55 research outputs found

    PHACTS about activation-based word similarity effects

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    International audienceEnglish phonotactic learning is modeled by means of the PHACTS algorithm, a topo- logical neuronal receptive field implement- ing a phonotactic activation function aimed at capturing both local (i.e., phonemic) and global (i.e., word-level) similarities among strings. Limits and merits of the model are presented

    Recovering morphology from local phonotactic constraints

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    Introduction: Implicit phonotactic knowledge emerges from learners\u2019 exposure to languagespecific distributional information. Gradience in acceptability judgements based on phonotactic knowledge has been extensively reported on for verbal short-term memory, language processing and acquisition [1, 4]. \u2018Wordlikeness\u2019 studies [2] distinguish between two different types of knowledge involved in production/judgement of novel words: (a) phonotactic (string level); (b) lexical (word level). Different statistical models are used to shape the two types of knowledge (bigram/trigram transition probability for (a) and lexical neighborhood for (b) [3]). In this work, we propose that the phonotactic level and the word level should not be conceived of as two independent, blind domains, but rather as interconnected systems interacting in a bottom-up fashion. More specifically, we test the hypothesis that the interplay of phonotactic local constraints and frequency-sensitive word patterns is powerful enough to enable over-ranked morphological patterns to be recovered from rough data. In inflectional languages, such as Italian, function morphemes are predominantly inserted by suffixation and they tend therefore to occupy the right edge of the word. We hypothesize that, in such languages, similarity effects will emerge more salient at the right edge of a word than in other positions, all other things being equal

    The Citrus Flavanone Naringenin Protects Myocardial Cells against Age-Associated Damage

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    In recent years, the health-promoting effects of the citrus flavanone naringenin have been examined. The results have provided evidence for the modulation of some key mechanisms involved in cellular damage by this compound. In particular, naringenin has been revealed to have protective properties such as an antioxidant effect in cardiometabolic disorders. Very recently, beneficial effects of naringenin have been demonstrated in old rats. Because aging has been demonstrated to be directly related to the occurrence of cardiac disorders, in the present study, the ability of naringenin to prevent cardiac cell senescence was investigated. For this purpose, a cellular model of senescent myocardial cells was set up and evaluated using colorimetric, fluorimetric, and immunometric techniques. Relevant cellular senescence markers, such as X-gal staining, cell cycle regulator levels, and the percentage of cell cycle-arrested cells, were found to be reduced in the presence of naringenin. In addition, cardiac markers of aging-induced damage, including radical oxidative species levels, mitochondrial metabolic activity, mitochondrial calcium buffer capacity, and estrogenic signaling functions, were also modulated by the compound. These results suggested that naringenin has antiaging effects on myocardial cells

    Antioxidant and Antisenescence Effects of Bergamot Juice

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    Aging is one of the main risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular diseases; one of the possible explanations could be linked to the age-associated overproduction of free radicals. This increase of oxidative stress can be overcome with a high intake of food antioxidants. In this context, a number of studies have been addressed to assess the antiaging potential of natural antioxidant compounds. Recently, it has been shown that the juice of bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau), a fruit mostly produced in the Ionian coastal areas of Southern Italy (Calabria), is a valuable source of health-promoting constituents with, among other, antioxidant properties. In order to investigate the potential antiaging effects of this Mediterranean natural antioxidant source, bergamot juices of three different cultivars ("fantastico," "femminello," and "castagnaro") were herein characterized by the mean of high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. Then, juices were investigated for the evaluation of total polyphenolic and flavonoid contents, cell-free model antioxidant activities, and in vitro antiaging properties on two different cellular models of induced myocardial senescence. The best performing juice was also assessed in vivo. The phytochemical profiles confirmed that juices were rich in flavonoids, both flavone and flavanone glycosides. In addition, two limonoid glycosides were also identified in all cultivars. Each cultivar showed different phenolic and flavonoid contents. In tube results showed the juice robust antioxidant activities that correlate with their phenolic and flavonoid contents. Moreover, for the first time, the ability of juice to counteract the chemical-induced senescence was here demonstrated in both cellular models. Lastly, the in vivo data obtained from mouse hearts evidenced an increase in transcription of genes involved in antiaging and antioxidant responses. The overall results suggest that bergamot juice exerts antioxidant and antisenescence effects, making it useful for nutraceutical purposes

    The hydrogen sulfide releasing molecule acetyl deacylasadisulfide inhibits metastatic melanoma

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    Melanoma is the most common form of skin cancer. Given its high mortality, the interest in the search of preventive measures, such as dietary factors, is growing significantly. In this study we tested, in vitro and in vivo, the potential anti-cancer effect of the acetyl deacylasadisulfide (ADA), a vinyl disulfide compound, isolated and purified from asafoetida a foul-smelling oleo gum-resin of dietary and medicinal relevance. ADA markedly suppressed proliferation of human melanoma cell lines by inducing apoptosis. Moreover, treatment of melanoma cells with ADA reduced nuclear translocation and activation of NF-κB, decreased the expression of the anti-apoptotic proteins c-FLIP, XIAP, and Bcl-2 and inhibited the phosphorylation and activation of both AKT and ERK proteins, two of the most frequently deregulated pathways in melanoma. Finally, the results obtained in vitro were substantiated by the findings that ADA significantly and dose-dependently reduced lung metastatic foci formation in C57BL/6 mice. In conclusion, our findings suggest that ADA significantly inhibits melanoma progression in vivo and could represent an important lead compound for the development of new anti-metastatic agents

    Changes in eggshell ultrastructure of Falco naumanni and Tyto alba exposed to pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

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    Changes in the quality of eggs of birds exposed to environmental contaminants have been described, but few reports concern eggshell ultrastructure. In this study, infertile or addled Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni) and Barn owls (Tyto alba) eggs were collected from the polluted area of Gela plain (Sicily) during 2007, and compared in terms of organophosphate and organochlorine pesticides, and PCBs levels, and eggshell ultrastructure as determined by scanning electron microscopy. Pesticide and PCB residues in eggs were determined by Gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) [GC Agilent 7890A/MS Agilent 5975C (Agilent technologies) using a DB-5 capillary column in the selected ion monitoring mode]. The GC/MS analysis revealed that eggs contained measurable amounts of some pesticides and PCBs. There was a low detection of organophosphate pesticides while the most abundant organochlorine residues detected were p,p’ DDT, p,p’ DDE, and Hexachlorobenzene. While, the most abundant PCBs detected congeners were PCB 138, 153, 170, 180, and 187. Although the general structure of the eggshell layers was maintained, the results showed ultrastructural differences in mammillary and palisade eggshell layers between high level and low level contaminated eggs in Tyto alba. Furthermore, mammillary cores of the eggshell had an increased distance between themselves with respect to well organized structures present in uncontaminated egg. In this paper we verify the presence of environmental contaminants in the eggs and document structural changes in bird of prey eggshells. The data could suggest that some contaminants can contribute to reduced reproductive performance (infertile or addled egg) by structural changes in the eggshell. The alteration in morphological disposition of mammillary cores could also suggest an impairment of gas exchange

    Cystathionine β-synthase-derived hydrogen sulfide is involved in human malignant hyperthermia

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    Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous gasotransmitter and its mechanism of action involves activation of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels and phosphodiesterase inhibition. As both mechanisms are potentially involved in malignant hyperthermia (MH), in the present study we addressed the involvement of the L-cysteine/hydrogen sulfide pathway in MH. Skeletal muscle biopsies obtained from 25 MH-susceptible (MHS) and 56 MH-negative (MHN) individuals have been used to perform the in vitro contracture test (IVCT). Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and Western blotting studies have also been performed. Hydrogen sulfide levels are measured in both tissue samples and plasma. In MHS biopsies an increase in cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) occurs, as both mRNA and protein expression compared with MHN biopsies. Hydrogen sulfide biosynthesis is increased in MHS biopsies (0.128±0.12 compared with 0.943±0.13 nmol/mg of protein per min for MHN and MHS biopsies, respectively; P<0.01). Addition of sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) to MHS samples evokes a response similar, in the IVCT, to that elicited by either caffeine or halothane. Incubation of MHN biopsies with NaHS, before caffeine or halothane challenge, switches an MHN to an MHS response. In conclusion we demonstrate the involvement of the L-cysteine/hydrogen sulfide pathway in MH, giving new insight into MH molecular mechanisms. This finding has potential implications for clinical care and could help to define less invasive diagnostic procedures

    Paradigm-aware morphological categorizations

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a SOM-based computational simulation of how a paradigmatic categorization of French verb forms develops on the basis of local analogies among infl ected forms and global forces of inter-paradigmatic attraction. In particular, the simulation is aimed at testing the role of increasing phonological resolution in the defi nition of morphological relations among verbal forms, and at formalizing the notion of inter-paradigmatic attraction among the entire set of forms, accounting for how strongly each cell of a specifi c paradigm is embedded in a system of macro-paradigmatic relations with other cells of the same lexeme and with corresponding cells of different lexemes. Aspects of the French verbal system, including the status of the three conjugational classes and the distinction between regular and irregular patterns of verb infl ection, will be addressed. In particular, we will show that macro-paradigmatic clusters basically corresponding to the three conjugational patterns of French can be derived a posteriori from the data, without needing to postulate specific patterns of conjugational differentiations

    Pragmatics: 1 Reference

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    A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS) is a comprehensive presentation of the grammatical properties of LIS. It has been conceived as a tool for students, teachers, interpreters, the Deaf community, researchers, linguists and whoever is interested in the study of LIS. It is one output of the Horizon 2020 SIGN-HUB project. It is composed of six Parts: Part 1 devoted to the social and historical background in which the language has developed, and five Parts covering the main properties of Phonology, Lexicon, Morphology, Syntax and Pragmatics. Thanks to the electronic format of the grammar, text and videos are highly interconnected and are designed to fit the description of a visual language

    Pragmatica: 1 Referenza

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    La Grammatica della lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) (A Grammar of Italian Sign Language (LIS)) è un’ampia presentazione delle proprietà grammaticali della LIS. È stata pensata come uno strumento per studenti, insegnanti, interpreti, la Comunità Sorda, ricercatori, linguisti e chiunque sia interessato allo studio della LIS. È uno dei risultati del progetto Horizon 2020 SIGN-HUB. È composta da sei Parti: la Parte 1 è dedicata al panorama sociale e storico in cui si è sviluppata la lingua, mentre le altre cinque Parti descrivono i domini linguistici di Fonologia, Lessico, Morfologia, Sintassi e Pragmatica. Grazie al formato digitale della grammatica, i testi e i video sono saldamente interconnessi, progettati per adattarsi ad hoc alla descrizione di una lingua visiva
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