377 research outputs found

    Early identification of root rot disease by using hyperspectral reflectance: the case of pathosystem grapevine/Armillaria

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    Armillaria genus represents one of the most common causes of chronic root rot disease in woody plants. Prompt recognition of diseased plants is crucial to control the pathogen. However, the current disease detection methods are limited at a field scale. Therefore, an alternative approach is needed. In this study, we investigated the potential of hyperspectral techniques to identify fungi-infected vs. healthy plants of Vitis vinifera. We used the hyperspectral imaging sensor Specim-IQ to acquire leaves’ reflectance data of the Teroldego Rotaliano grapevine cultivar. We analyzed three different groups of plants: healthy, asymptomatic, and diseased. Highly significant differences were found in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region with a decreasing pattern from healthy to diseased plants attributable to the leaf mesophyll changes. Asymptomatic plants emerged from the other groups due to a lower reflectance in the red edge spectrum (around 705 nm), ascribable to an accumulation of secondary metabolites involved in plant defense strategies. Further significant differences were observed in the wavelengths close to 550 nm in diseased vs. asymptomatic plants. We evaluated several machine learning paradigms to differentiate the plant groups. The Naïve Bayes (NB) algorithm, combined with the most discriminant variables among vegetation indices and spectral narrow bands, provided the best results with an overall accuracy of 90% and 75% in healthy vs. diseased and healthy vs. asymptomatic plants, respectively. To our knowledge, this study represents the first report on the possibility of using hyperspectral data for root rot disease diagnosis in woody plants. Although further validation studies are required, it appears that the spectral reflectance technique, possibly implemented on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), could be a promising tool for a cost-effective, non-invasive method of Armillaria disease diagnosis and mapping in-field, contributing to a significant step forward in precision viticultur

    Assessment of “Carbopeaking” in a hydropeaking-impacted river in the Italian Alpine area

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    Hydropeaking (i.e., rapid and frequent artificial flow fluctuations caused by reservoir-operated hydropower production) is a much-investigated river stressor, and has been associated, among others, to sudden changes in temperature (“thermopeaking”), underwater soundscape (“soundpeaking”), total dissolved gas saturation (“saturopeaking”). We have recently started investigating the “carbopeaking”, i.e., variations of greenhouse gas (mainly CO2) concentrations and evasion fluxes through the water-air interface associated with hydropeaks. Here we report on the methodology and preliminary results from a field-measurement campaign conducted in a single-thread Alpine river (River Noce, Italy) during multiple hydropeaking events. The analysis of water samples collected in the upstream reservoir showed CO2 oversaturation in the hypolimnion, around the depth of the hydropower intake system. In the Noce reach upstream of the hydropower plant outlet (i.e., in a residual flow stretch), the CO2 concentrations displayed diel fluctuations around the atmospheric equilibrium concentration, likely driven by diurnal primary production. Conversely, water released at the hydropower outlet during hydropeaking were consistently oversaturated in CO2 relative to the atmosphere, in agreement with the concentrations in the reservoir’s hypolimnetic water. As a result, hydropeaking events were associated with an alteration of the sub-daily patterns of CO2 concentration downstream of the hydropower outlet which, combined with higher gas exchange velocities occurring during higher flow rates, can cause periods of enhanced CO2 emissions. The results highlight the potential impact of hydropeaking on greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating the need to account for sub-daily variations of flow and gas concentration to accurately quantify carbon balances in rivers impacted by hydropower

    Translating the Game: Ribosomes as Active Players

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    Ribosomes have been long considered as executors of the translational program. The fact that ribosomes can control the translation of specific mRNAs or entire cellular programs is often neglected. Ribosomopathies, inherited diseases with mutations in ribosomal factors, show tissue specific defects and cancer predisposition. Studies of ribosomopathies have paved the way to the concept that ribosomes may control translation of specific mRNAs. Studies in Drosophila and mice support the existence of heterogeneous ribosomes that differentially translate mRNAs to coordinate cellular programs. Recent studies have now shown that ribosomal activity is not only a critical regulator of growth but also of metabolism. For instance, glycolysis and mitochondrial function have been found to be affected by ribosomal availability. Also, ATP levels drop in models of ribosomopathies. We discuss findings highlighting the relevance of ribosome heterogeneity in physiological and pathological conditions, as well as the possibility that in rate-limiting situations, ribosomes may favor some translational programs. We discuss the effects of ribosome heterogeneity on cellular metabolism, tumorigenesis and aging. We speculate a scenario in which ribosomes are not only executors of a metabolic program but act as modulators

    Repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent mental health: A matter of concern—A joint statement from EAP and ECPCP

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    COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent rigid social distancing measures implemented, including school closures, have heavily impacted children's and adolescents' psychosocial wellbeing, and their mental health problems significantly increased. However, child and adolescent mental health were already a serious problem before the Pandemic all over the world. COVID-19 is not just a pandemic, it is a syndemic and mentally or socially disadvantaged children and adolescents are the most affected. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and previous mental health issues are an additional worsening condition. Even though many countries have responded with decisive efforts to scale-up mental health services, a more integrated and community-based approach to mental health is required. EAP and ECPCP makes recommendations to all the stakeholders to take action to promote, protect and care for the mental health of a generation

    Mitochondria matter: Systemic aspects of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (nafld) and diagnostic assessment of liver function by stable isotope dynamic breath tests

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    The liver plays a key role in systemic metabolic processes, which include detoxification, synthesis, storage, and export of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. The raising trends of obesity and metabolic disorders worldwide is often associated with the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which has become the most frequent type of chronic liver disorder with risk of progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver mitochondria play a key role in degrading the pathways of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and xenobiotics, and to provide energy for the body cells. The morphological and functional integrity of mitochondria guarantee the proper functioning of ÎČ‐oxidation of free fatty acids and of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Evaluation of the liver in clinical medicine needs to be accurate in NAFLD patients and includes history, physical exam, imaging, and laboratory assays. Evaluation of mitochondrial function in chronic liver disease and NAFLD is now possible by novel diagnostic tools. “Dynamic” liver function tests include the breath test (BT) based on the use of substrates marked with the non‐radioactive, naturally occurring stable isotope13C. Hepatocellular metabolization of the substrate will generate13CO2, which is excreted in breath and measured by mass spectrometry or infrared spectroscopy. Breath levels of 13 CO2 are biomarkers of specific metabolic processes occurring in the hepatocyte cytosol, microsomes, and mitochondria.13 C‐BTs explore distinct chronic liver diseases including simple liver steatosis, non‐alcoholic steatohepatitis, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, drug, and alcohol effects. In NAFLD,13C‐BT use substrates such as α‐ketoisocaproic acid, methionine, and octanoic acid to assess mitochondrial oxidation capacity which can be impaired at an early stage of disease.13C‐BTs represent an indirect, cost‐effective, and easy method to evaluate dynamic liver function. Further applications are expected in clinical medicine. In this review, we discuss the involvement of liver mitochondria in the progression of NAFLD, together with the role of13C‐BT in assessing mitochondrial function and its potential use in the prevention and management of NAFLD

    A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Large Rock Avalanches Combining Remote Sensing, GIS and Field Surveys: The Case of the Scanno Landslide, Italy

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    This is the final version. Available from MDPI via the DOI in this record.This research aims to highlight the importance of adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding the factors controlling large rock avalanches using the Scanno landslide, Italy, as a case study. The study area is the Mount Genzana, Abruzzi Central Apennines, characterized by the regional Difesa-Mount Genzana-Vallone delle Masserie fault zone. The Scanno landslide is famous for its role in the formation of the Scanno Lake. The landslide is characterized by a wide exposed scar, which was interpreted in previous studies as the intersection of high-angle joints and an outcropping bedding plane on which the landslide failed sometime between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene. In this study, the Scanno landslide was investigated through the integration of geological, geomechanical and geomorphological surveys. Remote sensing techniques were used to enrich the conventionally gathered datasets, while Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used to integrate, manage and investigate the data. The results of the authors investigation show that the outcropping landslide scar can be interpreted as a low-angle fault, associated with the Difesa-Mount Genzana-Vallone delle Masserie fault zone, which di ers from previous investigations and interpretations of the area. The low-angle fault provides the basal failure surface of the landslide, with two systematic high-angle joint sets acting as lateral release and back scarp surfaces, respectively. In light of these new findings, pre- and post-failure models of the area have been created. The models were generated in GIS by combining LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and geophysics data acquired on the landslide body and through bathymetric survey data of the Scanno Lake. Using the pre- and post-failure models it was possible to estimate the approximate volume of the landslide. Finally, back-analyses using static and dynamic limit equilibrium methods is also used to show the possible influence of medium-to-high magnitude seismic events in triggering the Scanno landslide

    Finding aquaporins in annelids: An evolutionary analysis and a case study

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of membrane channels facilitating diffusion of water and small solutes into and out of cells. Despite their biological relevance in osmoregulation and ubiquitous distribution throughout metazoans, the presence of AQPs in annelids has been poorly investigated. Here, we searched and annotated Aqp sequences in public genomes and transcriptomes of annelids, inferred their evolutionary relationships through phylogenetic analyses and discussed their putative physiological relevance. We identified a total of 401 Aqp sequences in 27 annelid species, including 367 sequences previously unrecognized as Aqps. Similar to vertebrates, phylogenetic tree reconstructions clustered these annelid Aqps in four clades: AQP1-like, AQP3-like, AQP8-like and AQP11-like. We found no clear indication of the existence of paralogs exclusive to annelids; however, several gene duplications seem to have occurred in the ancestors of some Sedentaria annelid families, mainly in the AQP1-like clade. Three of the six Aqps annotated in Alitta succinea, an estuarine annelid showing high salinity tolerance, were validated by RT-PCR sequencing, and their similarity to human AQPs was investigated at the level of “key” conserved residues and predicted three-dimensional structure. Our results suggest a diversification of the structures and functions of AQPs in Annelida comparable to that observed in other taxa
