29 research outputs found

    BAFF system expression in double negative 2, activated naïve and activated memory B cells in systemic lupus erythematosus

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    IntroductionB cell activating factor (BAFF) has an important role in normal B cell development. The aberrant expression of BAFF is related with the autoimmune diseases development like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) for promoting self-reactive B cells survival. BAFF functions are exerted through its receptors BAFF-R (BR3), transmembrane activator calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI) and B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) that are reported to have differential expression on B cells in SLE. Recently, atypical B cells that express CD11c have been associated with SLE because they are prone to develop into antibody-secreting cells, however the relationship with BAFF remains unclear. This study aims to analyze the BAFF system expression on CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets double negative 2 (DN2), activated naïve (aNAV), switched memory (SWM) and unswitched memory (USM) B cells.MethodsForty-five SLE patients and 15 healthy subjects (HS) were included. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate the expression of the receptors in the B cell subpopulations. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to quantify the soluble levels of BAFF (sBAFF) and IL-21.ResultsWe found increased frequency of CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, aNAV, SWM and USM B cells in SLE patients compared to HS. SLE patients had increased expression of membrane BAFF (mBAFF) and BCMA receptor in classic B cell subsets (DN, NAV, SWM and USM). Also, the CXCR5+ CD11c- DN1, resting naïve (rNAV), SWM and USM B cell subsets showed higher mBAFF expression in SLE. CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subpopulations DN2, SWM and USM B cells showed strong correlations with the expression of BAFF receptors. The atypical B cells DN2 in SLE showed significant decreased expression of TACI, which correlated with higher IL-21 levels. Also, lower expression of TACI in atypical B cell DN2 was associated with high disease activity.DiscussionThese results suggest a participation of the BAFF system in CXCR5- CD11c+ atypical B cell subsets in SLE patients. Decreased TACI expression on atypical B cells DN2 correlated with high disease activity in SLE patients supporting the immunoregulatory role of TACI in autoimmunity

    Intervención de urbanismo táctico para la implementación de cruces seguros

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    A lo largo de este reporte se informa sobre las distintas labores, investigaciones y visitas de campo que se llevan a cabo en el Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional de Movilidad en el periodo de primavera 2021. Durante el cual se abordó la problemática de movilidad urbana y falta de infraestructura que cotidianamente experimentan los usuarios que atraviesan el cruce de Av. Ramón Corona, Colegiales, Libertad y C. Degollado, denominado “Área de intervención”, ubicado en la colonia Mexicaltzingo, Guadalajara, Jal. La confluencia de diferentes dinámicas de las unidades transporte público colectivo en la zona, así como la falta de regulación y organización de las mismas generan un evidente desorden en materia de movilidad en el cruce de las calles anteriormente mencionadas, dicha problemática sumada a la ausencia infraestructura y señalética urbana adecuada que dote de claridad al espacio, pone en riesgo la vida de miles de usuarios que hacen uso del mismo diariamente, especialmente al peatón ya que la complejidad de la intersección de varias vialidades sumado a las falta de claridad en el espacio y los movimientos de transporte motorizado generan cruces inseguros entre vialidades que exponen al peatón. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es generar una intervención de urbanismo táctico así como una propuesta formal de implementación de cruces seguros en la intersección anteriormente mencionada, esto con la finalidad de organizar los movimientos peatonales en vialidades del área de intervención. La propuesta desarrollada podrá servir como un incentivo para que las autoridades correspondientes intervengan y ejecuten un proyecto de urbanismo permanente en base a la intervención de urbanismo táctico y la propuesta formal generada como resultado de este proyecto. Utilizamos una metodología de investigación mixta, por un lado utilizamos un abordaje cuantitativo para observar elementos medibles en el espacio, mientras que el abordaje cualitativo fue útil para obtener información acerca de la calidad del mismo.ITESO, A.C

    Complex evolutionary history of the Mexican stoneroller Campostoma ornatum Girard, 1856 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies of the phylogeography of Mexican species are steadily revealing genetic patterns shared by different species, which will help to unravel the complex biogeographic history of the region. <it>Campostoma ornatum </it>is a freshwater fish endemic to montane and semiarid regions in northwest Mexico and southern Arizona. Its wide range of distribution and the previously observed morphological differentiation between populations in different watersheds make this species a useful model to investigate the biogeographic role of the Sierra Madre Occidental and to disentangle the actions of Pliocene tecto-volcanic processes <it>vs </it>Quaternary climatic change. Our phylogeographic study was based on DNA sequences from one mitochondrial gene (<it>cytb</it>, 1110 bp, n = 285) and two nuclear gene regions (S7 and RAG1, 1822 bp in total, n = 56 and 43, respectively) obtained from 18 to 29 localities, in addition to a morphological survey covering the entire distribution area. Such a dataset allowed us to assess whether any of the populations/lineages sampled deserve to be categorised as an evolutionarily significant unit.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found two morphologically and genetically well-differentiated groups within <it>C. ornatum</it>. One is located in the northern river drainages (Yaqui, Mayo, Fuerte, Sonora, Casas Grandes, Santa Clara and Conchos) and another one is found in the southern drainages (Nazas, Aguanaval and Piaxtla). The split between these two lineages took place about 3.9 Mya (CI = 2.1-5.9). Within the northern lineage, there was strong and significant inter-basin genetic differentiation and also several secondary dispersal episodes whit gene homogenization between drainages. Interestingly, three divergent mitochondrial lineages were found in sympatry in two northern localities from the Yaqui river basin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that there was isolation between the northern and southern phylogroups since the Pliocene, which was related to the formation of the ancient Nazas River paleosystem, where the southern group originated. Within groups, a complex reticulate biogeographic history for <it>C. ornatum </it>populations emerges, following the taxon pulse theory and mainly related with Pliocene tecto-volcanic processes. In the northern group, several events of vicariance promoted by river or drainage isolation episodes were found, but within both groups, the phylogeographic patterns suggest the occurrence of several events of river capture and fauna interchange. The Yaqui River supports the most diverse populations of <it>C. ornatum</it>, with several events of dispersal and isolation within the basin. Based on our genetic results, we defined three ESUs within <it>C. ornatum </it>as a first attempt to promote the conservation of the evolutionary processes determining the genetic diversity of this species. They will likely be revealed as a valuable tool for freshwater conservation policies in northwest Mexico, where many environmental problems concerning the use of water have rapidly arisen in recent decades.</p

    Planeamiento estratégico para la provincia de Arequipa

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    El presente trabajo desarrolla el plan estratégico de la provincia de Arequipa, que posee un alto potencial por aprovechar, representados principalmente en sus recursos turísticos y ubicación geográfica estratégica, aspectos que con un adecuado plan de desarrollo en infraestructura podrían generar un mayor dinamismo económico. La metodología utilizada para la formulación de este plan estratégico consideró el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico desarrollado por el profesor Fernando D’Alessio. Para ello, se verificó información bibliográfica disponible a partir de la cual se pudo conocer la situación actual de la provincia de Arequipa. Luego, se efectuó un análisis externo e interno, con el propósito de establecer objetivos de corto y largo plazo, que se llevarán a cabo con la formulación, implementación y evaluación de estrategias, para alcanzar la visión planteada. Esta indica que, al 2028, Arequipa sea la primera provincia en el Perú que represente un modelo en Latinoamérica, ofreciendo dinamismo comercial, gastronómico, hotelero y turístico, como también mejorando su agroindustria como en aumento de la exportación del orégano; permitiendo incrementar los pilares de competitividad, economía, gobierno e infraestructura. El cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados a corto y largo plazo permitirá alcanzar el logro de la visión. Mediante la aplicación del presente plan estratégico, la provincia de Arequipa se consolidará como un modelo referencial para la economía nacional y mundialThe present work develops the strategic plan for the province of Arequipa, which has a high potential to take advantage, represented mainly in its tourist resources and strategic geographic location, aspects that with an adequate development plan in infrastructure could generate a greater economic dynamism. The methodology used for the formulation of this strategic plan, considered the Sequential Model of the Strategic Process developed by Professor Fernando D'Alessio. To do this, available bibliographic information was revised from which the current situation could be determined for the province of Arequipa. Then, an external and internal analysis was carried out, with the purpose of establishing short and long-term objectives, which will be carried out with the formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategies, in order to achieve the proposed vision. This indicates that, by 2028, Arequipa is the first province in Peru that represents a model in Latin America, offering commercial, gastronomic, hotel and tourism dynamism, as well as improving its agroindustry through the export of oregano; allowing to increase the pillars of competitiveness, economy, government and infrastructure. The fulfillment of the objectives set in the short and long term will allow the achievement of the vision. Through the application of this strategic plan, the province of Arequipa will be consolidated as a reference model for the national and global economyTesi

    Genetic and morphometric analysis of Chione californiensis and C. subimbricata (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from the Mexican East Pacific and Gulf of California

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    Con el objetivo de caracterizar genética y morfométricamente algunas poblaciones de Chione californiensis y C. subimbricata de las costas del Golfo de California y el Pacífico bajacaliforniano, se realizaron electroforesis de alozimas en 23 sistemas enzimáticos y análisis morfométricos con 14 caracteres de la valva izquierda. Los análisis alozímicos revelaron un grado de heterocigosidad mayor a 40% en todas las poblaciones y debido a que algunos loci se desviaron significativamente de la Ley de Hardy-Weinberg, se plantea que se encuentran en desequilibrio. El indice de fijación para las poblaciones de C. californiensis indicó poca estructuración genética (FST = 0.045, Nm = 0.363) debido a que el flujo genético está limitado por la ubicación y las condiciones geográficas de las localidades en donde se recolectaron las poblaciones estudiadas. La distancia genética de Nei agrupó a las dos poblaciones más sureñas de C. californiensis y corroboró la relación sistemática de esta especie respecto a C. subimbricata. El análisis morfométrico logró evidenciar diferencias intra e interpoblacionales, así como también la relación sistemática entre ambas especies. Se identificaron seis variables morfométricas que contribuyeron en mayor medida a esta diferenciación y se obtuvieron distancias morfométricas de Mahalanobis que reflejaron diferencias en la morfometría de las dos poblaciones de C. californiensis del Golfo de California y la población del Pacífico. Los resultados generados en ambos tipos de análisis respaldaron la agrupación de estas especies dentro del subgénero Chione propuesto por Keen (1971). For the genetic and morphometric characterization of three populations of Chione californiensis and one of C. subimbricata from the Pacific Baja California and Gulf of California coastlines (Mexico), allozyme electrophoresis was performed in 23 enzymatic systems and 14 morphometric characters were analyzed. The allozymic analysis indicated a heterozygosity of more than 40% in all the populations and since some loci deviated significantly from the Hardy-Weinberg law, disequilibrium is proposed. The fixation index for the populations of C. californiensis showed little genetic structure (FST = 0.045, Nm = 0.363) because gene flow is limited by the location and geographic conditions of the sites from where they were collected. Nei|00E2|??s genetic distance grouped the two southernmost populations of C. californiensis and corroborated the systematic relationship of this species with C. subimbricata. The discriminant function analysis revealed intra- and interpopulation differences, as well as the systematic relationship between both species. Six morphometric variables were identified that contributed most to this differentiation and the Mahalanobis morphometric distances indicated differences in the morphometry of the two C. californiensis populations from the Gulf of California and the population from the Pacific. The results generated by both analyses support the inclusion of these species within the subgenus Chione proposed by Keen (1971)

    Vibration Signal Processing-Based Detection of Short-Circuited Turns in Transformers: A Nonlinear Mode Decomposition Approach

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    Transformers are vital and indispensable elements in electrical systems, and therefore, their correct operation is fundamental; despite being robust electrical machines, they are susceptible to present different types of faults during their service life. Although there are different faults, the fault of short-circuited turns (SCTs) has attracted the interest of many researchers around the world since the windings in a transformer are one of the most vulnerable parts. In this regard, several works in literature have analyzed the vibration signals that generate a transformer as a source of information to carry out fault diagnosis; however this analysis is not an easy task since the information associated with the fault is embedded in high level noise. This problem becomes more difficult when low levels of fault severity are considered. In this work, as the main contribution, the nonlinear mode decomposition (NMD) method is investigated as a potential signal processing technique to extract features from vibration signals, and thus, detect SCTs in transformers, even in early stages, i.e., low levels of fault severity. Also, the instantaneous root mean square (RMS) value computed using the Hilbert transform is proposed as a fault indicator, demonstrating to be sensitive to fault severity. Finally, a fuzzy logic system is developed for automatic fault diagnosis. To test the proposal, a modified transformer representing diverse levels of SCTs is used. These levels consist of 0 (healthy condition), 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 SCTs. Results demonstrate the capability of the proposal to extract features from vibration signals and perform automatic fault diagnosis