123 research outputs found

    Responses of Target and Non-target Species to Algaecide Exposures

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    Laboratory experiments are often used to predict the responses of target and non-target species to chemical exposures in the field. In the first two experiments of this thesis, a rigorous evaluation of six algal viability measures was conducted. A definitive evaluation of the algal response measures was conducted using heat treatment to create known live: dead cell suspensions. Results from the response measures were compared to the known viability of the cell suspensions to determine their variance and accuracy. Copper-based algaecides were then used as a more realistic exposure to test the algal viability measures. When algal viability measures had a monotonic response curve, EC50s and potency slopes were calculated to compare the relative sensitivities of Planktothrix agadhii and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata to copper sulfate pentahydrate and Cutrine-Ultra. Lastly, experiments were conducted in the laboratory to predict the responses of target and non-target organisms in Lay Lake to an ongoing algaecide treatment and a potential alternative algaecide treatment for Lyngbya wollei (L. wollei). Lay Lake is a man-made reservoir in central Alabama that has experienced noxious L. wollei growths for the past 10 years. Results from the first two experiments highlight the advantages, limitations and utility of some algal viability measures. In the last experiment, no measureable copper residuals were present and no adverse effects to benthic invertebrates (Hyalella Azteca and Chironomus dilutes) were discerned from sediments after 10 years of periodic algaecide applications. An effective alternative treatment for L. wollei from Lay Lake was predicted that may enhance the margin of safety for non-target species in the field

    Modeling Pulse Exposures From Copper Algaecides and Effects on Target and Non-Target Species

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    Pulse exposures are fundamentally different from static exposures in that they temporarily exceed pretreatment concentrations. Given this fundamental difference, responses of organisms to pulse exposures should also differ from responses to static exposures. In this dissertation, copper-based algaecides were studied because they have notable characteristics that can be used to ask questions regarding pulse exposure durations and consequent effects. Specifically, the time, location and applied concentration are predetermined allowing for measurement of copper exposures in situ. Additionally, algaecides are intended to result in effects to noxious species so that responses can be measured. For the first experiment in this dissertation, copper dissipation rates following an algaecide application were calculated and modeled both physically and mathematically by characterizing individual fate processes for copper (i.e. algal sorption, sediment sorption, copper precipitation and dilution). After characterizing copper pulse exposures, the influence of exposure duration on organism responses was discerned. The target cyanobacterium Lyngbya wollei and the non-target fish Pimephales promelas were used to demonstrate relationships between pulse-exposure durations and organism responses. For Lyngbya wollei, initial cyanobacterial biomass may be another characteristic that alters responses of the cyanobacterium in addition to exposure duration. From the characterization of copper pulse exposures, aqueous phase copper concentrations dissipated rapidly (half-life = 0.03 days) in situ. This rapid half-life was comparable to the half-life for dilution (half-life = 0.03 days), whereas the half-lives for sediment sorption (half-life = 3 days), copper precipitation (no significant differences in aqueous copper concentrations in 13 days) and algal sorption (no significant differences in aqueous copper concentrations in 8 days) were greater, indicating that dissipation was mainly due to dilution. Mathematic and physical (mesocosm) models of copper pulse exposures resulted in similar dissipation half-lives (mathematic half-life = 0.03 days and mesocosm half-life = 0.02 days) relative to half-lives calculated from copper concentrations measured in situ (half-life = 0.03 days) demonstrating that these approaches could be used to predict exposure durations. In terms of L. wollei responses to copper pulse exposures, the biomass of the cyanobacterium at exposure initiation is a variable in addition to exposure duration and copper concentration that drives responses. For a series of initial cyanobacterial biomasses from 13 g wet weight (WW)/m2 to 1,558 g WW/m2 exposed to the same copper concentration and exposure duration (1 mg Cu/L for 24 hours), responses of L. wollei range from the maximum response (\u3e 90% response in terms of percent damaged trichomes) to non-detect demonstrating the impact of biomass at exposure initiation. A model was subsequently designed using initial biomass, copper concentration and exposure duration to predict responses of L. wollei to a copper algaecide. For the non-target fish, P. promelas, copper exposures with 1.5 hour half-lives resulted in LC50s (calculated from percent survival measured 96 hours following exposure initiation) that exceeded those of static exposures by an order of magnitude (i.e. 164 µg Cu/L to 1,134 µg Cu/L). LC50s (calculated from measurements 96 hours following exposure initiation) for copper pulses with half-lives of 4 and 8 hours exceeded static exposures by a factor of approximately 3 while half-lives of 15 hours resulted in comparable P. promelas responses relative to 96 hour static LC50s. The experiments presented in this dissertation provided approaches to understand the limits and bounds of pulse exposures in terms of exposure durations and effects on both target and non-target organisms

    Total esophagogastrectomy in the neoplasms of the esophagus and esofagogastric junction: when must be indicated?

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    to analyse the indications and results of the total esophagogastrectomy in cancers of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction. twenty patients with adenocarcinomas were operated with a mean age of 55 ± 9.9 years (31-70 years), and 14 cases were male (60%). Indications were 18 tumors of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction (90%) and two with invasion of gastric fundus (10%) in patients with previous gastrectomy. Preoperative colonoscopy to exclude colonic diseases was performed in ten cases. the surgical technique consisted of median laparotomy and left cervicotomy, followed by transhiatal esophagectomy associated with D2 lymphadenectomy. The reconstructions were performed with eight esophagocoloduodenoplasty and the others were Roux-en-Y esophagocolojejunoplasty to prevent the alkaline reflux. Three cases were stage I / II, while 15 cases (85%) were stages III / IV, reflecting late diagnosis of these tumors. The operative mortality was 5 patients (25%): a mediastinitis secondary to necrosis of the transposed colon, abdominal cellulitis secondary to wound infection, severe pneumonia, an irreversible shock and sepsis associated with colojejunal fistula. Four patients died in the first year after surgery: 3 (15%) were due to tumor recurrence and 1 (5%) secondary to bronchopneumonia. The 5-year survival was 15%. the total esophagogastrectomy associated with esophagocoloplasty has high morbidity and mortality, requiring precise indication, and properly selected patients benefit from the surgery, with the risk-benefit acceptable, contributing to increased survival and improved quality of life.To analyse the indications and results of the total esophagogastrectomy in cancers of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction. twenty patients with adenocarcinomas were operated with a mean age of 55 ± 9.9 years (31-70 years), and 14 cases were426360365sem informaçãosem informaçã

    11. Intempestividade e Trágico em Nietzsche

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    O texto ora apresentado reflete sobre o sentido da intempestividade, em Nietzsche, e o caráter intempestivo, tanto da filosofia trágica quanto da proclamação da volta do trágico à cultura ocidental, tal como se expõe em O nascimento da tragédia e em obras tardias. Palavras-chave | Trágico | contemporâneo | arte Abstract The text presented here reflects on the meaning of untimeliness, in Nietzsche, and on the nature of the untimely, both in philosophy of the tragic as well as in Nietzsche's proclamation of the return of the tragic in Western culture, as exhibited in The Birth of Tragedy and in later works. Keywords | The tragic | the contemporary | art Tereza Cristina B. Calomeni é Professora Associada da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Departamento de Filosofia. Pós-Doutorado em Filosofia (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro - PUC-RJ). Doutora em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). Mestra em Filosofia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ). Tereza Cristina B. Calomeni is Associate Professor of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), in the Department of Philosophy and a Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy (Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-RJ). She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and a Master's in Philosophy from the same university

    Mutant Rab24 GTPase is targeted to nuclear inclusions

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    BACKGROUND: Members of the Rab GTPase family regulate intracellular protein trafficking, but the specific function of Rab24 remains unknown. Several attributes distinguish this protein from other members of the Rab family, including a low intrinsic GTPase activity. RESULTS: The functions of other Rab proteins have been defined through the use of dominant-negative mutants with amino acid substitutions in the conserved N(T)KxD nucleotide binding motif. Surprisingly, when such Rab24 constructs were expressed in cultured cells, they accumulated in nuclear inclusions which disrupted the integrity of the nuclear envelope. The inclusions reacted positively with antibodies against ubiquitin and Hsp70, similar to protein aggregates observed in polyglutamine disorders. They also appeared to sequester importin-β and GFP-coupled glucocorticoid receptor. Other Rab GTPases with similar mutations in the N(T)KxD motif were never found in inclusions, suggesting that the unusual localization of Rab24 is not related solely to misfolding of its nucleotide-free form. Studies with Rab24/Rab1B chimeras indicated that targeting of the mutant protein to inclusions requires the unique C-terminal domain of Rab24. CONCLUSION: These studies demonstrate that mutations in Rab24 can trigger a cytopathic cellular response involving accumulation of nuclear inclusions. If the N(T)KxD mutants of Rab24 function as dominant suppressors, these studies may point to a unique role for Rab24 in degradation of misfolded cellular proteins or trafficking of proteins to the nuclear envelope. However, we cannot yet eliminate the possibility that these phenomena are related to unusual non-physiological protein interactions with the mutant form of Rab24

    Estratégias fotoprotetoras contra fotocarcinogênese e fotoenvelhecimento

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    The sunlight is not only indispensable to life and physiological processes, but it is also associated with the development of photoaging and, in some more severe cases, with photocarcinogenesis in genetically prone and vulnerable phototype populations in a proportional exposure/risk ratio. Considering the different methods of solar protection, especially the various formulations of organic and inorganic sunscreens, the present study aimed to review the best protective strategy against the damaging effects of the sun rays, enabling the sustainable promotion of health and quality of life. We have concluded that the use of clothing protecting agents associated with sunscreens of wide spectrum—those that combine inorganic/barrier compounds with organic/filtering agents—results in the most efficient solar protection combination, by associating a higher degree of UVA and UVB waves protection with high photostability and water stability to subjects under sustained sun exposure, especially those who work under these conditions

    Dissociation of pulse wave velocity and aortic wall stiffness in diabetic db/db mice: The influence of blood pressure.

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    Introduction: Vascular stiffness is a predictor of cardiovascular disease and pulse wave velocity (PWV) is the current standard for measuring in vivo vascular stiffness. Mean arterial pressure is the largest confounding variable to PWV; therefore, in this study we aimed to test the hypothesis that increased aortic PWV in type 2 diabetic mice is driven by increased blood pressure rather than vascular biomechanics. Methods and Results: Using a combination of in vivo PWV and ex vivo pressure myography, our data demonstrate no difference in ex vivo passive mechanics, including outer diameter, inner diameter, compliance (Db/db: 0.0094 ± 0.0018 mm2/mmHg vs. db/db: 0.0080 ± 0.0008 mm2/mmHg, p \u3e 0.05 at 100 mmHg), and incremental modulus (Db/db: 801.52 ± 135.87 kPa vs. db/db: 838.12 ± 44.90 kPa, p \u3e 0.05 at 100 mmHg), in normal versus diabetic 16 week old mice. We further report no difference in basal or active aorta biomechanics in normal versus diabetic 16 week old mice. Finally, we show here that the increase in diabetic in vivo aortic pulse wave velocity at baseline was completely abolished when measured at equivalent pharmacologically-modulated blood pressures, indicating that the elevated PWV was attributed to the concomitant increase in blood pressure at baseline, and therefore stiffness. Conclusions: Together, these animal model data suggest an intimate regulation of blood pressure during collection of pulse wave velocity when determining in vivo vascular stiffness. These data further indicate caution should be exerted when interpreting elevated PWV as the pure marker of vascular stiffness

    Avaliação dos níveis de ferritina e vitamina B12 em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica suplementados com polivitamínico

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    The nutritional deficiencies of iron and vitamin B12 are the major changes that endanger the success of bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to evaluate ferritin and vitamin B12 levels in patients with Grade III obesity of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), who underwent Roux-en-Y gastrojejunal shunting (BPGYR) supplemented free of charge with the Materna® product his multivitamin was distributed to 40 patients free of charge for 24 months and 23 patients, the control group, did not receive the drug. The comparison of ferritin and vitamin B12 in patients submitted to BPGYR, with free supplementation were superior to those observed for the control group. It is concluded that the free supply of Materna® by SUS to patients submitted to BPGYR is a recommended measure for adequate control and adherence of the patient to the treatment