473 research outputs found
Hierarchical D ∗ algorithm with materialization of costs for robot path planning
In this paper a new hierarchical extension of the D
∗ algorithm for robot path planning is introduced. The hierarchical D
algorithm uses a down-top strategy and a set of precalculated paths (materialization of path costs) in order to improve performance.
This on-line path planning algorithm allows optimality and specially lower computational time. H-Graphs (hierarchical graphs)
are modified and adapted to support on-line path planning with materialization of costs and multiple hierarchical levels. Traditional
on-line robot path planning focused in horizontal spaces is also extended to vertical and interbuilding spaces. Some experimental
results are showed and compared to other path planning algorithms
Hierarchical Path Search with Partial Materialization of Costs for a Smart Wheelchair
In this paper, the off-line path planner module of a smart wheelchair aided navigation
system is described. Environmental information is structured into a hierarchical graph (H-graph) and
used either by the user interface or the path planner module. This information structure facilitates
efficient path search and easier information access and retrieval. Special path planning issues like
planning between floors of a building (vertical path planning) are also viewed. The H-graph proposed
is modelled by a tree. The hierarchy of abstractions contained in the tree has several levels of detail.
Each abstraction level is a graph whose nodes can represent other graphs in a deeper level of the
hierarchy. Path planning is performed using a path skeleton which is built from the deepest
abstraction levels of the hierarchy to the most upper levels and completed in the last step of the
algorithm. In order not to lose accuracy in the path skeleton generation and speed up the search, a set
of optimal subpaths are previously stored in some nodes of the H-graph (path costs are partially
materialized). Finally, some experimental results are showed and compared to traditional heuristic
search algorithms used in robot path planning.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TER96-2056-C02-0
A Hierarchical Extension of the D ∗ Algorithm
In this paper a contribution to the practice of path planning using a new hierarchical
extension of the D
∗ algorithm is introduced. A hierarchical graph is stratified into several abstraction
levels and used to model environments for path planning. The hierarchical D∗ algorithm uses a downtop
strategy and a set of pre-calculated trajectories in order to improve performance. This allows
optimality and specially lower computational time. It is experimentally proved how hierarchical
search algorithms and on-line path planning algorithms based on topological abstractions can be
combined successfully
Design and modeling of processes through eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001 for a telecommunications company
This project deals with the design and modeling of the processes that make up a company in order to achieve the proposed objectives of quality improvement and organization, in the most efficient way possible, thus demonstrating the importance of carrying out this modeling. Specifically, in this thesis we will analyze how this is carried out at AFR-IX telecom, a telecommunications company that offers data and advanced managed solutions to telecommunications companies and operators in Africa. To achieve this objective, different theoretical frameworks that are relevant today in the business world have been studied, specifically BPMN, eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001. All modeling must be based on these concepts in order to implement the model obtained using different tools. In this project you will be able to see how some of the most used today have been used in a practical way, such as Signavio, Visio, Odoo and Service Desk Plus.Aquest projecte tracta el disseny i el modelatge dels processos que formen una empresa per poder assolir els objectius proposats, de millora de qualitat i organització, de la forma més eficaç possible, demostrant així la importància de realitzar aquest modelatge. Concretament, en aquest TFG analitzarem com es porta això a terme en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicacions que ofereix dades i solucions gestionades avançades a empreses i operadors de telecomunicacions a l'Àfrica. Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'han estudiat diferents marcs teòrics que avui en dia són rellevants en el món empresarial, concretament BPMN, eTOM, ITIL i ISO 27001. Tot modelatge s'ha de basar en aquests conceptes per arribar a implementar el model obtingut fent ús de diferents eines. En aquest projecte es podrà veure com s'han usat de forma pràctica algunes de les més utilitzades avui en dia com són Signavio, Visio, Odoo i Service Desk Plus.Este proyecto trata el diseño y el modelado de los procesos que forman a una empresa para poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, de mejora de calidad y organización, de la forma más eficaz posible, demostrando así la importancia de realizar este modelado. Concretamente, en este TFG analizaremos como se lleva esto a cabo en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicaciones que ofrece datos y soluciones gestionadas avanzadas a empresas y operadores de telecomunicaciones en África. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se han estudiado distintos marcos teóricos que hoy en día son relevantes en el mundo empresarial, concretamente BPMN, eTOM, ITIL e ISO 27001. Todo modelado se debe basar en estos conceptos para llegar a implementar el modelo obtenido haciendo uso de distintas herramientas. En este proyecto se podrá ver como se han usado de forma práctica algunas de las más utilizadas hoy en día como son Signavio, Visio, Odoo y Service Desk Plus
An IMS-Learning Design Editor for a Higher Education Blended Learning Scenario
The IMS-Learning Design has been developed to
support the creation of reusable and pedagogically
neutral learning scenarios and content. Although it is
especially suitable for eLearning, there is a lot of
interest on using it in higher education blended
learning scenarios. However there are some related
key issues which must be managed such as cultural
bias and the need for expensive human resources to
design and develop specification compliant units of
learning. They can be addressed by the design of
ad-hoc editors supporting concrete learning design
units of learning. We suggest some solutions to
overcome these limitations, based on our experience
designing the user interface of an IMS-LD compliant
editor, GDUS+. We also explain our user centering
approach, and give some conclusions about the
benefits of using IMS-LD
Mobile Interface for a Smart Wheelchair
Smart wheelchairs are designed for severely motor impaired people
that have difficulties to drive standard -manual or electric poweredwheelchairs.
Their goal is to automate driving tasks as much as possible in
order to minimize user intervention. Nevertheless, human involvement is still
necessary to maintain high level task control. Therefore in the interface design
it is necessary to take into account the restrictions imposed by the system
(mobile and small), by the type of users (people with severe motor restrictions)
and by the task (to select a destination among a number of choices in a
structured environment). This paper describes the structure of an adaptive
mobile interface for smart wheelchairs that is driven by the context.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TER96-2056-C02-0
A cultural and participative experience: the Popular Municipal University of Jaen
En este artículo se presentan condensados los dos últimos años de trabajo que han servido para dar un
viraje a la gestión de la Universidad Popular Municipal de Jaén, mediante el cual, ha dejado de ser una
entidad condenada a su desaparición y se ha convertido en un organismo vivo referente de la formación
no reglada que abandera y cataliza buena parte de la actividad cultural de la ciudad de Jaén
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