2,034 research outputs found

    Research Needs in Electrostatics for Lunar and Mars Space Missions

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    The new space exploratory vision announced by President Bush on January 14, 2004, initiated new activities at the National Science and Space Administration (NASA) for human space missions to further explore our solar system. NASA is undertaking Lunar exploration to support sustained human and robotic exploration of Mars and beyond. A series of robotic missions to the Moon by 2008 to prepare for human exploration as early as 2015 but no later than 2020 are anticipated. In a similar way, missions to the Moon and Mars are being planned in Europe, Japan and Russia. These space missions will require international participation to solve problems in a number of important technological areas where research is needed, including biomedical risk mitigation as well as life support and habitability on the surface of Mars. Mitigation of dust hazards is one of the most important problems to be resolved for both Lunar and Mars missions. Both Lunar and Martian regolith are unique materials and completely different from the terrestrial soils that we are exposed to on earth. The total absence of water and an atmosphere on the moon and the formation of soil and fine dust by micrometeorite impacts over billions of years resulted in a layer of soil with unique properties. The soil is primarily basaltic in composition with a high glass concentration. The depth of the soil layer varies from a few meters in the mare areas (dark areas on the Lunar near side) to tens of meters in the highland areas (the lighter mountainous areas) and the particle size distribution of this dust layer varies widely with a major mass fraction less than 10 micrometer in diameter. The hard soil from the moon which has been extensively studied by several researchers showed clearly unique properties of Lunar soil. Apollo astronauts became aware of the potentially serious threat to crew health and mission hardware that can be caused by the lunar dust. As reported by McKay and Carrier the mass fraction of the lunar dust with particle diameter smaller than 20p.m probably represents up to 30% of the total mass of regolith. Apollo astronaut Dr. Harrison Schmidt reported that these fine dust particles were clinging to the Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) suits and to the visors and were limiting the activity on the surface of the moon. The dust particles that were transported with the EVA suits into the lunar module floated throughout the cabin. Crews inhaled the dust particles and noted that they smelled like gun smoke, caused a chocking sensation in the throat and eye irritation. In addition,, some of the mechanical systems were not functioning well because of the dust deposition. It appeared that the dust particles are highly charged electrostatically and Dr. Schmidt noted that future successful Lunar missions will require appropriate dust mitigation technology for protecting astronauts from inhaling toxic particles and mission's life supporting equipment from contamination with the dust particles

    Paper Session II-B - Capabilities of the Mars Electrostatics Chamber at Kennedy Space Center

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    The Mars Electrostatics Chamber (MEC) in the Electromagnetic Physics Testbed Laboratory at NASA Kennedy Space Center, a cylindrical vacuum chamber with a volume of 1.5 m3, was designed to simulate limited Martian environmental conditions for electrostatics studies as well as for other areas of research. The MEC has been outfitted with an automated control system and a graphical user interface. The automation system consists of four subsystems: pressure control, temperature control, atmosphere control, and pneumatic control. The pressure and temperature control subsystems bring the chamber to 10 mbar and —90 C. The atmosphere control subsystem maintains a 100% carbon dioxide atmosphere at 10 mbar in the chamber. The pneumatic control system supplies compressed air to the pneumatic valves in the system. The MEC has a 1.43 m × 0.80 m experiment deck, a vacuum depressurization time of 20 min, controlled repressurization time of 10 minutes, and can be repressurized in an emergency in 10 min. The MEC can also be controlled manually to accommodate other environmental conditions. Experiments using the MEC are currently under way

    The Electrostatic Environments of Mars and the Moon

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    The electrical activity present in the environment near the surfaces of Mars and the moon has very different origins and presents a challenge to manned and robotic planetary exploration missions. Mars is covered with a layer of dust that has been redistributed throughout the entire planet by global dust storms. Dust, levitated by these storms as well as by the frequent dust devils, is expected to be electrostatically charged due to the multiple grain collisions in the dust-laden atmosphere. Dust covering the surface of the moon is expected to be electrostatically charged due to the solar wind, cosmic rays, and the solar radiation itself through the photoelectric effect. Electrostatically charged dust has a large tendency to adhere to surfaces. NASA's Mars exploration rovers have shown that atmospheric dust falling on solar panels can decrease their efficiency to the point of rendering the rover unusable. And as the Apollo missions to the moon showed, lunar dust adhesion can hinder manned and unmanned lunar exploration activities. Taking advantage of the electrical activity on both planetary system bodies, dust removal technologies are now being developed that use electrostatic and dielectrophoretic forces to produce controlled dust motion. This paper presents a short review of the theoretical and semiempirical models that have been developed for the lunar and Martian electrical environments

    Flexible Graphene-based Energy Storage Devices for Space Application Project

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    Develop prototype graphene-based reversible energy storage devices that are flexible, thin, lightweight, durable, and that can be easily attached to spacesuits, rovers, landers, and equipment used in space

    On the driver of relativistic effects strength in Seyfert galaxies

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    Spectroscopy of X-ray emission lines emitted in accretion discs around supermassive black holes is one of the most powerful probes of the accretion flow physics and geometry, while also providing in principle observational constraints on the black hole spin.[...] We aim at determining the ultimate physical driver of the strength of this relativistic reprocessing feature. We first extend the hard X-ray flux-limited sample of Seyfert galaxies studied so far (FERO, de la Calle Perez et al. 2010) to obscured objects up to a column density N_H=6x10^23 atoms/cm/cm. We verify that none of the line properties depends on the AGN optical classification, as expected from the Seyfert unification scenarios. There is also no correlation between the accretion disc inclination, as derived from formal fits of the line profiles, and the optical type or host galaxy aspect angle, suggesting that the innermost regions of the accretion disc and the host galaxy plane are not aligned. [...]. Data are not sensitive enough to the detailed ionisation state of the line-emitting disc. However, the lack of dependency of the line EW on either the luminosity or the rest-frame centroid energy rules out that disc ionisation plays an important role on the EW dynamical range in Seyferts. The dynamical range of the relativistically broadened K-alpha iron line EW in nearby Seyferts appears to be mainly determined by the properties of the innermost accretion flow. We discuss several mechanisms (disc ionisation, disc truncation, aberration due to a mildly relativistic outflowing corona) which can explain this. [...] Observational data are still not in contradiction with scenarios invoking different mechanisms for the spectral complexity around the iron line, most notably the "partial covering" absorption scenario. (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics. 14 pages, 9 figure

    Electrostatic Evaluation of the ARES I FTS Antenna Materials

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    Surface resistivity and volume resistivity data show all the tested non-metallic materials of the Ares I FTS antenna assembly to be insulative. The external materials (White foam, phenolic) should be able to develop a large surface charge density upon tribocharging with ice crystal impingement. Dielectric breakdown tests on the FTS antenna housing materials show that each of the insulative materials are very resistive to electrical breakdown. The thicknesses of these materials in a nominal housing should protect the antenna from direct breakdown from external triboelectric charging potentials. Per data from the Air Force study, a maximum external electric potential in the range of 100kV can be developed on surfaces tribocharged by ice crystal impingement. Testing showed that under operational pressure ranges, this level of exterior voltage can result in a potential of about 6 kV induced on the electrically floating interior antenna vanes. Testing the vanes up to this voltage level showed that electrostatic discharges can occur between the electrically floating vanes and the center, grounded screw heads. Repeated tests with multiple invisible and visible discharges caused only superficial physical damage to the vanes. Fourier analysis of the discharge signals showed that the frequency range of credible discharges would not interfere with the nominal operation of the FTS antenna. However, due to the limited scope, short timetable, and limited funding of this study, a direct measurement of the triboelectric charge that could be generated on the Ares I antenna housing when the rocket traverses an ice cloud at supersonic speeds was not performed. Instead, data for the limited Air Force study [3] was used as input for our experiments. The Air Force data used was not collected with a sensor located to provide us with the best approximation at the geometry of the Ares I rocket, namely that of the windshield electrometer, because brush discharges to the metal frame of the windshield periodically depleted any charge accumulated. The configuration of the Ares I antenna assembly does not include any exposed metals in the vicinity and the windshield data could not be used. Since the windshield sensor data was unusable, we decided that the Patch 2 location would provide us with a rough approximation to the Ares I antenna configuration and would give us an indication of the possible charging levels that would develop. This was the data that we used in this study. Whether these charging levels would be of the same order of magnitude as the actual charges developed by the Ares I traversing a cloud with ice particles is at this point unknown. An actual experimental test, requiring the acquisition of additional instrumentation, is strongly advised before a final recommendation can be formulated regarding the safe levels of electrostatic charging on the antenna housing. Thus the results of this study should be considered to be preliminary

    Paper Session I-A - Dielectric Properties of Martian Soil Simulant

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    NASA’s Viking and Mars Pathfinder missions each used onboard instruments to determine the composition of the Martian soil at their respective landing sites. Those findings led to the development of a Martian soil simulant (JSC Mars-1) at NASA Johnson Space Center. However, in spite of the compositional studies conducted during those previous missions, no direct measurements were ever made of the dielectric properties of the Martian soil. Recently, instrumentation was developed at NASA Kennedy Space Center that enables investigations of the dielectric properties of granular materials to be conducted, including studies of Martian soil simulant. In the present study, a three-electrode system was used to measure the frequency response to an applied sinusoidal voltage of finely ground Martian soil simulant that was placed in a dry, low-vacuum environment. The data is shown to support a simple model of the granular system in which the resistances and capacitances of individual particles are connected in series by the resistance and capacitance of interparticle contacts
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