability data also shed light on the role of organic fluorine as a hydrogen bond acceptor. Accordingly, UV melting (TM) data, osmotic stress measurements, X-ray crystallography at atomic resolution and the results of semi-empirical calculations are all consistent with the existence of weak hydrogen bonds between fluorine and the H-N1(G) amino group in rF:G pairs of the investigated RNA dodecamers

    Differential Substrate Specificity and Kinetic Behavior of Escherichia coli YfdW and Oxalobacter formigenes Formyl Coenzyme A Transferase▿ †

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    The yfdXWUVE operon appears to encode proteins that enhance the ability of Escherichia coli MG1655 to survive under acidic conditions. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenotypic behavior remain to be elucidated, findings from structural genomic studies have shown that the structure of YfdW, the protein encoded by the yfdW gene, is homologous to that of the enzyme that mediates oxalate catabolism in the obligate anaerobe Oxalobacter formigenes, O. formigenes formyl coenzyme A transferase (FRC). We now report the first detailed examination of the steady-state kinetic behavior and substrate specificity of recombinant, wild-type YfdW. Our studies confirm that YfdW is a formyl coenzyme A (formyl-CoA) transferase, and YfdW appears to be more stringent than the corresponding enzyme (FRC) in Oxalobacter in employing formyl-CoA and oxalate as substrates. We also report the effects of replacing Trp-48 in the FRC active site with the glutamine residue that occupies an equivalent position in the E. coli protein. The results of these experiments show that Trp-48 precludes oxalate binding to a site that mediates substrate inhibition for YfdW. In addition, the replacement of Trp-48 by Gln-48 yields an FRC variant for which oxalate-dependent substrate inhibition is modified to resemble that seen for YfdW. Our findings illustrate the utility of structural homology in assigning enzyme function and raise the question of whether oxalate catabolism takes place in E. coli upon the up-regulation of the yfdXWUVE operon under acidic conditions
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