214 research outputs found

    Zebrafish-Based Small Molecule Discovery

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    AbstractThe earliest examples of small molecule discovery involved serendipitous phenotypic observations in whole organisms, but this organism-based process has given way in recent decades to systematic, high-throughput assays using purified proteins, cells, or cell extracts. In vitro screens have been successful at identifying modifiers of well-understood biological processes, but they are limited in their ability to discover modifiers of processes that are poorly understood or occur only in an integrated physiological context. Small model organisms, especially the zebrafish, make it possible to combine the advantages of organism-based small molecule discovery with the technologies and throughput of modern screening. The combination of model organisms with high-throughput screening is likely to extend small molecule discovery efforts to fields of study such as developmental biology and to broaden the range of diseases for which drug screening can be performed

    Screening drugs for myocardial disease in vivo with zebrafish : an expert update

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    Introduction: Our understanding of the complexity of cardiovascular disease pathophysiology remains very incomplete and has hampered cardiovascular drug development over recent decades. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and their increasing global burden call for novel strategies to address disease biology and drug discovery. Areas covered: This review describes the recent history of cardiovascular drug discovery using in vivo phenotype-based screening in zebrafish. The rationale for the use of this model is highlighted and the initial efforts in the fields of disease modeling and high-throughput screening are illustrated. Finally, the advantages and limitations of in vivo zebrafish screening are discussed, highlighting newer approaches, such as genome editing technologies, to accelerate our understanding of disease biology and the development of precise disease models. Expert opinion: Full understanding and faithful modeling of specific cardiovascular disease is a rate limiting step for cardiovascular drug discovery. The resurgence of in vivo phenotype screening together with the advancement of systems biology approaches allows for the identification of lead compounds which show efficacy on integrative disease biology in the absence of validated targets. This strategy bypasses current gaps in knowledge of disease biology and paves the way for successful drug discovery and downstream molecular target identification

    Human-zebrafish non-coding conserved elements act in vivo to regulate transcription

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    Whole genome comparisons of distantly related species effectively predict biologically important sequences—core genes and cis-acting regulatory elements (REs)—but require experimentation to verify biological activity. To examine the efficacy of comparative genomics in identification of active REs from anonymous, non-coding (NC) sequences, we generated a novel alignment of the human and draft zebrafish genomes, and contrasted this set to existing human and fugu datasets. We tested the transcriptional regulatory potential of candidate sequences using two in vivo assays. Strict selection of non-genic elements which are deeply conserved in vertebrate evolution identifies 1744 core vertebrate REs in human and two fish genomes. We tested 16 elements in vivo for cis-acting gene regulatory properties using zebrafish transient transgenesis and found that 10 (63%) strongly modulate tissue-specific expression of a green fluorescent protein reporter vector. We also report a novel quantitative enhancer assay with potential for increased throughput based on normalized luciferase activity in vivo. This complementary system identified 11 (69%; including 9 of 10 GFP-confirmed elements) with cis-acting function. Together, these data support the utility of comparative genomics of distantly related vertebrate species to identify REs and provide a scaleable, in vivo quantitative assay to define functional activity of candidate REs

    Valsartan for attenuating disease evolution in early sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: the design of the Valsartan for Attenuating Disease Evolution in Early Sarcomeric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (VANISH) trial

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    Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is often caused by sarcomere gene mutations, resulting in left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), myocardial fibrosis, and increased risk of sudden cardiac death and heart failure. Studies in mouse models of sarcomeric HCM demonstrated that early treatment with an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) reduced development of LVH and fibrosis. In contrast, prior human studies using ARBs for HCM have targeted heterogeneous adult cohorts with well-established disease. The VANISH trial is testing the safety and feasibility of disease-modifying therapy with an ARB in genotyped HCM patients with early disease. Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial is being conducted in sarcomere mutation carriers, 8 to 45 years old, with HCM and no/minimal symptoms, or those with early phenotypic manifestations but no LVH. Participants are randomly assigned to receive valsartan 80 to 320 mg daily (depending on age and weight) or placebo. The primary endpoint is a composite of 9 z-scores in domains representing myocardial injury/hemodynamic stress, cardiac morphology, and function. Total z-scores reflecting change from baseline to final visits will be compared between treatment groups. Secondary endpoints will assess the impact of treatment on mutation carriers without LVH, and analyze the influence of age, sex, and genotype. Conclusions: The VANISH trial is testing a new strategy of disease modification for treating sarcomere mutation carriers with early HCM, and those at risk for its development. In addition, further insight into disease mechanisms, response to therapy, and phenotypic evolution will be gained

    Human Kidney Disease-causing INF2 Mutations Perturb Rho/Dia Signaling in the Glomerulus

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    Mutations in Inverted Formin 2 (INF2), a diaphanous formin family protein that regulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics, cause focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease (CMT) in humans. In addition to directly remodeling actin filaments in vitro, we have shown that INF2 regulates intracellular actin dynamics and actin dependent cellular behavior by opposing Rhoa/Dia signaling. As a step towards a better understanding of the human kidney disease, we wanted to explore the relevance of these findings to the in vivo situation. We used dose dependent knockdown of INF2 to first define an in vivo model and establish an overt glomerular phenotype in zebrafish. This simple assay was validated by rescue with wild type INF2 confirming the specificity of the findings. The edema, podocyte dysfunction, and an altered glomerular filtration barrier observed in the zebrafish pronephros correlate with mistrafficking of glomerular slit diaphragm proteins, defective slit-diaphragm signaling, and disinhibited diaphanous formin (mDia) activity. In contrast to wild-type human INF2, INF2 mutants associated with kidney disease fail to rescue the zINF2 morphant phenotype. Of particular interest, this INF2 knockdown phenotype is also rescued by loss of either RhoA or Dia2. This simple assay allows the demonstration that INF2 functions, at least in part, to modulate Dia-mediated Rho signaling, and that disease causing mutations specifically impair this regulatory function. These data support a model in which disease-associated diaphanous inhibitory domain (DID) mutants in INF2 interfere with its binding to and inhibition of Dia, leading to uncontrolled Rho/Dia signaling and perturbed actin dynamics. Methods to fine tune Rho signaling in the glomerulus may lead to new approaches to therapy in humans

    Towards Precision Cardiovascular Analysis in Zebrafish: The ZACAF Paradigm

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    Quantifying cardiovascular parameters like ejection fraction in zebrafish as a host of biological investigations has been extensively studied. Since current manual monitoring techniques are time-consuming and fallible, several image processing frameworks have been proposed to automate the process. Most of these works rely on supervised deep-learning architectures. However, supervised methods tend to be overfitted on their training dataset. This means that applying the same framework to new data with different imaging setups and mutant types can severely decrease performance. We have developed a Zebrafish Automatic Cardiovascular Assessment Framework (ZACAF) to quantify the cardiac function in zebrafish. In this work, we further applied data augmentation, Transfer Learning (TL), and Test Time Augmentation (TTA) to ZACAF to improve the performance for the quantification of cardiovascular function quantification in zebrafish. This strategy can be integrated with the available frameworks to aid other researchers. We demonstrate that using TL, even with a constrained dataset, the model can be refined to accommodate a novel microscope setup, encompassing diverse mutant types and accommodating various video recording protocols. Additionally, as users engage in successive rounds of TL, the model is anticipated to undergo substantial enhancements in both generalizability and accuracy. Finally, we applied this approach to assess the cardiovascular function in nrap mutant zebrafish, a model of cardiomyopathy

    An Engineered Bivalent Neuregulin Protects Against Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity With Reduced Proneoplastic Potential

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    Background—Doxorubicin (DOXO) is an effective anthracycline chemotherapeutic, but its use is limited by cumulative dose-dependent cardiotoxicity. Neuregulin-1β is an ErbB receptor family ligand that is effective against DOXO-induced cardiomyopathy in experimental models but is also proneoplastic. We previously showed that an engineered bivalent neuregulin-1β (NN) has reduced proneoplastic potential in comparison with the epidermal growth factor–like domain of neuregulin-1β (NRG), an effect mediated by receptor biasing toward ErbB3 homotypic interactions uncommonly formed by native neuregulin-1β. Here, we hypothesized that a newly formulated, covalent NN would be cardioprotective with reduced proneoplastic effects in comparison with NRG. Methods and Results—NN was expressed as a maltose-binding protein fusion in Escherichia coli. As established previously, NN stimulated antineoplastic or cytostatic signaling and phenotype in cancer cells, whereas NRG stimulated proneoplastic signaling and phenotype. In neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, NN and NRG induced similar downstream signaling. NN, like NRG, attenuated the double-stranded DNA breaks associated with DOXO exposure in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and human cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. NN treatment significantly attenuated DOXO-induced decrease in fractional shortening as measured by blinded echocardiography in mice in a chronic cardiomyopathy model (57.7±0.6% versus 50.9±2.6%, P=0.004), whereas native NRG had no significant effect (49.4±3.7% versus 50.9±2.6%, P=0.813). Conclusions—NN is a cardioprotective agent that promotes cardiomyocyte survival and improves cardiac function in DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity. Given the reduced proneoplastic potential of NN versus NRG, NN has translational potential for cardioprotection in patients with cancer receiving anthracyclines.Stem Cell and Regenerative Biolog

    Lysosomal dysfunction and impaired autophagy underlie the pathogenesis of amyloidogenic light chain-mediated cardiotoxicity

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    AL amyloidosis is the consequence of clonal production of amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light chain (LC) proteins, often resulting in a rapidly progressive and fatal amyloid cardiomyopathy. Recent work has found that amyloidogenic LC directly initiate a cardio-toxic response underlying the pathogenesis of the cardiomyopathy; however, the mechanisms that contribute to this proteotoxicity remain unknown. Using human amyloidogenic LC isolated from patients with amyloid cardiomyopathy, we reveal that dysregulation of autophagic flux is critical for mediating amyloidogenic LC proteotoxicity. Restoration of autophagic flux by pharmacological intervention using rapamycin protected against amyloidogenic light chain protein-induced pathologies including contractile dysfunction and cell death at the cellular and organ level and also prolonged survival in an in vivo zebrafish model of amyloid cardiotoxicity. Mechanistically, we identify impaired lysosomal function to be the major cause of defective autophagy and amyloidogenic LC-induced proteotoxicity. Collectively, these findings detail the downstream molecular mechanisms underlying AL amyloid cardiomyopathy and highlight potential targeting of autophagy and lysosomal dysfunction in patients with amyloid cardiomyopathy

    Prioritizing causal disease genes using unbiased genomic features

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the developed world. Human genetic studies, including genome-wide sequencing and SNP-array approaches, promise to reveal disease genes and mechanisms representing new therapeutic targets. In practice, however, identification of the actual genes contributing to disease pathogenesis has lagged behind identification of associated loci, thus limiting the clinical benefits. Results: To aid in localizing causal genes, we develop a machine learning approach, Objective Prioritization for Enhanced Novelty (OPEN), which quantitatively prioritizes gene-disease associations based on a diverse group of genomic features. This approach uses only unbiased predictive features and thus is not hampered by a preference towards previously well-characterized genes. We demonstrate success in identifying genetic determinants for CVD-related traits, including cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and conduction system and cardiomyopathy phenotypes. Using OPEN, we prioritize genes, including FLNC, for association with increased left ventricular diameter, which is a defining feature of a prevalent cardiovascular disorder, dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM. Using a zebrafish model, we experimentally validate FLNC and identify a novel FLNC splice-site mutation in a patient with severe DCM. Conclusion: Our approach stands to assist interpretation of large-scale genetic studies without compromising their fundamentally unbiased nature. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0534-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
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