1,104 research outputs found

    Phenotypic effect of the BMP15/FecxR allele in prolificacy of the CarnesOviaragon S.C.L. population

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104Recientemente se ha detectado e identificado un nuevo alelo del gen BMP15 que aumenta la prolificidad de las ovejas en raza Rasa-Aragonesa. Este gen ha recibido el nombre de FecXR y ha sido hallado a partir del estudio de la base de datos de CarnesOviaragon SCL. Está situado en el cromosoma X de modo que los machos son hemicigóticos. Las hembras homocigóticas para el gen salvaje tienen prolificidad normal, las heterocigóticas son prolíficas y las homocigóticas para este alelo son estériles. Su efecto se estima en 0,32 corderos por oveja y parto. Del estudio de parámetros genéticos se deduce que este alelo explica una parte de la varianza genética quedando otra parte no explicada por el mismo.A new allele of the gene BMP15 which increases the prolificacy of sheep has been recently detected and identified in the Rasa-aragonesa breed. This gene has been called FecXR and has been found as a result of research on the Rasa-aragonesa data bank. It is located in the chromosome X, so that the males are hemicygotic. The homocygotic females for the wild gene have normal prolificacy, those heterocygotic are prolific and those homocygotic for this allele are sterile. Its effect is estimated to be 0,32 lambs per sheep and lamb. From the study of genetic parameters, it is concluded that this allele explains a part of the genetic variance, leaving another part yet to be explained

    Genetic polymorphism in meat fatty acids in araucano creole sheeps

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    Meat is a source of proteins and minerals. However, red meats have high levels of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and a low proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), a combination which has been linked to cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In ruminants, there are several genes that regulate the proportions of MUFA in tissues, but the most important is SCD (Stearoyl-CoA desaturase). The polymorphism g.31C >A has been described in the promoter region of the SCD gene, which is associated with changes in the gene expression and MUFA levels in the meat. The aim of this study was to detect the presence of polymorphism g.31C >A in a population of Araucano creole sheep using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). Genomic DNA was obtained from 157 Araucano creole sheep. The SCD promoter region was amplified using PCR and the amplicons were digested with restriction enzyme MnlI. The allelic frequency was 0.98 for the C allele and 0.02 for the A allele. The in silico analysis showed that the A allele could alter the expression of SCD. This is the first report of the presence of polymorphism g.31C >A in Chilean sheep, and its association with SCD expression levels and the proportion of MUFA in the meat will require further investigation

    Rabbit haemorrhagic disease: Cross-protection and comparative pathogenicity of GI.2/RHDV2/b and GI.1b/RHDV lagoviruses in a challenge trial

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    European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are severely affected by rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD). Caused by a lagovirus, the disease leads to losses in the rabbit industry and has implications for wildlife conservation. Past RHD outbreaks have been caused by GI.1/RHDV genotype viruses. A new virus belonging to the GI.2/RHDV2/b genotype emerged in 2010, quickly spreading and replacing the former in several countries; however, limited data are available on its pathogenicity and epidemiological factors. The present work extends these issues and evaluates cross-protection between both genotypes. Ninety-four and 88 domestic rabbits were challenged with GI.2/RHDV2/b and GI.1b/RHDV variant isolates, respectively. Cross-protection was determined by a second challenge on survivors with the corresponding strain. Mortality by GI.2/RHDV2/b was highly variable due to unknown individual factors, whereas mortality by GI.1b/RHDV was associated with age. Mortality in rabbits < 4 weeks old was 84%, higher than previously reported. Cross-protection was not identical between the two viruses because the ratio of mortality rate ratios for the first and second challenges was 3.80 ± 2.68 times higher for GI.2/RHDV2/b than it was for GI.1b/RHDV. Rabbit susceptibility to GI.2/RHDV2/b varied greatly and appeared to be modulated by the innate functionality of the immune response and/or its prompt activation by other pathogens. GI.1b/RHDV pathogenicity appeared to be associated with undetermined age-related factors. These results suggest that GI.2/RHDV2/b may interact with other pathogens at the population level but does not satisfactorily explain the GI.1b/RHDV virus's quick replacement

    Gene expression and fatty acid profiling in longissimus thoracis muscle, subcutaneous fat, and liver of light lambs in response to concentrate or alfalfa grazing

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    A better understanding of gene expression and metabolic pathways in response to a feeding system is critical for identifying key physiological processes and genes associated with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content in lamb meat. The main objective of this study was to investigate transcriptional changes in L. thoracis (LT) muscle, liver, and subcutaneous fat (SF) of lambs that grazed alfalfa (ALF) and concentrate-fed (CON) slaughtered at 23 kg and using the Affymetrix Ovine Gene 1.1 ST whole-genome array. The study also evaluated the relationship between meat traits in LT muscle, including color, pigments and lipid oxidation during 7 days of display, a-tocopherol content, intramuscular fat (IMF) content and the fatty acid (FA) profile. Lambs that grazed on alfalfa had a greater a-tocopherol concentration in plasma than CON lambs (P 0.05). Grazing increased the a-tocopherol content (P < 0.001) and decreased lipid oxidation on day 7 of display (P < 0.05) in LT muscle. The ALF group contained a greater amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), C18:3 n-3, C20:5 n-3, C22:5 n-3, and C22:6 n-3 than did the CON group (P < 0.05). We identified 41, 96 and four genes differentially expressed in LT muscle, liver, and subcutaneous fat, respectively. The most enriched biological processes in LT muscle were skeletal muscle tissue development, being the genes related to catabolic and lipid processes downregulated, except for CPT1B, which was upregulated in the ALF lambs. Animals grazing alfalfa had lower expression of desaturase enzymes in the liver (FADS1 and FADS2), which regulate unsaturation of fatty acids and are directly involved in the metabolism of n-3 PUFA series. The results found in the current study showed that ingesting diets richer in n-3 PUFA might have negative effects on the de novo synthesis of n-3 PUFA by downregulating the FADS1 and FADS2 expression. However, feeding diets poorer in n-3 PUFA can promote fatty acid desaturation, which makes these two genes attractive candidates for altering the content of PUFAs in meat

    Detection of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus GI.2/RHDV2/b in the Mediterranean Pine Vole ( Microtus duodecimcostatus) and White-Toothed Shrew ( Crocidura russula)

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    The European wild rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a key prey species on the Iberian Peninsula, and several predator species that are at risk of extinction are dependent on them as prey. A new rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) virus genotype (GI.2/RHDV2/b) emerged in 2010 and posed a threat to wild rabbit populations. During a survey aimed at investigating RHD epidemiology in wild rabbits, GI.2/RHDV2/b was detected by duplex real-time PCR in carcasses of one Mediterranean pine vole ( Microtus duodecimcostatus) and two white-toothed shrews ( Crocidura russula). Laboratory New Zealand white rabbits that were challenged with inocula obtained from the liver of the small mammals died showing RHD lesions, confirming the infectiousness of the isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of the VP60 gene nucleotide sequences showed complete homology between the isolates from the two small mammal species and a high degree of similarity, but not complete homology, to GI.2/RHDV2/b sequences from wild rabbits. The GI.2/RHDV2/b genotype has not been reported in species outside the order Lagomorpha

    Milk yield and genomewide expression profiling in the mammary gland of beef primiparous cows in response to the dietary management during the pre- and postweaning periods

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    Accelerated growth programs during prepubertal periods have been promoted to advance the first calving of beef heifers. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate nutrition-induced changes on first lactation milk yield and composition and on gene expression of the mammary gland in Parda de Montaña primiparous cows. Female calves (n = 16) were involved in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. In the preweaning period (PRE-W; 0–6 mo), female calves were either fed a creep feed supplement (Creep) or fed only their dam’s milk (Control). In the postweaning period (POST-W; 6–15 mo), heifers received either a high-energy diet (91.7 MJ/d) or a moderate-energy diet (79.3 MJ/d). All the heifers were managed together from breeding (15 mo) to the end of their first lactation (32 mo). Animal performance; milk production and quantity during the first lactation; plasma glucose, IGF-I, and leptin concentrations; and RNA samples from the mammary gland at the end of the first lactation of the primiparous cows (32 mo) were analyzed. The BW and ADG of the primiparous cow during its first lactation were not different among treatments; however, creep feeding during PRE-W reduced milk production (P < 0.01), milk CP, crude fat, lactose, nonfat solids, and casein content throughout lactation and increased somatic cell count in the third (P < 0.05) and fourth month of lactation (P < 0.10). The energy level during the POST-W had no effect on milk production and quality. Gene expression in the mammary gland was affected by the diet in the PRE-W and POST-W, with the PRE-W diet having the greatest impact. During the PRE-W, creep feeding resulted in upregulation of genes related to immune response and chemokine activity, suggesting that these animals might be in a compromised immune status. Therefore, this strategy would not be recommendable; meanwhile, increasing the energy level in the diet during the POST-W would be recommendable, because it had no deleterious effects on milk yield and composition

    Ovine HSP90AA1 Expression Rate Is Affected by Several SNPs at the Promoter under Both Basal and Heat Stress Conditions

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the association between polymorphisms located at the HSP90AA1 ovine gene promoter and gene expression rate under different environmental conditions, using a mixed model approach. Blood samples from 120 unrelated rams of the Manchega sheep breed were collected at three time points differing in environmental conditions. Rams were selected on the basis of their genotype for the transversion G/C located 660 base pairs upstream the gene transcription initiation site. Animals were also genotyped for another set of 6 SNPs located at the gene promoter. Two SNPs, G/C-660 and A/G-444, were associated with gene overexpression resulting from heat stress. The composed genotype CC-660-AG-444 was the genotype having the highest expression rates with fold changes ranging from 2.2 to 3.0. The genotype AG-522 showed the highest expression levels under control conditions with a fold change of 1.4. Under these conditions, the composed genotype CC-601-TT-524-AG-522-TT-468 is expected to be correlated with higher basal expression of the gene according to genotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium values. Some putative transcription factors were predicted for binding sites where the SNPs considered are located. Since the expression rate of the gene under alternative environmental conditions seems to depend on the composed genotype of several SNPs located at its promoter, a cooperative regulation of the transcription of the HSP90AA1 gene could be hypothesized. Nevertheless epigenetic regulation mechanisms cannot be discarded. © 2013 Salces-Ortiz et al

    The LEPR gene is associated with reproductive seasonality traits in Rasa Aragonesa sheep

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    The aim of this study was to characterize and identify causative polymorphisms in the leptin receptor (LEPR) gene responsible for the seasonal variation of reproductive traits in sheep. Three reproductive seasonality traits were studied: the total days of anoestrous (TDA), the progesterone cycling months (P4CM) and the oestrous cycling months (OCM). In total, 18 SNPs were detected in 33 ewes with extreme values for TDA and OCM. Six SNPs were non-synonymous substitutions and two of them were predicted in silico as deleterious: rs596133197 and rs403578195. These polymorphisms were then validated in 239 ewes. The SNP rs403578195, located in exon 8 and leading to a change of alanine to glycine (Ala284Gly) in the extracellular domain of the protein, was associated with the OCM trait, being the G allele associated with a decrease of 12 percent of the OCM trait. Haplotype analyses also suggested the involvement of other non-synonymous SNP located in exon 20 (rs405459906). This SNP also produces an amino acid change (Lys1069Glu) in the intracellular domain of the protein and segregates independently of rs403578195. These results confirm for the first time the role of the LEPR gene in sheep reproductive seasonality

    A functional variant in the stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene promoter affects gene expression in ovine muscle

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    The nutritional quality of lambs may be improved with increased stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) gene expression, which increases the desaturation of stearic acid to oleic acid. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the rs412429481 (FJ513370: g.31C > A) SNP located at the SCD gene on the functionality of the gene in lambs reared under different production systems. The effect of the rs412429481 SNP on gene expression in Rasa Aragonesa male lambs slaughtered at 22–24 kg was studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1 (n = 44), the semitendinosus muscle of lambs grazing alfalfa (ALF) or fed concentrates indoors (IND) was analysed; in Experiment 2 (n = 48), the semitendinosus and longissimus thoracis muscles of lambs that received supplementation with dl-a-tocopheryl acetate for different finishing periods were used. In Experiment 1, the effect of the rs412429481 SNP on the expression of the SCD gene in the semitendinosus muscle depended on the feeding group (P < 0.001), as it had no effect in ALF lambs, but CA lambs had greater SCD expression than CC lambs under the IND conditions. Moreover, ALF lambs showed lower levels of SCD gene expression than IND lambs (P < 0.05). In Experiment 2, gene expression was affected by the rs412429481 SNP in both muscles. Animals carrying the C- allele showed a lower expression rate than animals carrying the A- allele. These different expression levels were not associated with changes in the DNA methylation pattern or by the binding of specific nuclear proteins. Finally, we confirmed these results by luciferase assays, demonstrating that the SCD promoter containing the A variant had a 23.9% higher activity than the promoter containing the C variant

    Experimental study of the mechanical transmission of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b) by Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Clicidae) and Phlebotomus papatasi (diptera: psychodidae); 34447999

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    Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) is caused by a lagovirus mainly affecting European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), although other European and North American lagomorph species are also susceptible to fatal infection by the new viral variant RHDV2/b. In the present work, direct mechanical transmission of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV2/b variant) by the hematophagous Diptera Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) and the sand fly Phlebotomus papatasi (Scopoli) (Diptera: Psychodidae) was tested. For each species, six and three laboratory rabbits were exposed to bites of dipterous females partially fed on RHDV2/b viral suspension 2 h and 24 h prior to exposure, respectively. The rabbits were then monitored for clinical changes and mortality for 35 d, and seroconversion was assessed by indirect ELISA. No rabbit died or showed clinical signs of disease, and seroconversion was recorded in two rabbits challenged with P. papatasi females fed the viral suspension 2 h prior to exposure. The number of RHDV2/b RNA copies/female was higher in Ae. albopictus than in P. papatasi but the decrease over time of RNA load in Ae. albopictus was greater than that in P. papatasi. The results of this study suggest the inability of Ae. albopictus to serve as a direct mechanical vector of RHDV2/b, but sand flies could play a role in the local transmission of RHD. © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America