52 research outputs found

    Dynamic crossover in the global persistence at criticality

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    We investigate the global persistence properties of critical systems relaxing from an initial state with non-vanishing value of the order parameter (e.g., the magnetization in the Ising model). The persistence probability of the global order parameter displays two consecutive regimes in which it decays algebraically in time with two distinct universal exponents. The associated crossover is controlled by the initial value m_0 of the order parameter and the typical time at which it occurs diverges as m_0 vanishes. Monte-Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics display clearly this crossover. The measured exponent of the ultimate algebraic decay is in rather good agreement with our theoretical predictions for the Ising universality class.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Langevin dynamics of the O(N)-Ginzburg-Landau model with correlated noise

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    We use the perturbative renormalization group to study classical stochastic processes with memory. We focus on the generalized Langevin dynamics of the \phi^4 Ginzburg-Landau model with additive noise, the correlations of which are local in space but decay as a power-law with exponent \alpha in time. These correlations are assumed to be due to the coupling to an equilibrium thermal bath. We study both the equilibrium dynamics at the critical point and quenches towards it, deriving the corresponding scaling forms and the associated equilibrium and non-equilibrium critical exponents \eta, \nu, z and \theta. We show that, while the first two retain their equilibrium values independently of \alpha, the non-Markovian character of the dynamics affects the dynamic exponents (z and \theta) for \alpha < \alpha_c(D, N) where D is the spatial dimensionality, N the number of components of the order parameter, and \alpha_c(x,y) a function which we determine at second order in 4-D. We analyze the dependence of the asymptotic fluctuation-dissipation ratio on various parameters, including \alpha. We discuss the implications of our results for several physical situations

    Slow dynamics in critical ferromagnetic vector models relaxing from a magnetized initial state

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    Within the universality class of ferromagnetic vector models with O(n) symmetry and purely dissipative dynamics, we study the non-equilibrium critical relaxation from a magnetized initial state. Transverse correlation and response functions are exactly computed for Gaussian fluctuations and in the limit of infinite number n of components of the order parameter. We find that the fluctuation-dissipation ratios (FDRs) for longitudinal and transverse modes differ already at the Gaussian level. In these two exactly solvable cases we completely describe the crossover from the short-time to the long-time behavior, corresponding to a disordered and a magnetized initial condition, respectively. The effects of non-Gaussian fluctuations on longitudinal and transverse quantities are calculated in the first order in the epsilon-expansion and reliable three-dimensional estimates of the two FDRs are obtained.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure

    Relaxation phenomena at criticality

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    The collective behaviour of statistical systems close to critical points is characterized by an extremely slow dynamics which, in the thermodynamic limit, eventually prevents them from relaxing to an equilibrium state after a change in the thermodynamic control parameters. The non-equilibrium evolution following this change displays some of the features typically observed in glassy materials, such as ageing, and it can be monitored via dynamic susceptibilities and correlation functions of the order parameter, the scaling behaviour of which is characterized by universal exponents, scaling functions, and amplitude ratios. This universality allows one to calculate these quantities in suitable simplified models and field-theoretical methods are a natural and viable approach for this analysis. In addition, if a statistical system is spatially confined, universal Casimir-like forces acting on the confining surfaces emerge and they build up in time when the temperature of the system is tuned to its critical value. We review here some of the theoretical results that have been obtained in recent years for universal quantities, such as the fluctuation-dissipation ratio, associated with the non-equilibrium critical dynamics, with particular focus on the Ising model with Glauber dynamics in the bulk. The non-equilibrium dynamics of the Casimir force acting in a film is discussed within the Gaussian model.Comment: Talk delivered at Statphys23, Genova, Italy, July 9-13, 2007. 8 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Quench from a Thermal Initial State

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    We consider a quantum quench in a system of free bosons, starting from a thermal initial state. As in the case where the system is initially in the ground state, any finite subsystem eventually reaches a stationary thermal state with a momentum-dependent effective temperature. We find that this can, in some cases, even be lower than the initial temperature. We also study lattice effects and discuss more general types of quenches.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; short published version, added references, minor change

    Time evolution of 1D gapless models from a domain-wall initial state: SLE continued?

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    We study the time evolution of quantum one-dimensional gapless systems evolving from initial states with a domain-wall. We generalize the path-integral imaginary time approach that together with boundary conformal field theory allows to derive the time and space dependence of general correlation functions. The latter are explicitly obtained for the Ising universality class, and the typical behavior of one- and two-point functions is derived for the general case. Possible connections with the stochastic Loewner evolution are discussed and explicit results for one-point time dependent averages are obtained for generic \kappa for boundary conditions corresponding to SLE. We use this set of results to predict the time evolution of the entanglement entropy and obtain the universal constant shift due to the presence of a domain wall in the initial state.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Ageing in the contact process: Scaling behavior and universal features

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    We investigate some aspects of the ageing behavior observed in the contact process after a quench from its active phase to the critical point. In particular we discuss the scaling properties of the two-time response function and we calculate it and its universal ratio to the two-time correlation function up to first order in the field-theoretical epsilon-expansion. The scaling form of the response function does not fit the prediction of the theory of local scale invariance. Our findings are in good qualitative agreement with recent numerical results.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Aging at Criticality in Model C Dynamics

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    We study the off-equilibrium two-point critical response and correlation functions for the relaxational dynamics with a coupling to a conserved density (Model C) of the O(N) vector model. They are determined in an \epsilon=4-d expansion for vanishing momentum. We briefly discuss their scaling behaviors and the associated scaling forms are determined up to first order in epsilon. The corresponding fluctuation-dissipation ratio has a non trivial large time limit in the aging regime and, up to one-loop order, it is the same as that of the Model A for the physically relevant case N=1. The comparison with predictions of local scale invariance is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Entanglement negativity after a global quantum quench

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    We study the time evolution of the logarithmic negativity after a global quantum quench. In a 1+1-dimensional conformal invariant field theory, we consider the negativity between two intervals which can be either adjacent or disjoint. We show that the negativity follows the quasi-particle interpretation for the spreading of entanglement. We check and generalise our findings with a systematic analysis of the negativity after a quantum quench in the harmonic chain, highlighting two peculiar lattice effects: the late birth and the sudden death of entanglement

    Is local scale invariance a generic property of ageing phenomena ?

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    In contrast to recent claims by Enss, Henkel, Picone, and Schollwoeck [J. Phys. A 37, 10479] it is shown that the critical autoresponse function of the 1+1-dimensional contact process is not in agreement with the predictions of local scale invariance.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, final form, c++ source code on reques
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