7 research outputs found

    Effect of barriers and distance on song, genetic, and morphological divergence in the highland endemic Timberline Wren (Thryorchilus browni, Troglodytidae)

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    Populations may become isolated by distance, geographic barriers or both. Isolated populations often diverge in behavioral, morphological and genetic traits as a result of reduced inter-population gene flow. Highland species commonly present naturally fragmented distributions that confine populations to the highest mountain peaks, isolated by mountain passes and distance. The endemic Timberline Wren (Thryorchilus browni) inhabits the highlands of the Talamanca mountain range, including western Panama, and the highest peak in the Central Volcanic mountain range of Costa Rica. Using microsatellites and song recordings we studied the effect of a geographic barrier and distance on song, genetic and morphological divergence among four populations in Costa Rica. A lowland mountain pass resulted in the largest genetic, vocal, and morphological (bill length) differences among populations, likely due to reduce the gene flow. Cultural drift and assortative mating by females selecting songs from their own population likely accentuates the effect of isolation and limited gene flow between populations. This pattern of population divergence has been found in other Neotropical highland birds, but over larger geographical scales. We conclude that mountain passes and distance both reduce gene flow between populations in recently-isolated highland species with restricted distributions.Universidad de Costa Rica/[]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Are cognitive abilities under selection by female choice? A comment on Chen et al. (2019)

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    A recent paper by Chen et al. (2019, Science, 363 (6423), 166–167) found that female budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus, show a preference for males that are successful problem solvers. Is this result sufficient to conclude that mate choice influences the evolution of cognitive abilities? Here, we consider what we currently know about the relationship between problem solving and cognition. We argue that it is premature to conclude, based on these findings, that cognitive abilities have evolved in part through sexual selection by female choice

    Function of the upper tangle in webs of young Leucauge argyra (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)

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    Ontogenetic changes in web structure occur in many spiders of different families, but the functional adaptation of differences in web structure is unknown for most species. We describe the ontogenetic changes in web structure of Leucauge argyra (Walckenaer 1842) and test the function of these differences in webs of spiderlings. Webs of early instar spiders have tangles above the orb web that vary from relatively dense to a single thread, from which some threads extend downward, connecting the tangle to the hub of the orb web. The number of threads of the tangle decreases as spiders grow, and in webs of late instars, the tangle is absent. Our experimental results indicate that the tangle and connecting threads increase the stability of the web, possibly reducing the probability of spiral threads sticking to each other with web movements.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Unusual records of waterbirds in Costa Rica: possible connection to El Niño 2015-2016

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    These records were reported during the winter migrations in 2015 and 2016; five of the six species were apparently migrating from their reproductive sites in North America to their wintering grounds on the Pacific coast of South America (Burger & Gochfeld 1996, Chandler 2009). However, the ENSOs of 2015–2016 were the strongest on record, and they displaced the Humboldt Current to the north (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional 2015). As a consequence, pelagic species such as the Red Phalarope and Sabine’s Gull, which winter mainly in the Humboldt Current (Burger & Gochfeld 1996, Chandler 2009) and are known to occur farther north, accidentally came closer to shore (Murphy 1936). The ENSO also significantly decreased Costa Rican precipitation (Waylen et al. 1998), reducing, and in some cases, eliminating the availability of coastline wetlands (pers. obs.). This may have driven species such as Wilson’s Phalarope and Stilt Sandpiper to move away from their regular migratory routes in search of adequate habitats.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Generating capacity for strengthening goat farmers Cooperative Dairy Goat of the Region North of Costa Rica

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades técnicas y tecnológicas de las personas asociadas de la Cooperativa de Productores de Leche de Cabra de la Zona Norte (Coopecaprina). Para ello, se creó una comisión de trabajo conformada con representantes del grupo técnico del Programa Producción Sostenible de Rumiantes Menores en conjunto con el Comité de Educación de Coopecaprina. Se realizó un diagnóstico y se validaron los siguientes temas: alimentación y nutrición, salud de hato, mejora genética y reproducción, comercialización, administración, producción sostenible e industrialización. La metodología se ajustó a personas adultas mayores con diferentes niveles de escolaridad. Se elaboró material escrito con un alto contenido visual (guías y boletines técnicos); con respecto al aprovechamiento del tiempo total (3 horas por taller), se invirtió un 25% en explicar los conceptos básicos a desarrollar y un 75% en reforzar dichos conceptos con práctica de campo. Los talleres se realizaron directamente en una finca a la cual se le había brindado transferencia tecnológica y, por tanto, disponía de un nivel tecnológico base, dicho establecimiento se ubicó en los Chiles de Agua Zarcas del cantón de San Carlos de la provincia de Alajuela. Se logró el diseño e implementación de un programa de capacitación el cual se ofreció a toda la población meta (n=70); sin embargo, solamente el 36% mostró interés (n=25), de los cuales el 98% finalizó los 7 talleres planteados durante el periodo de enero a marzo del 2015. Del total de participantes el 44% fueron mujeres y el 56% hombres, con promedio de edades de 42 y 60 años, respectivamente, y con niveles de escolaridad de primaria incompleta en su mayoría. De acuerdo con el seguimiento realizado 6 meses posteriores a la finalización de los talleres, se logró determinar que solamente en el 11% de los participantes encontró la implementación de 4 técnicas de manejo vistas en los talleres: manejo sanitario (toma de heces para análisis de huevo fecales (HPG), manejo del hato (control de peso vivo (con cinta o con romana), manejo de forrajes (conservación de forrajes) y finalmente manejo reproductivo (sincronización de celo e inseminación artificial cervical), lo que significa un nivel de aplicación del 57.4% de los temas vistos.The objective of this work was to strengthen the technical and technological capacities of the members of the Cooperative of Goat Milk Producers of the Northern Zone (Coopecaprina). For this purpose, a working commission was created with representatives of the technical group of the Sustainable Production of Small Ruminants Program together with the Education Committee of Coopecaprina. A diagnosis was made and the following topics were validated: feeding and nutrition, herd health, genetic improvement and reproduction, marketing, administration, sustainable production and industrialization. The methodology was adjusted to older adults with different levels of schooling. Written material with a high visual content (guides and technical bulletins) was prepared; with respect to the use of the total time (3 hours per workshop), 25% was invested in explaining the basic concepts to be developed and 75% in reinforcing these concepts with field practice. The workshops were held directly on a farm that had received technology transfer and, therefore, had a basic technological level; this farm was located in Los Chiles de Agua Zarcas in the canton of San Carlos in the province of Alajuela. A training program was designed and implemented which was offered to the entire target population (n=70); however, only 36% showed interest (n=25), of which 98% completed the 7 workshops planned during the period from January to March 2015. Of the total number of participants, 44% were women and 56% men, with average ages of 42 and 60 years, respectively, and with schooling levels of incomplete primary school in the majority. According to the follow-up conducted 6 months after the end of the workshops, it was determined that only 11% of the participants had implemented 4 management techniques seen in the workshops: sanitary management (feces collection for fecal egg analysis (HPG), herd management (live weight control (with tape or with Roman), forage management (forage conservation) and finally reproductive management (estrus synchronization and cervical artificial insemination), which means a level of application of 57.4% of the topics seen.Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.Escuela de Ciencias Agraria

    Cuentos que construyen paz

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    Esta propuesta se enmarca en el Proyecto Comunidades Educativas que Construyen Paz, del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), cuyo propósito es facilitar procesos pedagógicos para la paz con comunidades educativas, por medio de una metodología lúdica y participativa, con el fin de promover la construcción de una cultura de paz en los espacios de convivencia cotidianos.Este libro es el resultado de un proceso que se fue tejiendo durante el 2021, el Festival para la Paz, el cual se realiza como una forma de contribuir a la creación y difusión de espacios participativos, lúdicos y creativos para instar a la paz desde las comunidades educativas. Esto, a modo de ir constituyendo una red con ideas novedosas que dan forma a dichos cuentos, constructores de paz. La creación y elaboración de cuentos fue una apuesta con equipos interdisciplinarios, niñas y niños de las escuelas públicas de la Regional de Heredia del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica: Escuela Finca Guararí, Escuela Miguel Aguilar Bonilla, Escuela Rubén Darío y Escuela Santiago.This book is the result of a process that was woven during 2021, the Festival for Peace, which is carried out as a way to contribute to the creation and dissemination of participatory, playful and creative spaces to encourage peace from the educational communities. This, as a way of building a network with innovative ideas that give shape to these stories, peace builders. The creation and elaboration of stories was a bet with interdisciplinary teams, girls and boys of the public schools of the Heredia Regional of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica: Finca Guararí School, Miguel Aguilar Bonilla School, Rubén Darío School and Santiago School.Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericano