1,438 research outputs found

    Differences in Foliage Affect Performance of the Lappet Moth, Streblote panda: Implications for Species Fitness

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    Implications for adults' fitness through the foliage effects of five different host plants on larval survival and performance of the lappet moth, Streblote panda Hübner (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), as well as their effect on species fitness were assayed. Larvae were reared under controlled laboratory conditions on excised foliage. Long-term developmental experiments were done using first instar larvae to adult emergence, and performance experiments were done using fifth instar larvae. Survival, development rates, and food use were measured. Foliar traits analysis indicated that leaves of different host plants varied, significantly affecting larvae performance and adult fitness. Pistacia lentiscus L. (Sapindales: Anacardiaceae), Arbutus unedo L. (Ericales: Ericaceae), and Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. (Fabales: Fabaceae) were the most suitable hosts. Larvae fed on Tamarix gallica L. (Caryophyllales: Tamaricaceae) and Spartium junceum L. (Fabales: Fabaceae) showed the lowest survival, rates of development and pupal and adult weight. In general, S. panda showed a relatively high capacity to buffer low food quality, by reducing developmental rates and larvae development thereby reaching the minimum pupal weight that ensures adult survival. Less suitable plants seem to have indirect effects on adult fitness, producing smaller adults that could disperse to other habitats

    Electronic medical record alert in patients with hemophilia at a teaching hospital emergency department

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    P157 Introduction: Patients with hemophilia are often not treated appropriately when they present out-of-hours to an emergency department (ED). Delays in replacement therapy can affect morbi- mortality. Clinical decision support systems include electronic medical record alerts (EMRA) and guidelines that assist in diagnosis and treatment. Aim: Audit the computerized automated alert tool in the electronic medical record in order to notify the need of health care provision of hemophilia patients in ED. Methods: Retrospective review (February 2015- March 2019) of health care alert notification emails regarding of hemophilia patients in our centre, received and generated by computer alert in the electronic medical record of the ED. Results: 164 visits to ED were registered, corresponding to 39 (37.5%) of the 104 hemophilia patients (pts) from our center. 28 of 80 pts with hemophilia A (HA) and 11 of 24 pts with HB. Median age 25 years (range: 5- 67). 31 were adults (median 33 years; range: 15-67) and 8 children under 15 (range 5- 14). Distribution by type and severity: HA: severe 9, moderate 2, mild 17; HB: severe 8, moderate 1, mild 2. 16 were under prophylaxis and 23 on demand. 11 went once to ED, 9 twice, 5 pts 3 times and 14 (36.6%) >5 times (5 with associated comorbidities). Causes for consultation (59 due to trauma and 57 directly related to hemophilia): Cutaneous/muscle bleed 18 episodes (Iliopsoas 5, cutaneous 5, other muscle 8), Joint pain 38 (bleed 8, synovitis 5, sprain 6, contusion 9, knee pain 2, post- traumatic fracture 3, nonspecific pain 5), abdominal pain 14 (gastroenteritis 5, gastrointestinal bleed 4, inguinal hernia 1, nonspecific pain 4), traumatic incise wound 4, infection 14, treatment administration 15, gingivorrhagia 7, colic pain/hematuria 7, toothache 4, allergic skin reaction 4, epistaxis 3, head trauma 2 and other causes not related to hemophilia 34 episodes. 23 hospital admissions were made in16 pts. The average length of stay of all patients admitted to ED was 4.8 hours as opposed to 2.4 hours (range: 0.1- 44.3) in hemophiliacs. Discussion/Conclusion: In our experience, only one third of patients consult with symptoms related to hemophilia at ED. The reason for hospital admission is mostly associated to other comorbidities. EMRA system allows early care provision, better compliance with the healthcare protocol, and shorten the length of stay and reducing morbidity in hemophilia patients

    Estudio del Terciario marino de la sierra del Mugrón (Prov. Albacete y Valencia)

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    The Miocene sediments of sierra del Mugron give us a good example of marine sedimentation in littoral facies. The stratigraphic observatior~s effectued, the petrologic characteristics of these materials and their classification, are analyzed in this paper. The set of these dates, with the help of macro and micropaleontologic criteries permits to interpret the conditions of deposition. It is concluded this deposition occurred in the internal continental plattform, in relation with regional tectonic process and a great development of coloriial organisms

    Developing a new methodology to characterize in vivo the passive mechanical behavior of abdominal wall on an animal model

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    The most common surgical repair of abdominal wall hernia goes through implanting a mesh that substitutes the abdominal muscle/fascia while it is healing. To reduce the risk of relapse or possible complications, this mesh needs to mimic the mechanical behavior of the muscle/fascia, which nowadays is not fully determined. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology to characterize in vivo the passive mechanical behavior of the abdominal wall. For that, New Zealand rabbits were subjected to pneumoperitoneum tests, taking the inner pressure from 0 mmHg to 12 mmHg, values similar to those used in human laparoscopies. Animals treated were divided into two groups: healthy and herniated animals with a surgical mesh (polypropylene SurgiproTM Covidien) previously implanted. All experiments were recorded by a stereo rig composed of two synchronized cameras. During the postprocessing of the images, several points over the abdominal surface were tracked and their coordinates extracted for different levels of internal pressure. Starting from that, a three dimensional model of the abdominal wall was reconstructed. Pressure–displacement curves, radii of curvature and strain fields were also analysed. During the experiments, animals tissue mostly deformed during the first levels of pressure, showing the noticeable hyperelastic passive behavior of abdominal muscles. Comparison between healthy and herniated specimen displayed a strong stiffening for herniated animals in the zone where the high density mesh was situated. Cameras were able to discern this change, so this method can be used to measure the possible effect of other meshes

    Sixth-order symmetric and symplectic exponentially fitted Runge–Kutta methods of the Gauss type

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    AbstractThe construction of exponentially fitted Runge–Kutta (EFRK) methods for the numerical integration of Hamiltonian systems with oscillatory solutions is considered. Based on the symplecticness, symmetry, and exponential fitting properties, two new three-stage RK integrators of the Gauss type with fixed or variable nodes, are obtained. The new exponentially fitted RK Gauss type methods integrate exactly differential systems whose solutions can be expressed as linear combinations of the set of functions {exp(λt),exp(−λt)}, λ∈C, and in particular {sin(ωt),cos(ωt)} when λ=iω, ω∈R. The algebraic order of the new integrators is also analyzed, obtaining that they are of sixth-order like the classical three-stage RK Gauss method. Some numerical experiments show that the new methods are more efficient than the symplectic RK Gauss methods (either standard or else exponentially fitted) proposed in the scientific literature

    Body composition, VO2máx. and the lifestyle of young students of the higher education

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to characterize the subjects of the sample in what concerns their corporal composition, through the index of corporal mass and of the percentage of fat mass, their cardiorespiratory capacity, their eating and smoking habits, and indexes of practice of physical activity. It also aimed to verify if there were statistically relevant relationships between these variables. METHODS: The study was carried out in 2006 and 2007, in Beja, a city in the South of Portugal. The sample comprised 183 students attending the first year of all the courses of a higher education institution in the school year of 2006/07, with ages ranging from 18 to 40 years old. Through a questionnaire, the Astrand Test, and the technique of electric bioimpedance, we obtained the results that allowed us to reach the intended objectives. We used the program Bodygram to obtain the data related to the index of corporal mass and the percentage of fat mass, and the program SPSS, version 14.0, to accomplish the descriptive analysis of the data, a variance analysis and also a correlational analysis. RESULTS: We found evidence that 62.8% of the subjects of the sample presented values of percentage of fat mass above the recommended limits and that 55.7% obtained very low values of VO2max. We also found that 61.7% didn't consider themselves active subjects in what concerns the regular practice of physical activity, and that this variable was correlated with VO2máx. (p=0.01) CONCLUSIONS: We could conclude that most of the subjects of our sample presented low indexes of physical activity, deficient cardiorespiratory capacity and high values in what concerns the percentage of fat mass. The practice of physical activity showed to be positively correlated with the cardiorespiratory capacity. It is necessary to implement more effective campaigns to combat obesity and to sensitize for the regular practice of physical activity and for good eating habits