289 research outputs found

    Alteracoes limnologicas no Rio Paraguai ("dequada") e o fenomeno natural de mortandade de peixes no Pantanal Mato-Grossense - MS.

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    No Pantanal, ocorre um fenomeno natural de deterioracao da qualidade da agua, denominado regionalmente como "Dequada", relacionado a decomposicao da grande massa de materia organica submersa no inicio do processo de inundacao. Sua magnitude e dependente das caracteristicas do pulso de inundacao, ou seja, caracteristicas da fase de seca anterior e do periodo de inundacao subsequente (volume e velocidade). De acordo com essa magnitude, pode provocar mortandade massiva de peixes (podendo alcancar a ordem de milhares de toneladas), docorrente da deplecao de oxigenio e do aumento da concentracao de gas carbonico, resultantes dos processos de oxidacao da materia organica, tanto nos campos inundados, quanto na coluna d'agua dos rios. Os peixes moribundos apresentam comportamento tipico de estresse respiratorio. Outros fatores, como gas sulfidrico, amonia, aluminio, sodio e potassio (solidos dissolvidos), alteracoes de pH e compostos provenientes da atividade fitoplanctonica foram descardados, pois nao foram encontrados em niveis considerados toxicos para peixes. Pesticidas e matais pesados nao foram analisados, mas seus niveis dificilmente poderiam ser responsaveis por mortandades tao grandes em uma area tao extensa, onde a atividade antropica ainda e reduzida. Em 1995, o fenomeno foi muito expressivo, devido a rapidez e ao grande volume da onda de cheia, chegando a provocar a total anoxia e/ou manter sub hipoxia o rio Paraguai por mais dois meses e apresentar valores de gas carbonico dissociado de ate 79mg/L, nunca antes obtidos.bitstream/item/37450/1/BP07.pd

    Sentiment classification of consumer generated online reviews using topic modeling

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    The development of the Internet and mobile devices enabled the emergence of travel and hospitality review sites, leading to a large number of customer opinion posts. While such comments may influence future demand of the targeted hotels, they can also be used by hotel managers to improve customer experience. In this article, sentiment classification of an eco-hotel is assessed through a text mining approach using several different sources of customer reviews. The latent Dirichlet allocation modeling algorithm is applied to gather relevant topics that characterize a given hospitality issue by a sentiment. Several findings were unveiled including that hotel food generates ordinary positive sentiments, while hospitality generates both ordinary and strong positive feelings. Such results are valuable for hospitality management, validating the proposed approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    COMUT na biblioteca da Embrapa Soja.

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    Isolation and characterization of polymeric galloyl-ester- degrading bacteria from a tannery discharge place

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    The culturable bacteria colonizing the rhizosphere of plants growing in the area of discharge of a tannery effluent were characterized. Relative proportions of aerobic, denitrifying, and sulfate-reducing bacteria were determined in the rhizosphere of Typha latifolia, Canna indica, and Phragmites australis. Aerobic bacteria were observed to be the most abundant group in the rhizosphere, and plant type did not seem to influence the abundance of the bacterial types analyzed. To isolate bacteria able to degrade polyphenols used in the tannery industry, enrichments were conducted under different conditions. Bacterial cultures were enriched with individual polyphenols (tannins Tara, Quebracho, or Mimosa) or with an undefined mixture of tannins present in the tannery effluent as carbon source. Cultures enriched with the effluent or Tara tannin were able to degrade tannic acid. Six bacterial isolates purified from these mixed cultures were able to use tannic acid as a sole carbon source in axenic culture. On the basis of 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis, these isolates were closely related to organisms belonging to the taxa Serratia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Klebsiella oxytoca, Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum, and Pseudomonas putida

    Programa de microcomputador, em linguagem Basic, para o dimensionamento de canais de irrigação.

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    Floating islands implementation in marine and freshwater environments

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    Rapid industrialization, changes in human activities, and agricultural practices have led to the widespread use of toxic organic compounds, resulting in increased concentrations of pollutants in the environment that can be transmitted through air, water, or soil, resulting in numerous environmental and health problems. Therefore, the efficient management of water in these polluted sites is urgently needed. Aiming at this, this work proposes the use of floating wetland islands (FWI) for phytoremediation of these environments, since they have a great potential to promote several ecosystem services, such as biodiversity and water quality improvement. Having that in consideration it will be carried out an assessment related to the most adequate materials for the floating platform to be applied in marine and freshwater environments. Plants will be selected based on previous research carried out by the group It is intended that the floating platform developed under the present study will be compared with a commercial system cork based. It will be monitored the plant development and establishment in the two floating platforms materials and environments, the associated fauna and the water characterization. From the analysis of these results, this work hopes that these nature-based solutions can contribute to better water management, in such a way that will involve the conservation and rehabilitation of ecosystems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influências de usinas hidrelétricas no funcionamento hidro-ecológico do Pantanal Mato-Grossense - recomendações.

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    Esta publicação tem como objetivo registrar e divulgar as recomendações resultantes do Workshop ?Influências de usinas hidrelétricas no funcionamento hidro-ecológico do Pantanal, Brasil? realizado durante o VIII INTECOL ? Conferência Internacional de Áreas Úmidas, em Cuiabá (20-25 de julho de 2008), que teve como objetivo embasar tecnicamente e de forma multidisciplinar a discussão sobre a conservação dos processos hidrológicos que regem o funcionamento e as inter-relações ecológicas características do Pantanal Mato-Grossense. O documento discute com propriedade a importância dos chamados ?pulsos de inundação?, ou ciclos de cheias e secas anuais e interanuais, os quais influenciam, por sua vez, as relações sociais, culturais e econômicas da população pantaneira. Este trabalho também mostra a preocupação dos participantes deste encontro científico com relação às intervenções previstas na bacia, que podem alterar o seu regime hidrológico, prejudicando a sustentabilidade da região.bitstream/CPAP-2010/57285/1/DOC102.pd

    Biodiversity associated to a floating wetland island in a freshwater pond

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    Floating wetland islands (FWI) are considered nature-based solutions that can be applied in different water bodies, such as lakes and rivers, in order to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. They are recognized to promote local biodiversity, aesthetic integration and provide water quality enhancement through phytoremediation processes, although research is still needed to go deeper on the processes underlying the performance of these systems. The aim of this study was to assess de biodiversity associated to a FWI made of cork agglomerate, set up in 2018 in a freshwater pond. A polyculture comprising the plant species Iris germanica, Acorus gramineus, Caltha palustris, and Typha latifolia was considered. The culturable bacterial communities associated to the floating platform biofilm and to the plant rhizosphere were analyzed. The bacterial isolates were identified by 16S rRNA and characterized for their ability to produce plant growth promoting substances (e.g., indole-acetic acid, siderophores). The diversity of macroinvertebrates associated to FWI was also assessed. Water analysis of the pond were conducted. Preliminary data shows that there is a high bacterial diversity associated to this system and the ability to produce plant growth promoting substances has been shown. The bacterial strains with outstanding growth promoting traits can be used in the future to support phytoremediation strategies or plant resilience to climate change abiotic stresses. Regarding the biodiversity of macroinvertebrates associated with FWI they were mainly from the order Odonata. The FWI attracted mainly individuals of the genus Coenagrion (represented more than 80% of the fauna). These systems had proven to be a hotspot of biodiversity supporting water management plans and landscape and aesthetics integration. This study gives new insights into broadening the FWI applications in freshwater or polluted water.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinação da evapotranspiração potencial decendial de Dourados, MS, por meio de métodos indiretos.

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