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    En este artículo, se compara el estado final del agua de mesa después de estar almacenada durante los días promedio de consumo en un barril de policarbonato y un barril de polietileno con tecnología bag in box, se realiza el análisis del agua utilizando la técnica NMP por tubos múltiples para determinar la presencia de microorganismos, tales como Heterótrofos, escherinchia, coliformes, pseudomonas, colífagos, organismos de vida libre, copepodos. Los análisis demostraron que el envase de barril de polietileno garantiza la inocuidad del agua durante el tiempo de consumo y el bidón de policarbonato por sus características no garantiza la calidad microbiana del agua almacenada en su interio

    Impact of hormonal biomarkers on response to hormonal therapy in advanced and recurrent endometrial cancer

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    Inhibidores de la aromatasa; Terapia de progestinaAromatase inhibitors; Progestin therapyInhibidors de l'aromatasa; Teràpia amb progestinaBackground Approximately 20% of women with endometrial cancer have advanced-stage disease or suffer from a recurrence. For these women, prognosis is poor, and palliative treatment options include hormonal therapy and chemotherapy. Lack of predictive biomarkers and suboptimal use of existing markers for response to hormonal therapy have resulted in overall limited efficacy. Objective This study aimed to improve the efficacy of hormonal therapy by relating immunohistochemical expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors and estrogen receptor pathway activity scores to response to hormonal therapy. Study Design Patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer and available biopsies taken before the start of hormonal therapy were identified in 16 centers within the European Network for Individualized Treatment in Endometrial Cancer and the Dutch Gynecologic Oncology Group. Tumor tissue was analyzed for estrogen and progesterone receptor expressions and estrogen receptor pathway activity using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction–based messenger RNA model to measure the activity of estrogen receptor–related target genes in tumor RNA. The primary endpoint was response rate defined as complete and partial response using the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors. The secondary endpoints were clinical benefit rate and progression-free survival. Results Pretreatment biopsies with sufficient endometrial cancer tissue and complete response evaluation were available in 81 of 105 eligible cases. Here, 22 of 81 patients (27.2%) with a response had estrogen and progesterone receptor expressions of >50%, resulting in a response rate of 32.3% (95% confidence interval, 20.9–43.7) for an estrogen receptor expression of >50% and 50.0% (95% confidence interval, 35.2–64.8) for a progesterone receptor expression of >50%. Clinical benefit rate was 56.9% for an estrogen receptor expression of >50% (95% confidence interval, 44.9–68.9) and 75.0% (95% confidence interval, 62.2–87.8) for a progesterone receptor expression of >50%. The application of the estrogen receptor pathway test to cases with a progesterone receptor expression of >50% resulted in a response rate of 57.6% (95% confidence interval, 42.1–73.1). After 2 years of follow-up, 34.3% of cases (95% confidence interval, 20–48) with a progesterone receptor expression of >50% and 35.8% of cases (95% confidence interval, 20–52) with an estrogen receptor pathway activity score of >15 had not progressed. Conclusion The prediction of response to hormonal treatment in endometrial cancer improves substantially with a 50% cutoff level for progesterone receptor immunohistochemical expression and by applying a sequential test algorithm using progesterone receptor immunohistochemical expression and estrogen receptor pathway activity scores. However, results need to be validated in the prospective Prediction of Response to Hormonal Therapy in Advanced and Recurrent Endometrial Cancer (PROMOTE) study

    Clasificación automática de tipos de semilla de quinua a través de descriptores de color

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    Los agricultores de quinua para obtener cosechas optimas deben seleccionar de manera adecuada sus semillas a cultivar sin que se mezclen con otras variedades. La investigación actual se centra en la clasificación automática de tres tipos de semillas de quinua (Sacaca, Pasankalla y Salcedo) utilizando descriptores de color. Después de la adquisición de imágenes de semilla de quinua, se les asigna el filtro Gaussianblur para corregir y cuantificar el color en las imágenes permitiendo resaltar las diferencias entre las características de cada tipo de semilla de quinua. Las imágenes suavizadas se asignan al proceso de segmentación utilizando el método de Otsu para extraer después las características y realizar el entrenamiento de los clasificadores. Para realizar la clasificación de las semillas de quinua se utilizó SVM mediante el análisis lineal pixel a pixel. Los resultados de ensayo demuestran que el procedimiento de desarrollo tiene una alta precisión

    Heating ventilation and air-conditioned configurations for hotels an approach review for the design and exploitation

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    The tourism sector is one of the main worldwide economic sectors with sustained growth, demonstrating its strength and resilience. In this sector, energy uses have increased to ensure quality, guest comfort, and rate level requirements being a building with great energy consumption. Several factors influence and can produce a significant variation in hotel consumption even in facilities located in the same region; the difference in a four-star hotel can reach 114 kWh/m2 /year. This paper deals with related aspects such as hotel design, operation, type of service, occupancy patterns, operating point and efficiency of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system where 30 to 50% of the energy is consumed. Also, previous works based on the implementation of non-conventional energy resources such as photovoltaics projects to replace fuel dependence and high costs in electricity bills were reviewed. where there are savings of up to 30% in electricity and 60% in gas consumption. However, the initial capital investment and payback period are high and require new features to be considered in these facilities

    Hydrogeophysical Assessment of the Critical Zone below a Golf Course Irrigated with Reclaimed Water Close to Volcanic Caldera

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    The geometry and the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone is often difficult to evaluate from traditional soil sampling techniques. Soil samples typically provide only data of the upper layers and boreholes are expensive and only provide spotted information. Non-destructive geophysical methods and among them, electrical resistivity tomography can be applied in complex geological environments such as volcanic areas, where lavas and unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits dominate. They have a wide variability of hydraulic properties due to textural characteristics and modification processes suh as compaction, fracturation and weathering. To characterize the subsurface geology below the golf course of Bandama (Gran Canaria) a detailed electrical resistivity tomography survey has been conducted. This technique allowed us to define the geometry of the geological formations because of their high electrical resistivity contrasts. Subsequently, undisturbed soil and pyroclastic deposits samples were taken in representative outcrops for quantifying the hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory where the parametric electrical resistivity was measured in the field. A statistical correlation between the two variables has been obtained and a 3D model transit time of water infiltration through the vadose zone has been built to assess the vulnerability of the aquifers located below the golf course irrigated with reclaimed water

    Feijão preto é 'Valente'.

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    A cultivar de feijão BRS Valente, pela sua produtividade, ampla adaptação, qualidade de grão, porte ereto e resistência ao acamamento, e mais uma opção para os produtores interessados em produzir feijão de tipo de grão preto nos Estados de Goias/Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul.bitstream/item/59058/1/Foco-48.pd

    Feijão preto BRS Valente: extensão de indicação para São Paulo, Paraná e Santa Catarina.

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    A BRS Valente é originária do cruzamento triplo envolvendo as cultivares Emgopa 201-Ouro, Onix e a linhagem AN 512586. Na obtenção da cultivar BRS Valente foi empregado o método de melhoramento de plantas autógamas denominado de "população" ou "massal" (bulk), que consistiu no avanço de geração mediante a colheita de todas as plantas da população, com modificação nas gerações F4 e F56 nas quais, após inoculação com o patótipo 89 (raça alfa Brasil) de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, foram eliminadas as plantas suscetíveis.bitstream/CNPAF/19524/1/comt_44.pd

    Estimativa de parâmetros genéticos em famílias C1So:3 de seleção recorrente para produtividade em feijoeiro comum de grão preto.

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    Os objetivos desse trabalho foram estimar parâmetros genéticos e avaliar famílias C1So:3 do programa de seleção recorrente de feijoeiro comum preto da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, visando à seleção de famílias superiores para obtenção de linhagens e intercruzamento para formação da nova população de seleção