194 research outputs found

    Run-time connector synthesis for autonomic systems of systems

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    A key objective of autonomic computing is to reduce the cost and expertise required for the management of complex IT systems. As a growing number of these systems are implemented as hierarchies or federations of lower-level systems, techniques that support the development of autonomic systems of systems are required. This article introduces one such technique, which involves the run-time synthesis of autonomic system connectors. These connectors are specified by means of a new type of autonomic computing policy termed a resource definition policy, and enable the dynamic realisation of collections of collaborating autonomic systems, as envisaged by the original vision of autonomic computing. We propose a framework for the formal specification of autonomic computing policies, and use it to define the new policy type and to describe its application to the development of autonomic system of systems. To validate the approach, we present a sample data-centre application that was built using connectors synthesised from resource-definition policies

    Run-time connector synthesis for autonomic systems of systems

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    A key objective of autonomic computing is to reduce the cost and expertise required for the management of complex IT systems. As a growing number of these systems are implemented as hierarchies or federations of lower-level systems, techniques that support the development of autonomic systems of systems are required. This article introduces one such technique, which involves the run-time synthesis of autonomic system connectors. These connectors are specified by means of a new type of autonomic computing policy termed a resource definition policy, and enable the dynamic realisation of collections of collaborating autonomic systems, as envisaged by the original vision of autonomic computing. We propose a framework for the formal specification of autonomic computing policies, and use it to define the new policy type and to describe its application to the development of autonomic system of systems. To validate the approach, we present a sample data-centre application that was built using connectors synthesised from resource-definition policies

    Reconfigurable service-oriented architecture for autonomic computing

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    Almost a decade has passed since the objectives and benefits of autonomic computing were stated, yet even the latest system designs and deployments exhibit only limited and isolated elements of autonomic functionality. In previous work, we identified several of the key challenges behind this delay in the adoption of autonomic solutions, and proposed a generic framework for the development of autonomic computing systems that overcomes these challenges. In this article, we describe how existing technologies and standards can be used to realise our autonomic computing framework, and present its implementation as a service-oriented architecture. We show how this implementation employs a combination of automated code generation, model-based and object-oriented development techniques to ensure that the framework can be used to add autonomic capabilities to systems whose characteristics are unknown until runtime. We then use our framework to develop two autonomic solutions for the allocation of server capacity to services of different priorities and variable workloads, thus illustrating its application in the context of a typical data-centre resource management problem

    Safety Controller Synthesis for Collaborative Robots

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    In human-robot collaboration (HRC), software-based automatic safety controllers (ASCs) are used in various forms (e.g. shutdown mechanisms, emergency brakes, interlocks) to improve operational safety. Complex robotic tasks and increasingly close human-robot interaction pose new challenges to ASC developers and certification authorities. Key among these challenges is the need to assure the correctness of ASCs under reasonably weak assumptions. To address this need, we introduce and evaluate a tool-supported ASC synthesis method for HRC in manufacturing. Our ASC synthesis is: (i) informed by the manufacturing process, risk analysis, and regulations; (ii) formally verified against correctness criteria; and (iii) selected from a design space of feasible controllers according to a set of optimality criteria. The synthesised ASC can detect the occurrence of hazards, move the process into a safe state, and, in certain circumstances, return the process to an operational state from which it can resume its original task

    Accurate Analysis of Quality Properties of Software with Observation-Based Markov Chain Refinement

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    We introduce a tool-supported method for the automated refinement of continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) used to assess quality properties of component-based software. Existing research focuses on improving the efficiency of CTMC analysis and on identifying new applications for this analysis. As such, ensuring that the analysis is accurate by using CTMCs that closely model the behaviour of the analysed software has received relatively little attention. Our new method addresses this gap by refining the high-level CTMC model of a component-based software system based on observations of the execution times of its components. Our refinement method reduced analysis errors by 77–90.3% for a service-based system implemented using six public web services from three different providers, improving the accuracy of the analysis and significantly reducing the risk of invalid software engineering decisions

    CADS*: Computer-Aided Development of self-* systems

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    We present the prototype tool CADS* for the computer-aided development of an important class of self-* systems, namely systems whose components can be modelled as Markov chains. Given a Markov chain representation of the IT components to be included into a self-* system, CADS* automates or aids (a) the development of the artifacts necessary to build the self-* system; and (b) their integration into a fully-operational self-* solution. This is achieved through a combination of formal software development techniques including model transformation, model-driven code generation and dynamic software reconfiguration
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