16 research outputs found

    Helmut Newton y el maniquí: la ambigüedad de lo artificial

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    Throughout his career, the photographer Helmut Newton has displayed a fascination for mannequins, due to this inanimate being´s lifelike appearance in photographic work. Combining a personal philosophical vision, Newton, by way of deliberate parallelism, developed the ​​personification of the mannequin and the archetype of the human being. In this regard the German photographer used to his advantage the pages of Vogue magazine and his own catalogues. In almost impossible scenarios or in deliberately sexualized poses, he photographed mannequins wearing the clothes of the great fashion designers, employing the hyper-realistic mannequins of the Rootstein and Hindsgaul firms, who, from the artist’s perspective, crossed the limit of their real purpose, manifesting their subversive nature instead.A lo largo de su carrera, el fotógrafo Helmut Newton ha sentido fascinación por los maniquíes, debido a la capacidad de estos seres inanimados de cobrar vida en la obra fotográfica. Acorde con su propia visión filosófica y mediante calculados paralelismos, Newton ha desarrollado la idea de humanización del maniquí y cosificación del ser humano. En las páginas de la revista Vogue o en sus propios catálogos, el fotógrafo alemán mostrará maniquíes de escaparate luciendo ropa de grandes modistos en escenarios casi imposibles o en poses deliberadamente sexualizadas, dando el protagonismo a los maniquíes hiperrrealistas de las firmas Rootstein y Hindsgaul, que bajo el encuandre del artista, traspasan el límite de su verdadera función, poniendo, en cambio, de manifiesto su carácter subversivo

    In the wake of art : reflections on the work of Paco Lagares

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    The work of Paco Lagares, demonstrates a sublime technical style supported by a trajectory beginning in the early 1970s. It skillfully unwraps the disperse disciplines of drawing, painting and sculpture with fluidity expressed in a praisworthy narrative wherein echoes of classical naturalism are interwoven with dexterity in these visual arts. They include drawings that emulate his love for plant forms to the strength expressed by his sculptures —ranging from the classic to the contemporary— or his paintings, exhibiting an accomplished compositional sense typical of theatrical staginginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The mannequin and painting in the first half of the 20th century: Reality versus artifice

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    During the last few decades, the proliferation of countless papers on the importance of the nude in the study of anatomy as a part of artistic training stands in stark contrasts to the scant critical attention paid to the mannequin, in spite of serving as a substitute for the live model in artistic creation for more than five centuries, whether completely rejected or enthusiastically vindicated at the time. This work will address the controversial question of reality versus artifice in European painting of the first half of the 20th century, from the deliberate confrontation of the mannequin with the live model to the evocative even subversive character that this device, at once versatile and disturbing, will perform, in the oeuvre of the avant-garde

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    Alternativas. A perspetiva sobre a produção artística tem vindo a ganhar nitidez, contornos e ao mesmo tempo novas difusões, desde que em 2010 a revista Estúdio começou a sua publicação. Abre-se um campo de contactos e de autorias que se afirma como um circuito alternativo aos mecanismos hegemónicos de legitimação. Tem-se vindo a afirmar uma produção ensaística sobre artistas emergentes, oriundos das novas potências criativas. A proposta tem sido consequente e perseguida de modo sustentado; surgem novas ligações, ano após ano. Os autores dos países de língua portuguesa e espanhola tomam conhecimento alargado, não do convencionalismo eurocêntrico do grande mercado, mas das alternativas discursivas no mundo.Esta é uma alternativa, uma instância de afirmação, uma concretização para uma perspetiva inovadora e criadora, congregadora e geradora de pensamento crítico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudos Artísticos

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    Astúcias para uma implicação. A proposta é de convocar o público, transportá-lo para dentro da obra, implicá-lo, transformá-lo, modificá-lo. O mundo global comporta ameaças sociais, culturais, ecológicas, identitárias. As obras contemporâneas recorrem a todos os possíveis suportes, e fazem das tecnologias mais um tecido discursivo de mediação. O que importa é fazer chegar as notícias, que tendem a ser más. A crise atual potencia talvez uma maior criatividade e uma menor arrogância retórica. Todos podem passar a intermediar o processo artístico, de dentro para fora.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    Sobre arte e viagem pode-se estabelecer um paralelo continuado, irónico, expressivo. Entre as duas, a síntese do signo, a justaposição associativa. A viagem mostra o mundo, a viagem mostra quem somos. A caminho se desenha, se imagina, se fantasia, se mente. Neste ensejo, e neste mote da descoberta, se apreentam os 16 artigos que compõem o número 26 da revista Estúdio.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper

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    The inner hundred parsecs of the Milky Way hosts the nearest supermassive black hole, largest reservoir of dense gas, greatest stellar density, hundreds of massive main and post main sequence stars, and the highest volume density of supernovae in the Galaxy. As the nearest environment in which it is possible to simultaneously observe many of the extreme processes shaping the Universe, it is one of the most well-studied regions in astrophysics. Due to its proximity, we can study the center of our Galaxy on scales down to a few hundred AU, a hundred times better than in similar Local Group galaxies and thousands of times better than in the nearest active galaxies. The Galactic Center (GC) is therefore of outstanding astrophysical interest. However, in spite of intense observational work over the past decades, there are still fundamental things unknown about the GC. JWST has the unique capability to provide us with the necessary, game-changing data. In this White Paper, we advocate for a JWST NIRCam survey that aims at solving central questions, that we have identified as a community: i) the 3D structure and kinematics of gas and stars; ii) ancient star formation and its relation with the overall history of the Milky Way, as well as recent star formation and its implications for the overall energetics of our galaxy's nucleus; and iii) the (non-)universality of star formation and the stellar initial mass function. We advocate for a large-area, multi-epoch, multi-wavelength NIRCam survey of the inner 100\,pc of the Galaxy in the form of a Treasury GO JWST Large Program that is open to the community. We describe how this survey will derive the physical and kinematic properties of ~10,000,000 stars, how this will solve the key unknowns and provide a valuable resource for the community with long-lasting legacy value.Comment: This White Paper will be updated when required (e.g. new authors joining, editing of content). Most recent update: 24 Oct 202

    El Maniquí. Evolución de una forma escultórica y su presencia en el arte

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    Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Dibuj