48 research outputs found

    Distribution and density of mast cells in camel small intestine and influence of fixation techniques

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    This study was carried out to gather species-specific data on mast-cell density and distribution in camel small intestine under different fixation conditions and to elucidate the presence and cross-reactivity of tryptase in the camel small intestine using human specific anti-tryptase antibody. Tissue specimens from the jejunum, duodenum, and ileum were obtained from 9 healthy, 9-12 months old, male camels. Specimens were fixed either with carnoy’s fluid or formalinbuffered solution and stained with either methylene blue or immunohistochemically to identify mast cells. The present study demonstrated for the first time, the presence and cross-reactivity of tryptase in the camel small intestine using a specific mouse anti-human tryptase antibody. Mast cells were detected in all histological layers of the camel small intestine (mucosal, submucosal, muscularis externa and serosa). Among all locations examined in the duodenum, ileum and jejunum, no significant difference was observed in mast-cell counts among the lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, muscularis externa and the serosa. The only significant difference observed was the mast-cell count in submucosa region where the highest and lowest mast count was observed in the jejenual and ileal submucosa, respectively. Significant differences regarding the distribution of mast cell as well as the influence of the fixation method could be observed. This underlines the fact that data regarding mast cell heterogeneity from other species, obtained by different fixation methods, are not comparable. This fact has to be taken into account when evaluating mast cell subtypes under pathological conditions

    Current progress in chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy for glioblastoma multiforme

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the deadliest brain tumors with an unfavorable prognosis and overall survival of approximately 20�months following diagnosis. The current treatment for GBM includes surgical resections and chemo- and radiotherapeutic modalities, which are not effective. CAR-T immunotherapy has been proven effective for CD19-positive blood malignancies, and the application of CAR-T cell therapy for solid tumors including GBM offers great hope for this aggressive tumor which has a limited response to current treatments. CAR-T technology depends on the use of patient-specific T cells genetically engineered to express specific tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). Interaction of CAR-T cells with tumor cells triggers the destruction/elimination of these cells by the induction of cytotoxicity and the release of different cytokines. Despite the great promise of CAR-T cell-based therapy several challenges exist. These include the heterogeneity of GBM cancer cells, aberrant various signaling pathways involved in tumor progression, antigen escape, the hostile inhibitory GBM microenvironment, T cell dysfunction, blood-brain barrier, and defective antigen presentation. All need to be addressed before full application at the clinical level can begin. Herein we provide a focused review of the rationale for the use of different types of CAR-T cells (including Fc?Rs), the different GBM-associated antigens, the challenges still facing CAR-T-based therapy, and means to overcome such challenges. Finally, we enumerate currently completed and ongoing clinical trials, highlighting the different ways such trials are designed to overcome specific problems. Exploitation of the full potential of CAR-T cell therapy for GBM depends on their solution.Scopu

    Generation of gene edited hiPSC from familial Alzheimer's disease patient carrying N141I missense mutation in presenilin 2

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the major cause of dementia worldwide. Early-onset familial AD accounts for about 0.5% of all AD and is caused by single major gene mutations and autosomal dominant inheritance. An N141I missense mutation is associated with a significant increase in basal cell death and apoptosis. In this work we generated hiPSC from skin fibroblasts obtained from an AD patient carrying a N141I missense mutation in PSEN2. The generated iPSC colonies grew and were characterized by pluripotency marker staining; the N141I missense mutation was corrected using genome editing technology.Scopu

    Potential of stem cell-based therapy for ischemic stroke

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    Ischemic stroke is one of the major health problems worldwide. The only FDA approved anti-thrombotic drug for acute ischemic stroke is the tissue plasminogen activator. Several studies have been devoted to assessing the therapeutic potential of different types of stem cells such as neural stem cells (NSCs), mesenchymal stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived NSCs as treatments for ischemic stroke. The results of these studies are intriguing but many of them have presented conflicting results. Additionally, the mechanism(s) by which engrafted stem/progenitor cells exert their actions are to a large extent unknown. In this review, we will provide a synopsis of different preclinical and clinical studies related to the use of stem cell-based stroke therapy, and explore possible beneficial/detrimental outcomes associated with the use of different types of stem cells. Due to limited/short time window implemented in most of the recorded clinical trials about the use of stem cells as potential therapeutic intervention for stroke, further clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of the intervention in a longer time window after cellular engraftments are still needed

    p53 signaling in cancer progression and therapy

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    The p53 protein is a transcription factor known as the "guardian of the genome" because of its critical function in preserving genomic integrity. The TP53 gene is mutated in approximately half of all human malignancies, including those of the breast, colon, lung, liver, prostate, bladder, and skin. When DNA damage occurs, the TP53 gene on human chromosome 17 stops the cell cycle. If p53 protein is mutated, the cell cycle is unrestricted and the damaged DNA is replicated, resulting in uncontrolled cell proliferation and cancer tumours. Tumor-associated p53 mutations are usually associated with phenotypes distinct from those caused by the loss of the tumor-suppressing function exerted by wild-type p53protein. Many of these mutant p53 proteins have oncogenic characteristics, and therefore modulate the ability of cancer cells to proliferate, escape apoptosis, invade and metastasize. Because p53 deficiency is so common in human cancer, this protein is an excellent option for cancer treatment. In this review, we will discuss some of the molecular pathways by which mutant p53 proteins might perform their oncogenic activities, as well as prospective treatment methods based on restoring tumor suppressive p53 functionsScopu