471 research outputs found

    Nivel de éxito y flexibilidad en el uso de estrategias resolviendo problemas de generalización de pautas lineales

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    En esta comunicación se analizan, se clasifican y se comparan las estrategias que han utilizado 96 alumnos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (12-16 años) en el proceso de generalización de una situación en la que debían identificar un patrón y continuar el proceso. Se ha analizado el nivel de éxito y la flexibilidad en el uso de estrategias para responder a los distintos apartados. Los resultados muestran que las estrategias más utilizadas han sido las aditivas y las más eficaces las funcionales, y que la dificultad mayor de los estudiantes fue encontrar una regla general. Por otra parte los alumnos con mayor nivel de éxito presentaron una mayor flexibilidad en la utilización de las estrategias

    adF: A Novel System for Measuring Web Fingerprinting through Ads

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    This paper introduces adF, a novel system for analyzing the vulnerability of different devices, Operating Systems (OSes), and browsers to web fingerprinting. adF performs its measurements from code inserted in ads. We have used our system in several ad campaigns that delivered 5,40 million ad impressions. The collected data enable us to assess the vulnerability of current desktop and mobile devices to web fingerprinting. Based on our results, we estimate that 64% of desktop devices and 40% of mobile devices can be uniquely fingerprinted with our web fingerprinting system. However, the resilience to web fingerprinting varies significantly across browsers and device types, with Chrome on desktops being the most vulnerable configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; added keyword

    Fatty acid composition of different adipose tissues in heavy pigs

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    Forty-seven castrated male Duroc x (Landrace x Large White) pigs were used to determine fatty acids compositions from different adipose tissues. The outer subcutaneous backfat layer had a lower proportion of saturated and higher monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids than the inner laver. Liver fat had the highest proportion of poiyunsaturated fatty acids. Intramuscular fat followed by subcutaneous backfat had the highest monounsaturation indexes. Moreover, omental and hepatic fat had the highest amount of n-3 fatty acids. In conclusion, the fatty acid profile was depended on fat location, with intramuscular and outer backfat the most beneficial from the point of view of nutrition and health

    Soil investigation -- Kailua Heights, Unit 6, A1 Subdivision

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    tax map key: 4-2-02:41Contents: field exploration, soil conditions, recommendations, guide specifications for engineering fill, guide specifications for use of oversize material, boring logs, and mapArakaki, Y

    TIA: A forward model and analyzer for Talbot interferometry experiments of dense plasmas

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    Producción CientíficaInterferometry is one of the most sensitive and successful diagnostic methods for plasmas. However, owing to the design of most common interferometric systems, the wavelengths of operation and, therefore, the range of densities and temperatures that can be probed are severely limited. Talbot–Lau interferometry offers the possibility of extending interferometry measurements to x-ray wavelengths by means of the Talbot effect. While there have been several proof-of-concept experiments showing the efficacy of this method, it is only recently that experiments to probe High Energy Density (HED) plasmas using Talbot–Lau interferometry are starting to take place. To improve these experimental designs, we present here the Talbot-Interferometry Analyzer (TIA) tool, a forward model for generating and postprocessing synthetic x-ray interferometry images from a Talbot–Lau interferometer. Although TIA can work with any two-dimensional hydrodynamic code to study plasma conditions as close to reality as possible, this software has been designed to work by default with output files from the hydrodynamic code FLASH, making the tool user-friendly and accessible to the general plasma physics community. The model has been built into a standalone app, which can be installed by anyone with access to the MATLAB runtime installer and is available upon request to the authors

    Relación óptima de metionina+cistina/lisina digestibles en gallinas isa Brown de 34 a 42 semanas de edad.

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    Los trabajos previos en los que se han estudiado las recomendaciones de metionina+cistina para gallinas ponedoras son muy numerosos, pero los resultados obtenidos presentan una gran variabilidad y, en algunos casos, son contradictorios. Esta variabilidad se explica por las condiciones en las que se ha realizado el estudio, la edad de las gallinas, la genética y el parámetro a optimizar. En este sentido, Novak et al. (2004) observaron que las necesidades totales de metionina+cistina eran mayores para maximizar el peso del huevo que para optimizar la producción de huevos o la eficacia alimenticia. Estas diferencias fueron menos importantes entre las 20 y 43 semanas (8%), que de las 44 a las 63 semanas de edad (16%). Además, las recomendaciones para optimizar la producción y el peso del huevo fueron un 17% y 11% mayores, respectivamente, en el primer periodo con respecto al segundo. Por el contrario, Waldroup y Hellwig (1995) encontraron que las necesidades totales de metionina+cistina para optimizar la producción y masa de huevo fueron más elevadas (12 y 10%, respectivamente) de 51 a 71 semanas de edad que de 25 a 45. Cuando las recomendaciones se expresan en unidades digestibles, el rango de necesidades de metionina+cistina digestibles con respecto a lisina digestible varía desde un 81 a un 107% (81%: Coon and Zhang, 1999; 90%: FEDNA, 2008; 91%: Rostagno et al., 2005; 93%: CVB, 1996; 94%: Bregendahl et al., 2008; 99%: Brumano et al., 2010a; 100%: Cupertino et al., 2009; Brumano et al., 2010a; 101%: Brumano et al., 2010b; 107%: Schmidt et al., 2009). Como consecuencia de esta alta variabilidad, es necesario seguir investigando sobre cuál sería el ratio óptimo metionina+cistina/lisina digestible para optimizar los rendimientos de gallinas ponedoras. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las necesidades óptimas de metionina+cistina digestibles con respecto a lisina digestible de gallinas Isa Brown desde las 34 a las 42 semanas de eda

    Wind Resource Assessment on Puna Island

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    Puna Island, located in the Pacific Ocean off the southern coast of Ecuador, has a population of approximately 3344 inhabitants. However, not all inhabitants have access to electricity, which is largely supplied by diesel generators. Therefore, to identify a renewable, sustainable, environmentally friendly and low-cost alternative, a 40-m-high anemometer tower was installed for wind resource assessment and to determine the possibility of generating electricity from wind energy. Based on mathematical models for electricity generation from wind energy, data were analyzed using the software Windographer and WAsP, to determine a long-term wind speed of 4.8 m/s and a mean wind power density of 272 W/m(2). By simulating the use of a 3.3-MW wind turbine, we demonstrated that as much as 800 kWh could be generated during the hours when the wind reaches its highest speed. In addition to demonstrating the technical feasibility of meeting the electricity demands of Puna Island through wind power, this study exemplifies a method that can be used for wind resource assessment in any location