555 research outputs found

    High- to low-latitude teleconnections during glacial terminations associated with ENSO-like variability

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    Long-term changes in ENSO-like dynamics during deglaciations are linked to southern high-latitude regions through atmospheric and oceanic teleconnection mechanisms

    Yeast Toxicogenomics: Genome-Wide Responses to Chemical Stresses with Impact in Environmental Health, Pharmacology, and Biotechnology

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    The emerging transdisciplinary field of Toxicogenomics aims to study the cell response to a given toxicant at the genome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome levels. This approach is expected to provide earlier and more sensitive biomarkers of toxicological responses and help in the delineation of regulatory risk assessment. The use of model organisms to gather such genomic information, through the exploitation of Omics and Bioinformatics approaches and tools, together with more focused molecular and cellular biology studies are rapidly increasing our understanding and providing an integrative view on how cells interact with their environment. The use of the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the field of Toxicogenomics is discussed in this review. Despite the limitations intrinsic to the use of such a simple single cell experimental model, S. cerevisiae appears to be very useful as a first screening tool, limiting the use of animal models. Moreover, it is also one of the most interesting systems to obtain a truly global understanding of the toxicological response and resistance mechanisms, being in the frontline of systems biology research and developments. The impact of the knowledge gathered in the yeast model, through the use of Toxicogenomics approaches, is highlighted here by its use in prediction of toxicological outcomes of exposure to pesticides and pharmaceutical drugs, but also by its impact in biotechnology, namely in the development of more robust crops and in the improvement of yeast strains as cell factories

    North Atlantic millennial-scale climate variability 910 to 790 ka and the role of the equatorial insolation forcing

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    The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) was the time when quasi-periodic (not, vert, similar 100 kyr), high-amplitude glacial variability developed in the absence of any significant change in the character of orbital forcing, leading to the establishment of the characteristic pattern of late Pleistocene climate variability. It has long been known that the interval around 900 ka stands out as a critical point of the MPT, when major glaciations started occurring most notably in the northern hemisphere. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during this significant interval, using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313). We have considered the time interval from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 23 to MIS 20 (910 to 790 ka). Our data indicate that interglacial MIS 21 was a climatically unstable period and was broken into four interstadial periods, which have been identified and correlated across the North Atlantic region. These extra peaks tend to contradict previous studies that interpreted the MIS 21 variability as consisting essentially of a linear response to cyclical changes in orbital parameters. Cooling events in the surface record during MIS 21 were associated with low benthic carbon isotope excursions, suggesting a coupling between surface temperature changes and the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Time series analysis performed on the whole interval indicates that benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes have significant concentrations of spectral power centered on periods of 10.7 kyr and 6 kyr, which is in agreement with the second and forth harmonic of precession. The excellent correspondence between the foraminifera δ18O records and insolation variations at the Equator in March and September suggests that a mechanism related to low-latitude precession variations, advected to the high latitudes by tropical convective processes, might have generated such a response. This scenario accounts for the presence of oscillations at frequencies equal to precession harmonics at Site U1313, as well as the occurrence of higher amplitude oscillations between the MIS22/21 transition and most of MIS 21, times of enhanced insolation variability

    Increased reservoir ages and poorly ventilated deep waters inferred in the glacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific.

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    Consistent evidence for a poorly ventilated deep Pacific Ocean that could have released its radiocarbon-depleted carbon stock to the atmosphere during the last deglaciation has long been sought. Such evidence remains lacking, in part due to a paucity of surface reservoir age reconstructions required for accurate deep-ocean ventilation age estimates. Here we combine new radiocarbon data from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) with chronostratigraphic calendar age constraints to estimate shallow sub-surface reservoir age variability, and thus provide estimates of deep-ocean ventilation ages. Both shallow- and deep-water ventilation ages drop across the last deglaciation, consistent with similar reconstructions from the South Pacific and Southern Ocean. The observed regional fingerprint linking the Southern Ocean and the EEP is consistent with a dominant southern source for EEP thermocline waters and suggests relatively invariant ocean interior transport pathways but significantly reduced air-sea gas exchange in the glacial southern high latitudes.We acknowledge funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through grants CTM2009-08849 (ACDC Project) and CTM2012-32017 (MANIFEST Project). M. de la Fuente was funded by a FPI studentship (BES-2010-039700) from the Spanish Government, and L. Skinner acknowledges support from NERC grant NE/L006421/1.This is the final version. It first appeared at http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2015/150703/ncomms8420/full/ncomms8420.html

    Nitrogen isotopic evidence for deglacial changes in nutrient supply in the eastern equatorial Pacific

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    The Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a high nutrientâ "low chlorophyll region of the ocean. Downcore nitrogen isotope records from the EEP have been previously interpreted as a direct reflection of changes in nutrient consumption. However, the observed changes in sedimentary δ15N since the last glacial maximum have no coherent relationship with export productivity or an inferred variation in the iron-to-nitrate ratio of the surface waters. Rather, downcore N isotope records in the EEP strongly resemble changes in the extent of water column denitrification as recorded in nearby sedimentary δ15N records along the western margin of the Americas. This similarity is attributed to the overprinting of the N isotopic composition of nitrate in the EEP through the advection of nitrate westward from the margins in the subsurface. A local nitrogen isotope record of changes in the degree of nutrient consumption is extracted from the bulk sedimentary record by subtracting two different sedimentary δ15N records of denitrification changes from two new EEP δ15N records (TR163-22 and ODP Site 1240). The denitrification records used are from 1) the Central American margin (ODP Site 1242) and 2) the South American margin (GeoB7139-2). The degree of consumption in the surface waters declines rapidly from elevated values during the last glacial maximum to a pair of minima around 15 and 11â "13 ka, and finally it increases into the Holocene. The derived EEP nitrogen isotope record indicates that the regional peak in export productivity occurred when the supply of nutrients exceeded the apparently high demand. The influx of nutrients during the deglaciation is attributed to the resumption of intense overturning in the Southern Ocean and the release of sequestered CO2 and nutrient-rich, O2 poor waters from the deep ocean. This has important implications for understanding the glacial-interglacial scale variation in intermediate water suboxia and water column denitrification

    Contrasting intrainterstadial climatic evolution between high and middle North Atlantic latitudes: A close-up of Greenland Interstadials 8 and 12

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    Three highly resolved pollen and sea surface temperature records from the Iberian margin (36â "42°N) reveal the local evolution of vegetation and climate associated with the rapid climatic variability of marine isotope stage 3. The comparison of the climate at these midlatitudes with δD and d excess from Greenland ice cores shows that the northâ south climatic gradient underwent strong variations during the long Greenland Interstadials (GIs) 8 and 12. After the Northern Hemispheric rapid warming at the Greenland Stadial (GS)â GI transition, the trend during the first part of the GI is a Greenland cooling and an Iberian warming. This increase of the North Atlantic climatic gradient led to moisture transportation to Greenland from midlatitudes (lightest d excess) and to a drying episode in Iberia. The subsequent temperature decrease in Greenland and Iberia associated with the precipitation increase in the latter region occurred when the major source of Greenland precipitation shifted to lower latitudes (d excess increase)

    Contenidos web y percepciones sociales: la imagen proyectada del paisaje cultural de Constantina (Sevilla, España)

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad principal la presentación de una propuesta metodológica de aproximación a la percepción paisajística a través del análisis de la imagen proyectada por los agentes sociales en los contenidos que publican en páginas web. Esta propuesta podría aplicarse tanto para obtener una información previa al despliegue de técnicas etnográficas tradicionales (entrevistas, encuestas, grupos focales, etc.) como para sustituir dicho despliegue cuando no sea posible realizarlo por falta de los recursos necesarios o por la existencia de un contexto que lo imposibilite como la escala de la investigación, el confinamiento social o la inestabilidad socio-política. La aplicación de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas para el análisis de contenidos web permitirá evaluar el alcance de esta propuesta y su capacidad para complementar, validar o contradecir el conocimiento científico-técnico generado sin el concurso de los agentes sociales

    Increased reservoir ages and poorly ventilated deep waters inferred in the glacial Eastern Equatorial Pacific

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    Consistent evidence for a poorly ventilated deep Pacific Ocean that could have released its radiocarbon-depleted carbon stock to the atmosphere during the last deglaciation has long been sought. Such evidence remains lacking, in part due to a paucity of surface reservoir age reconstructions required for accurate deep-ocean ventilation age estimates. Here we combine new radiocarbon data from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) with chronostratigraphic calendar age constraints to estimate shallow sub-surface reservoir age variability, and thus provide estimates of deep-ocean ventilation ages. Both shallow- and deep-water ventilation ages drop across the last deglaciation, consistent with similar reconstructions from the South Pacific and Southern Ocean. The observed regional fingerprint linking the Southern Ocean and the EEP is consistent with a dominant southern source for EEP thermocline waters and suggests relatively invariant ocean interior transport pathways but significantly reduced air–sea gas exchange in the glacial southern high latitudes