42 research outputs found

    Uso de una red de sensores inalámbricos con hardware y software libre que monitoriza variables ambientales en un campo agrícola

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorOrienta a los agricultores que trabajan bajo el sistema de agricultura tradicional, para que adopten una propuesta tecnológica que les permita aumentar los rendimientos de la producción y disminución de sus costos en los campos de cultivo, mediante la automatización de la monitorización ambiental haciendo frente a los cambios climatológicos. Para ello se emplea un sistema de red de sensores inalámbricos (WSN, por sus siglas en inglés), que son pequeños dispositivos denominadas “motas” o nodos para capturar y registrar la información relacionada a los niveles de humedad, radiación solar, radiación fotosintéticamente activa y temperatura del medio ambiente en determinados periodos de tiempo en forma continua y precisa para que el usuario final (campesinos, empresarios del agro, ingenieros agrónomos, etc.) de acuerdo a sus conocimientos puedan dar respuesta adecuada a sus cultivos respecto de lo que se está registrando en el medio ambiente. Además, de acuerdo a la propuesta escrita en el presente documento, la WSN que se ha diseñado y puesto en funcionamiento en las pruebas de campo durante diez días tiene la capacidad de auto restauración; esto quiere decir que si se daña un nodo, la red encontrará nuevas vías para encaminar los paquetes de datos que llevan la información a través de su protocolo de encaminamiento dinámico. También se emplea software libre para las aplicaciones de los dispositivos, con la finalidad de reducir los costos y se ofrece un sistema estable, sencillo y con una plataforma web amigable para la visualización y el entendimiento rápido de los valores recolectados por medio de tablas y gráficas.Tesi

    Projections of IoT Applications in Colombia Using 5G Wireless Networks

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    Wireless technologies are increasingly relevant in different activities and lines of the economy, as well as in the daily life of people and companies. The advent of fifth generation networks (5G) implies a promising synergy with the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing for more automations in production processes and an increase in the efficiency of information transmission, managing to improve the efficiency in decision-making through tools such as big data and artificial intelligence. This article presents a description of the 5G implementation process in Colombia, as well as a revision of opportunities when combining with IoT in featured sectors of the departmental development plans, such as agriculture, tourism, health, the environment, and industry. Results shows that the startup of 5G in Colombia has been a slow process, but there are comparisons with similar procedures in other developed countries. Additionally, we present examples of 5G and IoT applications which can be promoted in Colombia, aimed at improving the quality of life of their habitants and promoting economic development.Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP

    Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems Applications in Colombia through 5G Networks

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    The growing global demand for food and the environmental impact caused by agriculture have made this activity increasingly dependent on electronics, information technology, and telecommunications technologies. In Colombia, agriculture is of great importance not only as a commercial activity, but also as a source of food and employment. However, the concept of smart agriculture has not been widely applied in this country, resulting in the high production of various types of crops due to the planting of large areas of land, rather than optimization of the processes involved in the activity. Due to its technical characteristics and the radio spectrum considered in its deployment, 5G can be seen as one of the technologies that could generate the greatest benefits for the Colombian agricultural sector, especially in the most remote rural areas, which currently lack mobile network coverage. This article provides an overview of the current 5G technology landscape in Colombia and presents examples of possible 5G/IoT applications that could be developed in Colombian fields. The results show that 5G could facilitate the implementation of the smart farm in Colombia, improving current production and efficiency. It is useful when designing 5G implementation plans and strategies, since it categorizes crops by regions and products. This is based on budget availability, population density, and regional development plans, among others.AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies)Spanish Government PGC2018-098813-B-C33UAL-FEDER 2020 UAL2020-TIC-A208

    A Platform for Inpatient Safety Management Based on IoT Technology

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    There is a need to integrate advancements in biomedical, information, and communication technologies with care processes within the framework of the inpatient safety program to support effective risk management of adverse events occurring in the hospital environment and to improve inpatient safety. In this respect, this work presents the development of a software platform using the Scrum methodology and the integrated technology of the Internet of Things for monitoring and managing inpatient safety. A modular solution is developed under a hexagonal architecture, using PHP as the backend language through the Laravel framework. A MySQL database was used for the data layer, and Vue.js was used for the user interface. This work implemented an RFID-based nurse call system using Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. The system enables nurses to respond to each inpatient within a given time limit and without the inpatient or a family member having to approach the nursing station. The system also provides reports and indicators that help evaluate the quality of inpatient care and helps to take measures to improve inpatient safety during care. In addition, diet management is integrated to reduce the occurrence of adverse events. A LoRa and Wi-Fi-based IoT network was implemented using a LoRa transceiver and the ESP32 MCU, chosen for its low power consumption, low cost, and wide availability. Bidirectional communication between hardware and software is handled through an MQTT Broker. The system integrates temperature and humidity sensors and smoke sensors, among others.Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Francisco Jose de Caldas National Financing Fund for science, technology and innovation 80740-233-2020AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies

    Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain

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    The information included in this study were calculated on the basis of data provided by the Spanish electricity grid, for thirteen years between 2007 and 2019. This data includes: the average consumption demand on the Spanish electricity grid at national level, and its availability. Subsequently, the report looks at the number of electric vehicles that could be supported in the years 2020–2023, depending on the consumption demand and availably of the electricity grid for those future years. The data presented in the article refers to the research study: ‘Electric vehicles in Spain: An overview of charging systems’ and ‘Analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles in Spain

    Data supporting the reconstruction study of missing wind speed logs using wavelet techniques for getting maximum likelihood

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    The data to construct the missing wind-speed value in the weather station record at “Collado de Yuste”, between the years 2002 to 2012, was calculated using wind speed data recorded in two other nearby weather stations, those in “Solana del Zapatero” and “Calar Alto”. The three mentioned stations are located in the mountain range of the province of Almeria, Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain. After calculating the degree of association using the correlation coefficient and Wavelet Transform Scalogram, the data was successfully constructed. This paper refers to another study: Wind missing data arrangement using wavelet based techniques for getting maximum likelihoo

    Radio wave attenuation measurement system based on RSSI for precision agriculture: application to tomato greenhouses

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    Precision agriculture and smart farming are concepts that are acquiring an important boom due to their relationship with the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in the search for new mechanisms and procedures that allow for sustainable and efficient agriculture to meet future demand from an increasing population. Both concepts require the deployment of sensor networks that monitor agricultural variables for the integration of spatial and temporal agricultural data. This paper presents a system that has been developed to measure the attenuation of radio waves in the 2.4 GHz free band (ISM- Industrial, Scientific and Medical) when propagating inside a tomato greenhouse based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI), and a procedure for using the system to measure RSSI at different distances and heights. The system is based on Zolertia Re-Mote nodes with the Contiki operating system and a Raspberry Pi to record the data obtained. The receiver node records the RSSI at different locations in the greenhouse with the transmitter node and at different heights. In addition, a study of the radio wave attenuation was measured in a tomato greenhouse, and we publish the corresponding obtained dataset in order to share with the research community

    Wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things

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    El Internet de las cosas (IoT) percibe un mundo donde los dispositivos que lo conforman pueden ser identificados en el Internet y está creciendo a un ritmo acelerado con nuevos dispositivos que se van conectando. En este sentido, las redes de sensores inalámbricos juegan un papel importante para incrementar la ubicuidad de las redes con dispositivos inteligentes de bajo costo y fácil implementación, con estándares como IEEE 802.15.4 en la capa física, 6LoWPAN en la capa de red, y RPL como protocolo de enrutamiento, que se integran en el concepto de IoT para traer nuevas experiencias en las actividades de la vida diaria, como por ejemplo en aplicaciones para hogares y oficinas confortables, salud, vigilancia del medio ambiente y ciudades inteligentes. En el presente artículo se relacionará a la red de sensores inalámbricos con el Internet de las cosas a través de estándares y protocolos.The Internet of Things (IoT) perceives a world where the devices that make it up can be identified on the Internet and is growing at an accelerated pace with new devices that are connecting. In this sense, wireless sensor networks play an important role in increasing the ubiquity of networks with smart devices low cost and easy implementation, with standards such as IEEE 802.15.4 in the physical layer, 6LoWPAN in the network layer, and RPL as a routing protocol, which are integrated into the IoT concept to bring new experiences in the activities of the daily life, such as in applications for comfortable homes and offices, health, environmental monitoring and smart cities. In this article, the wireless sensor network will be related to the Internet of things through standards and protocols

    Path Loss Determination Using Linear and Cubic Regression Inside a Classic Tomato Greenhouse

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    The production of tomatoes in greenhouses, in addition to its relevance in nutrition and health, is an activity of the agroindustry with high economic importance in Spain, the first exporter in Europe of this vegetable. The technological updating with precision agriculture, implemented in order to ensure adequate production, leads to a deployment planning of wireless sensors with limited coverage by the attenuation of radio waves in the presence of vegetation. The well-known propagation models FSPL (Free-Space Path Loss), two-ray, COST235,Weissberger, ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union—Radiocommunication Sector), FITU-R (Fitted ITU-R), offer values with an error percentage higher than 30% in the 2.4 GHz band in relation to those measured in field tests. As a substantial improvement, we have developed optimized propagation models, with an error estimate of less than 9% in the worst-case scenario for the later benefit of farmers, consumers and the economic chain in the production of tomatoes.This research received fund by the Ibero-American Postgraduate University Association (AUIP)

    Projections of iot applications in Colombia using 5G wireless networks

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    Wireless technologies are increasingly relevant in different activities and lines of the economy, as well as in the daily life of people and companies. The advent of fifth generation networks (5G) implies a promising synergy with the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing for more automations in production processes and an increase in the efficiency of information transmission, managing to improve the efficiency in decision-making through tools such as big data and artificial intelligence. This article presents a description of the 5G implementation process in Colombia, as well as a revision of opportunities when combining with IoT in featured sectors of the departmental development plans, such as agriculture, tourism, health, the environment, and industry. Results shows that the startup of 5G in Colombia has been a slow process, but there are comparisons with similar procedures in other developed countries. Additionally, we present examples of 5G and IoT applications which can be promoted in Colombia, aimed at improving the quality of life of their habitants and promoting economic development