107 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Pursuit-Evasion in a Compact Domain with Piecewise Analytic Boundary

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    In a pursuit-evasion game, a team of pursuers attempt to capture an evader. The players alternate turns, move with equal speed, and have full information about the state of the game. We consider the most restictive capture condition: a pursuer must become colocated with the evader to win the game. We prove two general results about pursuit-evasion games in topological spaces. First, we show that one pursuer has a winning strategy in any CAT(0) space under this restrictive capture criterion. This complements a result of Alexander, Bishop and Ghrist, who provide a winning strategy for a game with positive capture radius. Second, we consider the game played in a compact domain in Euclidean two-space with piecewise analytic boundary and arbitrary Euler characteristic. We show that three pursuers always have a winning strategy by extending recent work of Bhadauria, Klein, Isler and Suri from polygonal environments to our more general setting.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Cyclic Cellular Automata on Networks and Cohomological Waves

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    A dynamic coverage problem for sensor networks that are sufficiently dense but not localized is considered. By maintaining only a small fraction of sensors on at any time, we are aimed to find a decentralized protocol for establishing dynamic, sweeping barriers of awake-state sensors. Network cyclic cellular automata is used to generate waves. By rigorously analyzing network-based cyclic cellular automata in the context of a system of narrow hallways, it shows that waves of awake-state nodes turn corners and automatically solve pusuit/evasion-type problems without centralized coordination. As a corollary of this work, we unearth some interesting topological interpretations of features previously observed in cyclic cellular automata (CCA). By considering CCA over networks and completing to simplicial complexes, we induce dynamics on the higher-dimensional complex. In this setting, waves are seen to be generated by topological defects with a nontrivial degree (or winding number). The simplicial complex has the topological type of the underlying map of the workspace (a subset of the plane), and the resulting waves can be classified cohomologically. This allows one to program pulses in the sensor network according to cohomology class. We give a realization theorem for such pulse waves

    The effect of symmetrical and asymmetrical hearing impairment on the music quality perception

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of symmetrical, asymmetrical and unilateral hearing impairment on music quality perception. Six validated music pieces in the categories of classical music, folk music and pop music were used to assess music quality in terms of its ‘pleasantness’, ‘naturalness’, ‘fullness’, ‘roughness’ and ‘sharpness’. 58 participants with sensorineural hearing loss [20 with unilateral hearing loss (UHL), 20 with bilateral symmetrical hearing loss (BSHL) and 18 with bilateral asymmetrical hearing loss (BAHL)] and 29 normal hearing (NH) subjects participated in the present study. Hearing impaired (HI) participants had greater difficulty in overall music quality perception than NH participants. Participants with BSHL rated music pleasantness and naturalness to be higher than participants with BAHL. Moreover, the hearing thresholds of the better ears from BSHL and BAHL participants as well as the hearing thresholds of the worse ears from BSHL participants were negatively correlated to the pleasantness and naturalness perception. HI participants rated the familiar music pieces higher than unfamiliar music pieces in the three music categories. Music quality perception in participants with hearing impairment appeared to be affected by symmetry of hearing loss, degree of hearing loss and music familiarity when they were assessed using the music quality rating test (MQRT). This indicates that binaural symmetrical hearing is important to achieve a high level of music quality perception in HI listeners. This emphasizes the importance of provision of bilateral hearing assistive devices for people with asymmetrical hearing impairment

    Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Intensive Sound Masking Therapy in Patients with Tinnitus

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    Objectives: To investigate factors influencing the effectiveness intensive sound masking therapy on tinnitus using Logistic Regression Analysis. Design: The study used a retrospective cross-section analysis. Participants: 102 patients with tinnitus were recruited at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, China. Intervention: Intensive sound masking therapy was used as an intervention approach for patients with tinnitus. Primary and secondary outcome measures: participants underwent audiological investigations and tinnitus pitch and loudness matching measurements, followed by intensive sound masking therapy. The Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) was used as the outcome measure pre- and post-treatment. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to investigate the association of demographic and audiological factors with effective therapy. Results: According to the THI score changes pre-and post-sound masking intervention, fifty-one participants were categorised into an effective group, the remaining 51 participants were placed in a non-effective group. Those in the effective group were significantly younger than those in the non-effective group (p=0.012). Significantly more participants had flat audiogram configurations in the effective group (p=0.04). Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that age (OR=0.96, 95% CI: 0.93, 0.99, p=0.007), audiometric configuration (p=0.027) and THI score pre-treatment (OR=1.04, 95% CI: 1.02, 1.07, p<0.001) were significantly associated with therapeutic effectiveness. Further analysis showed that patients with flat audiometric configurations were 5.45 times more likely to respond to intervention than those with high-frequency steeply sloping audiograms (OR=5.45, 95% CI: 1.67, 17.86, p=0.005). Conclusion: Audiometric configuration, age and THI scores appear to be predictive for the effectiveness of sound masking treatment. Gender, tinnitus characteristics and hearing threshold measures seem not to be related to treatment effectiveness. Further randomized control study is needed to provide further evidence of the effectiveness of prognostic factors in tinnitus interventions

    Event Related Potential Evidence of Enhanced Visual Processing in Auditory Associated Cortex in Adults with Hearing Loss

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    Objective: The present study investigated the characteristics of visual processing in the auditory-associated cortex in adults with hearing loss using event-related potentials. Methods: Ten subjects with bilateral postlingual hearing loss were recruited. Ten age- and sex-matched normal-hearing subjects were included as controls. Visual (“sound” and “non-sound” photos)-evoked potentials were performed. The P170 response in the occipital area as well as N1 and N2 responses in FC3 and FC4 were analyzed. Results: Adults with hearing loss had higher P170 amplitudes, significantly higher N2 amplitudes, and shorter N2 latency in response to “sound” and “non-sound” photo stimuli at both FC3 and FC4, with the exception of the N2 amplitude which responded to “sound” photo stimuli at FC3. Further topographic mapping analysis revealed that patients had a large difference in response to “sound” and “non-sound” photos in the right frontotemporal area, starting from approximately 200 to 400 ms. Localization of source showed the difference to be located in the middle frontal gyrus region (BA10) at around 266 ms. Conclusions: The significantly stronger responses to visual stimuli indicate enhanced visual processing in the auditory-associated cortex in adults with hearing loss, which may be attributed to cortical visual reorganization involving the right frontotemporal cortex

    Deviant Dynamics of Resting State Electroencephalogram Microstate in Patients With Subjective Tinnitus

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    Given the importance of central reorganization and tinnitus, we undertook the current study to investigate changes to electroencephalogram (EEG) microstates and their association with the clinical symptoms in tinnitus. High-density (128 channel) EEG was used to explore changes in microstate features in 15 subjects with subjective tinnitus and 17 age-matched controls. Correlations between microstate parameters and subjective tinnitus symptoms were also analyzed. An increased presence of class A microstate and decreased presence of class D microstate were found in coverage and lifespan of microstate parameters in the tinnitus patients. Syntax analysis also demonstrated an aberrant pattern of activity, with reduced transitions from class D to class B in tinnitus patients. Moreover, a significant positive correlation of tinnitus loudness with increased lifespan of microstate class C was found. Significant differences in temporal characteristics and syntax of the EEG microstate classes were found at rest between tinnitus patients and the healthy subjects. Our study indicates that EEG microstates may provide a possible valuable method to study large-scale brain networks, which may in turn be beneficial to investigation of the neurophysiological mechanisms behind tinnitus

    Altered Resting-State EEG Microstate in Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Patients with Tinnitus

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    In order to clarify the central reorganization in acute period of hearing loss, this study explored the aberrant dynamics of electroencephalogram (EEG) microstates and the correlations with the features of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) and tinnitus. We used high-density EEG with 128 channels to investigate alterations in microstate parameters between 25 ISSNHL patients with tinnitus and 27 healthy subjects. This study also explored the associations between microstate characteristics and tinnitus features. Microstates were clustered into four categories. There was a reduced presence of microstate A in amplitude, coverage, lifespan, frequency and an increased presence of microstate B in frequency in ISSNHL patients with tinnitus. According to the syntax analysis, a reduced transition from microstate C to microstate A and an increased transition from microstate C to microstate B were found in ISSNHL subjects. In addition, the significant negative correlations were found between Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) scores and frequency of microstate A as well as between THI scores and the probability of transition from microstate D to microstate A. While THI was positively correlated with the transition probability from microstate D to microstate B. To sum up, the significant differences in the characteristics of resting-state EEG microstates were found between ISSNHL subjects with tinnitus and healthy controls. This study suggests that the alterations of central neural networks occur in acute stage of hearing loss and tinnitus. And EEG microstate may be considered as a useful tool to study the whole brain network in ISSNHL patients

    Influence of Audiovisual Training on Horizontal Sound Localization and Its Related ERP Response

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    The objective was to investigate the influence of audiovisual training on horizontal sound localization and the underlying neurological mechanisms using a combination of psychoacoustic and electrophysiological (i.e., event-related potential, ERP) measurements on sound localization. Audiovisual stimuli were used in the training group, whilst the control group was trained using auditory stimuli only. Training sessions were undertaken once per day for three consecutive days. Sound localization accuracy was evaluated daily after training, using psychoacoustic tests. ERP responses were measured on the first and last day of tasks. Sound localization was significantly improved in the audiovisual training group when compared to the control group. Moreover, a significantly greater reduction in front-back confusion ratio for both trained and untrained angles was found between pre- and post-test in the audiovisual training group. ERP measurement showed a decrease in N1 amplitude and an increase in P2 amplitude in both groups. However, changes in late components were only found in the audiovisual training group, with an increase in P400 amplitude and decrease in N500 amplitude. These results suggest that the interactive effect of audiovisual localization training is likely to be mediated at a relatively late cognitive processing stage
