29 research outputs found

    The Effect of Admission Creatinine Levels on One-Year Mortality in Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Background. We have known that patients with renal insufficiency (creatinine level) have increased mortality for coronary artery disease. In this study, the relationship between admission creatinine level and one year mortality are evaluated in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Method. 160 AMI patients (127 men and 33 women with a mean age of 59 ± 13) were enrolled in the study. Serum creatinine levels were measured within 12 hours of AMI. The patients were divided into two groups according to admission serum creatinine level. (1) elevated group (serum creatinine > 1.3 mg/dL) and (2) normal group (≤1.3 mg/dL). One year mortality rates were evaluated. Results. Elevated serum creatinine is observed in the 27 patients (16.9%). The mean creatinine level is 1.78 ± 7 mg/dL in the elevated group and 0.9 ± 0.18 mg/dL in the normal group (P < 0.0001). The mortality rate of the elevated group (n = 7, 25.9%) is higher than that of the normal group (n = 9, 6.8%). A significant increase in one year mortality is also observed (P=002) 60. Conclusion. The mildly elevated admission serum creatinine levels are markedly increased to one year mortality in patients with AMI

    Changes in Serum Natriuretic Peptide Levels after Percutaneous Closure of Small to Moderate Ventricular Septal Defects

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    Background. B-type natriuretic peptide has been shown to be a very sensitive and specific marker of heart failure. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of percutaneous closure of ventricular septal defects with Amplatzer septal occluders on brain natriuretic peptide levels. Methods. Between 2008 and 2011, 23 patients underwent successfully percutaneous ventricular septal defect closure in 4 cardiology centers. Brain natriuretic peptide levels were measured in nine patients (4 male, mean ages were 25.3 ± 14.3) who underwent percutaneous closure with Amplatzer occluders for membranous or muscular ventricular septal defects were enrolled in the study. Brain natriuretic peptide levels were measured one day before and one month after the closure. Patients were evaluated clinically and by echocardiography one month after the procedure. Results. Percutaneous closures of ventricular septal defects were successfully performed in all patients. There was not any significant adverse event in patients group during followup. Decrease in brain natriuretic peptide levels after closure were statistically significant (97.3 ± 78.6 versus 26.8 ± 15.6, P = 0.013). Conclusion. Brain Natriuretic Peptide levels are elevated in patients with ventricular septal defects as compared to controls. Percutaneous closure of Ventricular Septal Defect with Amplatzer occluders decreases the BNP levels

    Draft Genome Sequences of Two Heat-Resistant Mutant Strains (A52 and B41) of the Photosynthetic Hydrogen-Producing BacteriumRhodobacter capsulatus

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    The draft genome sequences of two heat-resistant mutant strains, A52 and B41, derived from Rhodobacter capsulatus DSM 1710, and with different hydrogen production levels, are reported here. These sequences may help understand the molecular basis of heat resistance and hydrogen production in R. capsulatus.Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)Publisher's Versio

    Gemalte Normalität - gemalte Normen - gemalte Kultur: Was sagen Zeichnungen von Familien über familienbezogene Leitbilder aus?

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    Die hier dokumentierte Studie ist aus einem zu Lehrzwecken durchgeführten empirisch-methodischen Versuch heraus entstanden. Sie geht der Frage nach, inwieweit von Zeichnungen einer Familie, um die Probanden gebeten werden, auf die dahinterliegenden persönlichen oder kulturellen Leitbilder von Familie geschlossen werden kann und - falls dies zutrifft - was sich aus den 36 analysierten Zeichnungen konkret hinsichtlich der Familienleitbilder in Deutschland schließen lässt. Die Studie wurde 2013 im Rahmen eines Seminars an der Universität Mainz durchgeführt. Sie belegt, dass Zeichnungen sehr wohl ein wertvolles empirisches Material und ein methodischer Zugang zur Analyse von Familienleitbildern sein können. Allerdings sollte eine solche Analyse sich möglichst nicht auf eine reine Bildinterpretation stützen, sondern diese Interpretation durch nachträgliche auf die Zeichnung bezogene qualitative Interviews stützen. Das Leitbild der Familie in Deutschland erscheint im Lichte der Analysen stark auf die bürgerliche Kernfamilie fokussiert, bestehend aus einem verheirateten Paar aus Frau und Mann sowie etwa zwei minderjährigen Kindern, darunter ein Junge und ein Mädchen. Auch Großeltern und Haustiere sind zuweilen Teil der Vorstellung von Familie. Familienmitglieder halten eng zusammen und sind einander in Liebe verbunden. Familie bietet einen Schutzraum des Privaten gegen die Sorgen und Nöte, die in Beruf, Schule oder andernorts erfahren werden, und ermöglicht den Familienmitgliedern so Unbeschwertheit und glückliche gemeinsame Stunden. Familienleben findet zuhause im Eigenheim statt oder in der Natur - in jedem Fall an friedlichen und schönen Orten. Eine Vielfalt von Familienformen findet sich in den Familienleitbildern der Deutschen nur vereinzelt wieder.The study documented here is the result of an empirical-methodical experiment carried out for teaching purposes. It explores the extent to which drawings of a family, asked of study participants, can be used to draw conclusions regarding the underlying personal or cultural conceptions of family and - if this is the case - what can be concluded from the 36 drawings analysed with regard to family conceptions in Germany. The study was conducted in 2013 as part of a seminar at the University of Mainz. It proves that drawings can indeed be a valuable empirical material and a methodical approach to the analysis of family conceptions. However, such an analysis should not be based on a pure image interpretation alone, but ideally be supported by subsequent qualitative interviews related to the drawing. In the light of the analyses, the conception of family in Germany appears to be strongly focused on the middle-class nuclear family, consisting of a married couple of woman and man and about two minor children, including a boy and a girl. Grandparents and pets are also sometimes part of the association. Family members stick closely together and are united in love. Family offers a shelter of privacy from the worries and hardships experienced at work, school or elsewhere, allowing family members to enjoy carefree and happy hours together. Family life takes place at home in one‘s own home or in nature - in any case in peaceful and beautiful places. A variety of family forms can only be found sporadically in the family conceptions of the Germans

    Investigation of the Influence of the Operating Parameters on theMagnetic Encoder Geometric Error Compensation

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    International audienceThe encoder is the only sensor needed to perform Instantaneous angular speed (IAS) analysis, an alternative technique used to monitor gears, bearings or other electro-mechanical elements. The encoder is subject to an intrinsic defect called Geometric Error (GE). Although it has various origins, GE can be simplified as being related to the variable angular size of every encoder segments forming the theoretically uniform pattern. As a result, GE introduces a cyclic perturbation observed on the spectrum of the estimated IAS. These perturbations exhibit a first order cyclostationary behaviour which replicates themselves in each revolution of the shaft. Since the impacted frequency channels can also be studied to monitor the health status of the shaft line, GE should be corrected for a better IAS estimation.In this study, a rotation domain averaging based algorithm is developed to compensate the GE of the estimated IAS signals. The GE signature of a given signal is estimated and is used to compensate the GE of the other signals as well as itself. The term cross-correction is introduced to mention the correction of signals with each other's GE signature. The quality of the correction is analysed and is shown that it depends on several operating conditions. In other words, signals obtained for certain operating conditions are shown to be better at correcting GE than signals obtained for different operating conditions.The developed algorithm is tested on a 2-MW wind turbine campaign which is instrumented with a magnetic encoder. These observations makes it possible to qualify the properties of the best GE corrector signals and dress an optimized correction algorithm suitable for any database. Since there were several interventions on the wind-turbine like re-installation of the encoder, gearbox change and gear defect, it is also possible to observe the influences of these interventions on the GE compensation. The results of this work are expected to be useful for gearbox operators as it represents a probable solution for early fault detection especially in demanding operating conditions

    The comparison of the efficacy of radiofrequency nucleoplasty and targeted disc decompression in lumbar radiculopathy

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    Chronic low back pain is a common clinical condition causing medical, socioeconomic, and treatment difficulties. In our study, we aimed to compare early and long-term efficacy of lumbar radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFTC) nucleoplasty and targeted disc decompression (TDD) in patients with lumbar radiculopathy in whom previous conventional therapy had failed. The medical records of 37 patients undergoing TDD and 36 patients undergoing lumbar RFTC nucleoplasty were retrospectively examined and assigned to the Group D and Group N, respectively. In all patients Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Functional Rating Index (FRI) were recorded before treatment and after one, six and twelve months after the procedure. The North American Spine Society Satisfaction Scale (NASSSS) was also recoreded twelve months after the therapeutic procedure. Statistically significant postprocedural improvement in VAS and FRI was evident in both groups. VAS scores after one, six, and twelve month were slightly higher in Group N, compared to Group D. The overall procedure-related patient satisfaction ratio was 67.5% in the Group D, compared to 75% in the Group N. Regardless of the different mechanism of action, both methods are effective therapies for lumbar radiculopathy, with TDD showing long-term lower pain scores

    The effect of single extremity-vibration on the serum sclerostin level

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    Although IPPS (Integrated Process Planning And Scheduling), and SWDDA (Scheduling With Due Date Assignment) are two popular area in which numerous work is done, IPPSDDA (Integrated Process Planning, Scheduling And Due Date Assignment) is a new research field only a few works are done. Most of the works assign common due dates for the jobs but this study assigns a unique due date for each job in a job shop environment. Three terms are used at the performance measure which is weighted tardiness, earliness, and due dates. Sum of all these terms is tried to be minimized. Different level of integration of these three functions is tested. Since job shop scheduling is alone NP-Hard, integrated solution is harder to solve that’s why hybrid search and random search are used as solution techniques. Integration found useful and as integration level, the increased solution is found better. Search results are compared with ordinary solutions and searches are found useful and hybrid search outperformed random search