36 research outputs found

    Inheritance of coffee leaf rust resistance in Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a herança da resistência do Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03 à ferrugem-do-cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix). Para isso, a raça II e o patótipo 001 de ferrugem foram inoculados em 246 plantas da população F2, 115 plantas do retrocruzamento suscetível (RCS) e 87 plantas do retrocruzamento resistente (RCR), originadas do cruzamento entre o genótipo suscetível cv. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 e a fonte de resistência Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03. Para ambos os inóculos, a cv. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 foi suscetível, enquanto o Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03, a planta representante da geração F1 e as plantas do RCR foram resistentes. As plantas F2, quando inoculadas com a raça II, apresentaram dois padrões de segregação significativos: 15:1 e 61:3. A herança da resistência foi confirmada pela inoculação das plantas do RCS, que segregaram na proporção de 3:1, padrão esperado para herança condicionada por dois genes. A hipótese de segregação 7:1 para três genes foi rejeitada. Resultados semelhantes foram obtidos para o patótipo 001. Dois genes dominantes e independentes conferem a resistência genética do Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03 à raça II e ao patótipo 001 de H. vastatrix.The aim of this work was to characterize the resistance inheritance of the Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03 to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix). For this, the race II and pathotype 001 of coffee leaf rust were inoculated in 246 F2 plants, 115 susceptible backcrossing (BCS) plants, and 87 resistant backcrossing (BCR) plants, derived from the crossing between the susceptible genotype 'Catuaí Amarelo' IAC 64 and the resistance source Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03. For both inoculums, the 'Catuaí Amarelo' IAC 64 was susceptible, while the Timor Hybrid, the plant representing F1 generation, and the BCR plants were resistant. The F2 plants inoculated with race II presented two significant segregation ratios: 15:1 and 61:3. The resistance inheritance was verified by the inoculation of the BCS plants, which segregated at a 3:1 ratio, an expected pattern for the inheritance controlled by two genes, whereas the segregation hypothesis of 7:1 for three genes was rejected. Two independent and dominant genes confer the genetic resistance of Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03 to race II and pathotype 001 of H. vastatrix

    In silico identification of coffee genome expressed sequences potentially associated with resistance to diseases

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    Sequences potentially associated with coffee resistance to diseases were identified by in silico analyses using the database of the Brazilian Coffee Genome Project (BCGP). Keywords corresponding to plant resistance mechanisms to pathogens identified in the literature were used as baits for data mining. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) related to each of these keywords were identified with tools available in the BCGP bioinformatics platform. A total of 11,300 ESTs were mined. These ESTs were clustered and formed 979 EST-contigs with similarities to chitinases, kinases, cytochrome P450 and nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeat (NBS-LRR) proteins, as well as with proteins related to disease resistance, pathogenesis, hypersensitivity response (HR) and plant defense responses to diseases. The 140 EST-contigs identified through the keyword NBS-LRR were classified according to function. This classification allowed association of the predicted products of EST-contigs with biological processes, including host defense and apoptosis, and with molecular functions such as nucleotide binding and signal transducer activity. Fisher's exact test was used to examine the significance of differences in contig expression between libraries representing the responses to biotic stress challenges and other libraries from the BCGP. This analysis revealed seven contigs highly similar to catalase, chitinase, protein with a BURP domain and unknown proteins. The involvement of these coffee proteins in plant responses to disease is discussed

    Partial map of Coffea arabica L. and recovery of the recurrent parent in backcross progenies

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    A partial map of Coffea arabica L. was constructed based on a backcross population and RAPD markers.From a total of 178 markers evaluated, only 134 that segregated 1:1 (P>0.05) were used to develop the map. Seventeenmarkers were not linked, while 117 formed 11 linkage groups, covering a genome distance of 803.2 cM. The maximumdistance between adjacent markers was 26.9 cM, and only seven intervals exceeded 20 cM. The markers were further used forassisted selection of the plants closest to the recurrent parent, to accelerate the introgression of rust resistance genes in thecoffee breeding program. Three BC1 plants resistant to coffee leaf rust and with high genetic similarity to Catuaí wereselected and integrated in the following backcross cycles

    Genetic Diversity of <em>Coffea arabica</em>

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    Coffea arabica L. is a native coffee species probably originated in Abyssinia, now Ethiopia. The genetic diversity of C. arabica has economic implications directly related to profits by breeding for developing new varieties to a global market. The economic value of C. arabica genetic resources are estimated at US$ 420 million, considered a 10% discount rate. Understanding the extent of traits variability and genetic diversity is essential to guide crosses between genotypes, targeting the development of new varieties with high economic value. This chapter will present the C. arabica economic importance, primarily to Brazil, the most significant world producer; we will outline the origin and dispersion of arabica coffee and briefly show the leading germplasm banks. We will also point out contribution of genetic diversity studies based on morphological, agronomic traits, and molecular markers supporting the development of new varieties. Finally, we present an outline for the future

    Transcriptome Analysis Uncovers the Gene Expression Profile of Hemileia vastatrix (Race XXXIII) during the Interactions with Resistant and Susceptible Coffee

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    This article presents research to sequence the transcriptome of H. vastatrix race XXXIII to obtain a database for use as a reference in studies of the interaction between the fungus and coffee. In addition, the authors aim to identify differentially expressed genes that have the potential to act as effector proteins during the interaction

    Redes neurais artificiais comparadas com modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano para predição de resistência à ferrugem em café arábica

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of artificial neural networks in comparison with Bayesian generalized linear regression to predict leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica). This study used 245 individuals of a F2 population derived from the self-fertilization of the F1 H511-1 hybrid, resulting from a crossing between the susceptible cultivar Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 (UFV 2148-57) and the resistant parent Híbrido de Timor (UFV 443-03). The 245 individuals were genotyped with 137 markers. Artificial neural networks and Bayesian generalized linear regression analyses were performed. The artificial neural networks were able to identify four important markers belonging to linkage groups that have been recently mapped, while the Bayesian generalized model identified only two markers belonging to these groups. Lower prediction error rates (1.60%) were observed for predicting leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee when artificial neural networks were used instead of Bayesian generalized linear regression (2.4%). The results showed that artificial neural networks are a promising approach for predicting leaf rust resistance in Arabica coffee.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de redes neurais artificiais em comparação à modelagem por meio de modelos lineares generalizados na predição de resistência à ferrugem em café arábica (Coffea  arabica). Foram utilizados 245 indivíduos provenientes de uma população F2, oriundos da autofecundação do híbrido F1 H511-1, resultante do cruzamento da cultivar suscetível Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 (UFV 2148-57) e do genitor resistente Híbrido de Timor (UFV 443-03). Os 245 indivíduos foram genotipados com 137 marcadores. Realizaram-se análises com redes neurais artificiais e com modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano. As redes neurais identificaram quatro marcadores importantes pertencentes a grupos de ligação que foram recentemente mapeados, enquanto o modelo generalizado bayesiano identificou somente dois marcadores pertencentes a esses grupos. Foram observadas taxas de erro de predição inferiores (1,60%) para predizer a resistência à ferrugem em café arábica, quando foram utilizadas as redes neurais artificiais em vez de modelos lineares generalizados sob o enfoque bayesiano (2,4%). Os resultados mostraram que as redes neurais artificiais são uma abordagem promissora para predizer a resistência à ferrugem em café arábica

    Characterization of the genetic resistance to angular leaf spot and development of microsatellite markers in specific region of common bean genome

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    A alta incidência de doenças tem sido considerada um dos principais fatores responsáveis pela baixa produtividade do feijoeiro no Brasil. Dentre as doenças que ocorrem em Minas Gerais, a mancha-angular, tem sido apontada como a mais importante da parte aérea. A grande variabilidade genética do patógeno que causa a mancha-angular (Phaeoisariopsis griseola), motiva o constante desenvolvimento de novos cultivares resistentes. Visando dar subsídios a programas de m elhoramento, foram identificadas cinco fontes de resistência à mancha-angular: México 54, AND 277, MAR-2, Cornell 49-242 e BAT 332. Em trabalhos anteriores, foram conduzidos estudos independentes de caracterização genética das quatro primeiras variedades. No presente trabalho, foi estudada a herança da resistência de BAT 332, tendo sido encontrado um gene dominante responsável por essa característica. Para auxiliar programas de melhoramento, foram identificados dois marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD, OPAA07 950 e OPAO12 950 , ligados em fase de acoplamento a esse gene a uma distância de 5,10 e 5,83 cM, respectivamente. Posteriormente, foram conduzidos testes de alelismo entre as cinco fontes de resistência com o objetivo de entender a relação entre os genes de resistência presentes nessas fontes. Os dados obtidos sugeriram maior complexidade que a encontrada demonstrado nos que estudos Cornell de 49-242 herança possui realizados apenas um anteriormente. gene Foi dominante, denominado de Phg-3, e México 54 três genes distintos, Phg-2, Phg-5 e Phg-6. Em MAR-2 foram encontrados dois genes, um independente denominado de Phg-4 e outro uma forma alélica de um dos genes de México 54, designado de Phg-5 2 . BAT 332 possui um gene dominante, Phg-6 2 , o qual é uma forma alélica de outro gene de México 54. AND 277 possui um alelo de México 54, Phg-2 2 , um de Cornell 49-242, Phg-3 2 , e um de MAR-2, Phg-4 2 . Esses resultados são de especial importância para programas de melhoramento cujo objetivo é a piramidação de genes de resistência. Conhecendo os genes de resistência presentes nas fontes e entendendo a relação entre eles, o melhorista tem a oportunidade de escolher os genitores de seu programa de forma a obter variedade com o maior número e melhor combinação possível de genes de resistência. A maioria dos marcadores moleculares disponíveis para os programas de melhoramento do feijoeiro é do tipo RAPD. A incorporação de marcadores que revelem um maior nível de polimorfismo permite que genótipos relacionados possam ser distinguidos, cruzamentos entre indivíduos aparentados possam ser analisados e marcadores mais próximos do gene de interesse sejam identificados. Os marcadores microssatélites apresentam esse alto polimorfismo e a facilidade típica de marcadores baseados em PCR, no entanto, não têm sido utilizados em feijão pela inexistência de primers microssatélites desenvolvidos para essa espécie. Propôs-se, portanto, na terceira parte deste trabalho, o desenvolvimento desses marcadores para o feijoeiro. Foram obtidos 21 pares de primers que amplificaram bandas únicas e bem definidas, sendo que 15 apresentaram bandas polimórficas e 7 monomórficas. O número de alelos por loco variou de um a seis. A disponibilidade de marcadores moleculares co-dominantes, altamente informativos e de fácil obtenção como os microssatélites será de grande utilidade para os melhoristas e geneticistas que se dedicam ao feijoeiro.Diseases are among the major problems responsible for the low yield of common bean in Brazil. Angular leaf spot, caused by the fungus Phaeoisariopsis griseola, has been regarded as the most important disease in Brazil, especially in the State of Minas Gerais. The extensive pathogenic variability of this fungus requires the continuous development of new resistant cultivars. To assist breeding programs, five resistance sources for angular leaf spot were identified, México 54, AND 277, MAR-2, Cornell 49-242 and BAT 332. Genetic characterization of four of these sources was previously done. In the present work, the resistance inheritance of the fifth source, BAT 332, was carried out. The results demonstrate that a single dominant gene is responsible for angular leaf spot resistance in this genotype. Two RAPD markers, OPAA07 950 and OPAO12 950 , linked in coupling phase with this gene at 5.10 and 5.83 cM of distance, respectively, were identified. Alellism studies among the five resistance sources were conducted aiming to understand the relationship among these genes involved. Our data suggested a higher complexity than previously found by other authors. It was demonstrated that Cornell 49-242 has just one dominant gene, Phg-3, and Mexico 54 possesses three distinct genes, Phg-2, Phg-5 e Phg-6. For MAR-2, two genes were found, one was independent, Phg-4, and the other was allelic to one of the genes present in México 54, Phg-5 2 . The allele of the Mexico 54 gene was found in BAT 332, Phg-6 2 . AND 277 has one allele of México 54, Phg-2 2 , one of Cornell 49-242, Phg-3 2 , and another of MAR-2, Phg-4 2 . These results are especially important for breeding programs aiming at piramiding resistance genes. With the knowledge of the resistance genes present in the resistance sources and the understanding of the relationship among these genes, the breeder has opportunity to choose the parent for programs aiming to develop varieties with the largest number and the best combination of resistance genes. Most molecular markers developed to be used in bean breeding programs are RAPD markers. The incorporation of maker that shows a higher polymorphisms allows the distinction of closely related genotypes, the analysis of related plants crosses and the identification of molecular marker closer to the interested gene. Microsatellite markers have both high polymorphism and the easy to perform of PCR markers, however, they were not used in common beans due to the lack of primers for this species. In the third and last part of this study, it was to developed microsatellites for common beans. It was identify 21 primers that amplify single discrete band. From these primers, 15 amplified polymorphic bands and 7 monorphic bands. The number of alleles per locus varied from one to six. The existence of codominant, highly informative and easy to work molecular markers may facilitate the use of this tool for common bean breeders and geneticists.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic