7 research outputs found

    Los valores y estilos de vida de los jóvenes como factores de influencia en el consumo de alimentos internacionales

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    This article aims to identify if psychographic factors, such as life values and lifestyles, affect the attitude of young people who consume international food. For this reason, we carried out univariate and multivariate analyses in order to determine the psychographic profile of a young consumer. The main findings show a segmentation based on two groups: self-orientation –that is made by two life values and lifestyles called experimenter and doer– and fighters and innovators. Likewise, we found, taking as a reference the VALS scale, that the influence of the cultural difference is high.El objetivo de este artículo es identificar si los factores psicográficos, como los valores y estilos de vida, influyen en las actitudes de los consumidores jóvenes de alimentos internacionales. Para ello, se realizan análisis univariantes y multivariantes, a partir de los cuales se determina el perfil psicográfico del consumidor joven. Los principales hallazgos muestran una segmentación basada en dos grupos, los denominados autoorientación, que está compuesto de dos valores y estilos de vida denominados los experimentadores y hacedores, y los luchadores e innovadores. Asimismo, tomando como referencia la escala de VALS, se encontró que la influencia de diferencias culturales es alta

    Organic food consumer behavior in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

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    Objective: Describe and characterize the behavior of organic food consumers, to define if there is a potential market in Hermosillo, Sonora. Design/methodology/approach: Questionnaires were applied to consumers at points of sale and the data was analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: There is a segment that knows and buys organic products, which is not satisfied with the local supply of fruits and vegetables. In addition, purchases are intensified by consumers who take care of their diet, their health and who show positive attitudes towards the environment. Limitations on study/implications: Focuses on a geographic area, so the extrapolation of the results must be taken with caution. Findings/conclusions: In general, there is potential for local demand for organic produce. It is necessary to use appropriate marketing and segmentation strategies aimed at the profile found, so that merchants and farmers can position their products in the market.Objective: To describe and characterize the behavior of organic food consumers in Hermosillo, Sonora, in order to identify whether this location constitutes a potential market for said products.Design/Methodology/Approach: We asked consumers at points of purchase to answer a questionnaire. Then we analyzed the resulting data with descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: There is a market segment acquainted with organic products and willing to buy them. This segment is unsatisfied with the local offer of fruits and vegetables. The purchase of organic food increases amongconsumers who care about their diet and health, and who show positive attitudes toward the environment.Study limitations/Implications: The study focuses on a specific geographic area. Therefore, extrapolation of results must be done cautiously.Findings/Conclusions: Overall, there is a potential local demand for organic fruits and vegetables. Adequate marketing and segmentation strategies are necessary to address the identified consumer profile so that traders and farmers can position their products in the market

    Alimentos tradicionales en sonora, méxico: factores que influyen en su consumo

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    La alimentación se considera un fenómeno biocultural, ya que cumple funciones biológicasde supervivencia y se basa en componentes culturales que se encuentran asociados a lospatrones de consumo de los individuos. Desde el punto de vista de marketing, los elementos culturales,junto con las características de los productos, así como sus valores simbólicos, emocionales,de seguridad, de riesgo percibido y personales, pueden llegar a condicionar las elecciones y preferenciasde los individuos. Cuando se trata de alimentos tradicionales, resulta probable que la conjugaciónde elementos culturales y del producto se vuelvan fundamentales en las decisiones de losconsumidores. Al analizar alimentos tradicionales/típicos, se los puede identificar desde una visión“nacional”; sin embargo, se trata de una perspectiva muy generalista, ya que dentro de un mismoterritorio existe una amplia variabilidad alimentaria. Los componentes y características regionalestambién pueden variar y favorecer con ello la formación de una identidad gastronómica regional.En esta línea, la investigación que se realiza se centra específicamente en los alimentos tradicionalesde Sonora -estado ubicado al noroeste de México-, en donde existe una cocina que mantieneelementos en común con la tradicional cocina mexicana, pero que a su vez tiene un sentido emblemáticoy de identidad regional. En este contexto, el objetivo general de esta investigación esanalizar la influencia que ejercen distintos atributos sobre la satisfacción del consumidor respectoa los alimentos tradicionales sonorenses. Para ello, primero se analiza cómo la calidad extrínsecaafecta la seguridad y confianza alimentaria, y cómo a su vez la seguridad, confianza y convenienciaalimentaria influyen sobre la satisfacción del consumidor. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se harealizado un muestreo aleatorio estratificado considerando la edad y el género como los criterios dereferencia de cada segmento, con un error muestral del 2.9% en tres ciudades del estado (Guaymas,Nogales y Hermosillo). La encuesta se aplicó a 1129 consumidores en el año 2009. La metodologíautilizada para identificar los alimentos tradicionales y hábitos de compra y consumo fue por mediode análisis descriptivos y bivariantes, en tanto que para examinar las relaciones causales que existenentre el nivel de satisfacción y los elementos culturales, atributos extrínsecos del producto ypercepciones del consumidor, se planteó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales con la técnica deMínimos Cuadrados Parciales (modelos PLS )

    Characterization of the preferences towards jalapeño peppers from the perspective of the Sonoran consumers

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    Objective: To announce from the perspective of the Sonoran consumer, their buying and consumption habits, the attitudes and attributes that they most value in jalapeño peppers. Design / Methodology / Approach: It was carried out in three phases, the first consisted of the design of a questionnaire, the second, it was applied to a sample of 200 consumers, and finally, univariate (mean and mode) and bivariate analysis were obtained (Chi -square). Results: The findings show that for Sonoran consumer, flavor is a key element in the consumption of jalapeño peppers, there is a trend towards frequent consumption, although the portions are moderate since they are usually less than half a kilogram. It was identified that for the consumer it is important that the chili is not damaged or beatenon the exterior, and they prefer the chili in dark green color over other presentations. In particular, there is an intermediate willingness to pay that ranges between 10 and 20 pesos per kilogram. The frequent consumer of jalapeño peppers is those under the age of 40, accentuating in segments of 18 to 24 years, with a medium income level. In this segment there is a preference towards the smell and itching that the chili presents. Study limitations / implications: The study is limited to the northwestern region of Mexico. The information obtained provides guidelines to deepen the knowledge of this product from a market perspective. Value added strategies can be oriented to an increase in the external quality of the product.Objective: To assess the Sonoran (Mexico) consumer perspective regard their buyinghabits, consumption and the attitudes and attributes they most valued from jalapeñopepper.Design / Methodology / Approach: The assessment took place in three phases. Thefirst consisted of the design of a questionnaire, the second its application to a sample ofn = 200 consumers and finally univariate (means and modes) and bivariate (Chi-square)analyzes on the obtained data.Results: The flavor is a key element in the consumption of jalapeño peppers. There is atendency towards frequent consumption, although the portions are measured since theyare usually less than 0.5 kg. It was identified that for the consumer it is important nodamage or browning is visible on the external appearance of the peppers, and that theyprefer peppers of a dark green color over another coloring. Specifically, there is awillingness to pay between 0.5and 0.5 and 1.0 US per kilo. The frequent consumers ofjalapeño pepper are under 40 years old, accentuated in the 18 to 24 years old segment,with medium income level. In this segment, there is the preference for aroma andhotness (pungency) that the chili peppers have.Study limitations / implications: This study is limited to consumers from thenorthwestern region of Mexico. The obtained information provides guidelines to deepenthe knowledge of this product from their market perspective. The added- valuestrategies should be aimed to increase the external quality of the product

    Competitive Positioning of Mexican Pork in Japan

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    Historically, Mexico has distinguished itself by its strong participation in exports to the US market; however, the pork sector’s main destination is the Asian market, particularly Japan. Hence, this document aims to show the competitive position of Mexican pork in Japan during the period of 2000–2020, particularly by using Mexico, the United States, Canada, Denmark, and Chile as selected countries and considering these as the leading purveyors in the supply chain to the Japanese market. To achieve the proposed objective, a competitiveness analysis is developed through the Comparative Export Advantage methodology, strengthening it through the Constant Market Share (CMS). The results convey the growing competitiveness that Mexico is gaining in pork trade for the Japanese market, as well as globally. In addition, this research suggests that Mexican pork producers take the necessary steps toward increasing their level of competitiveness

    Alimentos tradicionales en Sonora, México: factores que influyen en su consumo

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    La alimentación se considera un fenómeno biocultural, ya que cumple funciones biológicas de supervivencia y se basa en componentes culturales que se encuentran asociados a los patrones de consumo de los individuos. Desde el punto de vista de marketing, los elementos culturales, junto con las características de los productos, así como sus valores simbólicos, emocionales, de seguridad, de riesgo percibido y personales, pueden llegar a condicionar las elecciones y preferencias de los individuos. Cuando se trata de alimentos tradicionales, resulta probable que la conjugación de elementos culturales y del producto se vuelvan fundamentales en las decisiones de los consumidores. Al analizar alimentos tradicionales/típicos, se los puede identificar desde una visión “nacional”; sin embargo, se trata de una perspectiva muy generalista, ya que dentro de un mismo territorio existe una amplia variabilidad alimentaria. Los componentes y características regionales también pueden variar y favorecer con ello la formación de una identidad gastronómica regional. En esta línea, la investigación que se realiza se centra específicamente en los alimentos tradicionales de Sonora -estado ubicado al noroeste de México-, en donde existe una cocina que mantiene elementos en común con la tradicional cocina mexicana, pero que a su vez tiene un sentido emblemático y de identidad regional. En este contexto, el objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar la influencia que ejercen distintos atributos sobre la satisfacción del consumidor respecto a los alimentos tradicionales sonorenses. Para ello, primero se analiza cómo la calidad extrínseca afecta la seguridad y confianza alimentaria, y cómo a su vez la seguridad, confianza y conveniencia alimentaria influyen sobre la satisfacción del consumidor. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se ha realizado un muestreo aleatorio estratificado considerando la edad y el género como los criterios de referencia de cada segmento, con un error muestral del 2.9% en tres ciudades del estado (Guaymas, Nogales y Hermosillo). La encuesta se aplicó a 1129 consumidores en el año 2009. La metodología utilizada para identificar los alimentos tradicionales y hábitos de compra y consumo fue por medio de análisis descriptivos y bivariantes, en tanto que para examinar las relaciones causales que existen entre el nivel de satisfacción y los elementos culturales, atributos extrínsecos del producto y percepciones del consumidor, se planteó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales con la técnica de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (modelos PLS)

    Consumer Preferences of Jalapeño Pepper in the Mexican Market

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    The jalapeño pepper is one of the best-known and most commonly consumed chili peppers in Mexico; its consumption is a tradition that dates to the first migrations of Europeans to the country. With time, its demand has increased, although in recent years its consumption presented a stabilization and stagnation. This work aimed to determine the preferences of Mexican consumers for jalapeño pepper, taking as a reference quality attributes and motivations that influence their purchasing and consumption habits, under the hypothesis that consumers in each region seek a certain type of jalapeño pepper based on specific quality attributes. In total, 1200 surveys were carried out in five regions of the country. The analysis of the information was performed using the ANOVA test, correspondence analysis, and multidimensional scaling. The main results of this study show that although there is a tendency towards frequent consumption, each purchase weighs less than 500 g. In the same way, the physical appearance of the product is fundamental at the time of purchase, in addition to other attributes such as flavor, color, and size, which are highly valued by consumers. Although there are similar consumption patterns, purchasing behaviors change by region, which can serve as a basis and spearhead for the development of differentiated strategies in the production and marketing of the product