104 research outputs found

    Development and validation of the alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire Short Form (EQ-SF)

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    Las expectativas sobre los efectos del alcohol son una variable proximal al consumo de alcohol. Uno de los instrumentos más usados y recomendados para evaluar este constructo es el Expectancy Questionnaire (EQ; Leigh y Stacy, 1993). El objetivo es desarrollar una versión corta del EQ (EQ-SF) útil para administraciones en las que el tiempo de evaluación es reducido. Dos muestras, una de adolescentes (N = 514, 57,20% mujeres) y una de adultos (N = 548, 61,50% mujeres), completaron el EQ y diversas medidas sobre consumo de alcohol. Se utilizaron diversas estrategias para seleccionar los 24 ítems. Se exploró la estructura del EQ-SF mediante análisis factoriales confirmatorios y la invarianza de medida entre sexos y grupos de edad realizando análisis multigrupo. Se calculó la fiabilidad de las escalas mediante el alfa de Cronbach y el coeficiente omega, y la validez concurrente a través de análisis de regresión. La invariancia entre grupos fue aceptable. Los coeficientes alfa y omega iban de ,77 a ,93. Las expectativas positivas predijeron la cantidad de alcohol consumida y los problemas derivados del consumo, mientras que las negativas predijeron los problemas derivados. Sexo y edad moderaron estas asociaciones. Los hombres con elevadas expectativas positivas bebían más que las mujeres, mientras que los adultos con elevadas expectativas negativas mostraron mayores problemas derivados del consumo que los adolescentes. Las diferentes fuentes de evidencia sobre la validez y fiabilidad del EQ-SF sugieren que es un instrumento adecuado para evaluar las expectativas sobre los efectos del alcohol en población española.Alcohol expectancies are proximal variables to alcohol use and misuse. In recent decades, different measures have been developed to assess this construct. One of the most frequently used and recommended instruments is the Expectancy Questionnaire (EQ; Leigh y Stacy, 1993). Our aim is to develop a short version of the EQ (EQ-SF) for suitable use in time-limited administrations. Two samples, adolescents (N = 514, 57.20% females) and adults (N = 548, 61.50% females), completed the EQ together with alcohol-use measures. Different item selection strategies were applied to select the 24 items. The EQ-SF structure was explored using confirmatory factor analysis, and measurement invariance was tested running a multi-group analysis comparing groups by sex and age. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha and omega coefficients. Concurrent validity was investigated with regression analyses. The EQ-SF showed acceptable between-groups measurement invariance. Alphas and omegas ranged from .77 to .93. Positive expectancies predicted both alcohol use and alcohol-related problems. Negative expectancies predicted alcohol-related problems. Sex and age moderated these associations. Males with high positive alcohol expectancies showed higher alcohol consumption than females, while adults with high negative alcohol expectancies showed greater alcohol-related problems than adolescents. Different evidence on the validity and reliability of the EQ-SF suggest that it is a suitable instrument to assess alcohol expectancies in the Spanish population

    Estructura factorial de la escala de psicopatía LSRP y su relación con el modelo de personalidad de cinco factores

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    Entre los cuestionarios más utilizados para evaluar la psicopatía se encuentran la Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) y la Leverson’s Self-Report Psychopaty Scale (LSPR). Clásicamente, de la factorización de ambas se han obtenido un primer factor que reflejaría las características interpersonales y emocionales de la psicopatía; y un segundo factor que reflejaría un componente más conductual, de impulsividad. Estudios recientes realizados con la PCL-R apuntan a la división de este primer factor en dos, el primero comprendería características de baja empatía o ausencia de remordimientos (emocional); y el segundo las características de manipulación y sensación grandiosa de autovalía (interpersonal). Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar la estructura factorial de la escala LSPR en una muestra de 336 estudiantes universitarios, así como ver la relación de cada uno de los factores obtenidos con la personalidad. En tiempo 1 (T1) los estudiantes completaron el NEO-FFI que evalúa cinco dimensiones de personalidad según el modelo de Costa y McCrae. Cinco años más tarde, en tiempo 2 (T2), completaron la LSPR. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y el análisis paralelo mostraron la existencia de tres factores que se corresponderían con los obtenidos mediante la PCL-R en estudios previos. Los análisis de correlaciones mostraron que la baja amabilidad (A) evaluada en T1 se asociaba principalmente con las características interpersonales de la psicopatía (T2); la baja responsabilidad (C), la introversión, el neuroticismo (N) y la baja A correlacionaban con el factor de impulsividad de T2; mientras que el bajo N, la baja A y la baja C se asociaban con el factor emocional cinco años más tarde. Los resultados del AFE, así como las distintas relaciones de la personalidad con cada uno de los factores apoyan la existencia de tres componentes diferenciales a tener en cuenta a la hora de conceptualizar la psicopatía.Among the most widely used questionnaires to assess psychopathy include the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and Leverson Psychopaty's Self-Report Scale (LSPR). Classically, both factoring have obtained a first factor reflecting interpersonal and emotional characteristics of psychopathy, and a second factor reflect a behavioral component of impulsivity. Recent studies with the PCL-R point to the division of this first factor of two, the first to understand characteristics of low empathy or lack of remorse (emotional), and the second handling characteristics and great feeling of self-worth (interpersonal). Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the factor structure of the scale LSPR in a sample of 336 college students and see the relationship of each of the factors obtained with the personality. At time 1 (T1) students completed the NEO-FFI assesses five personality dimensions on the model of Costa and McCrae. Five years later, at time 2 (T2), completed the LSPR. The results of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and parallel analysis showed the existence of three factors that would correspond to those obtained by the PCL-R in previous studies. The correlation analysis showed that low Kindness (A) evaluated at T1 was associated primarily with interpersonal characteristics of psychopathy (T2), the low responsibility (C), introversion, neuroticism (N) and low A correlated with impulsivity factor T2, while the low N, low A and low C were associated with emotional factor five years later. The results of the AFE, and the various relationships of personality to each of the factors support the existence of three differential components to consider when conceptualizing psychopathy

    Adaptación española del cuestionario de las conductas antinormativas de los amigos (DPS) en adolescentes

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    Durante la adolescencia, el grupo de amigos se convierte en el apoyo e influencia principal de los jóvenes. Por tanto, cuando en el grupo de amigos existen conductas antinormativas (fuera de la norma, delictivas y antisociales), podemos encontrar en los adolescentes conductas de riesgo hacia la propia salud (p.e. consumo de alcohol). Esta relación, con amigos antinormativos, parece ser más fuerte en chicos que en chicas. En el presente trabajo, exploraremos el Deviant Peer Scale (DPS) que evalúa las conductas antinormativas de los amigos. Para ello, pasamos el cuestionario a 517 jóvenes estudiantes de la ESO, la muestra estaba compuesta por un 43% de chicos y un 57% de chicas, cuya media de edad era de 15,31 años. Los resultados indicaron que dos factores explican la varianza principal significativa y que existen diferencias entre las respuestas de los chicos y las chicasDuring adolescence, the peer group becomes the main support and influence young people. Therefore, when the group of friends there antinormativas behaviors (outside the norm, criminal and deviant), can be found in adolescents risk behaviors to their own health (eg alcohol). This relationship, with friends antinormative, appears to be stronger in boys than girls. In this paper, we explore the Deviant Peer Scale (DPS) that evaluates antinormativas behaviors of friends. To do this, pass the questionnaire to 517 young students of ESO, the sample was composed by 43% of boys and 57% of girls, whose average age was 15.31 years. The results indicated that two factors explain the main variance and that there are significant differences between the responses of boys and girl

    Relación entre Inteligencia y Funciones Ejecutivas

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    A pesar de que el término de "funciones ejecutivas" apareció pretendiendo ser un constructo unitario e independiente, la evidencia de los últimos años demuestra que se solapa en gran parte con el constructo "inteligencia". A este problema se le suma la falta de consenso por definir las funciones ejecutivas, lo cual ha generado debate e investigación por aclarar ambos conceptos. Se ha visto que no todas las funciones ejecutivas están recogidas por los tests de inteligencia, por lo que tampoco se puede hablar de términos intercambiables. En el presente estudio se explora la relación existente entre la inteligencia, estimada mediante dos subescalas del WAIS, y diferentes pruebas neuropsicológicas: WMS-R, WCST y CPT. Los resultados van en la línea de que el aspecto más relacionado con inteligencia sería la memoria de trabajo, y la relación existente con las demás pruebas neuropsicológicas se deben más al nivel de ejecución que a la función ejecutiva evaluada.Although the term "executive functions" appeared pretending to be a unitary construct and independent evidence in recent years shows that largely overlaps with the construct "intelligence". This problem is compounded by the lack of consensus in defining the executive functions, which has generated debate and research to clarify both concepts. We have seen that not all executive functions are gathered by intelligence tests, so you can not talk of interchangeable terms. In the present study explores the relationship between intelligence, estimated by two subscales of WAIS, and different neuropsychological tests: WMS-R, WCST and CPT. The results are in line with the aspect that intelligence is related to working memory, and the relationship with other neuropsychological tests are due more to run level that assessed executive function

    Five-Factor Model and alcohol outcomes: Mediating and moderating role 4 of alcohol expectancies

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Five-Factor Model of personality and alcohol expectancies (AEs) with different alcohol outcomes. The sample was composed of 738 participants (63.7% females). Path and regression analyses were performed to test the mediation and moderation effects. The results indicated that Neuroticism was related to alcohol consumption through Positive Alcohol Expectancies, and that Negative Alcohol Expectancies, but also Positive Alcohol Expectancies, partially mediated the relationship of Neuroticism to alcohol-related problems. In addition, Positive Alcohol Expectancies partially mediated the associations of extraversion and low conscientiousness with weekend Standard Drink Units (SDUs), and they completely mediated the associations of these personality variables with alcohol-related problems. Additional direct paths were found from low agreeableness to weekly SDUs and alcohol-related problems; and from low openness to weekend SDUs. Moderation effects of alcohol expectancies on personality and both alcohol use and alcohol-related problems were also found. The present research contributes new evidence on the influence of the five factors of personality on alcohol outcomes, and the mediation/moderation role of alcohol expectancies. These findings can be useful to develop prevention/intervention programmes.Funding for this study has been provided by research projects 386 PNSD2009-019 from the Spanish Ministry of Health, P1·1B2010- 387 40 and P1·1B2011-47 from Bancaixa-Universitat Jaume I

    An Investigation of Five Types of Personality Trait Continuity: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study of Spanish Adolescents from Age 12 to Age 15

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    The present study investigated five types of personality trait continuity using two measurement waves of Spanish adolescents (N = 234). Personality traits were measured with the short form of the Junior Spanish NEO-PI-R (JS NEO-S) at ages 12 and 15. The results showed stability in the personality trait structure, as well as decreases in the mean levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. The results also showed moderate rank-order consistency. Individual-level changes were more pronounced for neuroticism and conscientiousness. Approximately 90% of the participants showed ipsative consistency. The findings showed some personality trait changes occurred from age 12 to 15, but the changes were less marked than expected during this period of biological and social development. Our results also support the disruption hypothesis, as we found dips in conscientiousness and, to a lesser degree, agreeableness.This research has been funded by grant PSI2008-05988 from the Spanish Ministry of Science

    A reduction in pain intensity is more strongly associated with improved physical functioning in frustration tolerant individuals: a longitudinal moderation study in chronic pain patients

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    Objective: the onset and chronification of pain often has devastating consequences on the physical and mental functioning of individuals. Medical interventions are quite efficacious in reducing pain levels. However, changes in physical and mental health status after medical interventions are not proportional. In the past decades, rational/irrational beliefs, especially catastrophizing, have contributed to a better understanding of the pain experience. This study explores whether pain reduction efforts are more beneficial for individuals scoring high in rational thinking (moderation). Methods: the study design was longitudinal. Patients were assessed twice, 2 weeks prior to the start of medical treatment at the pain clinic and 6 months after. A total of 163 patients with heterogeneous pain (mostly low back and neck pain) participated in the study. Their mean age was 58.74 years (SD = 14.28) and 61.3% were female. Results: Overall, there was a reduction in pain intensity (t = 4.25, p < 0.001, d = 0.32). An improvement in physical functioning (t = 4.02, p < 0.001, d = 0.19), but not mental health (t = -0.66, p = 0.511, d = 0.11) was also observed. In the regression analyses, a decrease in pain intensity was moderately associated with improved physical health (beta = 0.87, t = 4.96, p < 0.001, R-2 change = 0.177). This association was found to be moderated by frustration tolerance (beta = -0.49, t = -2.80, p = 0.006, R-2 change = 0.039). Specifically, post hoc analyses indicated that changes in pain intensity only correlated with changes in physical health when patients reported high frustration tolerance levels (r = 0.47, p = 0.006, M = 7, n = 32), but not when patients were intolerant to frustration (r = 0.28, p = 0.078, M = 17, n = 41). Conclusion: the results suggest that frustration tolerance may render adaptive by facilitating the positive effect that a reduction in pain intensity has on physical health status. The study findings are discussed in the context of personalized therapy with an emphasis on how to maximize the effectiveness of current interventions for pain
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