466 research outputs found

    Perturbations of eigenvalues embedded at threshold: one, two and three dimensional solvable models

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    We examine perturbations of eigenvalues and resonances for a class of multi-channel quantum mechanical model-Hamiltonians describing a particle interacting with a localized spin in dimension d=1,2,3d=1,2,3. We consider unperturbed Hamiltonians showing eigenvalues and resonances at the threshold of the continuous spectrum and we analyze the effect of various type of perturbations on the spectral singularities. We provide algorithms to obtain convergent series expansions for the coordinates of the singularities.Comment: 20 page

    Point interactions in acoustics: one dimensional models

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    A one dimensional system made up of a compressible fluid and several mechanical oscillators, coupled to the acoustic field in the fluid, is analyzed for different settings of the oscillators array. The dynamical models are formulated in terms of singular perturbations of the decoupled dynamics of the acoustic field and the mechanical oscillators. Detailed spectral properties of the generators of the dynamics are given for each model we consider. In the case of a periodic array of mechanical oscillators it is shown that the energy spectrum presents a band structure.Comment: revised version, 30 pages, 2 figure

    Valutazione dell'efficacia di un coadiuvante topico a base di argento micronizzato, zinco acetato e acido laurico nel trattamento dell'acne lieve-moderata

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    L'acne è una dermatosi ad eziopatogenesi multifattoriale in cui differenti fattori contribuiscono al mantenimento del processo infiammatorio. Il ruolo del P. acnes è stato, infatti, rideterminato in quanto trigger principale della risposta infiammatoria, essendo in grado di attivare la liberazione di numerose citochine proinfiammatorie. Non a caso, gli antibiotici sono tra i farmaci cardine della terapia topica dell'acne. Il loro uso è, tuttavia, limitato dallo sviluppo di resistenze batteriche. Ne deriva la necessità di utilizzare nuove molecole, le cui proprietà antibatteriche non siano suscettibili di fenomeni di resistenza. Tra le molecole che hanno destato maggiore interesse, per l'azione antibatterica non antibiotico-dipendente, e, pertanto, non soggetta allo sviluppo di resistenze, annoveriamo l'acido laurico, l'argento micronizzato e lo zinco acetato. Il nostro studio si propone di valutare l'efficacia nel trattamenti dell'acne lieve-moderata di una terapia topica a base di argento micronizzato, acido laurico e zinco acetato attraverso una valutazione sia oggettiva, mediante GAGS e Sebutape, che soggettiva, mediante l'ausilio di un nuovo strumento di valutazione della componente psicologica del paziente acneico: l'acne radar

    Spin dependent point potentials in one and three dimensions

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    We consider a system realized with one spinless quantum particle and an array of NN spins 1/2 in dimension one and three. We characterize all the Hamiltonians obtained as point perturbations of an assigned free dynamics in terms of some ``generalized boundary conditions''. For every boundary condition we give the explicit formula for the resolvent of the corresponding Hamiltonian. We discuss the problem of locality and give two examples of spin dependent point potentials that could be of interest as multi-component solvable models.Comment: 15 pages, some misprints corrected, one example added, some references modified or adde

    Fast solitons on star graphs

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    We define the Schr\"odinger equation with focusing, cubic nonlinearity on one-vertex graphs. We prove global well-posedness in the energy domain and conservation laws for some self-adjoint boundary conditions at the vertex, i.e. Kirchhoff boundary condition and the so called δ\delta and δ′\delta' boundary conditions. Moreover, in the same setting we study the collision of a fast solitary wave with the vertex and we show that it splits in reflected and transmitted components. The outgoing waves preserve a soliton character over a time which depends on the logarithm of the velocity of the ingoing solitary wave. Over the same timescale the reflection and transmission coefficients of the outgoing waves coincide with the corresponding coefficients of the linear problem. In the analysis of the problem we follow ideas borrowed from the seminal paper \cite{[HMZ07]} about scattering of fast solitons by a delta interaction on the line, by Holmer, Marzuola and Zworski; the present paper represents an extension of their work to the case of graphs and, as a byproduct, it shows how to extend the analysis of soliton scattering by other point interactions on the line, interpreted as a degenerate graph.Comment: Sec. 2 revised; several misprints corrected; added references; 32 page

    Dynamics of F=2 Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We experimentally investigate and analyze the rich dynamics in F=2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb87. An interplay between mean-field driven spin dynamics and hyperfine-changing losses in addition to interactions with the thermal component is observed. In particular we measure conversion rates in the range of 10^-12 cm^3/s for spin changing collisions within the F=2 manifold and spin-dependent loss rates in the range of 10^-13 cm^3/s for hyperfine-changing collisions. From our data we observe a polar behavior in the F=2 ground state of Rb87, while we measure the F=1 ground state to be ferromagnetic. Furthermore we see a magnetization for condensates prepared with non-zero total spin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Canceling the Gravity Gradient Phase Shift in Atom Interferometry

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    On the spectrum of a bent chain graph

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    We study Schr\"odinger operators on an infinite quantum graph of a chain form which consists of identical rings connected at the touching points by δ\delta-couplings with a parameter α∈R\alpha\in\R. If the graph is "straight", i.e. periodic with respect to ring shifts, its Hamiltonian has a band spectrum with all the gaps open whenever α≠0\alpha\ne 0. We consider a "bending" deformation of the chain consisting of changing one position at a single ring and show that it gives rise to eigenvalues in the open spectral gaps. We analyze dependence of these eigenvalues on the coupling α\alpha and the "bending angle" as well as resonances of the system coming from the bending. We also discuss the behaviour of the eigenvalues and resonances at the edges of the spectral bands.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages with 7 figures; minor changes, references added; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo
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