23 research outputs found

    Penempelan Larva Siput Laut (Haliotis varia) : Suatu Percobaan di Laboratorium

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    Settlement of abalone (Haliotis varia) focusing on substrate quality and larval behavior were studied. Four types of substrate, shell and mucous, algae Gracilaria sp and Halimeda sp, and plastic petri-dish were used to test whether the larva might respond and settle on those substrates. At the same time, the mortality of larvae was also determined during the settlement. Without petri-dish, substrate of shell and mucous, algae, as well as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plate were tested to find out substrate preferences when settlements occured. The result showed that variation of substrata, shell and mucous, algae and plastic “petri-dish” possessed a stimuli responded by larva to settle. Shell and mucous as well as substrate algae were attractive among of substrata, since high of settlement on it were recorded. High larval mortality on shell and mucous as well as on substrata of algae were recorded. Substrate of shell and mucous and alga were favorable to substrata when settling. Several factors affecting settlement of larval abalone were discussed


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    Seagrasses are flowering plants that are fully adapted to being immersed in seawater. Seagrass plants consist of rhizomes, leaves and roots. This study aims to identify the types of seagrasses and determine the structure of seagrass community. This research was conducted in July 2023 around Toseho Village, Oba Subdistrict, Tidore City Kepulaun with coordinate points on transect 1 which is 0°21'20.72 "U, 127°38'58.46 "T. on transect 2 0°21'21.78 "U, 127°38'57.32 "T and on transect 3 which is 0°21'22.86 "U, 127°38'56.14 "T. The method used in this research is quadrant line transect method. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there are 6 types of seagras in Toseho Village, namely Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule univervis and Sryngodium isoetifolium. From the results of data analysis, it was found that Thalassia hemprichii was the most dominating seagrass species in each of the 3 quadrant transects. Seagrass species diversity in Toseho Village has a medium level of species diversity (1 ≤H'≤3 Medium species diversity).Keywords: Seagrass, Community Structure, Toseho Village ABSTRAKLamun merupakan tumbuhan berbunga yang sepenuhnya menyesuaikan diri untuk terbenam dalam air laut. Tumbuhan lamun terdiri dari rhizome, daun dan akar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasih jenis-jenis lamun dan mengetahui struktur komunitas padang lamun. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2023 di sekitar Desa Toseho Kecamatan Oba Kota Tidore Kepulaun dengan titik kordinat pada transek 1 yaitu 0°21’20.72”U, 127°38’58.46”T. pada transek 2 0°21’21.78”U, 127°38’57.32”T dan pada transek 3 yaitu 0°21’22.86”U, 127°38’56.14”T. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode line transek kuadran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ditemukannya 6 jenis lamun di Desa Toseho yaitu Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Halophila ovalis, Halodule univervis dan Sryngodium isoetifolium. Dari hasil analisi data didapatkan bahwa Thalassia hemprichii merupakan jenis lamun yang paling mendominasi di setiap 3 transek kuadran. Kenekaraman jenis lamun di Desa Toseho memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman jenis sedang (1 ≤H′ ≤ 3 Keanekaragaman spesies sedang).Kata Kunci: Seagrass, Community Structure, Toseho Villag


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    Global warming is one of the issues in the world today, marked by an increase in the temperature of the earth which is directly related to greenhouse gases. Mangrove forest is one of the potential parameters to be studied from the Blue Carbon ecosystem. Estimates of carbon storage in mangrove forests are so large that it is important to calculate carbon stock estimates in mangrove vegetation. This study aims to estimate the carbon content of mangrove trees in the Pintu Kota Village, North Lembeh District, Bitung City. The method used in this research activity is the Line Transect method. Biomass calculation of mangrove trees, using allometric equations. Based on the results of the study after identified mangroves in Pintu Kota Village there were 4 types of mangroves, which consisted of, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Soneratia alba. The highest total value of the highest biomass was found at station (2) with a value of 124.01 tons / ha, then at station (3) at 99.02 tons / ha. While the lowest biomass results are at station (1) of 84.15 tons / ha. sehinggah the estimation results of the highest potential carbon content is at the station (2) with a value of 58.29 tons C / ha then at station (3) of 46.54 tons C / ha, while the estimated yield of the lowest carbon content is also found at the station ( 1) with a value of 39.55 tons C / ha.Keywords: Carbon, mangrove, Pintu Kota Village, Bitung City Pemanasan global merupakan salah satu isu di dunia saat ini, ditandai dengan adanya peristiwa meningkatnya suhu bumi yang terkait langsung dengan gas-gas rumah kaca. Hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu potensi yang menjadi parameter untuk dikaji dari ekosistem Blue Carbon. Perkiraan penyimpanan karbon pada hutan mangrove begitu besar sehingga penting untuk menghitung estimasi simpanan karbon pada vegetasi mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengestimasi kandungan karbon pohon mangrove yang ada di Kelurahan Pintu Kota Kecamatan Lembeh Utara Kota Bitung. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan penelitian ini ialah metode transek garis (Line Transect ). Penghitungan biomassa pohon mangrove, menggunakan persamaan allometrik. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian setelah diindentifikasi mangrove di Kelurahan Pintu Kota terdapat 4 jenis mangrove, yang terdiri dari, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza dan Soneratia alba. Diperoleh hasil total nilai rata-rata biomassa yang tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun (2) dengan nilai 124,01 ton/ha, kemudian pada stasiun (3) sebesar 99,02 ton/ha. Sedangkan hasil biomassa terendah terdapat pada stasiun (1) sebesar 84,15 ton/ha. sehinggah hasil estimasi potensi kandungan karbon yang tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun (2) dengan nilai 58,29 ton C/ha kemudian pada stasiun (3) sebesar 46,54 ton C/ha, sedangkan hasil estimasi potensi kandungan karbon terendah juga terdapat pada stasiun (1) dengan nilai 39,55 ton C/ha.Kata kunci: Karbon, mangrove, Kelurahan Pintu Kota, Kota Bitung

    Molecular Identification And Conservation Status Of Sharks From The Fins Trade In Manado City North Sulawesi

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    Sharks are a group of cartilaginous fish that are vulnerable to overfishing.  Genetics approaches play an important role in shark conservation. Shark fishing has become the main activity of fishermen in several areas, including in North Sulawesi. This research is focused on the molecular aspects and conservation status of shark species obtained from the shark fin trade in Manado, North Sulawesi. COI gene was amplified using Fish BCL5 (for) and HCO219 (rev) primers. Nucleotide sequences of each sample were aligned with the closest sequences in the GenBank database using the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool) method. The conservation status of the shark species is carried through the IUCN (International Union for the conservation of nature red list) Red list website. Molecular identification results showed that the shark’s fins from Manado had high similarity with Carcharhinus falciformis (HM1 and HM2) and Carcharhinus melanopterus (HM3). According to IUCN red list data, the C. falciformis and C. melanopterus were categorized as vulnerable to extinction (VU).Keywords:  Molekuler; COI; Shark; Manado and IUCN Red list . AbstrakHiu merupakan kelompok ikan bertulang rawan yang sangat rentan terhadap dampak penangkapan secara berlebihan.  Informasi terkait genetik hiu  yang semakin terancam populasinya sangat berperan penting dalam upaya konservasi hiu. Penangkapan hiu telah menjadi aktivitas utama nelayan di beberapa daerah, termasuk di Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada aspek  molekuler dan penentuan status konservasi spesies hiu menggunakan sampel sirip yang di dapatkan  dari perdagangan sirip  hiu, di kota Manado.  Amplifikasi gen COI dilakukan dengan menggunakan primer Fish BCL5 (for) dan HCO219 (rev). Sekuens nukleotida masing-masing sampel disejajarkan dengan nukleotida terdekat yang ada dalam database genbank menggunakan metode BLAST (Basic Local Aligment and Search Tool)  Penentuan status konservasi dilakukan melalui penelusuran spesies rujukan di situs IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red list. Hasil identifikasi molekuler menunjukan bahwa sampel sirip hiu dari  kota Manado  memiliki kemiripan yang tinggi dengan spesies : Carcharhinus falciformis  (HM1 dan HM2) dan C. melanopterus (HM3).  Menurut data IUCN Red list, C. falciformis dan C. Melanopterus merupakan jenis hiu dalam status konservasi rentan punah (VU). Kata Kunci: Molekuler; COI; hiu; Manado dan IUCN Red lis

    Identification of Coraline Algae In Meras Waters Bunaken District

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    Marine algae are part of marine organisms, especially plants, and are included in lower plants that do not have different skeletal structures such as roots, stems, and leaves. Although it looks different, algae is actually just a form of the thallus. Coralline algae belong to the Rhodophyta Division, Class Florideophycidae, Order Corallinales. Coralline algae are divided into two parts based on their shape (morphology), namely non-geniculate and geniculate. This study aims to identify the types of coralline algae that are crustose (non-geniculate) and branched (geniculate) found in Meras, Bunaken District and can explain the morphology of coralline algae in diffuse non-geniculate and geniculate forms. This research was conducted in Meras, Bunaken District by means of SCUBA diving at a depth of 3 – 7 meters, and samples were taken using the cruising survey method. After that, the samples were brought ashore for the next identification process. The results of the research that has been conducted on samples of coralline algae obtained in Meras, Bunaken District are that there are 2 types of non-geniculate, namely Peyssonnelia caulifera and Peyssonnelia Orientalis, and 1 species of geniculate, namely Tricleocarpa fragilis identified.Keywords: Identification, Coralline Algae, MerasAbstrakAlga laut adalah bagian dari organisme laut khususnya tumbuhan dan termasuk dalam tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang tidak mempunyai perbedaan susunan kerangka seperti akar, batang dan daun. Walaupun terlihat memiliki perbedaan, sebenarnya alga hanya merupakan bentuk talus belaka. Alga koralin tergolong kedalam Divisi Rhodophyta, Kelas Florideophycidae, Ordo Corallinales. Alga koralin terbagi menjadi dua bagian berdasarkan bentuknya (morfologi), yaitu non geniculate (tidak bercabang) dan geniculate (bercabang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi jenis alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yang terdapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken serta dapat menjelaskan morfologi alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Meras Kecamatan Bunaken dengan cara SCUBA diving pada kedalaman 3 – 7 meter dan sampel diambil menggunakan metode survey jelajah. Setelah itu sampel dibawa ke darat untuk proses identifikasi selanjutnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada sampel alga koralin yang didapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken adalah terdapat 2 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) yaitu Peyssonnelia caulifera dan Peyssonnelia orientalis serta 1 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yaitu Tricleocarpa fragilis yang berhasil teridentifikasi.Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, Alga Koralin, Mera


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    Mangrove is one of plants that can grow well on the coast which are affected by tides.Bone Baru village is located in North Banggai District, Banggai Laut Regency, Central Sulawesi Province which has area that about 840 ha and has mangrove area reaching 16.56 ha. This research was conducted from February to April 2020. The purpose of this research are to identify the types of mangroves and analyzing the structure of the mangrove community which include density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, coverarge, relative coverage, importance value index, and diversity index. The data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. Based on the results this study obtained 4 types of mangroves consisting of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. cylindrica, Rhizophora mucronata, and Lumnitzera littorea. The highest relative density was 0.13 ind / m2 and the relative density was 91.83% the highest frequency type and the frequency relative value were 5 ind / m2 and 52.63%respectively. The highest mangrove cover was 3.79 m2 with relative cover of 52.21%. The highest important value index was 227.72% . The highest diversity index was found at station 2 with an average value (H ') of 0.69.Keywords: mangrove, community structure, habitat, BanggaiABSTRAKMangrove merupakan kelompok tumbuhan yang dapat tumbuh dengan baik di pesisir pantai yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Bone Baru, Kecamatan Banggai Utara, Kabupaten Banggai Laut, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah yang memiliki luas wilayah mencapai 840 ha dan memiliki luas area mangrove mencapai 16,56 ha. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Februari-April 2020 dengan menggunakan metode Line Transect. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis mangrove dan menganalisa struktur komunitas mangrove Data yang diambil meliputi kerapatan jenis, kerapatan relatif jenis, frekuensi jenis, frekuensi relatif jenis, penutupan jenis, penutupan relatif jenis, indeks nilai penting, dan indeks keanekaragaman yang kemudian di analisa dengan bantuan program komputer Microsoft Excel. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan 4 jenis mangrove yaitu Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizophora mucronata, Lumnitzera littorea dan Bruguiera cylindrica. Kerapatan jenis tertinggi 0,13 ind/m2 dan kerapatan relatifnya 91,83%. Frekuensi jenis tertinggi dengan nilai 5 ind/m2 relatifnya 52,63%, penutupan jenis tertinggi dengan nilai 3,79 m2 dan relatfnya 52,21%, indeks nilai penting tertinggi dengan nilai 227,72% dan Nilai indeks keanekaragaman tertinggi ditemukan pada stasiun 2 dengan nilai ratarata (H’) 0,69.Kata kunci: mangrove, strukture komunitas, habitat, Bangga