56 research outputs found

    Abobotulinumtoxina and rehabilitation vs rehabilitation alone in post-stroke spasticity: A cost-utility analysis

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    Objective: To investigate costs and quality-adjusted life years of rehabilitation combined with abobotulinumtoxinA (aboBoNT-A) (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs rehabilitation alone (rehab) in post-stroke spasticity in Italy. Design: Based on both Italian National Health Service and societal perspectives, a 2-year cost-utility analysis model was performed. Subject/patients: The cost-utility analysis model considered hypothetical patients. Methods: The cost-utility analysis model was populated with data concerning demographics, disease severity, healthcare and non-healthcare resource consumption. Data were collected via a questionnaire administered to 3 highly experienced Italian physiatrists (864 out of 930 post-stroke spasticity patients on rehab/aboBoNT-A in total). Costs are expressed in Euro (\u20ac) based on the year 2018. Results: The cost to society (rounded to the nearest whole \u20ac) was \u20ac22,959 (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs \u20ac11,866 (rehab). Italian National Health Servicefunded cost was \u20ac7,593 (rehab/aboBoNT-A) vs \u20ac1,793 (rehab). Over a period of 2 years rehab/aboBoNT-A outperforms rehab in terms of qualityadjusted life years gained (1.620 vs 1.150). The incremental cost-utility ratio was \u20ac12,341 (Italian National Health Service viewpoint) and \u20ac23,601 (societal viewpoint). Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the baseline results. Conclusion: Despite some limitations, the higher number of quality-adjusted life years gained vs rehab and the high probability of reaching a cost-utility ratio lower than the Italian informal acceptability range (\u20ac25,000-40,000) make rehab/aboBoNT-A a cost-effective healthcare programme for treating patients with post-stroke spasticity in Italy

    3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives

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    Considering sustainable development of cities implies investigating cities in a holistic way taking into account many interrelations between various urban or environmental issues. 3D city models are increasingly used in different cities and countries for an intended wide range of applications beyond mere visualization. Could these 3D City models be used to integrate urban and environmental knowledge? How could they be improved to fulfill such role? We believe that enriching the semantics of current 3D city models, would extend their functionality and usability; therefore, they could serve as integration platforms of the knowledge related to urban and environmental issues allowing a huge and significant improvement of city sustainable management and development. But which elements need to be added to 3D city models? What are the most efficient ways to realize such improvement / enrichment? How to evaluate the usability of these improved 3D city models? These were the questions tackled by the COST Action TU0801 “Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development”. This book gathers various materials developed all along the four year of the Action and the significant breakthroughs

    Atributos químicos de solos em diferentes pisos altitudinais na Serra do Rio do Janeiro.

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    A faixa atlântica brasileira possui extrema diversidade ambiental, onde a ocorrência de diversidade dos solos é muito grande, dado os diferentes patamares altitudinais ocupado por ela. Com o objetivo de identificar essas diferenças foi estudado os atributos químicos dos solos em áreas próximas e dentro do Parque Estadual dos Três Picos no Rio de Janeiro. Foram coletados solos em cinco pisos altitudinais, sendo três perfis para cada piso, para verificar a diversidade pedológica. Foi utilizado a análise de componentes principais como ferramenta de segregação. De uma maneira geral, os solos mais férteis estão situados no maior piso altitudinal e os que estão em cotas mais baixas tenderam a apresentar baixa fertilidade natural

    Epífitos vasculares da floresta ombrófila densa de Santa Catarina.

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    Esse trabalho objetiva demonstrar a ocorrência dos epífitos vasculares da Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Santa Catarina

    Riqueza de epífitos vasculares do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí - Santa Catarina.

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    Este trabalho objetivou contribuir para a caracterização da comunidade epifítica vascular no Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí, Vale do Itajaí, Santa Catarina