921 research outputs found

    Thermal inactivation of Byssochlamys nivea in pineapple nectar combined with preliminary high pressure treatments

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    Byssochlamys nivea is a thermal resistant filamentous fungi and potential micotoxin producer. Recent studies have verified the presence of ascospores of such microorganism in samples of pineapple nectars. Although the majority of filamentous fungi have limited heat resistance and are easily destroyed by heat, Byssochlamys nivea ascospores have shown high thermal resistance. The aim of this work was to evaluate the application of linear and Weibull models on thermal inactivation (70, 80 and 90ºC) of Byssochlamys nivea ascospores in pineapple nectar after pretreatment with high pressure (550MPa or 650MPa during 15min). Following the treatments, survival curves were built up for each processing temperature and adjusted for both models. It was observed that survival curves at 90°C after high pressure pretreatment at 550 MPa/15 min did not fit well to linear and Weibull models. For all the other treatments, the Weibull model presented a better fit. At 90ºC without pressure treatment, the Weibull model also showed a better adjustment, having a larger R2 and a smaller RMSE. Regarding the process effectiveness, a 5-log reduction (t5), as recommended for pasteurization, was only achieved for Byssochlamys nivea ascospores presented in pineapple nectar at 90ºC/10.7 min with previous high pressure treatment of 650 MPa for 15 min. Considering the high intensity and energy demanding process with possibly product damage, other preventive and alternative treatments are being investigated

    Evaluación de las dimensiones de la personalidad depresiva en el PID-5 y de la sintomatología depresiva en una muestra comunitaria

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    The alternative model for the classification of personality disorders presented in the DSM-5 is based on the hypothesis of continuity between normal personality and personality disorders. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between depressive symptomatology and the domains and facets of the PID-5, especially the Depressivity facet. A convenience sample of the general population (N = 453) was used. Participants responded to the PID-5 and the CES-D. In a multiple regression model including all the PID-5 facets, only Depressivity and Anhedonia had a significant individual effect on predicting the CES-D score. Correlation analysis suggested that Depressivity and Anhedonia could be considered as defining the depressive traits of personality disorders and supported the continuity between these disorders and depressive symptomatology. A Taxometric Analysis with the Depressivity facet and CES-D score as indicators supported the dimensional nature of depressivity in a broad sense (depressive traits/ depressive symptomatology).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Safe-Port project: an approach to port surveillance and protection

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    SAFE-PORT is a recently started project addressing the complex issue of determining the best configurations of resources for harbour and port surveillance and protection. More specifically, the main goal is to find, for any given scenario, an adequate set of configuration solutions — i.e., number and type of sensors and equipments, their locations and operating modes, the corresponding personnel and other support resources — that maximize protection over a specific area. The project includes research and development of sensors models, novel algorithms for optimization and decision support, and a computer-based decision support system (DSS) to assist decision makers in that task. It includes also the development of a simulation environment for modelling relevant aspects of the scenario (including sensors used for surveillance, platforms, threats and the environment), capable to incorporate data from field-trials, used to test and validate solutions proposed by the DSS. Test cases will consider the use of intelligent agents to model the behaviour of threats and of NATO forces in a realistic way, following experts’ definitions and parameters

    Lesão Pituitária Agressiva com Ki-67 Notavelmente Elevado

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    Os raros tumores pituitários agressivos são chamados carcinomas quando são detectadas metástases, sejam sistêmicas e/ou em sistema nervoso central. Alguns casos estão associados com superprodução de hormônio, mas a maioria é diagnosticada em função dos sintomas locais. Essas neoplasias são geralmente refratárias aos tratamentos atuais. Uma mulher com 51 anos de idade apresentou dor de cabeça de início súbito, paralisia de braço esquerdo e hipoestesia facial esquerda. A tomografia e a ressonância magnética revelaram um tumor pituitário invadindo os seios esfenoidal e cavernoso esquerdos. Os dados laboratoriais excluíram hipersecreção hormonal. A paciente foi submetida à cirurgia transesfenoidal, e os achados histológicos mostraram uma neoplasia com Ki-67 estimado em 75%. As imagens excluíram tanto um tumor oculto primário quanto disseminação sistêmica ou do sistema nervoso central. Três semanas após a cirurgia, a condição neurológica apresentou piora com início de ataxia, ptose bilateral, oftalmoplegia e aumento do tamanho da lesão, levando à intervenção cirúrgica por craniotomia, seguida por apenas algumas sessões de radioterapia devido à progressão grave da doença. A paciente veio a óbito depois de quase dois meses das manifestações iniciais. O caso ilustra a agressividade de algumas lesões pituitárias, a eficácia limitada das modalidades atuais de tratamento, como a cirurgia ou a radioterapia, e as limitações da classificação atual de tumores pituitários. Até onde sabemos, esse caso corresponde a uma das neoplasias pituitárias mais agressivas descritas até hoje, com um nível muito alto de Ki-67 (75%) e sobrevida curta (2 meses). O nível de Ki-67 pode ser de valor prognóstico em tumores pituitários. A classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para tumores pituitários deveria ser revisitada

    The Portuguese version of the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 in a community and a clinical sample

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    The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) measures the maladaptive traits of the model for personality and its disorders, as proposed in section III of the DSM-5. The current study aimed to examine whether the Portuguese PID-5 distinguished non-clinical participants (N = 1223, Mage = 36.73, standard deviation = 15.72) from clinical participants (N = 202, Mage = 43.82, standard deviation = 11.33) with respect to dysfunctional personality traits and to explore the PID-5 factor structure in both samples. The PID-5 scale medians were higher in the clinical sample than in the community sample. All analyses were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001) with medium size effects. In the community sample, a five-factor structure emerged, and the factors resembled the PID-5 domains. However, in the clinical sample, a four-factor structure was retained, in which the Psychoticism domain did not clearly emerge. The composition of the clinical sample along with its small size may account for these unexpected results. Overall, the results provide evidence of the PID-5's ability to distinguish between psychiatric and community individuals and of the model's structural similarity in community samples, across studies and nationalities. More research is required to understand the Portuguese PID-5 structure in clinical samples.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cost Evaluation During 2002 in a Medicine/Immunodeficiency Hospital Outpatient Attendance

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    O consumo de recursos económicos com a Saúde é uma preocupação constante dos governantes, dos administradores hospitalares e também dos profissionais de Saúde, sendo a área do seguimento/tratamento dos doentes infectados pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) apontada como uma das que mais recursos consome. Os AA procuraram, pela avaliação dos doentes seguidos na Consulta de Medicina/Imunodeficiência do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos durante o período de um ano (2002), aferir de forma concreta os custos de funcionamento da mesma. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados os utentes da Consulta de Medicina/Imunodeficiência do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC) que nela compareceram, pelo menos, duas vezes durante o ano de 2002. O cálculo dos custos das consultas e dos exames complementares de diagnóstico baseou-se nos valores definidos nos Grupos de Diagnósticos Homogéneos (GDHs). O custo da terapêutica anti-retroviral foi calculado segundo os valores que nos foram fornecidos pela Farmácia do Hospital e assumindo o fornecimento mensal da mesma. Resultados: Foram avaliados 107 doentes correspondendo a 498 consultas (€11.424). Fizeram-se 244 determinações de carga viral €(24.321) e 245 estudos de subpopulações linfocitárias (€15.445). As restantes análises custaram €36.586. Dos 107 doentes, 85 estavam sob terapêutica anti-retroviral, com 3 ou 4 fármacos, tendo sido gasto, em média e por doente, €7.122. Foi necessário o internamento de 18 doentes, num total de 219 dias (€41.699). Conclusão: O custo médio anual por doente foi de €6.408

    Adductor squeeze test and groin injuries in elite football players: A prospective study

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    during the competitive season of professional football teams. Design: Prospective Cohort study. Setting: Controlled laboratory environment. Participants: Seventy-one players volunteered to participate. Main outcome measures: In the pre-season, maximal hip adductor strength was measured by means of the isometric adductor squeeze test. Hip adductor strength, normalized by body mass, was compared between players who suffered a groin injury (n ¼ 18) vs uninjured players (n ¼ 53). Risk ratios (RR) were used to evaluate the likelihood of players to suffer this type of injury. Results: Most of the reported groin injuries occurred during competitive matches (5.5 per 1000 match hours). Maximal isometric hip adductor strength was lower in the groin-injured group compared with their uninjured counterparts (429.8 ± 100 vs 564 ± 58.7 N, d¼ 1.58 and 5.40 ± 1.27 vs 7.71 ± 0.89 N/kg, d¼ 1.88, respectively). Results revealed that values of maximal isometric adductor strength lower than 465.33 N increased the probability to suffer a groin injury by 72%. Furthermore, values of force relative to body mass lower than 6.971 N/kg increased the probability to suffer a groin injury by 83%. Conclusion: The assessment of Hip adductor strength, in addition to other measurements, might help practitioners to determine the probability of suffering an overuse groin injuries in elite football players.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk Factors for Latex Sensitization in Children With Spina Bifida

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    OBJECTIVO: Pretendeu-se com este estudo determinar a prevalência e identificar factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 57 crianças com espinha bífida, com uma idade média de 5.6 anos(6 meses a 18 anos) e uma relação sexo M/F de 0.8/1. A todas as crianças foram efectuados questionário, bateria de TC incluindo látex (extractos UCBStallergenes, Lofarma e ALK-Abelló), aeroalergenos comuns e frutos (UCB-Stallergenes) e determinação sérica de IgE total (AlaSTAT). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de sensibilização ao látex foi de 30%; apenas duas crianças sensibilizadas (12%) apresentavam sintomatologia relacionada com a exposição (urticária/angioedema e rinite). Foram identificados como factores de risco para sensibilização ao látex: idade ≥ 5 anos (p=0.008; OR=6.0, IC95%=1.7-22.1); existência de 4 ou mais intervenções cirúrgicas (p<0.0001; OR=18.5, IC95%=3.6-94.8); cirurgias nos primeiros 3 meses de vida (p=0.008; OR=5.4, IC95%=0.7-29.2); níveis séricos de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.03; OR=3.8, IC95%=1.1-13.1). Pela realização de regressão logística foram identificados como factores de risco independentes, história de 4 ou mais cirurgias (p<0.0001; OR=26.3, IC95%=2.9-234.2) e níveis de IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml (p=0.02; OR=8.6, IC95%=1.4-53.4). Sexo, antecedentes familiares e pessoais de patologia alérgica, hidrocefalia com derivação ventriculo-peritoneal, cistografias,cateterismo vesical intermitente e atopia não foram identificados como factores de risco. CONCLUSÕES: Identificámos como factores de risco significativos e independentes para sensibilização ao látex em crianças com espinha bífida a existência de número elevado de intervenções cirúrgicas (≥ 4 cirurgias) e níveis séricos mais elevados de IgE total(IgE total ≥ 44UI/ml). Estudo prospectivo esclarecerá a evolução clínica das crianças sensibilizadas assintomáticas

    Technical Report: Technique of Bladder Catheterization in Female Mice and Rats for Intravesical Instillation in Models of Bladder Cancer

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    Animal models offer a system that enables a better understanding of basic biological questions. Urinary bladder catheterization is a common procedure in models of female urothelial tumours and yet the technique does still need to be described further. The methods described in the existing literature do not outline how the procedure should be adapted for different research goals. In this report, we describe systematically catheterization of female mice and rats as well as analysing several anaesthetic protocols, which can be used to carry out this technical procedure

    Risk Factors for Latex Sensitization in Children with Spina Bifida

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    Background: Children with spina bifida represent the major risk group for latex sensitization. Purpose: To determine the prevalence of latex sensitization in these children and to identify risk factors. Material and methods: We studied 57 patients with spina bifida. The mean age was 5.6 years and the male/female ratio was 0.8/1. In all patients a questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) with latex (UCBStallergènes, Lofarma and ALK-Abelló), common aeroallergens and fruits (UCB-Stallergènes) and serum determination of total IgE (AlaSTAT) were performed. Results: The prevalence of latex sensitization was 30 %; only two sensitized children (12 %) had symptoms after exposure. Risk factors for latex sensitization were age 5 years (p = 0.008; OR = 6.0; 95% CI = 1.7-22.1), having at least four previous surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 18.5; 95% CI = 3.6-94.8), having undergone surgery in the first 3 months of life (p = 0.008; OR = 5.4; 95% CI = 0.7-29.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.03; OR = 3.8; 95 %CI = 1.1-13.1). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that only a history of four or more surgical interventions (p < 0.0001; OR = 26.3; 95 %CI = 2.9-234.2) and total serum IgE 44 IU/ml (p = 0.02; OR = 8.6; 95% CI = 1.4-53.4) were independently associated with latex sensitization. Sex, family and personal allergic history, hydrocephalus with ventriculoperitoneal shunt, cystourethrograms, intermittent bladder catheterization and atopy were not related to latex sensitization. Conclusions: In children with spina bifida, significant and independent risk factors identified for latex sensitization were multiple interventions and higher levels of total serum IgE. A prospective study will clarify the clinical evolution of assymptomatic children sensitized to latex
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