8 research outputs found

    Quantifier les matières premières utilisées par l'alimentation animale en France et segmenter les flux jusqu'aux filières consommatrices

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    International audienceSocietal expectations linked to the feeding of farm animals (without GMOs, without imported deforestation, less competition with food crops...) are intensifying and are appearing more and more as an access condition to the market for some animal products. It appeared necessary to have a complete overview of the flows of feed materials (grains, by-products and forages) through the French feed supply chain, from resources to different ways of use (human consumption, animal feed, export, energy, etc.). GIS Avenir Elevages mobilized a network of experts with the aim of constructing a methodology to detail the segmentation of feed material consumption by animal sector. A method of data reconciliation with constraint optimization was used to bring the different available data sources into coherence. Thus, for the year 2015, the total grains and by-products used by the animal feed sector was evaluated around 34 Mt standardized to 85% dry matter while those of forages was evaluated between 70 and 72.5 Mt of 100% dry matter (losses and refusals deducted). Dairy and mixed cattle were the second consumers of feed grains and by- products (24%), after poultry (34%) and before pigs (23%) and beef cattle (12%). Dairy and mixed cattle consumed 36% of the volume of soybean meal available in France, after poultry (44%), and before pigs (6%). These results give precise indicators on feed use, its sustainability, the importance of livestock in the consumption of by-products from the food industry, and self-sufficiency in protein of the French livestock sector.Les attentes sociétales relatives à l'alimentation des animaux d'élevage s'intensifient (sans OGM, sans déforestation importée, limitant la compétition avec l'alimentation humaine…) et deviennent parfois une condition d'accès au marché pour certaines productions animales. Il est ainsi apparu nécessaire de disposer d'un panorama complet des flux de matières premières (grains, coproduits et fourrages) dans le système alimentaire français depuis les ressources jusqu'à leurs différentes voies de valorisation (alimentation humaine ou animale, export, énergie…). L'étude du GIS Avenir Elevages a mobilisé un réseau d'experts des différentes filières dans l'objectif de construire une méthodologie permettant une segmentation détaillée des consommations de matières premières par filière animale. Une méthode de réconciliation des flux avec optimisation sous contraintes a été utilisée pour mettre en cohérence les différentes sources de données disponibles. Ainsi, pour l'année 2015, le total des utilisations animales de matières premières concentrées a été évalué autour de 34 Mt standardisées à 85% de matière sèche et celles de fourrages entre 70 et 72,5 Mt de matière sèche (pertes et refus déduits). Les bovins laitiers et mixtes ont été les deuxièmes utilisateurs de matières premières concentrées (24%), derrière les filières volailles (34%), et devant les porcs (23%) et les bovins à viande (12%). L'utilisation du tourteau de soja serait encore plus ciblée : 36% pour les bovins laitiers et mixtes contre 44% pour les volailles et 6% pour les porcs. Ces résultats permettent de fixer des repères précis sur l'alimentation des animaux d'élevage, sa durabilité, l'importance de l'élevage dans la valorisation des coproduits issus de l'agro-alimentaire ou encore l'autonomie alimentaire et protéique de l'élevage français

    Analyse financière des structures aval de la filière viti-vinicole française : entreprises et coopératives 1998-2007

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    Le présent document consiste en une actualisation de l’étude «Analyse financières des structures aval de la filière vitivinicole française. Entreprises et coopératives 1999-2004 » (Couderc et al., 2005). A l’aide d’un recensement de plus d’un millier de metteurs en marchés de la filière vitivinicole française réalisant un chiffre d’affaires supérieur à 2 millions d’euros, nous avons cherché à déterminer, dans un premier temps, le poids économique et la valeur créée par les derniers opérateurs ‘aval’ de cette filière, approvisionnant les circuits de distribution français et étrangers. Dans un second temps nous avons étudié la structure financière de ces entreprises et leur évolution sur la période 1998-2006, en faisant appel aux outils de l’analyse financière «classique» et en proposant des typologies d’entreprises telles que la région d’implantation, la taille, l’orientation export ou encore la performance. Cette étude s’est faite selon les deux modes de gouvernance en présence dans ces entreprises : négociants et structures coopératives ; et selon deux segments de marché ayant des structures et des dynamiques différentes : les vins tranquilles et les vins effervescents. Il apparaît que le poids économique de la filière stagne autour de 21 milliards d’euros depuis 2003, même s’il semble que la valeur créée soit en progression. L’analyse des structures en vins effervescents fait apparaître des situations moyennes saines et une évolution positive. En revanche la situation en vins tranquilles est plus préoccupante : l’ensemble des opérateurs semble affecté par la crise

    The French animal sectors in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

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    This article presents an analysis of the economic situation of several animal sectors (cow's milk, beef, pork, poultry and horses) in France, two years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Using the latest statistical data available for the period 2020 to 2021 and taking into account the historical trajectories followed, it seeks to highlight how this health crisis has had implications for production, prices, consumption, foreign trade and, in the case of the equine sector, various activities (horse betting, attendance at riding schools, etc.). The production of agricultural goods was generally little affected by the health crisis, as farmers continued to produce, sometimes despite certain difficulties (lack of manpower, temporary loss of outlets, etc.). Faced with a significant change in the structure of demand (increase in products purchased by households to the detriment of those favored in out-of-home catering), sudden measures imposed by the State and the difficulties sometimes encountered in maintaining the number of employees, processing actors were able to adapt quickly to enable them to supply consumers with the goods they demanded. Trade flows were also disrupted in 2020, before picking up again in 2021, following trends that are ultimately quite consistent with those seen before the crisis. Under the influence, on the one hand, of higher energy prices (even before the war in Ukraine which started on February 24, 2022) and, on the other hand, of fluctuating imports from China on the world markets, producer prices increased at the end of 2021 (with the exception of the pig sector), but this increase is counterbalanced by an increase in production costs. In the equine sector, turnover losses have been temporarily significant due to the strong interaction of this sector with the public. After the shock of 2020, and thanks to a strong adaptation of the actors, the activities are gradually resuming

    Quantifier et segmenter les flux de matières premières utilisées en France par l’alimentation animale

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    International audienceSocietal expectations linked to the feeding of farm animals (without GMO, without imported deforestation, less competition with food crops…) are intensifying. In order to construct a methodology to detail the segmentation of feed consumption by animal sector, the “Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Avenir Élevages” mobilized a network of experts. A method of data reconciliation based on constraint optimization was used to make the different available data sources consistent and build a complete overview of the flows of feed materials (grains, by-products and forages) through the French feed supply chain. For the year 2015, the total grains and by-products used to feed farm animals was evaluated around 34 Mt standardized to 85 % dry matter for concentrates and between 70 and 72.5 Mt of 100 % dry matter for forages. Cattle were the first consumers of feed grains and by-products (37 % in total with 25 % for dairy and mixed systems and 12 % for beef cattle), before poultry (34 %) and pigs (23 %). Cattle (dairy, mixed and beef) consumed 43 % of the volume of soybean meal available in France, equalizing that used for poultry (43 %) and much higher than that used for pigs (6 %). The constructed methodology gives precise indicators on feed use, its sustainability, the importance of livestock in the consumption of by-products from the food industry, and self-sufficiency in protein of the French livestock sector. Its transformation into a perennial observatory of raw materials fluxes used in animal feed is under study in order to have a multiannual follow-up of the evolution of consumption.Les attentes sociétales relatives à l’alimentation des animaux d’élevage s’intensifient (sans OGM, sans déforestation importée, limitant la compétition avec l’alimentation humaine, enrichi en Oméga 3 et/ou 6…) et deviennent parfois une condition d’accès au marché pour certaines productions animales. Afin de construire une méthodologie permettant une segmentation détaillée des consommations de matières premières par filière animale, le Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique Avenir Élevages a mobilisé un réseau d’experts des différentes filières. Une méthode de réconciliation des flux avec optimisation sous contraintes a été utilisée pour mettre en cohérence les différentes sources de données disponibles et ainsi dresser un panorama complet des flux de matières premières (grains, coproduits et fourrages) dans le système alimentaire de France métropolitaine (alimentation humaine et animale, export, énergie…). Pour l’année 2015, le total des utilisations animales de matières premières concentrées a été évalué autour de 34 Mt standardisées à 85 % de matière sèche et celles de fourrages entre 70 et 72,5 Mt de matière sèche (pertes et refus déduits). Les filières bovines étaient les premières utilisatrices de matières premières concentrées (37 % au total dont 25 % pour les bovins laitiers et mixtes et 12 % pour les bovins à viande), devant les volailles (34 %) et les porcs (23 %). L’utilisation du tourteau de soja apparaît encore plus ciblée : 43 % pour les bovins (36 % pour les laitiers et mites et 7 % pour ceux à viande), 43 % également pour les volailles (dont 29 % pour les volailles de chair), et 6 % pour les porcs. La méthodologie « flux de matières premières » développée dans ce travail permet de fournir des repères précis sur l’alimentation des animaux d’élevage, sa durabilité, l’importance de l’élevage dans la valorisation des coproduits issus de l’agro-alimentaire ou encore l’autonomie alimentaire et protéique de l’élevage français. Sa pérennisation dans un observatoire des flux de matières premières utilisées en alimentation animale est à l’étude afin de disposer d’un suivi pluriannuel de l’évolution des consommations

    Quantifier les matières premières utilisées par l'alimentation animale en France et segmenter les flux jusqu'aux filières consommatrices

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    International audienceSocietal expectations linked to the feeding of farm animals (without GMOs, without imported deforestation, less competition with food crops...) are intensifying and are appearing more and more as an access condition to the market for some animal products. It appeared necessary to have a complete overview of the flows of feed materials (grains, by-products and forages) through the French feed supply chain, from resources to different ways of use (human consumption, animal feed, export, energy, etc.). GIS Avenir Elevages mobilized a network of experts with the aim of constructing a methodology to detail the segmentation of feed material consumption by animal sector. A method of data reconciliation with constraint optimization was used to bring the different available data sources into coherence. Thus, for the year 2015, the total grains and by-products used by the animal feed sector was evaluated around 34 Mt standardized to 85% dry matter while those of forages was evaluated between 70 and 72.5 Mt of 100% dry matter (losses and refusals deducted). Dairy and mixed cattle were the second consumers of feed grains and by- products (24%), after poultry (34%) and before pigs (23%) and beef cattle (12%). Dairy and mixed cattle consumed 36% of the volume of soybean meal available in France, after poultry (44%), and before pigs (6%). These results give precise indicators on feed use, its sustainability, the importance of livestock in the consumption of by-products from the food industry, and self-sufficiency in protein of the French livestock sector.Les attentes sociétales relatives à l'alimentation des animaux d'élevage s'intensifient (sans OGM, sans déforestation importée, limitant la compétition avec l'alimentation humaine…) et deviennent parfois une condition d'accès au marché pour certaines productions animales. Il est ainsi apparu nécessaire de disposer d'un panorama complet des flux de matières premières (grains, coproduits et fourrages) dans le système alimentaire français depuis les ressources jusqu'à leurs différentes voies de valorisation (alimentation humaine ou animale, export, énergie…). L'étude du GIS Avenir Elevages a mobilisé un réseau d'experts des différentes filières dans l'objectif de construire une méthodologie permettant une segmentation détaillée des consommations de matières premières par filière animale. Une méthode de réconciliation des flux avec optimisation sous contraintes a été utilisée pour mettre en cohérence les différentes sources de données disponibles. Ainsi, pour l'année 2015, le total des utilisations animales de matières premières concentrées a été évalué autour de 34 Mt standardisées à 85% de matière sèche et celles de fourrages entre 70 et 72,5 Mt de matière sèche (pertes et refus déduits). Les bovins laitiers et mixtes ont été les deuxièmes utilisateurs de matières premières concentrées (24%), derrière les filières volailles (34%), et devant les porcs (23%) et les bovins à viande (12%). L'utilisation du tourteau de soja serait encore plus ciblée : 36% pour les bovins laitiers et mixtes contre 44% pour les volailles et 6% pour les porcs. Ces résultats permettent de fixer des repères précis sur l'alimentation des animaux d'élevage, sa durabilité, l'importance de l'élevage dans la valorisation des coproduits issus de l'agro-alimentaire ou encore l'autonomie alimentaire et protéique de l'élevage français

    The PPILOW project: Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms

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    International audienceThe PPILOW project aims to co-construct innovations to improve Poultry and Pig Welfare in Low-input outdoor and Organic farming systems through a multi-actor approach. PPILOW implements a participatory approach for proposing and studying welfare-improvement levers. It will provide a combination of practical solutions that can be applied at a pan-European level with specific adjustments depending on citizen’s expectations and the target market. The multi-actor approach consists in involving end-users including farmers, breeding companies, feed producers, consumer associations, retailers, advisers, processors, and scientists in National Practitioner Groups (NPG) in six participating countries. PPILOW partners facilitate the groups by connecting NPG at European level, transferring scientific information, interacting with partners engaged in animal experiments, and co-creating innovations rising from NPG-specific demands. They co-build with PPILOW partners welfare self-assessment tools (development of the PIGLOW app for pigs and refinement of the EBENE® app for poultry), and innovative breeding, feeding, and rearing strategies and techniques to improve the welfare of animals. They co-design protocols, test innovations on farm, and disseminate the results. In turn, they receive insights on methods and scientific results, and inputs from other NPG reinforcing the value of the expected outcomes. Approaches focus on avoiding physical damage and the elimination of layer male chicks, on reducing boar taint of intact male pigs, promoting positive behaviours, animal health, and robustness through field studies with pigs and poultry. Multicriteria analyses of the most effective levers of welfare improvement will be performed to evaluate their economic, social, and environmental impacts based on the ‘One Welfare’ concept; economic and business models will also be developed. To ensure the rapid uptake of the project results by end-users, the close involvement of PPILOW’s NPG throughout the EU will ensure disseminationactivities and the facilitation of change. The PPILOW project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N°816172. www.ppilow.eu

    The PPILOW project: Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms

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    International audienceThe PPILOW project aims to co-construct innovations to improve Poultry and Pig Welfare in Low-input outdoor and Organic farming systems through a multi-actor approach. PPILOW implements a participatory approach for proposing and studying welfare-improvement levers. It will provide a combination of practical solutions that can be applied at a pan-European level with specific adjustments depending on citizen’s expectations and the target market. The multi-actor approach consists in involving end-users including farmers, breeding companies, feed producers, consumer associations, retailers, advisers, processors, and scientists in National Practitioner Groups (NPG) in six participating countries. PPILOW partners facilitate the groups by connecting NPG at European level, transferring scientific information, interacting with partners engaged in animal experiments, and co-creating innovations rising from NPG-specific demands. They co-build with PPILOW partners welfare self-assessment tools (development of the PIGLOW app for pigs and refinement of the EBENE® app for poultry), and innovative breeding, feeding, and rearing strategies and techniques to improve the welfare of animals. They co-design protocols, test innovations on farm, and disseminate the results. In turn, they receive insights on methods and scientific results, and inputs from other NPG reinforcing the value of the expected outcomes. Approaches focus on avoiding physical damage and the elimination of layer male chicks, on reducing boar taint of intact male pigs, promoting positive behaviours, animal health, and robustness through field studies with pigs and poultry. Multicriteria analyses of the most effective levers of welfare improvement will be performed to evaluate their economic, social, and environmental impacts based on the ‘One Welfare’ concept; economic and business models will also be developed. To ensure the rapid uptake of the project results by end-users, the close involvement of PPILOW’s NPG throughout the EU will ensure disseminationactivities and the facilitation of change. The PPILOW project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N°816172. www.ppilow.eu

    The PPILOW project: Innovations improving welfare in low input and organic pig and poultry farms

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    International audienceThe PPILOW project aims to co-construct innovations to improve Poultry and Pig Welfare in Low-input outdoor and Organic farming systems through a multi-actor approach. PPILOW implements a participatory approach for proposing and studying welfare-improvement levers. It will provide a combination of practical solutions that can be applied at a pan-European level with specific adjustments depending on citizen’s expectations and the target market. The multi-actor approach consists in involving end-users including farmers, breeding companies, feed producers, consumer associations, retailers, advisers, processors, and scientists in National Practitioner Groups (NPG) in six participating countries. PPILOW partners facilitate the groups by connecting NPG at European level, transferring scientific information, interacting with partners engaged in animal experiments, and co-creating innovations rising from NPG-specific demands. They co-build with PPILOW partners welfare self-assessment tools (development of the PIGLOW app for pigs and refinement of the EBENE® app for poultry), and innovative breeding, feeding, and rearing strategies and techniques to improve the welfare of animals. They co-design protocols, test innovations on farm, and disseminate the results. In turn, they receive insights on methods and scientific results, and inputs from other NPG reinforcing the value of the expected outcomes. Approaches focus on avoiding physical damage and the elimination of layer male chicks, on reducing boar taint of intact male pigs, promoting positive behaviours, animal health, and robustness through field studies with pigs and poultry. Multicriteria analyses of the most effective levers of welfare improvement will be performed to evaluate their economic, social, and environmental impacts based on the ‘One Welfare’ concept; economic and business models will also be developed. To ensure the rapid uptake of the project results by end-users, the close involvement of PPILOW’s NPG throughout the EU will ensure disseminationactivities and the facilitation of change. The PPILOW project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N°816172. www.ppilow.eu