11 research outputs found

    «Phaeomoniella chlamydospora»-Grapevine Interaction : Histochemical Reactions to Fungal Infection

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    Histochemical reactions of one-year-old potted micropropagated vines (rootstock 1103 Paulsen) to inoculation with Phaeomoniella chlamydospora were studied. Microscopic examination of the vine wood showed that the fungus spread through the wood tissue, albeit slowly. Starting from the roots it required nine months to colonise the first 20-25 cm of the grapevine stems. The slow spread of P. chlamydospora is thought to be due to the defence response initiated by the vines: production of tyloses, including accumulation of phenols in the vessels and adjacent tissue, and the deposition of unidentified defence-response substances, probably stilbene-like substances from the cell-wall surrounding the infectio

    Aleppo pine knot disease: histology of the knots, detection of casual agent and mode of transmission

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    Knot disease of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis subsp. halepensis) occurs in the western range of the host in the Mediterranean region. The disease, originally named Aleppo pine tuberculosis (from tubercle, i.e. knot) by Petri in 1924, causes a hyperplastic growth on the twigs and small branches, with knots that initially are small, green and lignified, and expand to 5–6 cm diameter at maturity. These knots have been associated with various bacterial species. In this study, only one bacterium was isolated from Aleppo pine knots, and this bacterium was constantly associated with the pine weevil Pissodes castaneus. The hyperplastic growth started either in the cortex or in the xylem, while the knot was formed in the cortical parenchyma. Bacteria were grouped in zoogloeae in the intercellular spaces or inside lysigenous cavities. Bacterial microcolonies have also been observed in the parenchyma cells. Inoculation of two of the bacterial strains on healthy Aleppo pine twigs did not induce knot formation. Knots did however form when adults of P. castaneus were externally contaminated with the bacteria and were then allowed to feed on pine saplings. These latter knots contained the same bacterial isolate as that which had been used to contaminate the weevils. All the isolates examined were tentatively assigned to the genus Erwinia. As this bacterium seems to be the causal agent of Aleppo pine knot disease, its complete identification and characterisation is needed

    Resistance to water stress in seedlings of eight European provenances of Pinus halepensis Mill.

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    In this study, pressure/volume curves were performed on 24-week-old seedlings of eight European provenances of Pinus halepensis Mill. subsp. halepensis after one week of water stress (-0.033, -0.4, -0.8, -1.2, -1.6 MPa). P. halepensis showed osmotic adjustments as a response to water stress, although the response varied between the provenances. Apoplastic water remained relatively constant. The elasticity module did not differ significantly. Water deficit at incipient plasmolysis and water content decreased as the stress increased. Water potential was markedly negative, even in seedlings not subjected to stress. The provenances from less xeric sites behaved similarly to species from non-arid sites, while those from more xeric sites displayed the strategy typical of drought-tolerant species. The impact on all provenances of one week of low-intensity water stress (-0.4 MPa) was slight. As the stress increased, the response varied between the provenances: N-Eubea >> Kassandra >> Litorale tarantino ≅\cong Guardiola >> Otricoli ≅\cong E-Bouches du Rhône ≥\geq Hérault ≅\cong N-Vaucluse (in decreasing order).Résistance au stress hydrique des plantules appartenant à huit provenances européennes de Pinus halepensis Mill. Sur des plantules âgées de 24 semaines, appartenant à 8 provenances de Pinus halepensis (Mill.) subsp. halepensis, des courbes pression-volume ont été effectuées après une semaine de stress hydrique (-0,033, -0,4, -0,8, -1,2, -1,6 MPa). P. halepensis a montré des ajustements osmotiques en réponse au stress hydrique, bien que de façon différenciée parmi les provenances. L'eau apoplastique a été relativement constante. Le module d'élasticité n'a pas différé significativement. Le déficit hydrique en début de plasmolyse et la teneur en eau ont baissé avec l'augmentation du stress. Le potentiel hydrique a été très négatif, même en absence de stress. Les semences provenant des milieux les moins secs se sont comporté de façon identique aux espèces des milieux non arides, tandis que les provenances originaires des milieux les plus secs ont révélé la stratégie caractéristique des espèces tolérant la sécheresse. En conclusion les provenances ont été insuffisamment influencées par une semaine de stress hydrique de faible intensité. En présence d'un accroissement du stress, les réponses ont permis de différencier les provenances : N-Eubea >> Kassandra >> Litorale tarantino ≅\cong Guardiola >> Otricoli ≅\cong E-Bouches du Rhône ≥\geq Hérault ≅\cong N-Vaucluse (en ordre décroissant)

    Nurses as seen by patients: a phenomenological study

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    Objective: during the various periods of the history of the nursing profession, many differing representations of nurses have emerged in the collective imagination. The main purpose of this study, based on a qualitative approach, has been to discover the images of the nurse that patients retain in their minds when receiving care. Method: 6 sound-recorded focus groups were created, made up of patients and caregivers. These persons were members of 6 associations. The recordings and observations made were then analysed by adopting a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Results: 6 themes characterising nurses emerged: Training; Between flexibility and personalisation; Organisation and nursing; Continuity in caregiving; Professional maturity; and Relations. While these themes do not provide a uniform definition for the figure of the nurse they do present the profiles that had the greatest impact on persons receiving care. Conclusions: From the experiences collected among the participants in the focus groups, no pre-defined "image" of nurses emerged, and the stereotypes and prejudices described in the literature were also not to be found. Important indications did, in any case, emerge as to the type of nurse these people want, and concerning areas which must be worked on. These indications provide valuable information that, if acted upon, might contribute to the profession's growth and improvement. In brief, there are various planes of activity upon which nurses should concentrate their efforts: training (greater specialisation), organisation (greater flexibility), and the profession (consideration of professional identity in the light of the task of meeting patients' needs).Keywords: Image, perception, stereotypes, portrayal, role of nurses, patientGli infermieri visti attraverso gli occhi dei pazienti: uno studio fenomenologicoObiettivo: Nel corso della storia professionale, gli infermieri hanno suscitato diverse e spesso distanti rappresentazioni di loro stessi nell'immaginario delle persone. Lo scopo principale di questa indagine, strutturata con approccio qualitativo, è stato quello di comprendere quale immagine d'infermiere si era impressa nella mente delle persone assistite durante un percorso di malattia. Metodo: Sono stati realizzati 6 focus group audio registrati, che hanno interessato sia pazienti che care giver, facenti parte di 6 associazioni diverse. Successivamente, le registrazioni e le osservazioni evidenziate sono state analizzate utilizzando un approccio fenomenologico ermeneutico. Risultati: Sono stati identificati 6 temi caratterizzanti gli infermieri: Formazione; Tra flessibilití  e personalizzazione; L'organizzazione e l'infermieristica; La continuití  assistenziale; La maturití  professionale; La relazione. Questi temi non definiscono una figura di infermiere uniforme, ma ne raffigurano i profili che hanno avuto particolare impatto sulle persone assistite. Conclusioni: Dalle esperienze raccolte dai partecipanti ai focus group non emerge una "immagine" predefinita d'infermiere, né si riscontra la presenza degli stereotipi e dei pregiudizi descritti in letteratura, ma emergono importanti indicazioni su quale tipo d'infermiere queste persone desiderano e su quali ambiti sia necessario lavorare, fornendo preziose informazione che, se accolte, consentirebbero di orientare la crescita e il miglioramento della professione. Essenzialmente, gli infermieri dovrebbero concentrarsi sui piani: formativo (maggiore specializzazione), organizzativo (più flessibilití ), professionale (riflessione sull'identití  professionale in funzione del soddisfacimento dei bisogni dei pazienti). Parole Chiave: Immagine, percezione, stereotipi, ritratto, ruolo dell'infermieri, pazient