6 research outputs found

    Clinical and epidemiological profile and prevalence of tuberculosis/HIV co-infection in a regional health district in the state of Maranhão, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil clínico e epidemiológico e a prevalência da coinfecção tuberculose/HIV na Unidade Regional de Saúde do Tocantins, que envolve 14 municípios no estado do Maranhão. MÉTODOS: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo baseado em dados secundários das fichas individuais de tuberculose do Sistema Nacional de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Foram incluídos todos os casos notificados de coinfecção tuberculose/HIV, por município de residência, no período entre janeiro de 2001 e dezembro de 2010. RESULTADOS: Foram notificados 1.746 casos de tuberculose no distrito. Dos pacientes testados para HIV, 100 eram coinfectados. equivalendo a uma prevalência de 39%. Dos coinfectados, 79% eram do sexo masculino, 42% eram de cor parda, 64% tinham idade entre 20 e 40 anos, 31% tinham até quatro anos de estudo, e 88% residiam em Imperatriz. A forma clínica predominante foi a pulmonar (87%), e 73% eram casos novos. Dos coinfectados, 27% apresentaram resultados positivos na baciloscopia de escarro e 89% tinham imagem sugestiva de tuberculose na radiografia do tórax. A cultura de escarro foi realizada em apenas 7% dos casos. CONCLUSÕES: Evidenciou-se que a situação clínica e epidemiológica da coinfecção tuberculose/HIV ainda é um grande problema de saúde pública no sudoeste do Maranhão e impõe uma maior articulação entre os programas de controle de tuberculose e de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis/AIDS. Além disso, são necessários o compromisso e o envolvimento político dos gestores e profissionais de saúde no planejamento de ações e serviços de saúde

    Série temporal da dinâmica do sistema de saúde para o diagnóstico de tuberculose em uma região metropolitana do nordeste brasileiro (2010-2020)

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    Objetivo: Analisar a dinâmica do sistema de saúde para o diagnóstico de tuberculose em região metropolitana de um estado do nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de série temporal realizado em São Luís, no Estado do Maranhão, região Nordeste do Brasil. A população do estudo foi composta casos de tuberculose notificados noSistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) no período de 2010 a 2020. A estatística descritiva dos casos foi realizada utilizando medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa e o teste Qui–quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para comparar as frequências entre os casos notificados em unidades de Atenção Primária a Saúde (APS) e hospitalares e a caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica. Para análise da série temporal, recorreu-se ao modelo deautorregressão Prais–Winsten, seguido do método de decomposição denominado Seasonal–Trend using Loess (STL), finalizando com a previsão da tendência temporal para os próximos anos. Os dados foram analisados utilizando os recursos do software Stata versão 17 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) e R versão 3.5.2 (R Core Team, 2020). Resultados: Foram notificados 7.948 casos com diagnóstico de tuberculose, sendo 1.608 notificados em unidadesde Atenção Primária e 6.340 em unidades Hospitalares. O teste Qui–quadrado resultou na frequência relativa calculada considerando o total de paciente que possuíam resultados de cada exame com diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Foi possível observar tendência temporal diferenciada entre o diagnóstico realizado pela APS e hospitais. Na análise e modelagem temporal houve aumento nos casos notificados na APS e estacionário nos hospitais, entretanto, na modelagem temporal houve redução do número de casos nos hospitais.Objective: To analyze the dynamics of the health system for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a metropolitan region of a Northeast Brazilian state. Methods: Ecological time series study conducted in São Luís, Maranhão State, Northeast region of Brazil. The study population was composed of tuberculosis cases notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in the period from 2010 to 2020. The descriptive statistics of the cases was performed using absolute and relative frequency measures, and Pearson’s Chi-square test was used to compare thefrequencies between the cases notified in Primary Health Care (PHC) and hospital units and the sociodemographic and clinical characterization. For time series analysis, the Prais-Winsten autoregression model was used, followed by the decomposition method called Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS (STL), ending with the time trend prediction for the next years. The data were analyzed using the resources of the computer programs named Stata, version 17 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) and R, version 3.5.2 (R Core Team, 2020). Results: A total of 7,948 cases diagnosed with tuberculosis were notified, of which 1,608 were notified in Primary Care units and 6,340 in hospital units. The Chi-square test resulted in a relative frequency calculated considering the totalnumber of patients who had results from each examination with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was possible to observe different time trends between diagnoses performed by PHC and hospitals. In the time analysis and modeling, there was an increase in cases notified in PHC and stationary in hospitals; however, in the time modeling, there was a reduction in the number of cases in hospitals

    Integrated health service delivery networks and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations: is there a relation between them in Brazil?

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The early identification of the Breathing Symptoms within the scope of Primary Health Care is recommended, and is also one of the strategies of national sanitary authorities for reaching the elimination of tuberculosis. The purpose of this study is to consider which attributes and which territories have shown the most significant progress in Primary Health Care, in terms of coordination of Health Care Networks, and also check if those areas of Primary Health Care that are most critical regarding coordination, there were more or less cases of avoidable hospitalizations for tuberculosis.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud This is an ecological study that uses primary and secondary data. For analysis, coropletic maps were developed through the ArcGIS software, version 10.2. There was also the calculation of gross annual and Bayesian rates for hospitalizations for tuberculosis, for each Primary Health Care territory.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud There were satisfactory results for attributes such as Population (n = 37; 80.4 %), Primary Health Care (n = 43; 93.5 %), Support System (n = 45; 97.8 %); the exceptions were Logistics System (n = 32; 76.0 %) and Governance System, with fewer units in good condition (n = 31; 67.3 %). There is no evidence of any connection between networks’ coordination by Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable admissions.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud The results show that progress has been made regarding the coordination of the Health Care Networks, and a positive trend has been shown, even though the levels are not excellent. It was found no relationship between the critical areas of Primary Health Care and tuberculosis avoidable hospitalizations, possibly because other variables necessary to comprehend the phenomena.We are grateful to the Municipal Secretariat for Health, for the partnership\ud and support they have provided in the materialization of the study. We also\ud thank the coordinators of the Health Districts, for the articulation with the\ud managers of the Units and also as they have made it possible for us to\ud participate in the Ordinary General Meeting for the presentation of the\ud study. We thank the managers of the Health Units who have so kindly\ud opened the doors of their Units to our team, also encouraging the\ud participation of their employees. We thank the health workers for having\ud agreed to participate in the study, essentially as they have believed in the\ud potential of Primary Health Care for a change in model. Last but not least, to\ud the team from the Reference Hospital for making available the secondary\ud data. The Foundation of Support for Research of the State of São Paulo\ud (Fundação de Amparo e Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP)\ud (Processes No. 2012/51235-5 and No. 2013/22486-2)

    Spatial relationship of deaths and hospitalizations for tuberculosis with social indicators in Ribeirão Preto (SP)

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    Objetivo: Propôs-se analisar a relação espacial dos óbitos e internações evitáveis por TB com indicadores sociais em Ribeirão Preto/SP. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico em que foram considerados os casos de óbitos e internações, tendo como causa básica do óbito e motivo principal da internação, a tuberculose (CID A15.0 a A19.9), ocorridos na zona urbana de Ribeirão Preto e registrados respectivamente no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade e no Sistema de Internação Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde no período de 2006 a 2012. Foi realizada a análise univariada das variáveis sociodemográficas e operacionais dos casos investigados. Para construção dos indicadores sociais utilizou-se a análise de componentes principais, sendo selecionados dados das áreas de abrangência do município, considerando os dados do Censo Demográfico de 2010. A geocodificação dos casos foi processada no TerraView versão 4.2.2. Recorreu-se à regressão linear múltipla, pelo método dos mínimos quadrados e à regressão espacial para análise da relação de dependência espacial entre os indicadores sociais e as taxas de mortalidade e de internações por TB. A autocorrelação nos resíduos da regressão linear múltipla foi testada por meio do Teste Global de Moran, as análises foram realizadas considerando os softwares Arcgis-versão 10.1, Statistica versão 12.0, OpenGeoDa versão 1.0 e R versão 3.2.3. Para o diagnóstico do melhor modelo de regressão espacial, utilizou-se o teste Multiplicador de Lagrange. Em todos os testes, foi fixado o nivel de significancia de alfa em 5% (p< 0,05). Resultados: Foram registrados 50 casos de óbitos e 196 casos de internações por TB. A maioria dos casos registrados em ambos os sistemas se deu em pessoas do sexo masculino (n=41; 82%/n=146; 74,5%) e com a forma clínica pulmonar (n=44; 80,0%/n=138; 67,9%). Na construção dos indicadores sociais, três novas variáveis surgiram, apresentando respectivamente variância total de 46,2%, 18,7% e 14,6% sendo denominadas como indicadores de renda, desigualdade social e equidade social. Na modelagem para verificar relação espacial entre os óbitos e os indicadores sociais observou-se que a equidade social foi indicador estatisticamente significativo (p=0,0013) com relação negativa a mortalidade, sendo o Modelo da Defasagem Espacial o melhor método para testar a dependência espacial, com valor de ? (rho) estimado em 0,53 e altamente significativo (p=0,0014). Já na modelagem da relação espacial entre as internações por tuberculose e os indicadores sociais, o indicador de renda apresentou-se estatisticamente significativo (p=0,015) com relação negativa a internação e o melhor método para testar a dependência espacial também foi o Modelo da Defasagem Espacial com valor de ? (rho) estimado em 0,80 e altamente significativo (p<0,0001). Conclusão: O estudo contribuiu no avanço do conhecimento de que a mortalidade e as internações por tuberculose são eventos socialmente determinados, o que sugere investimento por parte da gestãoObjective: It was proposed to analyze the spatial relation of deaths and avoidable hospitalizations for TB with social indicators in Ribeirão Preto/SP. Methods: It is an ecological study that considered cases of deaths and hospital admissions due to tuberculosis (CID A15.0 to A19.9). They occurred in the urban area of Ribeirão Preto and were recorded, respectively, in the Mortality Information System and Hospital Admission System of the Unified Health System between 2006 and 2012. It was possible to perform the univariate analysis of socio- demographic and occupational variables of the investigated cases. It was used, for social indicators construction, the principal component analysis and data from selected areas of the municipality by considering the Demographic Census of 2010. The cases decoding was processed by TerraView version 4.2.2. It was used the multiple linear regression through the least squares method and spatial regression for relation analysis of spatial dependence between social indicators and death rates and hospitalizations by TB. The autocorrelation in residues of multiple linear regression was tested by the Global Moran test, and analyzes were performed by considering the software Arcgis-version 10.1, Statistica version 12.0, OpenGeoDa version 1.0 and R version 3.2.3. For diagnosis of a better spatial regression model, it was possible to use the Lagrange Multiplier test. In all tests, the alpha significance level was fixed at 5% (p <0.05). Results: There were 50 cases of deaths and 196 cases of hospitalizations by TB. Most cases registered in both systems occurred in males (n=41; 82%/n=146; 74.5%) and with pulmonary clinical form (n=44; 80.0%/n=138; 67.9%). Three new variables emerged, in the construction of social indicators, presenting respectively the total variance of 46.2%, 18.7% and 14.6% and named as indicators of income, social inequality and social equity. In the modeling to verify the spatial relation between deaths and social indicators, it was observed that social equity was the statistically significant indicator (p=0.0013), and with a negative relation to the mortality. Then, the Spatial Lag Model was the best method to test spatial dependence, with a value of ? (rho) estimated at 0.53 and highly significant (p=0.0014). In relation to the modeling of spatial relationship between hospitalizations for tuberculosis and social indicators, income indicator was statistically significant (p=0.015) with a negative relation for hospitalization, and the Spatial Lag Model was also the best method to test spatial dependence, with a value of ? (rho) estimated at 0.80 and highly significant (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The research contributes to knowledge advancement that mortality and hospitalizations for tuberculosis are events socially determined that suggest management investment

    Social protection in areas vulnerable to tuberculosis: a mixed methods study in São Luís, Maranhão

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the risk areas for tuberculosis and the influences of social protection on the development of treatment for the disease in the municipality of São Luís, Maranhão. Methods: this is explanatory sequential mixed method research. In the quantitative phase, the data were obtained from the Notifiable Diseases Information System from 2010 to 2019, with georeferencing being carried out to identify areas vulnerable to tuberculosis. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were carried out with individuals who received social benefits. Results: 7,381 cases were geocoded, and, from the purely spatial scanning analysis, it was possible to identify 13 spatial clusters of risk. As for the interviews, there was a positive relationship between patient improvement and receiving benefits. Conclusions: geographic space and social determinants are relevant for reorienting monitoring actions for the conditions that generate the health-disease process