263 research outputs found

    Explicit Formulas for Non-Geodesic Biharmonic Curves of the Heisenberg Group

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    We consider the biharmonicity condition for maps between Riemannian manifolds (see [BK]), and study the non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the Heisenberg group H_3. First we prove that all of them are helices, and then we obtain explicitly their parametric equations.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Atomistic Simulations of P(NDI2OD-T2) Morphologies: From Single Chain to Condensed Phases

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    We investigate theoretically the structure, crystallinity, and solubility of a high-mobility n-type semiconducting copolymer, P(NDI2OD-T2), and we propose a set of new force field parameters. The force field is reparametrized against density functional theory (DFT) calculations, with the aim to reproduce the correct torsional angles that govern the polymer chain flexibility and morphology. We simulate P(NDI2OD-T2) oligomers in different environments, namely, in vacuo, in the bulk phase, and in liquid toluene and chloronaphthalene solution. The choice of these solvents is motivated by the fact that they induce different kinds of molecular preaggregates during the casting procedures, resulting in variable device performances. Our results are in good agreement with the available experimental data; the polymer bulk structure, in which the chains are quite planar, is correcly reproduced, yet the isolated chains are flexible enough to fold in vacuo. We also calculate the solubility of P(NDI2OD-T2) in toluene and chloronaphthalene, predicting a much better solubility of the polymer in the latter, also in accordance to experimental observations. Different morphologies and dynamics of the oligomers in the two solvents have been observed. The proposed parameters make it possible to obtain the description of P(NDI2OD-T2) in different environments and can serve as a basis for extensive studies of this polymer semiconductor, such as, for example, the dynamics of aggregation in solvent

    Fermi Surface Topology and Rashba-Edelstein Charge-Spin Conversion in Lead-Halide Perovskites

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    The conversion of charge current into spin current by the Rashba-Edelstein effect enables the reciprocal control of electron charge and magnetization in magnetoelectric and magneto-optical devices. The fundamentals of this effect are described in 3D lead-halide perovskites: due to spin-momentum locking, a strong charge-spin conversion, widely tunable by the injected charge density, is envisaged. The analysis highlights the close relationship between charge-spin conversion and the topological transition occurring from the low-density, torus-shaped Fermi surface (genus 1) to the high-density, simply connected Fermi surfaces (genus 0). At room temperature, spin-polarizations as large as approximate to 10% are obtained for input charge currents in the approximate to 102 to 106 Acm(-2) range; at low temperature, almost full spin-polarization can be achieved, owed to the large, impurity scattering-limited mobilities. The results qualify lead-halide perovskites as suitable materials for spin-orbitronic applications

    1H NMR study of the interaction of trans-resveratrol with soybean phosphatidylcholine liposomes

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    Resveratrol (RSV) is a well-known natural derivative with a wide range of biological and pharmacological activities. Despite of these demonstrated properties, it exhibits low both aqueous solubility and chemical stability and therefore low bioavailability. Consequently, the major concern of the technological research is to exploit delivery systems able to overcome bioavailability problems. In the recent past liposomes have been successfully studied for these purposes. In this paper, 1H-NMR spectroscopy, Nuclear Overhauser Spectroscopy (NOESY) as well as Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancements (PRE) experiments have been carried out to quantitatively investigate the incorporation of resveratrol, at both the liposome preparation stage and by preformed liposomes, also with the aim to characterize resveratrol- soybean phosphatidylcholine (P90G) lipid bilayer interactions. Overall results of 1H NMR spectroscopy analysis suggest that RSV is located nearby the phosphocholine headgroups and also provide quantitative data on the incorporation of RSV (5% w/w), which corresponds to a 150-fold increase with respect to the solubility of RSV in water. Beside, considering that the same level of RSV incorporation was obtained via spontaneous uptake by preformed P90G liposomes, it can be concluded that RSV easily diffuses through the lipid bilayer

    Ferulic acid-nlc with lavandula essential oil: A possible strategy for wound-healing?

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    Nowadays, an increasing interest in combinatorial drug delivery systems is emerging, highlighting the possibility of exploiting essential oils (EO) for topical applications. This work aimed at developing nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for the combined delivery of ferulic acid and Lavandula EO, whose beneficial effects in wound-healing processes have been widely reported. Homogeneous (polydispersity index, PDI < 0.2) nanoparticles with a small size ([removed]85%) were obtained. The co-presence of ferulic acid and Lavandula EO, as compared to synthetic isopropyl myristate-based NLC, increased nanoparticles’ stability, due to higher ordering chains, as confirmed by morphological and physicochemical studies. An enhanced cytocompatibility was observed when combining ferulic acid and Lavandula EO, as confirmed by in vitro studies on fibroblasts. Furthermore, the combined delivery of ferulic acid and Lavandula EO significantly promoted cell migration with higher effectiveness in respect to the free drug solution and the carrier without the EO. Taken all together, our results suggest a potential combined effect of the antioxidant ferulic acid and Lavandula EO co-delivered in lipid nanoparticles in promoting cell proliferation and migration, representing a promising strategy in the treatment of wounds

    Euphorbia characias Extract: Inhibition of Skin Aging-Related Enzymes and Nanoformulation

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    Plant extracts have long served as important sources of bioactive compounds, and they are currently the focus of extensive research in the development of novel preventive and therapeutic strategies. However, their health benefits are often limited by low bioavailability. Nanoparticle delivery systems can represent a solution to such limitations. Euphorbia characias is a Mediterranean shrub known to have biological activities, such as inhibiting tyrosinase and showing a potential role as a skin-whitening agent. In this study, an ethanolic extract from E. characias leaves was tested for its inhibitory activity on skin-related enzymes, such as elastase, collagenase, and hyaluronidase, and for sun protection factors. Moreover, the extract was formulated in phospholipid vesicles to improve its local bioavailability and applicability. The vesicles were characterized by size, surface charge, storage stability, and entrapment efficiency. The nanoformulation was also evaluated for antioxidant activity and assayed for cytocompatibility and anti-tyrosinase activity in melanoma cells. Our findings demonstrated that the extract has a photo-protective effect and enzyme-inhibitory properties. E. characias nanoformulation was also cytocompatible and improved the extract’s activity in the cells, suggesting a potential skin application for antimelanogenic treatments and confirming the key role of nanotechnological approaches to maximize plant extract’s potentialities

    Phytochemical profile of capsicum annuum l. Cv senise, incorporation into liposomes, and evaluation of cellular antioxidant activity

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    Overproduction of oxidants in the human body is responsible for oxidative stress, which is associated with several diseases. High intake of vegetables and fruits can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, as they are sources of bioactive compounds capable of contrasting the free radical effects involved in cancer, obesity, diabetes, and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases. Capsicum annuum L. cv Senise is a sweet pepper that is grown in the Basilicata region (Italy). It is an important source of polyphenols, carotenoids, and capsinoids and can play a key role in human health. In this study, an ethanol extract was obtained from C. annuum dried peppers and the analysis of the phytochemical composition was performed by LC-ESI/LTQ Orbitrap/MS. The extract was incorporated into liposomes, which showed small size (~80 nm), good homogeneity, negative surface charge, and good stability in storage. The biological activity of the extract was evaluated in the human hepatoma (HepG2) cell line, used as model cells. The extract showed no cytotoxic activity and reduced the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in stressed cells. The antioxidant activity was further improved when the extract was loaded into liposomes. Moreover, the extract promoted the expression of endogenous antioxidants, such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase through the Nrf-2 pathway evaluated by RT-PCR

    Tackling the challenges of the oral administration of a fermented flour extract with liposomes: Effect on intestinal HT-29 cells

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    LisosanG is a fermented flour that contains polyphenols, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and alpha-lipoic acid with antioxidant/anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds are often characterized by instability, low solubility/bioavailability, and poor absorption that restrict their application in therapy. These problems can be solved by using delivery systems among which liposomes have emerged as prominent candidates. Liposomes can load compounds with varied physico-chemical properties, providing protection from degradation, increased solubility, modulation of release, and facilitated diffusion across biomembranes. Lisosan G liposomes tailored for oral administration were prepared. Eudragit® enteric polymer was added to protect the liposomes from acidic pH. The Eudragit-liposomes were around 100 nm and unilamellar. They were resistant to acidic conditions and did not alter cell viability, nor intracellular ROS levels. These findings confirm that liposomes are an efficient system for the loading of multicomponent-based extracts and that, when properly formulated, can offer protection from physiological degradation, and be safely applied to cells

    Tuning the Properties of Nanoceria by Applying Force: Stress Induced Ostwald Ripening

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    The ionic conductivity and activity of a material, such as ceria, is central to its exploitation in applications such as fuel cells or catalysis. Grain Boundaries (GB) influence profoundly the ionic conductivity and activity of a material. Accordingly, the ability to control GB concentrations is pivotal to these applications. Here, we show that Oswald ripening can be induced by applying uniaxial force. In particular, grain-boundaries are purged to facilitate single nanocrystals from polycrystalline precursors. Our simulations thus predict mechanisms for strain-tunable properties

    Chestnut Wood Mud as a Source of Ellagic Acid for Dermo-Cosmetic Applications

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    Ellagic acid (EA) has long been recognized as a very active antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agent. However, its low bioavailability has often hampered its applications in health-related fields. Here, we report a phospholipid vesicle-based controlled release system for EA, involving the exploitation of chestnut wood mud (CWM), an industrial by-product from chestnut tannin production, as a largely available and low-cost source of this compound. Two kinds of CWM with different particle size distributions, indicated as CWM-A and CWM-B (<100 and 32 µm, respectively), containing 5 ± 1% w/w EA, were incorporated into transfersomes. The latter were small in size (~100 nm), homogeneously dispersed, and negatively charged. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP) assays indicated up to three-fold improvement in the antioxidant properties of CWM upon incorporation into transfersomes. The kinetics of EA released under simulated physiological conditions were evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy and HPLC analysis. The best results were obtained with CWM-B (100% of EA gradually released after 37 days at pH 7.4). A stepwise increase in the antioxidant properties of the released material was also observed. Cell-based experiments confirmed the efficacy of CWM-B transfersomes as antioxidant agents in contrasting photodamage
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