5,188 research outputs found

    Black Holes in Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies and in Globular Clusters

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    Supermassive black holes have been discovered at the centers of galaxies, and also in globular clusters. The data shows correlations between the black hole mass and the elliptical galaxy mass or globular cluster mass. It is shown that this correlation is accurately predicted by a theory of gravity which includes the new dynamics of self-interacting space. In spiral galaxies this dynamics is shown to explain the so-called `dark matter' rotation-curve anomaly, and also explains the earth based bore-hole g anomaly data. Together these effects imply that the strength of the self-interaction dynamics is determined by the fine structure constant. This has major implications for fundamental physics and cosmology.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 3 eps figures Additional section re Interpretation and Discussio

    Absolute Motion and Quantum Gravity

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    A new information-theoretic modelling of reality has given rise to a quantum-foam description of space, relative to which absolute motion is meaningful. In a previous paper (Cahill and Kitto) it was shown that in this new physics Michelson interferometers show absolute motion effects when operated in dielectric mode, as indeed such experiments had indicated, and analysis of the experimental data showed that the measured speeds were all consistent with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) dipole-fit speed of 369km/s. Here the new physics is applied to the Michelson-Morley 1887 interferometer rotation curve data to demonstrate that the interferometer data is in excellent agreement with the CMB direction (RA, Dec)=(11.20h,-7.22deg) as well. This data also reveals a velocity component caused by the in-flow of the quantum foam past the Earth towards the Sun at 40+/-15km/s, while analysis of the Miller interferometer data of 1933 gives 49km/s, compared to the theoretical value of 42km/s. This observed in-flow is a signature of quantum gravity effects in the new physicsComment: 11 pages, Latex, 5 eps figure files Minor change

    Gravitation, the 'Dark Matter' Effect and the Fine Structure Constant

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    Gravitational anomalies such as the mine/borehole g anomaly, the near-flatness of the spiral galaxy rotation-velocity curves, currently interpreted as a `dark matter' effect, the absence of that effect in ordinary elliptical galaxies, and the ongoing problems in accurately determining Newton's gravitational constant G_N are explained by a generalisation of the Newtonian theory of gravity to a fluid-flow formalism with one new dimensionless constant. By analysing the borehole data this constant is shown to be the fine structure constant alpha=1/137. The spiral galaxy `dark matter' effect and the globular cluster `black hole' masses are then correctly predicted. This formalism also explains the cause of the long-standing uncertainties in G_N and leads to the introduction of a fundamental gravitational constant G not = G_N with value G=(6.6526 +/- 0.013)x 10^-11 m^3s^{-2}kg^{-1}. The occurrence of alpha implies that space has a quantum structure, and we have the first evidence of quantum gravity effects.Comment: 21 pages, 4 eps figures. Extended published versio

    Resolving Spacecraft Earth-Flyby Anomalies with Measured Light Speed Anisotropy

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    Doppler shift observations of spacecraft, such as Galileo, NEAR, Cassini, Rosetta and MESSENGER in earth flybys, have all revealed unexplained speed `anomalies' - that the doppler-shift determined speeds are inconsistent with expected speeds. Here it is shown that these speed anomalies are not real and are actually the result of using an incorrect relationship between the observed doppler shift and the speed of the spacecraft - a relationship based on the assumption that the speed of light is isotropic in all frames, i.e. invariant. Taking account of the repeatedly measured light-speed anisotropy the anomalies are resolved. The Pioneer 10/11 anomalies are discussed, but not resolved. The spacecraft observations demonstrate again that the speed of light is not invariant, and is isotropic only with respect to a dynamical 3-space. The existing doppler shift data also offers a resource to characterise a new form of gravitational waves, the dynamical 3-space turbulence, that has also been detected by other techniques.Comment: 13 pages, 2 eps files. Improved data analysi

    3-Space In-Flow Theory of Gravity: Boreholes, Blackholes and the Fine Structure Constant

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    A theory of 3-space explains the phenomenon of gravity as arising from the time-dependence and inhomogeneity of the differential flow of this 3-space. The emergent theory of gravity has two gravitational constants: G - Newton's constant, and a dimensionless constant - alpha. Various experiments and astronomical observations have shown that alpha is the fine structure constant 1/137. Here we analyse the Greenland Ice Shelf and Nevada Test Site borehole g anomalies, and confirm with increased precision this value of alpha. This and other successful tests of this theory of gravity, including the supermassive black holes in globular clusters and galaxies, and the `dark-matter' effect in spiral galaxies, demonstrates the validity of this theory of gravity. This success implies that Newtonian gravity was fundamentally flawed from the beginning.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure
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