61 research outputs found

    Bend but don’t break: a case study on the cultural entrepreneurial process in the publishing industry

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    Research on cultural industries has attracted considerable interest on cultural entrepreneurs as agents in complex interaction with multiple and evolving contexts. The study aims to capture the complexity and intensity of these relationships, exploring entrepreneurship as a journey driven by cultural and social dynamics on one side, and economic needs on the other. The investigation is an inductive inquiry carried out through an in-depth analysis of a single revelatory case in the publishing industry. Focusing on the relational process through which the entrepreneur and the context are co-created, the paper analyzes the entrepreneurial journey through the identification of three major stages: Divergence, Identity construction, and Institutionalization

    Traces of entrepreneurship in the artistic context

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    The interplay between the world of arts and that of business is at the centre of the present paper, where the processes of artistic entrepreneurship are investigated through the observation of a group of artists living the experience of founding their own cultural enterprises in the specific context of performing arts. The result is a picture of what the contemporary artists-entrepreneurs are: they act entrepreneurially guided by the respect of the integrity of the Art and assume the role of gatekeepers of the quality of their product, playing in the business world and challenging its logics and structures

    The Artist-entrepreneur Acting as a Gatekeeper in the Realm of Art

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    The present paper analyses the role of artists-entrepreneurs in the contemporary society. The investigation, focused on studying these actors in their artistic and entrepreneurial activities and processes, reveals another emerging role: these professionals act as protectors of the integrity of the Art when it enters in relation with the logics of the business world. The research is conducted interviewing and observing a group of artists living the experience of founding their own cultural enterprises in the specific context of performing arts

    Corruption and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the US States

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    The literature on voter turnout focuses on the determinants of the electorate’s vote supply. There is growing recognition, however, that the demanders of votes—candidates, political parties, and interest groups—have strong incentives to invest resources in mobilizing support on Election Day. The authors test the hypothesis that corruption rents increase the value of holding public office and, hence, elicit greater demand-side effort in building winning coalitions. Analyzing a pooled time-series data set of public officials convicted of misusing their offices between 1979 and 2005, we find, after controlling for other influential factors, that governmental corruption raises voter turnout rates in gubernatorial elections


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    Cultural entrepreneurship dynamics have attracted considerable interest of management scholars in the last years. Research in this field has so far focused the level of analysis on the cultural entrepreneur as individual or network agency, without extensively examining a broader concept of collective agency. By investigating the case study of a three-dimensional entrepreneur in the field of the publishing industry that acts as a bookseller, as an independent publisher and as a cultural mediator, the study explores the actual possibilities of cultural entrepreneurship. We developed content analysis of three corpora of documents, tracing the evolving of the narratives in the entrepreneurial journey. Our findings position the cultural entrepreneurship on the level of a recursive collective co- creation narrative between the entrepreneur himself and different stakeholders over time. In a journey of continuous experimentation, the cultural entrepreneur evolves to a cultural mediator, in order to overcome the duality between his cultural and economic aspirations through the immersion in the social context where he works and through the use of the book as a cultural and social artifact

    Il sistema delle mostre d’arte in Italia: attori, linguaggi e processi di costruzione del valore

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    Nato all’interno di un ricerca finanziata dal FSE, lo studio ha prodotto una valutazione sul rapporto tra catalogo, inteso come prodotto scientifico, e il sistema mostre nel suo sviluppo in termini editoriali, contenuti e veste grafica, nonché di impatto sul mercato, in stretta relazione con la promozione culturale e turistica del territorio. Soprattutto, la ricerca ha evidenziato l’importanza assunta dalle mostre all’interno del mercato culturale; la sempre crescente affermazione di attori privati con la relativa retrocessione delle istituzioni pubbliche a ruoli marginali; l’affermazione delle case editrici nella gestione delle mostre e dei servizi aggiuntivi. Nell’organizzazione e gestione delle esposizioni d’arte hanno trovato uno spazio sempre maggiore le co-produzioni portando alla creazione di una rete di gestori esterni alle istituzioni pubbliche. In base a uno studio condotto su fonti indirette (rassegna stampa e database) e fonti dirette (interviste semi strutturate a un campione di esperti nel settore), la percezione della qualità della mostra risulta essere vincolata al progetto scientifico, all’investimento strategico nella comunicazione, al tema complesso del rapporto con il museo e della tutela, ma anche all’opportunità di progettare in sinergia con il territorio profondo mutamento del settore culturale. La ricerca ha, soprattutto, evidenziato il profondo mutamento oggi in atto nel panorama culturale, che merita di essere indagato in modo più approfondito

    Corruption and Voter Participation: Evidence from the U.S. States

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    Abstract: The literature on voter turnout focuses on the determinants of the electorate's vote supply. There is growing recognition, however, that the demanders of votes -candidates, political parties and interest groups -have strong incentives to invest resources in mobilizing support on Election Day. We test the hypothesis that corruption rents increase the value of holding public office and, hence, elicit greater demand-side effort in building winning coalitions. Analyzing a panel dataset of public officials convicted of misusing their offices between 1977 and 2005, we find, after controlling for other influential factors, that governmental corruption raises voter turnout rates in gubernatorial elections. JEL Classifications: D72, K4, H
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