92 research outputs found

    Rap1B promotes VEGF-induced endothelial permeability and is required for dynamic regulation of the endothelial barrier

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a key angiogenic and permeability factor, plays an important role in new blood vessel formation. However, abnormal VEGF-induced VEGFR2 signaling leads to hyperpermeability. We have shown previously that Rap1, best known for promoting cell adhesion and vessel stability, is a critical regulator of VEGFR2-mediated angiogenic and shear-stress EC responses. To determine the role of Rap1 role in endothelial barrier dynamics, we examined vascular permeability in EC-specific Rap1A- and Rap1B-knockout mice, cell-cell junction remodeling and EC monolayer resistivity in Rap1-deficient ECs under basal, inflammatory or elevated VEGF conditions. Deletion of either Rap1 isoform impaired de novo adherens junction (AJ) formation and recovery from LPS-induced barrier disruption in vivo However, only Rap1A deficiency increased permeability in ECs and lung vessels. Interestingly, Rap1B deficiency attenuated VEGF-induced permeability in vivo and AJ remodeling in vitro Therefore, only Rap1A is required for the maintenance of normal vascular integrity. Importantly, Rap1B is the primary isoform essential for normal VEGF-induced EC barrier dissolution. Deletion of either Rap1 isoform protected against hyper permeability in the STZ-induced diabetes model, suggesting clinical implications for targeting Rap1 in pathologies with VEGF-induced hyperpermeability

    Promoting vascular repair in the retina: can stem/progenitor cells help?

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    Since its first epidemic in the 1940s, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) has been a challenging illness in neonatology. Higher than physiological oxygen levels impede the development of the immature retinal neuropil and vasculature. Current treatment regimens include cryotherapy, laser photocoagulation, and anti-VEGF agents. Unfortunately, none of these approaches can rescue the normal retinal vasculature, and each has significant safety concerns. The limitations of these approaches have led to new efforts to understand the pathological characteristics in each phase of ROP and to find a safer and more effective therapeutic approach. In the era of stem cell biology and with the need for new treatments for ROP, this review discusses the possible future use of unique populations of proangiogenic cells for therapeutic revascularization of the preterm retina

    Bone Marrow–Derived Cell Recruitment to the Neurosensory Retina and Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Layer Following Subthreshold Retinal Phototherapy

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    Purpose We investigated whether subthreshold retinal phototherapy (SRPT) was associated with recruitment of bone marrow (BM)–derived cells to the neurosensory retina (NSR) and RPE layer. Methods GFP chimeric mice and wild-type (WT) mice were subjected to SRPT using a slit-lamp infrared laser. Duty cycles of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (0.1 seconds, 250 mW, spot size 50 μm) with 30 applications were placed 50 to 100 μm from the optic disc. In adoptive transfer studies, GFP+ cells were given intravenously immediately after WT mice received SRPT. Immunohistochemistry was done for ionized calcium-binding adapter molecule-1 (IBA-1+), CD45, Griffonia simplicifolia lectin isolectin B4, GFP or cytokeratin). Expression of Ccl2, Il1b, Il6, Hspa1a, Hsp90aa1, Cryab, Hif1a, Cxcl12, and Cxcr4 mRNA and flow cytometry of the NSR and RPE-choroid were performed. Results Within 12 to 24 hours of SRPT, monocytes were detected in the NSR and RPE-choroid. Detection of reparative progenitors in the RPE occurred at 2 weeks using flow cytometry. Recruitment of GFP+ cells to the RPE layer occurred in a duty cycle–dependent manner in chimeric mice and in mice undergoing adoptive transfer. Hspa1a, Hsp90aa1, and Cryab mRNAs increased in the NSR at 2 hours post laser; Hif1a, Cxcl12, Hspa1a increased at 4 hours in the RPE-choroid; and Ccl2, Il1b, Ifng, and Il6 increased at 12 to 24 hours in the RPE-choroid. Conclusions SRPT induces monocyte recruitment to the RPE followed by hematopoietic progenitor cell homing at 2 weeks. Recruitment occurs in a duty cycle–dependent manner and potentially could contribute to the therapeutic efficacy of SRPT

    SARS-CoV-2 Infections and ACE2: Clinical Outcomes Linked With Increased Morbidity and Mortality in Individuals With Diabetes

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    Individuals with diabetes suffering from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) exhibit increased morbidity and mortality compared with individuals without diabetes. In this Perspective, we critically evaluate and argue that this is due to a dysregulated renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Previously, we have shown that loss of angiotensin-I converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) promotes the ACE/angiotensin-II (Ang-II)/angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) axis, a deleterious arm of RAS, unleashing its detrimental effects in diabetes. As suggested by the recent reports regarding the pathogenesis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), upon entry into the host, this virus binds to the extracellular domain of ACE2 in nasal, lung, and gut epithelial cells through its spike glycoprotein subunit S1. We put forth the hypothesis that during this process, reduced ACE2 could result in clinical deterioration in COVID-19 patients with diabetes via aggravating Ang-II–dependent pathways and partly driving not only lung but also bone marrow and gastrointestinal pathology. In addition to systemic RAS, the pathophysiological response of the local RAS within the intestinal epithelium involves mechanisms distinct from that of RAS in the lung; however, both lung and gut are impacted by diabetes-induced bone marrow dysfunction. Careful targeting of the systemic and tissue RAS may optimize clinical outcomes in subjects with diabetes infected with SARS-CoV-2.This study was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01EY025383, R01EY012601, R01EY028858, and R01EY028037 to M.B.G. A.G.O. was supported in part by R01NS10241

    Peripheral blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells demonstrate immunomodulatory potential for therapeutic use in horses

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    Previously, we showed that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can be mobilized into peripheral blood using electroacupuncture (EA) at acupoints, LI-4, LI-11, GV-14, and GV-20. The purpose of this study was to determine whether EA-mobilized MSC could be harvested and expanded in vitro to be used as an autologous cell therapy in horses. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from young and aged lame horses (n = 29) showed a marked enrichment for MSCs. MSC were expanded in vitro (n = 25) and administered intravenously at a dose of 50 x 106 (n = 24). Treatment resulted in significant improvement in lameness as assessed by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) lameness scale (n = 23). MSCs exhibited immunomodulatory function by inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation and induction of IL-10. Intradermal testing showed no immediate or delayed immune reactions to MSC (1 x 106 to 1 x 104). In this study, we demonstrated an efficient, safe and reproducible method to mobilize and expand, in vitro, MSCs in sufficiently high concentrations for therapeutic administration. We confirm the immunomodulatory function of these cells in vitro. This non-pharmacological and non-surgical strategy for stem cell harvest has a broad range of biomedical applications and represents an improved clinically translatable and economical cell source for humans

    Complementary Embryonic and Adult Cell Populations Enhance Myocardial Repair in Rat Myocardial Injury Model

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    We compared the functional outcome of Isl-1+ cardiac progenitors, CD90+ bone marrow-derived progenitor cells, and the combination of the two in a rat myocardial infarction (MI) model. Isl-1+ cells were isolated from embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5) rat hearts and expanded in vitro. Thy-1+/CD90+ cells were isolated from the bone marrow of adult Sprague-Dawley rats by immunomagnetic cell sorting. Six-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent permanent left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery ligation and received intramyocardial injection of either saline, Isl-1+ cells, CD90+ cells, or a combination of Isl-1+ and CD90+ cells, at the time of infarction. Cells were delivered transepicardially to the peri-infarct zone. Left ventricular function was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography at 1- and 4-week post-MI and by Millar catheterization (-dP/dt and +dP/dt) at 4-week post-MI. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (Isl-1+cells) and monochrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles labeling (MION; CD90+ cells) were performed to assess biodistribution of transplanted cells. Only the combination of cells demonstrated a significant improvement of cardiac function as assessed by anterior wall contractility, dP/dt (max), and dP/dt (min), compared to Isl-1+ or CD90+ cell monotherapies. In the combination cell group, viable cells were detected at week 4 when anterior wall motion was completely restored. In conclusion, the combination of Isl-1+ cardiac progenitors and adult bone marrow-derived CD90+ cells shows prolonged and robust myocardial tissue repair and provides support for the use of complementary cell populations to enhance myocardial repair

    Loss of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Exacerbates Diabetic Retinopathy by Promoting Bone Marrow Dysfunction

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    Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is the primary enzyme of the vasoprotective axis of the renin angiotensin system (RAS). We tested the hypothesis that loss of ACE2 would exacerbate diabetic retinopathy by promoting bone marrow dysfunction. ACE2-/y were crossed with Akita mice, a model of type 1 diabetes. When comparing the bone marrow of the ACE2-/y-Akita mice to that of Akita mice, we observed a reduction of both short-term and long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells, a shift of hematopoiesis towards myelopoiesis, and an impairment of lineage-c-kit+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HS/PC) migration and proliferation. Migratory and proliferative dysfunction of these cells was corrected by exposure to angiotensin-1–7 (Ang-1–7), the protective peptide generated by ACE2. Over the duration of diabetes examined, ACE2 deficiency led to progressive reduction in electrical responses assessed by electroretinography and to increases in neural infarcts observed by fundus photography. Compared to Akita mice, ACE2-/y-Akita at 9-months of diabetes showed an increased number of acellular capillaries indicative of more severe diabetic retinopathy. In diabetic and control human subjects, CD34+ cells, a key bone marrow HS/PC population, were assessed for changes in mRNA levels for MAS, the receptor for Ang-1–7. Levels were highest in CD34+ cells from diabetics without retinopathy. Higher serum Ang-1–7 levels predicted protection from development of retinopathy in diabetics. Treatment with Ang-1–7 or alamandine restored the impaired migration function of CD34+ cells from subjects with retinopathy. These data support that activation of the protective RAS within HS/PCs may represent a therapeutic strategy for prevention of diabetic retinopathy

    Use of Telemedicine Healthcare Systems in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Disease or in Transition Stages of Life: Consensus Document of the Italian Society of Telemedicine (SIT), of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Primary Care (SICuPP), of the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) and of the Syndicate of Family Pediatrician Doctors (SIMPeF)

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    : Telemedicine is considered an excellent tool to support the daily and traditional practice of the health profession, especially when referring to the care and management of chronic patients. In a panorama in which chronic pathologies with childhood onset are constantly increasing and the improvement of treatments has allowed survival for them into adulthood, telemedicine and remote assistance are today considered effective and convenient solutions both for the chronic patient, who thus receives personalized and timely assistance, and for the doctors, who reduce the need for direct intervention, hospitalizations and consequent management costs. This Consensus document, written by the main Italian Scientific Societies involved in the use of telemedicine in pediatrics, has the objectives to propose an organizational model based on the relationships between the actors who participate in the provision of a telemedicine service aimed at minors with chronic pathologies, identifying specific project links between the areas of telemedicine in the developmental age from the first 1000 days of life to the age adult. The future scenario will have to be able to integrate digital innovation in order to offer the best care to patients and citizens. It will have to be able to provide the involvement of patients from the very beginning of the design of any care pathway, increasing where possible the proximity of the health service to citizens

    Use of Telemedicine Healthcare Systems in Pediatric Assistance at Territorial Level: Consensus Document of the Italian Society of Telemedicine (SIT), of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Primary Care (SICuPP), of the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) and of the Syndicate of Family Pediatrician Doctors (SIMPeF)

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    Technological innovation can contribute to a reorganization of healthcare, particularly by supporting the shift in the focus of care from the hospital to the territory, through innovative citizen-centered models, and facilitating access to services in the territory. Health and social care delivery modalities, enabled by telemedicine, are crucial in this regard. The objective of this Consensus document, written by the main Italian Scientific Societies involved in the use of telemedicine in pediatrics, is to define a standard for its use at the territorial level in various declinations in the pediatric field; this paper also identifies priority areas for its application and the types of services that most require intervention and investment. The changes that are underway in digital transformation in all sectors are unstoppable, and for the digital transformation to take place in a productive sense, the contribution of not only all health professionals, but also of patients, is necessary. From this perspective, authors from different backgrounds were involved in the drafting of this Consensus and, in the future, other figures, primarily patients, are expected to be involved. In fact, this belongs to the vision of connected care, in which the citizen/patient actively participates in the treatment path so that they are assisted in a personalized, predictive and preventive way. The future scenario must be able to provide for the involvement of patients from the initial stages of planning any treatment path, even in the pediatric age, and increasing, where possible, the proximity of the health service to the families
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